HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 271, June 4, 1917:_:.�,.:.w�a�-=e.S..,,�...�.a�...;�.r„�-.,•r,..xn,.•„ �•..rs�. - �- ,--- - - �.`m��.'+rir1�11��T»•""•�,:;✓C.[�.';`i:��::it'•'t"•'�J�.��i::`' M4r�,?,'_u+,'� `+ ��� ' r +V:T�YNt ns mJy ?q�{. rrarSr, ^�.��rt�v�. •t•a jYr .pn �y ,wSry"� oe •h.Y fa^ d•` -a' vt .. , --.-I-... - +`..r+_ R '+A '. �- =i.:u't ... -ti.-,.w�'✓•fY,'�1 .,.. r.1�i.t� w4..: y -.-A- V 7r,. On motion of the aDova, that the request of L'r.'Lnater to out the timber on • ; .' Commissioner's. Proceedings, City No'.4201_ of:Padueah: June! 4th At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the.0ounoll IhI. Chamber,of the City Hall, Paduoah, Ky., on June 4th, upon call of the roll the follow''. :; 1 it Ing answered their names: Burne, Gardner. Craves, Morton.and Washington- 6. on May EB, 1917 On motion of L'ember Washington, that the notion of the Board/in granting i ` Mr. Som Lester the right to out the timber on Llaggie 3t. from Bridge to Palmer St, be �- reconsidered, owing to the fact that the records at the Court House show that Mr. Jnol �. Works for his investigation and advice as to the most expedient way .in which to abate( . the nuisance, upon.oull of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of L'ember Lorton; that the report of the Com'r of Finance and City r - f: Auditor of Collections and Disbursements for the month of May 1917 be.reoeived and { I' filed and published in the official newspaper- carried upon call of the roll by 6''yeae. " tom. On motion of the above, that.tha Com 'r of Public Property be authorized to place tl s , un aro light at the intersection of 11th and Bronson avenue- some oarried up on'oull of-tho roll by 6'yeae. + �� •. �i•,b• O on motion of Layor Burne, *that .tha claim of ll. D. Phillips. for y11.90; alleged damages to his uutomobile caused by running into a closed street, be referred to the i-- Com'r'of Safety for further investigation and report -.same carried upon oull of the. c, roll by 6. yous. a°Z On motion of L'ember Vushington, that the bond of U. F. Wheeler with the 11arylandl r A Casualty Company be canoelled,'as per.the request of said Company hereto Attached- curried upon call .of, the roll by 6 yeue. a' On motion of the above, that the pay roll for the Street Dept. for the week and June let, amounting to 3163.00, not covered by ordinance, be allowed, as par'attaohedf r•'�',':' "i statement- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeae. 1' On motion of the above, the Com'r of Finance .was authized to itP .:Y orIssue o.ressor Halliday improvement warrant for 33699.36, approximate eeti'mate of material furnished', �JJ✓ .& work done during the month of April 1917 on their contract covering "blankets ordinance, upon call of the roll by 5 yeue. ;.. Herzog, who dedicated this street, reserved the timber in.suid dedication, and that it the Clerk be instructed to notify LLT. Luster of the notion of this Board- carried. upon call of the roll by 6 yeae. On motion of the aDova, that the request of L'r.'Lnater to out the timber on • ; .' ��f ��''`� Maggie street between Bridge and Palmer streets be refused, carried upon. oall of the s. � .. roll by b gene. • ;. `� : On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of a culled meeting held on May 30,, i I i.y..lIn.y tC” a called meeting held on Loy 31,�and of n special meeting held on June E, 1917 were I , �I adopted ae read upon call of .the roll by b yeue.. On motion of Uayor Burns. that the minutes of the regular meeting held on Lay ES, 1917 be adopted as read subject to the correction concerning the nation of the Board with reference to cutting timber on Maggie street, which request was denied- N carried upon call of the roll by b yeue. On motion of the above, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THL CONSTROOTION.OF:3IDEGnLKS I; •. CURBS, CUT M13 ;.VD "L VLCMS Ry uWNHOI.ES, INT.,KES, C"I H BriSIU3 .IND SEVERS. ON &JTµ �"'�°y ill' I SIDES OF SOUTH YOURTH STREET FRULI 1.171E SOUTH CURB LIME OF ELIZABETH STREET TO THE NORTH i� • /� !! PROPFRTY.LIIIE OF B1104,D STREET, IN THE CITY OF P..DUCaH, KENTUCKY, ZD PROVIDING FURTW2 '� 7 TH&T THE CUST i7LEREOF LLnY BE .r&ID. UPON TLE TEN M -B ri.YHEPT Pistl , was given its passage r upon oall'of the roll.by the following vote: Yeus. Burne, Craves and Murton- 3. a _ j Nay. Gardner and Washington -'E. I On motion of Member Gardner,the. request of property owners. for tra reoonstruo-� tion of the euttoru on the anuth lido of :rimblo street botwoon 13th and 14th street$ on account of the unsanitary condition of,eume, was referred to the Com'r.of rublio I I �. Works for his investigation and advice as to the most expedient way .in which to abate( . the nuisance, upon.oull of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of L'ember Lorton; that the report of the Com'r of Finance and City r - f: Auditor of Collections and Disbursements for the month of May 1917 be.reoeived and { I' filed and published in the official newspaper- carried