HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 335, February 12, 1918t, C� Lam, . _ -+'_ �t _ )xS1•�. • - Zl.. • y^, .t . a :a ?y`4v �• 4. • i1•• _ it $_ra L�, Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 11 At a regular meeting of,the Board of Commissioners held in the Oonnail Chembes±. .of the.City Rall, Paduoah, Sy., on February 11" 1918, upon Gall of the roll the following. answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Tally and Wooldridge- 4. F; on motion of Member Gardner, thie_bei'ng "heatless" day, the Board adjourned tol 7aY meet again on Tuesday, February 12, 1918, at 1:30.o'olook, upon Gall of the roll by the following vote: Yens. Burne, Gardner, Tully b Wooldridge- 4. f ` •`'• ' r � •i!.,.�._�•_�. .�. � tit L?.��_.�r� ri Fetruary 12" 1918. Q. i p At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' `'� Chamber of the City Rall, Pedu*ah, Ky., on February 18. 1918, upon Gall of the roll 1h0 following answered their names*: Burne, Gardner, .Tully and Wooldridge- 4.. On motion of Member Gardner—the minutes of the, mesLinge of February. 6, 1918 I and Feb. 11. 1918 were adopted as read upon Gall of the roll by 4yeas.. 0. W. Robertson" On motion of Mayor Burne, the tax olaim of Go W. Robertson lot Co. was rgterred Ioe Go. tax . olaim. to the Oom'r of,Finanoe for investigation and report, upon Gail of the roll by 4 yeas.' ;4 On motion of Member. Wooldridge, the oommunioation of Com'r Gardner;. recommending..' Re 9rt of domr iorke regarding, oertain appropriatione`for the Dept. of Works, use reoeived and filed and referred.to approppriationst for Light Plant the Commieefonere as a whole for ooneideration in. ring the budget. upon Gall of eta• preparing • .:�.�; the -roll by 4.yeae, i CYty'e half of On motion.of Member Gardner, that the amount of $240 be allowed, covering the purohaee pri.oe Oity'e half of the purohaee pride of the strip of round of ground boright by the Qannty and IofQity ground 10,nat owe tt in a000rdanoe with preoiane notion of the. Board, under, the`.opreeme:it.that seoh should }' pay half, said ground Gonne*ting'l3th street with the Cairo road, near the. aity.11miLei " in:Rowlsndtown, and that the Oom'r of Findnoe be; inetrvote4 to issue oheok. for that ! ' amount in full payment of .the City's part of the purohaee prioe. oarried upon oall.of: ; i the roll bq.4 gsae. I it•. t• Sunday'Glosing On motion of Mayor Burne; the matter of Sunday Closing was referred Lo' the Oity;, law. Solioitor, and City Judge .to determine what Duei,neease-may .be permitted to remain oron on Bun day under the law, upon Gall of the roll by 4 yeas. Bond of Wm. On motion off Member Tully, the oommunioation of iuber'Smith. ngt. of National -t Petty.& CO. ; Surety -Co. regarding bond Of'Wm. Petty 8 00;..was received and filed neon well oLLhe roll,by 4 yeas. but'1 Surety do*: On motion of the above. the National Surety Co. was releasod from,the bond, of :.released from Wm.Reibaoh bond:. Wm• Helbaoh ae,of February 8, 1918, upon *all of the roll. by 4 yeae. On motion of the above, the notion of Oom'r of,Finonoe in buying Street t Purohaee of 9 ng Imp k Street Imp.'. ment Bond #136 for.91,000'6 4%, due Aug. l; 1934, R 91i.and intereeti`amounting to J916.144. c. Bond, approved. }. Said bond being duly oenoelled and oheok drawn on Citizens Savings Bank for the amount., f: payable out of Sinking Fund,' was approved upon'onll of the roll by 4 gear. Board of Oa motion of the above; the.appointment'of Jno. J. Dorian, Wm. Rarnee and C., L. T Supervisors ;pan lister ae.members of the Board of Supervieore; and of J.:WeS Troutman as Clark of eBid . FDointmeat.' Board, was approved upon Gall of the roil .