HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 318, December 17, 1917mss., :t:w..-.rcw.r�.w..rr..e.ri...�_..,•aLra•rav-.sa... rrs.:,,-...�.. ...s.� ..._ .r.•ra.,..,•-r..wm•..61—:..""I .. Y a Fa>!'�yM� i C7 t �,�.r7 K � i� Ph. Yptw v4 �'H{tt "t + ,/fY <t�; l .�'-.'�i��n 1 0, �i�':"P�j N'H a•� �4�i2 P=.+'Y �t � A rank '-'-'.. '........�7.....:_...�r, ..�'r''+.....:.-- y*r._."._-.:�_,......a. -:Li. t,• _ _ �,...i� ,.rte'' �;)` f .. i 77 Commissioners- Proceedings, City of Paducah, December l0" 1.9i_9 continued owners of" ` On motion of Mayor Burne, that the suggestion of the Chief of Police'to requiref Automobiles A actor vehicles i! owneve of automobiles and motor vehicles to register with Com'r of pinnace upon pay- •' ' to be registered.,.ment of one dollar fee for cost of t ." age &o. and providing a penalty of .five dollars °' •'' `::���:` for refusal. .be referred to City Solicitor for an opinion, and if it is legal that be -be requested to immediately bring in an ordinance to that effect- carried upon 1! .call of the roll by b. yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote= Use. Burne. Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- S. ,C`-"' ►+1...�""'�-'.•- 1�T:a Yrs::... , �f DROSMBSR 17: 1917. I. At a regular meeting of the Board of Oommiseionere held in the Commissions re �Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, $y., on December 17,.1917, upon call of the roll ! .the following answered their names; Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton & Washingtoa-• 5. , On motion of Member Marton, the minutes of the meeting held on Dec. 10" 1,917."' were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yens. QeestA Deed toOn motion of Member Gardner, the City Clerk was authorised to execute deed to I Mrs. Malises Mrs. Malleas Martin for"Lot #1 Block ¢78, Oak Grove Cemetery", she having paid to the • , •artln. Com'r of Finanoe,the sum of ;40.00, as per receipt attached. upon cull_ of the roll by 5 yeas," Oil motion of the above, Whereas, on the 14th day of Sept. 1916 apetition, signed by'more than E5; of the qualified legal voters of the city of Paducah votire for Mayor at the last preoeding election, was filed with the Board of Ooms's of the City of Paducah, requesting the Board to pass an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance WATER WORM Provide for the Construction, Operation' and Dalntenanoe of Water (Yorks by the Olt ' Ii. yI , ` ORDINANCE i of Paduoah. Keutuuky"; and, l.hereas, the Board of Comrs' refused.to pees said osdiw to be �•aanoe but on the l4" day of Sept. 1916, the Oommiesioners, on motion, voted to submit" " Recorded. �I said ord_inonoe to .the qualified voters of Paducah, Ky. at the regular election to be held at the aeverol voting places in Paducah on Nov. E, 1916] and, Whereas, the N question of adopting said ordinance was duly and legally submitted, at said eleotion ito the voters of Paducah; and, Whereas, a majority of the votes oast for and against I said ordinanoe"were oast in favor of said ordinance, as shown by ths"certificate of the regular election officers authorised to canvas the votes, filed with the Board of {� Commissioners of the City of Paducah on Nov. b" 1915. that said ordinance be oopied ii in,the ordinanoe book of the City of Paducah, carried upon cull of the roll by the f following vote; Yeas, Burns. Gardner, Morton k Washington. 4. Member Graves not aJI ," II `! voting nae registered Nay, pursuant to resolution, I� Mayor Burne being called out, was excused from the meeting. I! On motion of Member Darton. the amount of 04,945.74 was allowed and checks .,P ,.•. ordered issued therefor as per attached statement of Com'r of Finance and City Auditor, upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yeue, Gardner, Graves, Marton �I and Washington- 4. I•- - f' • �-. -_.._.,sem, __.F ..�.� .. _ .._ _ .�, ,•,;,y , O/ � _ .� ...- ._.. ,rte .».. .f...+..•..'. k 'No. s Commissioner's: Proceedings, City of Paducah December 17^ 191 E On motion of Member Washington, that the pay roll for the Street Dept. for the week i ending Dec. 14, 1917, not coveredby ordinanos. amounting to $117, be allowed; oarrisd CCCC t upon call of ths.roll by the following votes Yeae, Gardner, Oravee. Merton h Waehiagtoa- 4. On motion of Member Marton, that the following officials and employees of the City, :.J, of, Paducah having, on the dates Bet opposite their name, given new Sand approved surety. , In their respective positions with the City of Paducah, their former surety; the Marylsnd • Oasualty Go. of Baltimore, Md.., to hereby released of further obligation on their bonds. Maryland as of the dates set opposite their respective t r Oawualty Go. -J e nozoo,o-wits Released an F' Mike Dugan Dec. b, 117 L. R. Hurt Dec. 7, 1917 J. N. IloGuire 29, Dr. 0. G. 71arner " b " BOada. H.D. Hendrick 1 Jae. H. Collins 4 0 �r.:. W. H. Force " 6 ^ Emile Gourieu: Nov. 29 " t > Fred Ifooney Nov.: 4 " W.. H. Poona " 21 " I' C. H. Terry " 28 w J. Z. Poore ^ E8 " { ' L. in."Graham " 21 " J. G. Clark " '29 ^ l W. A.. Gardner 14 " S. E. Rushing " 28 F Oliver N. Jones 14 " Frank N. Burne " 7 �^ •carried upon call of the roll by the following votes .Yeas,.Gardner, Graves; Morton Waehington- 4. Mayor Burns returned to the meeting: S ry s On -motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeae, ;. ' ..H. IBurns, Gardner, Graves, Marton A, Washington- b. t [y:r kr6 • � A•y.a''i i iY � .:4 . DECEMBER 21. 1917. r At a oal]Ad meeting of the Board df Commissioners held in the Commissioners Chamber of the Oity Hall. Paducah, Hy., on Dec. El. 1917, upon call of the roll the following answered their names; Burns., 0ardner, Marlon and Washington- 4. f' On motion of Mayor Burns, the rules requiring the service of copies of ordinanose; three days prior to meeting, were suspended upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.'~' .,. . •, ;' '; 'y Ordinance Re- On motion of the above. AN ORDINANOB REPEALING'AND RB=BNAOTING All ORDINANCE 31ITITLHD. . pealing b re• ? AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE DISCHARGE OR FILING OF FIREWORKS AND OTHER PYROTBCHNIC t, eaaoting , ;. P I]MORKB . ' t., DISPLAY AND TO LIMIT THEIR BaORaOB IN THE OITY OF PADUCAH, 88NTIICKY", APFROVSD JUNG 10, ?: 1910, was adopted upon 'pall of the roll by 4 yeas. •, On motion'of the above,. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING MILK DEPOTS IN THE CITY of Ordinance ea• PADUCAH, REGULATING THB.PRICB OF MILK AND SANITARY thblishi OONDYTIONB UNDER WHICH IT MAY BE . ' ng . MZU Wpr.. SOLD, AND PROVIDING PENALTLES POR VIOLATION HIR807, Was adopted upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. On motion. the Board adjourned upon call of the mil by the following voter Yeu, f. Burne.Gardner, Marton and Washington- 4. AOCp • yi'1 1 • .t '4fy:+w2� jdl.'KT' .44,�iPJ.'u=1,4 `)w,/af <ri.l w.. ..w 3•l: L a ..+sJ•:.c:M.L•aL' 4 "Y'• .... C} :T •:ff.r. •� °