upon call of the roll by 6''yeae. " tom. On motion of the above, that.tha Com 'r of Public Property be authorized to place tl s , un aro light at the intersection of 11th and Bronson avenue- some oarried up on'oull of-tho roll by 6'yeae. + �� •. �i•,b• O on motion of Layor Burne, *that .tha claim of ll. D. Phillips. for y11.90; alleged damages to his uutomobile caused by running into a closed street, be referred to the i-- Com'r'of Safety for further investigation and report -.same carried upon oull of the. c, roll by 6. yous. a°Z On motion of L'ember Vushington, that the bond of U. F. Wheeler with the 11arylandl r A Casualty Company be canoelled,'as per.the request of said Company hereto Attached- curried upon call .of, the roll by 6 yeue. a' On motion of the above, that the pay roll for the Street Dept. for the week and June let, amounting to 3163.00, not covered by ordinance, be allowed, as par'attaohedf r•'�',':' "i statement- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeae. 1' On motion of the above, the Com'r of Finance .was authized to itP .:Y orIssue o.ressor Halliday improvement warrant for 33699.36, approximate eeti'mate of material furnished', �JJ✓ .& work done during the month of April 1917 on their contract covering "blankets ordinance, upon call of the roll by 5 yeue. ;.. aw Commissioner's Proceedings City of Paducah JunA 4AL_191_L On motion. of. Kember Washington, the- Com r of.Pinanoo was authorized to Issue to the Southern Bitulithic Co: warrant: foi 06246.60, boing,stproximatd estimate of 7 work done durin'g:th' a month of tiny lIP17 on their.00ntraot for reconstructing Broadway rom. 17th to 16th streets upon call of the roll by. this following vote.: Y6as, Burn * 8 rtoh and Washington- 6. Gardner, Gra*ea,.Ua On motion of the above, -'the C6m'r of-Finanoo vwao-authorisod to issue. warrant for ;091.15 to tha:Southern Bitulithio 'Co., being approximate estimate of work done.. -Br 6 a druy and f e month,oi.kay.1917 on sent during the ruot reconstructing Jefferson Ste. rom al 16th to 17th* otreate, upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. V Oa. motion o,f the above. AN URDI1UWCE ­11411DIDG 5UB-SECTION ONE (1) OF SECTION FIVE. (6) OF AN ORDIVWCE ENTITLED '7A� ORD114"OF -PROVIDING FOR THE, A1`rUI;iTLaT OR RE-: TEalTION, BY THE BUIdID UP GULUISSIODERS OF THE CITY OF P"UOAX, OF CERTAIN. CITY OFFICERS AOE11t8 uUD ELIPLOYBES UP THE CITY -UF IALUCAW, KENTUCKY. "N 1) FIXIVG THEIR SALdLRAS. POY:SRS PASSED BY THE. BOARD OF CULLISSIOLIERS: JAUUARY 3, 1916,. ADD RECORDED JiW UARY 3_1916, was given Ito. faveage upon. oall* of.the roll by 6,yess.. On motion,of Mayor Burne, 'that the lettor.ftom.tbe Railroad Commission, respecting (��(J C- coal , :'t, es, be referred to the City.So.11oitorfo.r hie opinion concerning the rale.ing as -coal without th of ra ou or of the dciminlesion* n call of .the roll by too on ity: carried upo 3i 6 yeas. II sr Un motion of Momber Graves, that $200.00 be appropriated for band tr in various parts of the bityAuring the summer and Fall'inonths' of: tb is year, said..oum to be paid out of the contingent fund upon order: 'of the Lluyor, and that the. I. 0...0. F..tut ". tf`, bo designated to give said oonoer a- carried roll. by 5 yeuei* Band. b t upon call' of Ahe On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following tote: Yoas, BurnB,. Gurdner, Gruvos, Marton and Vashington-.6. ied cur cb" 'JUNE 9.* 1917. J, fi At a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold In the Connell Chamber of the city Hall, Paducah, Ky.,.dw June 9, 1917. upon call of the roll the following answered their names: Berne, Gardner, Gravea,.Marton and Washington -5. On motion of Member t Gardnerthat the rulearequiring service of copies of ordl= nanoes and resolutions three days before meetings be temporarily suspended- oaxTied upon oall of the roll by 5 yeas. .on motion of Mayor Burns. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AN ORDINANOR ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING . . ANY WATER COMPANT.SUPPLYING WATER To THE CITY OF PADUOAH.OH To ANY OF THE CITIZENS THEREOF.. UNDER A PUBLIC FRANCHBRi TO RENEW OR REPLACE, AT ITS OWN EXPENSE. SERVICE PIPES RlTbDiNG FROM THE MAINS OF SUCH WATER COMPANY TO THE PROPERTY LINES OF WATER CONSUMERS TAKING WATER FROM SUCH COMPANY, UPON NOTION 80 TO DO BY THE COMMISSIONER 00 PUBLIC WORKS. AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE FAILURE 30 TO 10". PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE -CITY OF PADUCAH ON MAY Wth, 1917. RECORDED BY H. D. RZNtRICX,;..- CLEAN. ON MAY 30th, 2917, AND PUBLISHED ON MAY 31st, 1917. was given Its passage upon oall of the roll by 5 yeas. 031 motion of the above, a Resolution:resoinding all sation taken In'pursuanos of an ordinan6a paseed'on may 30. im requiring any water oompany supplying water to the. City of'Paduoah or to any of Its�oiltlsena to renew or replaos, at.its,own expense. service pipes extending from the mine of smah sompany to the property lines of water p�-