HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 296, September 3, 1917•.. s+... +h ory7+` t �rw'ir{uY a;yic, )M �. �z.r p;[r{ ,fr'�f. "Kt�tY rpv ». }�^r•cw t,y .�1•f 'fa:. ' .. ��=1 :'�___...n.+.+_li-+u...i...:._�su_:++.Sw•-:fi:•..._��.wlvw' Ju- .{ a:ai:+_.:u:i�].Y-+:sem -� ��'i::._=_�.+..:...:.__:�,,�• ..� I r .. No.sA :2� Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah se,tember 3. /91 .9 At a regular meeting of the Board of.Oommiesionere held LA the Oounoil OhaaDer { of the Olt Hall Paduoah K . on September 3, 1917, upon oall of the roll the I �• Y, a �. Y •, D following answered their names:.. Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washingtonr 4. �`>`' 1 ! .On motion bf Member Marton, that this being d'legal holiday, tbe.Board adjo:r n 1 !.. to meet again for the tra4eaotiop of its business on September 4, 1917, at two o'olook �..( P, M. serried upon sell of the roll, by the following vote: yeas, Gardner, Grnvee;,,: a� ' Marton and Washington- 4; y i p 11F _r,,t v Ad Santember 4th. 1917. I It an adjourned meeting of the Board of Oommiesioners'heid in the Oouaoll Ohaob erg J, of the Olty Hall, PaduOah, Ky.. on September 4th. 1917, upon sell of the roll thea i • following answered .their names:Garner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 4. i t i ri On motion of Member Graves, the minutes of the previona meetinge we adopted :r . � as read upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas. Oa motion of Member Gardnor. the.0i.ty Olerk was authorised to esaoute deed to J j Lire. O1ars.B. Stafford for lot ¢37 in Blook ¢l, Stodart and Baker streets,Oak Grove Cevietery, ehe having paid the Oom'r of 9lnanoe the sum of $30.00 therefor as per h. attaohed reoelpt, upon pall of tbo.roll by 4.yeae. 2re� On motion of the above, the Board ratified the transfer of Lot '132 3 in Blook wgw. Oak. Grove Oemetery from $. L. Sley to Mies Lillian O..Piak (now Mrs. Sam Poreman)', rc ' :r as. per the written request of Mr. Slay, and the Clark was authorised to make the �. . proper reoo'rd of same is the Osmetery Deed Book,upon roll of the roll by 4.yeae. On motion of iiember Wee?ilagLon, the payroll for the street department for the k 4 week ending Sept. 1, 1917, not covered by ordinanoo, amounting to $265.50, as per attaohed statement of Oom'r of Works, was alloyed upon sell of the roll. by 4 yeas. 1 On motion of the above, a oommnnioation from the Oom'r of Werke, advising the .. ,ks Board of the reepeotive bide reoeived by him for the building of the Oontagious Hospital, was reoeived and filed upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas. '• ea ' / ; On motion of Member Graves, that the reoommandation of the Oom'r of Pub.lio Works to sooept the bid of Wm. Karnes of $5315.00, as the lowest and beet bid for.the building of a oontagious ward at the Hiverside.Hospital, be oonourred in and the I a Mayor be hereby authorised and inetruoted to enter into ooatraot with said Karnes fes ' ! the oonstruotton of same is a000rdanoe with the plans and epeoifioations prepared by arohitoots Lassiter sad Jamieson, and eubmittad with the advertisement for bids- . V. ;! oarried upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas. x'sa wev.v On motion of Member Washington, that the Oom'r of Pioaaoe be inetruoted to ieeuel . warrant to .Southern Bitulithlo Co. for $1474.33, being 65% of work done by aald oaspany t /J _'c3•^ during the month of August 1917 on oontraot for reoonetruotion of Broadway. and Jeffero® streets from 16th to 17th, as per the attaohed report of the Oom'r of Works, carried 4 upon call of the roll by 4 yang. j+) { �w� , s• On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Pinanos be inetruoted to issue warrant to the Southern Bitulithio Co. for $11,284.78, . being 66% of work done by said oompany daring the month of August 1917 on oontreot for reoonstruotion of Jefferson street from 11th to 16th street, as per the attaohed report of the Oom'r of Public Worts, '$ oarried y 4 yeas. Upon pall of the roll D �} •= P .,...,, �� rY