HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 272, June 9, 1917t,,, -s -,.. a,i.�:_W "•x ::r:.c.er- ^.,.n...;ra::•:x _: �a:r; yxx'�:Ysa'::.t.--:.r.:.:::rtF•i.a.�'N','e:�•r;:.er'•s,•.+.n�„...+•,,c._�,�n.s ^'.,a"r�v:si:.s.�,." .,..:,•.a•sa:,._:. . �..;_e:�x•;ix._t�.ra�:��-�•xt�u_•,.;"=tr.r.-..c .., ' �,. y .. h -w +r e '"tR' ti' Y r - t l 'i L i•4 .w �4.. '.. ♦ ...VL:+'y'^:mss-u.TS _ +l-:.L.+� r.r..^a�J..,..Y.�.-.s_1r..1..-..w.,✓a lJ•:,�.ii.'+ ii..� ' r .. 1Vc i AL Corrunissioner's Proceedings;' City of Paducah Jure' nth 1911 On motion of Member Washington. the'Com'r of .Finance was authorized to issue to the Southern Bitulithio Oo: warrant for $6246.60, being approximate estimate of work done during '.the month of May 1917 -on their.00ntraot for reconstructing Broadway from ' 11th to 16th streets ; upon call of,the roil by -the following vote'.: 'Yeas, Burne;. Gardner, Gravee, Harton and Washington- 6. I �i On motion of the above, "tho Com'r of-Finanoe nae -authorized to issue. warrant l for 4091.16 to the'Southern'Bitulithio Co., being approrimate'estimate of work done. ' •'' daring the month .,of.ilay..1917 on oontruot reconstructing-Broodnuy and Jefferson Ste. from'' 16th to 17th otreets, upon call of the roll by 6 yeae. on. motion o.f the above, aURDI11"CE ..LIENDINC' SUR-3ECiI0N ONE (1) OF SECTION ¢4 t•;~; FIVE (6) OF AN ORDINANCE EIITITLED ','All ORDINsliCE PBOYIDING FOR SHE..iPPULJil:rll OR RE- I TENTIO11..BY THE BO611D OF CULIUISSIUNERS OF THE CITY OF P"UC.+H. 'OF CERTaIH CITY OFFICERS. • Admin .11D E'UPLOYEES OF THE CITY UP PaDUCLLH, KEUTUCKY, -"ND FIXIIIG THEIR. SAuR1E8, Povmm All D.DUTIES" ,.PASSED BY THE. BOARD OF CULZIISSIONERS JAUU.,RY 3, 1916,AIID RECORDED JANUARY F 31916, was given.Ste.paesugs.upon. call 'of.the roll by 6 yeas.. '�: ' f• r On motion of Llayor Burns, 'that the lettor.from. the Railroad Commission. respecting ooal'rates, be reforred .to the City. Solicitor. for hie opinion concerning the raising t'Ixr +of rateson coal without "authority of. the Comiaieeion- carried upon call of the 'roll y j F 6 yens. • I y± ; On motion of Momber'Graves, .that '200.,00 -be appropriated for band ooYlcorts. f{ In various parte of the city.during the summer and Fall months of this year, said enm�'. ) kF to be paid out.of the contingent Hind upon order:oof the Liayor,'and.that the, I. 0...0. F.'' " Band ba dosignuted to give said oonoerts- oarried upon call of .the''. roll. Dy 6 ye us: 9 t 11{p On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote: I , .Yoae, Burns,'.Gurdner, Gruves,'Marton and Washington- G.•,',`; h N AioPlcd-L X91.1. - AFC D JUNE 9. 1917. t At a Special meeting of the Board of Commiesionere held in the Council Chamber of ' the city Hall. Paducah, Ky., on Jane 9.1917. upon call of the roll the following .Pk _. , ,,..• .. t;:.• .,� answered their names: Barns, Dardner. Gravee,.Marton and Washington- B.i.. On motion of Member Gardner that the ralea,requiring service of copies of ordl*- # 3 nanaes and resolutions three days before meetings be temporarily suspended- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas." On motion of Mayor Burns. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED *AN ORDINANOE REQUIRING ANY WATER COMPANY ,SUPPLYING WATER TO THE 0ITY OF PADUCAH OR TO ANY OF THE CITIZENS THEREOF,. UNDER A PUBLIC FRANCHISE; TO RENEW OR REPLACE. AT ITS OWN EIPENSE._° :I SERVICE PIPES EXTENDING, FROM THE MAINS OF SUCH WATER COMPANY TO THE PROPERTY LINES OF,'. --r;`. . R WATER CONSUMERS TAKING WATER FROM SUCH COMPANY, UPON NOTICE 80 TO DO BY THE COMMISSIOSE@.