HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 277, June 25, 1917• Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah- June 26th 191 9 At a regularmeeting of the Board of Commiseionere•hold in the Council Chamber. I' of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky.,.on June 25, '1917. upon call of the roll the following ; . 'answered their names Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6; S I�. On motion of Member Craves the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted.. Has rend. upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Member Graves offered the'following motion: That the matter of receiving bids '. T for printing 160 or more copies of the City Ordinances and Charter be deferred until.- ntil .the �• thenest regular meeting of this Board, on July 2nd- adopted upon Gull of the roll by .. �r. � a 6 yeas. � � � ' I �.R,:t;i" )+�X1."•r�'�S..ti s J y.. tj .J' •ti 4 ti J•:� `yt w � �, av,�:J! F-. ..__... •.. . . , � .sa, � �:.,. :. ... R�,VA.`=L?7-pvc,!?;�v F,; � k C"n� J 6W169.60, as per attached statement; be allowed- allowed upon Gull of the roll by 6 yeae. ;. •, l%ti.»+� +w ! Member Gardner offered the following motion: That Commissioner Wuehington be instructed to correct the drdinage on Trimble street between 13th and 14th, in accordance with his reoommendation of this data. by reconstructing the gutters- adopted b upon Gall of the roll by 6 Yana..i, qr�!n,CfT'1.4;,CJC ''.N+N ,i 4'< ! N 1l OCZ'91 .)•JJ Fh %• YaV '!•1 mak. i 't 11ember Grnvee.offered the follows l ng motion: That the report of Mr. F. W. Ballard_, (J ' r1_....�:•+--•L..+ +�___>.-Ly:-J•.-+Ja=+nL-. �. .�,. J,.s. �i�y ...--••T .- .�.i`ir':....�+r..�.k� _S.. .A filed, and placed with the report of Messrs. Proutt and Dabney- ulso all oorrespondenoe' .. : ( had with either Ballard or Proutt & Dubney, and both reports, together with all • d 1! r, oorrespondonoe had with them, be referred to the Commiaeionore as a committee of the :. No,.Z� • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah- June 26th 191 9 At a regularmeeting of the Board of Commiseionere•hold in the Council Chamber. I' of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky.,.on June 25, '1917. upon call of the roll the following ; . 'answered their names Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6; S I�. On motion of Member Craves the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted.. Has rend. upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Member Graves offered the'following motion: That the matter of receiving bids '. T for printing 160 or more copies of the City Ordinances and Charter be deferred until.- ntil .the thenest regular meeting of this Board, on July 2nd- adopted upon Gull of the roll by a 6 yeas. '+ Member Washington offered the following motion; That'the pay roll for the. ,• street Dept. for week ending June 23, 1917, not covered by ordinance, amounting. to 6W169.60, as per attached statement; be allowed- allowed upon Gull of the roll by 6 yeae. ;. •, l%ti.»+� +w ! Member Gardner offered the following motion: That Commissioner Wuehington be instructed to correct the drdinage on Trimble street between 13th and 14th, in accordance with his reoommendation of this data. by reconstructing the gutters- adopted b upon Gall of the roll by 6 Yana..i, 11ember Grnvee.offered the follows l ng motion: That the report of Mr. F. W. Ballard_, (J ;. / eleotrlool engineer, with referenoe to the probable ooet of erecting a municipal light ry— :plant, together with hie letter to Com'r Gardner, a000mpanying some, bs.reoeivod and filed, and placed with the report of Messrs. Proutt and Dabney- ulso all oorrespondenoe' ( had with either Ballard or Proutt & Dubney, and both reports, together with all d 1! r, oorrespondonoe had with them, be referred to the Commiaeionore as a committee of the Gwhole- adopted upoh call of the roll by 6 yeas. Member Barton offered the following motion: That the petition signed by 39 i �aitizens'living in the neighborhood of Horth. Sixth and Seventh streets, where the 7' garbage and dead animale.are now being destroyed, be received and filed, ond.that the 111 Mayor be authorised to take such steps as are necessary at once to give the otti.zene..i :•some relief from the terrible condition, and that he have the City Solicitor look into i this matter in repard to the City ereoting garbage plant, if such plant could be iereoted at this time- adopted upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. 1( Mayor Burne offered the following motion: That.Lee'Bell. dead animal collector,l.. .. be placed immediately under the direction of and be res oneible to the Health P Officer, Fwho Is hereby requested to report any delinquencies on hie part, to the Board of "Commissioners- adopted upon Gall of the roll by 6 yeus. i. The communication of D. a. Browning in regard to the oharges of Judge Croesland ; // sae on motion received and filed upon call of the roll by 6'yeas. "Y,t 4 On:motion the board adjourned upon oull of the roll by the following vote;' iiYeae Burne Gardner Gruver Marton and Washington -6. I ' Ab 11,1913. gPPR,OVFi,D f , • + ay o..r .�..^'�""— MAYOR. l