HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 270, June 2, 1917'.1''..i�l �i�"_...t.1fi"Jl�,..., +r�•.•L 51.., x.`3`54... ,L...f..-J: 91 -. - _' .a.: y.4 i J.i�1.±M „4 •"' 1 a-� Jam:: 4n. ',YIN'' 4'. AwLAh'.h 5-7'.ri •.M':... r`�'in:i�;\M..!l9"5i••_�; .. _ '. 'Commissioner's Proceedings,. City of Paducah Max 30th 19J7 ooatinued.Ur . On motion of Mayor Burne, that hien Bolke. City stenographer, be given Len dollars ; per month'.in addition to the salary now being reoeived by her- suid amount to be'oharged.. to the oontingent fund- oarried upon oall of the roll by.the following votes Yeas, 1 1 Burne, Gardner, Oravee, Morton and Washington- 6. .. fIr•1 On motion of the above, that the Com r of Y'inanoe issue a check for 4500.00 to the 1 Board of Trade, same to be oharged to the advertising fund-,oarried upon.oall of the I e roll by 6 yens. (/" g On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the .following voter Yeae,'Burns,.Gardner. Graves, Marton and Washington- b. 191.x. . Aieptea QV CWk 6 May 31st. 1917 AT a oalled meeting of the Board of Commiselonere.held in the Counoil Chamber j' of the Oity Hall, Puduoah,.Y;y., on May 3101; 1917, upon oall of the roll the following; } answered their names: Burns, Graves, Marton and Washington- 4. On motion of Mayor Barns, that the rules be suspended as to sending out ooplee of ordinsnoes and resolutione three days before meetings- oarried upon'oall of the roll by 4 yeas. On motion of the above. n ReeolutIon inviting the War Depte to loonte one of its �rw oantonmente in Paducah. and.pledging the.unreeerved support and 000peration of the Olty UV of•Paduoah'in maintaining and enforcing all rules and regulations of the Department reepeoting the health, moral and general welfare of troops and all others oonneoted therewith In the ovont suoh ountonment is looated in this. oity, was given its passage I` upon null of the roll by 4 yeas. r On motion the. Board adjourned .upon oall of the roll by the following votei (• Burne, Graves,, Marton and Washington- 4. jI. Cb" f coy . k A June 2. 1917. 4 r :9 At a speofal meeting of the Board 'of Commis held i sionere in the Counoil Chamber b`-•,.; ° , `: -r of the City Hall, Paduoah, Yq...on June 2. .1917, upon oall of the roll the .following answered their names:: Burns, .Marton and Washington- 3. ! On motion of Member Marton, that'$19.368.27.for,a000unts and salaries for "Lhe: month.of May; 1917be allowed from the general fund, and the amount of 42,208.61 be " �. I ; r !' allowed from the epeolul sewer fund, and that oheoks be issued for same, as per. the C'report of the Com'r of Y'inanoe and Auditor hereto attaobed- ourried upon oall of the . !- ' roll by 3 yens. <. .. On motion the Board adjourned 'upon oall.of the roll -by the following vote.-'� 1, Y688..Burns. Marton and'Gnehington- 3. Adopted 191'• O TCUY T4A7tbR crrf t N �I