• OF PUBLIC WORKS, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE FAILURE 80 TO DO PASSED BY THE BOARD �. OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH ON MAY 30th, 1917. RECORDED BY H. D. RENDRICK,': CLERK, ON MAY 30th, 1917, AND PUBLISHED ON MAY 31st, 1917. was given its passage upon wall of the roll by S yeas. CA motion of the above, a Resclution:resoinding all action taken in'pursuanoe of an ordinance passed -on May 80, 1917 requiring any Water company supplying water to the City of Psduoah or to any of Ito, citizens to renew or replace. at, its own expense. ; service pipte extending from the mains of aaah.aompemy to the property lines of water.'I ., .�8. , ir' T -n.• r a. , 1 4t t 5 :r��'.�ti:rY `Z..,w .,..' Jeb•, i+.+.yr .:.at, �'t,/..,uy;l.'.1.1't:A:li.::i � r.4 Y,. +.:. 'Y , .><' WiZ� � u a,.u:.k•.u` + � -. . t .e;,.�„yN r't1-^",fi" ', _-,-..fi t`:�!.r a;•c':-- `�$ 4';eC �'--;c•. r. .i;, �.sti.Y a:. ,, ,`r. .. ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah June 9th 191 t oontinned opnsumers. was given its passage upon call of the roll by the following vote: c f Yeas, Burns. Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. i p On notion the Board adjourned upon oall•of the roll by the following vote: : Y Teas, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. ` 'tee Adopted 141_ �9 —F. • / V %���t-tom 4. ' iI i r W 1"YOR. Jbns 11th. 1917. ^T ., at a regular meeting of the Board of Oommieaioners held in the Gouncil..Chamber. } .. the City Hall, Puduaeb. 1g., on June 11. 1917, upon call of the roll the follow. i�of Lug answered their names. ' Burne, Gardner. Oravea, Marton b Washington. t :N On motion of Member Graves. the minutes of the called meeting of June 9th f 1917 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yese. : I, 'r] On motion of Member Gurdner. that the petition of citizens hereto attached. y requesting this Board to grade the alley between Harrison and .Cloy st,reete, on the West aide of 19th street, .be received and filed, and that said petition be granted a and the Com'r of Public Works be instructed to proceed to havo said alley graded, beginning at 19th street and extending West for two blooke between Harrison and Olay ' .streets- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, that a synopsis of the legal opinion of Masora. Bred. , show '& McDonald, attorneys at law, and Jno. 8. Hendrick, City Solicitor, contending : that it Is. the duty of the Pad. Water Co. to extend the connecting wuter pipes from �It the property ownere.line'to the main i of Water Go. in the etreete, and not es th pipes e W t 4. the duty of the property owners, be published in the official newspapers for the city for the information of the oitizens of Paducah. same. carried upon call of the roll I at " i on motion of Member Washington; that the pay roll for the street department.tor j. the.week ending June 8'. amounting to $,176.66,• not covered by ordinance, so per " attached statement, be allowed, curried upon call of the roll bj 6 yeas. u T ~ fl on motion of Member Gardner. the petition from property owners on South 4th w '� S� /IIf�11'�1+• �```` / street between Elizabeth and Broad atreeto, was received and filed upon oull of the 4' li roll by 6 yess. On motion of.Mayor Burns, that the minutes of June 6th, 1917 be approved subject; ,} y to rescission of ordinance to improve Pourth street from Elizabeth to Broad street, .'i i which action respecting passage of ould ordinance Is hereby expunged from the record. : r carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ;" e �u II On the r} motion of above, that -the action of the Board respecting passage of •' ,ordinanoe.to .improve both sidewalks on Pourth street from Elizabeth to Broad streets Z "_4e_.c( be rescinded on account of property owners owning more then fifty par cent of the .• proporty abutting thereon having protected against said improvement, and because said .c cs � ordinance was not passed by two-thirds of the Board; carried upon call of the roll is by 6 yeas. , On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll. by the following voter `• ''. - 6. Yeas. Burne, Gardner._ Graves. Marton'and Washington14 Ate �10