HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 309, November 8, 1917. s ':'.?..: �AtV+'�f-t ...:' •. ;H �4 �1 ' ��Y f+. t^.,.""1Y'�' 'nPd •", y^*'p".'1+17'�'i': f'S '"fi-(• Vii+ - + .-"19Srt'�;'$. f ,.,{S.rst7.,'1�r:. �a5s:.y'fr.7..: �.u?x Y,y,.'..• -u � :5. /'!i . r, No Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah NoveQhnr Bth 19i-. On motion of Member Wuehington, AN ORDINANOI ASSESSING THI ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDLES OF MADISON STREET FROM THE BE^ST CURB LINE OF SEVENTEENTH STRa6T; OR FOUNTAIN AVENUE, TO'THE WEST CURB LINE OP NINETEENTH STREET, AND Ob ILADISON STREET, ON TSE NOR^aH' SIDS THEREOF. FROM THE WEST CURB LINE OF bilIMEEUTH STR'E'ET TO A POINT. ILT%UDING TWO I' j1.9786 per front ft. for. cost of construction' of concrete eideralke, eto. HUN MSb AND EIGHTY (280) FEET. WES;1, was given Its passage upon call of .the -roll ty 3 yeas., 3 + On motion of the above, that the pay roll, for ::the Street. Department for the we* j L; ending November 26, not covered by ordiaanoo. amounting to 4196.10. be'allowed- oarriad r i "1�4•,r • ':� .,: � upon call 'of .ths'roll by 3 yeas. ^i l Cv..a On mot ion. of the above, Whereas, complaint has been made to me about a orowd oon1 Zf Sj►:.��. I �t .� gregating at 4th and Broadway, especially on Saturday nightie, to each as extent that ladies, 7 :. cannot pass tliia corner without wedging Lhru the oiowd- 1 move that Com'r of as fety wY , instruct the Ohief of Police to see .that. the "Moya On" ordinance is enforced- odrriad upon call of the.roll D 3 % . y yeas: u• , .(' t , On motion of Mayor Burns, that the contract to. paint the' Government Food'aign; to 1. be put up on the .City. Hall building.: be awarded'to Prank page-, he 'being the lowest i bidder', to-wit: $12.33; carried upon call of the :o 11 tV 3 yeae. On motion the Board adjourned upon call*'of Lhe .:011 Dy the fol7owing_voLea Yeas, Burne, Gardner and Washington-.3. rn t91 r L�PFROVSID 1 a LLa U.1Y 1 • 11. Special Meeting November 8, 1917. f rC•S ). At a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Ohamber of the Oity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on tlovember 8, 1917, upon call of the roll the follow- ,:J-..Ing. ollow } .:J—. Ing answered their names: Burns,.Gardner, Graves, Marton.and Wuehington- 6. On motion of Mayor Burne,. that the rules requiring three days notice of Ordlnanoes and resolutions be suspended, and any member of the Board be permitted to offer any '•, `;. resolution deeired, carried upon call. of the roll by 6,yeas. " �+ l aYr b5t1�' On motion of .Member Graves, a Resolution terminating the services of He Gieh i 1 { as Sexton of Oak Grove Cemetery, same to take effect from -and after BoTember'lbth. 1917; 3t yp. Rrin.v.a d. .was givon Its paueage upon call of the roll by the followingvote; Yeae Burne Gordner, ' Greven and Marton- 4. bay, Washington- On motion of the above; a desolutioa appointing pied English to .the position of i �J- a Sexton of Oak Grove Oemete to fill the vacant caused a S' iy. y by the removal 'of Harry Gish, enid'appointment to commence and be in force from November 16, 191'7- was given its I. • ,ABY �..5�. passage upon gell.of the roll by 6 yeas: On motion of Member Gardner, a Resolution removing the Paducah Evening Sun as i... . Official Newspaper of the City of Paducah, to take effect November 30, 1917, was given( nib av �j1d�1 �e .,..its poeaage.upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeast Burne, Gardner,. Graves ;. ;•.- dHarton- 4. Nay, Washington-.1. On, motion of the above a Resolution designating and 8 n8 appointing The People's Voice; W ' her.tt``t�e..uo ths.Offioial Newspaper of the City of Padnooh,.to take effect from and after Nov. 30.:. 1917..and to continue at.the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners, was given its passage upon call of the. roll by the following vote:. Yeast Burns. Gardner, Graves and Marton-'4: .: ..� 1 s Nay, Washington-, 1. t vii. �: .. v•d rig, s � i. 4 t. X, �r��1 � �.� :°}->�Sr. ar c-. N a.'Y ,t� y�"R L ..S'4Tf .. a" a.•L; +�- ! -" • �,. �T- t. � ;'^] ti NoJ a' _ti J Commissioner's -Proceedings, City of Paducah Nevembar Sth 191s' �! 11 on motion of Member Marton, a Henolutlon removing and diamissing oertain city Gm�l•yaaj employees from the Polio* and Fire Department, and Sanitary Department, .was given 3' 4. 6 a d ;:. rte passage upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. jz On motion the Board uljourned upon call of the roll by the following voter, Yese, Burns. Gardner. Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. ;•`: ` Y November 10th, 1917. At a spaoiel meeting of the Board of Coamniseione re held.in the Oommiesioner'a l • Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on November 10; 1917, upon call of; Ma sc roll the following answered their name; Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and i' 6aehington- 6. On'motion of Member Graves, that the rules requiring three days notice to: be ,f furnished each 'member of the Board before any ordinance or resolution could be ,intraduoad, be suspended so that any member may introduce any such paper or other matter that he may desire- carried upon call: of the roll'. by 6 yeus' tniee�alinovi On motioA of Mayor Burne, the resignation of lilies Gala Harmon as Superintendent` iii9T15 of Riverside. Hospital. to take effect an soon as, she'oan be conveniently relieved, woe received and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. �F �e1.i97%4�i•Ta On motion of the above, that the resignation of•Mise Gala Harmon as Superin p. ICL Cc#p_t d. I tendent of Riverside Hospital be accepted, to take,effeot ss soon as she may be Tf' f �. i' •p v relieved by her euooaeeor this day elected- carried -upon call of the roll by b yens. •`'f AIN11t4�IeT •�- on motionof the above, the application of Mary S. Foreman for the position '.:••A� •t� big:,y �•p.r.min, of Superintendent of Riverside Hospital, was received and filed upon call of the- Sv?%V*$ r, n 40TIV roll by 6 yens. ' � 'lig •Ysi .% r "• ' ' �i�:, On motion of the above, a Resolution approving the selection of Mary B. Foreman: ?: by the Hospital. Board on this November 100. and ratifying her election as such ' T 1 1 P Superintendent, to 'take effect within thirty days or sooner in the event ahe can be \ h relieved of her present position in Louisville, was given its.paseage upon can of .ar I/�r �l �•FeT1171rri .. i ( .the roll by 6 yeas. ' ,4•L�li'1 On motion of the above, that the dome Garage be relieved of any injury that t R: ivay occur to the new Piero* -Arrow truok,that might De entailed by any aooident caused G��-9• �- ;if. x•'" from exteriorforce; this is done at the request of Mr. R. Katterjohn, who oonsont* that the truck may be put into service before hie contract with the City to fully - `ti:'•^ }y> .id•*� �Y•'m Fori'ormed- carried upon oull of the roll by 6 yeas. r.• eTt•.:T :�'•� '= b Qvf•��•Y On, motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote: .F f_ Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. ado ted�Q A. -.c..