HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 306, October 22, 1917' .-.;+' rirn: r.JjRh�v�fi?•r �'+S•+•y P'. �i•'ey.`6�N u,�ty.•y.+< v°t� .r'S-. .:t+•vro�r. r r. Xoc, r .. � � i '•,1 v� 'i iii �. tf- g r'r3 'y` _�.A�•�;•f-� ' ,-.•..�s.,.....��.�.�__.,•_,...�'._.0 •.tea .`%�:. _.� :�_h = No.aeb t. Commissioner's. Proceadings, City of Paduoah- n.t.h.r no J9�s it a regales meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners hold 1n the Council OhemDss L. •'• ' of the City Hall, Paducah, $y. on Oatober.22. 1917, upon call of the roll the follow. i ,'r t Ing answered their namesr Burns, Gardner, graves, Marton and Washington- 6, I. On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of the regular meeting hold on Oct. 16th, 1817 were adopted as read upon cell of.tho roll by 6 yeas. '! . :On motion of Member Washington, that the pay roll for the Street Department for a� ?t''• the week ending Oct. 20th, 1817, &mounting to 4210.60, not covered by ordinance as POT attached statsment,.be allowed. carried upon call of the roll by 6y.so. ;;,•t Cent•,i.v;lY va �• On motion of Member Marton, the certificate #1 for 82000.00 duo q.,M#.Yarnsa i aim i ana ootract for the ocnetrnotion of the Contagious lard, was received and filed upon.osII of the roll by 6 yeas. ' On motion of Member Marton, a communlcstion from the Com'r of Finance and Auditor, �i requesting that the Mayor and Com'r of Finance be authorized to borrow Seven Thousand i Dollars to meet Payments for the estimates of the Corn's of Werke for the City's portion . of Lha. Ditulithlo street on Jefferson and Broadway, sad for, other current expenei !u''Allowances- the City to execute its note for said. amount, and same to be paid fromthej �r<< ii tax oolleotione of the current year. was seoelved and filed upon Call of the roll by 6 yoga,-'.. B. On motion of Member Gardner, that the Mayor and Oom'r ofpinanoo be authorized j to Dorrow.87,000. and to execute the City's note therefor, said amount to be -paid from !,.ths tax oolleotione from the current years receipts, and to be. borrowed from the City. Nat'l Hook, as per oommunloation from the Com'r of Finance and City Auditor; carried .I 'lr !upon 0811 of the roll by 6.yeas. ti i i S.7ls on motion of Mayor Burne; that ■. M. Karnes 6 Sona be paid Two Thousand Dollars u ., I' �`' xsY71=s Rll. w • 1 •.•A.T !•oa account of construction Of Contagious Ward Hospital. as per the oertificate of 0. Lassiter, Supt.- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yese. i. On motion of Member Washington . the communication of Sept. eoeh, addressed ROA cY'»T 7nT .to rthe Mayor and Commissioners, signed by the Jaye &'Means Committee of the McCracken .. , �e�y •�t uo•��e-n:. ;County Chapter of The American Red Gross, asking a donation for the purolu►ae of yarn to� be used 14 knitting articles for the soldiers- wee race eidd p. •; roll by 6 yoae. II On motion of -Mayor burns, that the request for transfer of saloon license of jBoadurent i MoOarrigal to 8th and Washington Streets, De granted- it appeasing that �.�..n �ycerii!• loo;lase have been posted and filed according to law; and that the petitions for and Tr4r[1ar against it be received and filed. carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Member Graves, that the OOmmanl0ation of 0. H. Cone, Adv. Rep Toson.f.•'%::.: ;,. .' '��arn L.A.Ytative of the Southern Labor Congress, relative to a pope advertiesment S�rla said Southern' • •e , �'.1iIra Labor Congroso, be received and filed, and that the Mayor be instructed to write said e 'parties that the financial condition of the City at the present time will not permit + ' I•"'f ;the Board of Comr'e appropriating any money for such purposes at this time. carried upon call of the Roll by 6 yeas. !; F .nA$ On motion of. Member Marton, that -&a the Sinking Find le now drawing four per cent.,' belag the ew* rate ss the Liberty Bonds, that the Olty of Paducah Twenty- pusohaeo five thousand (826,000.) dollars worth of'these bonds,- by doing this the Oity will be • `-helping :• '.. the Government end at the sums time receiving the eems amount of interest.. ;. this purchase to be made provided It to approved by the City Solioltor, carried upon .Lp call of the roll by 6 yeas. �; cs1o.Y j��d ►«" On motion of Mayor Burns, that the request of the Paducah Cigar 00. for exemption .•y 1 ,,, •- from tax n� i , � : De received and filed, end referred to the City Solicitor for his I = Opinion ae to the legality thereof-. oarried upon oali Ot . 1111 X yoae, On motion the Board adjourned i�b11 4ll�wing t 'T upon call of the eV vote= Yea$ Burn Gardner rales. Marton and Washington, , l {