� 4 yeae. On motion of the above, the poyment of the Street Department pay roll for the week ending Feb. 9. 1918, amounting to 4261.9o, was approved upon Gall of the rolli py'4 gene:` 1. {• ,;1,4 V t f Le .7 1.a tll:�.. .! 1 ). ! • +4Z...:�Ji.ht'.i:" ,,,rra .:yy.�Y:+ia} 0,:.4:*ru+�i". .;-H. �.,.sl, .`.. .w..urE�itL.ar, c. -., w -•,«.,.h..,-. w. i+s '.. _ - ... ,., � _ ..moi./.`. .�,1:'}�yy,t Y'.�•...V,.v-Yi �., .. 1 i f ...:.��1..�..tiJ ..4. a,C: !�.-.+�+ -..w.J���i+,...�:J..�1L�a.ail�.u..J.....a. �._1-�v.:�...J 1..'•.u�•..• ., ■ .AMm%QQ%A f.A�'o f��nna�rii...tn /�:L.. 'wr D., .J..�.. L. } saloon license of; On motion of liamber Wooldridge, the saloon license of Ohne. Iverlet at 8DO Sy. Chas. Iverlet transferred to Ave. was transferred to 0. L. Dickerson. at the samq location, is eoaosdenoe with ` Diokerem. i I request of Chas. Iverlet hereto attached- upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll' by the following votes Yeas, Burne. Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge. 4. ; 7 I� pdoptod �l - F41RUABY 16. 1918. at.a called meeting of the Board of Oommiealonare held In the Commissioners phamber of the City Lal 1, Paduouh-, Ky. , on February 16, 1918, upon .call, o f th s ;,: •.. roll the following answered their numeas _Burne. Gardner, llnsellp and Tully- 4. City borrow 1' ' On motion. of 11amber.Tully, the Mayor and Oom'r of finance were authorised .:' ;• 436' 000.00 to borrow from the Olty 11at'1 Bank the sum of $36,000.00, pledging the city taxes 111'1 1 for, same, and to execute note for the amount, due.Jnly 6,.1918, upon cell of. the. : r 1 roll by 4 yeas.. Allowaaos for On motion of the above that payment of , D y01D . X60.00 for Bed Croon 1817 sen le Had Cross .coals eta. I� and of the amount, of j41,754.00 on note and interest due, making a total of �`. $41804.80, be approved- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. M On motion the Board udlourned upon oall.of the roll by t to. f oll ow Ing votes Yeas, Burne. Gardner. Haeelip and Tully- 4. FEBRUARY 18th, 1918. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in .the Oomse' Chamber of the City gall; Paducah. Kentucky, on February 18, 1918, upon oull of. the roll the following answered their names; Burne, Haselip, Tully and Wooldrid e-,4 . l:amber Gardner entered the meeting. On motion of Member 11aselip, the minutes of the meetings .bold .on Fob xaaiy'18 i•. 1918 .and on February 16, 1918, were adopted as read upon oull of the roll by the following votes Youa, Burne, Gardner, 11aselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6.. Riverside On motion of )!amber haeelip; that the City Solicitor be instructed to bring Hospital. Ins resolution inorsueing the rent of rooms at the Riverside Hoepitel, and the: rate � ', I -of chargee for I. 0. Railroad ones@- carried upon *all of the roll by the folloafrg . it - • , � { vote; Yoas, Burns, baselip, Tully and Wooldridge. 4, Day., Gardner- 1. !ties Trainor's Ole On motion of the above, the reaignation of Uses Trainor, as head nursecf resignation accepted. A Riverside lioapital, wu@ 000epted upon oull of the roll by 6 yene. ' Insurance on On motion .of the above, that the insurance policies on publi3O property, which ; city property.' ! were transferred by the old board to the Dept. of Affairs,, be transferred to the 1 � r Dept. of Public Property, and that the Gom1r of Public Property be Riven the ''h11 charge and manaRemant of the some.- loot upon call of the roll by the followfig P vote= Yeas, Haselip and Tully- E. Voy, Burns', Gardner. Wooldridge. 3. . R,