HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 294, August 27, 1917': Y�<�',`�"'i�;^cY.ai-�`•n1..�n � 5- s i a 'R1�' k "r'i?.f,*•.;. �r'`.�>ST''n Y„u.� ry y ',s wt� x - r _ . �.+,�V •u+t " .�.. ..♦µ..."Y" 'r4 f s'. -f4.. i�_fvt:� i{:'rla .�l.il., V•._1.41.r - '.c..+l.a�,. ��:4'a�l•.1,�..�.1�.r ".:.. • ' ' ��" r� " . :. : � ' . �� " moo. . • • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah lugns4 a*th 1.91-2- 911It Ata regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Chamber { of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., on Aug. ST. 1919, upon call of the roll the following! ' I' answered their names Gardner, Craves, Marton and Washington- 4.'" ! '" On motion of Member Gardner the minutes of the previous most p in6 were adopted ,`'-:, •,. aa.read upon call of.the roll by 4 yese. . On motion of the above, the communisation from Member Graves, regardlag the I" . reinstatement of Joe Iverlet in the Piro Dept., and requesting the three members of � �„'c �'y'y'`• .the Board present to designste the member of the Piro Dept..to be dieoharged so as to keep within the number provided for in the -apportionment ordinance, was re*eived I t and filed and referred to the commissioners u a whole upon call of the roll by the +" following votes Yese, Gardner, Marton and Washington- S. Member Graves not voting. ," •; 4, ..: i' Member Gardner made the following motions WHEREAS, the water,ratoo in Paduoeh,, . r under private ownership, are some three or four times as great as.theI are in Owensboro, under municipal ownership, and.appro:imately four times ae great as in ! Detroit, Cleveland and -other oittee•having their cin water worts; and whereas, the citi,sens of Paducah voted on Nov. 2, 1916 to construct its own water works, at the Cleveland, 0. rates. and they are entitled to as low rates as the oitisous of any other city, I move that the Oily Solicitor be instructed to draw up an ordinance submitting to.a vote of the -people at the November election the issue! of bonds in the sum of $260,000. to construct its own water works in the city of Paducah. Member Washington offered the following motions I move to amend member ,. 'Oardnsr'e motion to pass an ordinance for a bond issue for.t260,000. to build water works, and defer same ad til.ths nest meeting so as to enable each member of the, Board to post themselves on this question, carried upon *all of the roll by 4 yeas. f , • .k On motion of Member Gardner, .tho"oommuntaotion from T. Boswell Jonas, ask lag "given. .the cosmnissioner@ to repeal the ordinance providing that all oove shall be the tuberculin test, was rooelved and filed and referred to the commissioners as a whole upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. Member Marton offered the followingmotions That the communication of Oom'r of . ,• ' '4 Public Works, together ,with copy of the abet to abutting property owners for re• soustrnotion of Broadway from I.O.R.R. traoke to 16th street, attaohed thereto, also k r+ copy of his notioe to property owners to appear at the City Hall at 9 o'olook A.M.,' G on August 24th to file complaints. if any, against the aooeptanoe of said work, and copy of the protest of 0. L. Robertson, Mrs. M. W. Oampboll and Jvs..Oampbell, Jr.,, ,.`. t' be reoeived and filed- carried upon *all of the roll by 4 yeas. On motion of the above, the communioation of Com'r of Public Works, reoommend- g; F ing the aooeptenoe of the work of. grading and. graveling of an alley in line of 13th .1304 street extending between Tennessee and Jones etreete, together with copy of the oosti I of said work attached thereto, and ropy of his notice to property owners to appear I" s at the City Hall to file oomplainte,`.if any, -against the.eooeptanoe of said work- . i were received apt filed,and no protect having been filed against am*. said to rk was accepted upon oall of the roll by 4 yese. ;,.:!• On motion of Member Washington. AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PBD ILBTI .',}. ON BOTH SIDES .Oil' BIi01DWAY FROM THE WEST SIDB OF THE TBAOK9 OF THE LLLl:D10i8 GENERAL S , BAU30AD COMPANY TO°THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 3IITiENTH STREET, IN THE CITY CP PADUCIHt, KENTUCKY, THE SUM,OP $3.663442 PER FRONT FOOT FOR THE RSCONBTRUOTION OF SAID STREET • ' B7 PINING BITULITHIII, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSESSMENTS MAY B8 PAID IN TSN r'� ii WITH EQUAL INSTALL—NTS, HSING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TSH YEARS, was given its passage upon osll of tbe,roll by 4 yeas. • ! iii f, •' ` .''.l' �..s�'Y tlf r ' •.-.. _ "� 1 ,r•r. r� .ti. S..';a in .n. ,::t. _ ? - u r.•, k••' }rV1'r ,j.�,=. �;•.X ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah August 27th 1917 Goutiamod 'J � ON MOTION 07 MHMB&R WASHINGTON, AN ORDINANOS ASSMING THE ABUTTING PROP�TY 08 �. BOTH SIDES OF ♦ TWENTY .(EO) FOOT ALLEY LYING IN THE LINE OF THE IITBalSION OF THZBT88NTH 9TRE8T, BBTW$$N TSNNH998& AND JONES 9THE6TS, ID THE OYTY O➢ PADDOAH, HBNTUOfiY, THS 9m[` ! 'o" .•�•`OY TWENTY NffiB (E9{l) OSNTS PER FRONT FOOT, was giwen•its passage upon call of the roll! a :by the to owing rots: .Yeas, Gardher. Graves. Marton and Washington- 4. �' 1 On motion of the above, the pay roll for the Street Dept: for the weer ending i �• Aug.. E4, 1917; not covered by ordin8no*, amounting to $274.00, as per the attached �a r statement, wee Allowed upon oali of the .roll by 4 yetis. On motion of Member Marton, the resignation of Mr. T. T. Seely as Oity Auditor• c ( `f" .was aoaepted and his bond 'oanoelled, the Maryland Osonalty.'Co. to be notified of swk {� )3F W':. . `•' release, upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.' On motion of Member Graves, that the request. of Lank -Redford Com Inoo ti parry. rporated.' • st a new manufacturing plant to is loosted in the oily of.Paduoah, for exemption from taxes " for fire years, be referred to the Olty Solioitor for investigation and instructed to pre- pare a resolution in s000rdanoe with its request if he finds it is entitled to samr ; oarried.Upon 0811 of the roll..by-4 yeas. . 7 On motion of Member Marton that the oommunication in re . .. good to the reooaetrnotioa ' ?, of ooaorets sidewalks, eto. in the territory bounded by 2nd, Washington and Monroe �' a�,•1 <,.. �q c streets, be reoeived and filed, and the amount of the oseh oolleotione, 4o -wits $18.OE7.46. U l be allowed and obeek issued to the oontraotor, Prosser.& Halliday. this amount to be paid I from the speoial.street fund, and that bonds be printed in the amount of $8,996.17 and turned 'Over to the oontreotor. together with the three Unoolleoted tax bills amounting to f ikq the amp of 0381.18- parried upon gall of the roll by 4 yeas. J. 5` 1 g. On motion the Board adjourned upon call.of the roll .by the following votes r* Yess, Gardner. Gravee. Marton and Washington. r 1' .�F1�0Y. R F , N FI.Gi►is� t , h , cur Cwt —•�-- l #r , }}F• r,' if +• ;. , i. September 1.' 1917. 5 - z. At d meeting held in the Counoil Chamber of a City Hail, Yaduoah. Kyr, on i a• t #,' September 1, 1917, oalled together by Members Marto 6 Waebingtoa..,in Lhe BDeenoe of ,. the Mayor, upon osll of the roll the following' x ane erect their names: .Graiea ry Marton and Washington- 4. A « On motion of Member 6darton;.tbat.the amount of a11,9B4.7B be allowed. from Lha;. 5 l ` g'enerai fund, and the'amount of 0,293.60 be .allowed from the epe0lal sewer fund; } ¢ per sEtaohed statement and report of 0om1r of PiJIM00 and City Auditor for the month a. f ��{ of August, 1917- carried U oa call_ot the roll.& 4 p y yeas. On motion the Board adjourned, upon cell of the roll by:tbe following vote,: Yeas, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 4: wr�e g 4d, ,FRO. ?ra Choi 011 ri1 YUR t Y ^�;: �1 . �). }r (�7 ,.,1,"''+'' 'y { .r t: -.i{Y�i� Y •.a,: 4. t .i All Ir '�..._....-�.,'' , F i f'f I--"••• . Imo' S e a vs T sc a �. a x e .. ..