HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 267, May 21, 19171 S.lvf;) 'R1 t¢tr y. .,,a +�.r-y>.•.3. �•e�.. M, .t`ui�,< �Y '�r s--ra�:.., r��- a�'tF` 'r}'k.*V; a"a:••�q. �. ..__.... _ _ ._._ •..;7�::c.Tww,,,, :......aw..w,+.....,.r•.,:...; ...•.wc..•an-:eacr,•..r,+�. 1 No. .L��t Commissioner's Proceedings, ; Ci of. Paducah 191 At a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Chamber ! { h of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky.'on stay 16, 1917, upon call of.the roll the following j answered their names: Burne. Gardner and Darton- 3. i, On motion of Member Gardner, that the commissioners ratify the transfer of deed . 41,��� ;..from Mrs. Minnie 9. Hell (widow of C.R.Hall, deo'd) to T. B. Fairleigh to Lot 13061 in Block CEO, Oak Grove Cemetery, as per the request of 1Sre.'Holl hereto attached- ,� t +' carried upon cell of the roll by 8 yeas. . $ ti Ou motion of Mayor Burne, that the communication of Member Marton, Com'r of Finanoe,.appointing Mr. Alexander Kirkland as -City Auditor during the absence -of Mi. T. T. tleely be received and filed, and that said appointment be ratified by this Board- carried upon cull of the roll by 3 yeas. c v" •1 On motion of Member Marton, that the Com'r of Public Vorke be instructed to draw!' plane and specifications for speakers stand to be erected in Uak Grove Cemetery - carried upon cull o p f the roll by 3 yeas. On motion of the above, that the amount of $6,083.0.1 be allowed and checks r issued for same as per the attached statement of Com'r of Finance and Gity,Auditor;'. h • carried upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following voter i Yens, Burne, Gardner and Uarton- 3. `1 i! '.. • per. O y . Aioiled ' • . . F as 1adAY�ffi UAY 21, 1917. 4• of a regular meeting of thd.Board of Commissioners held in.the-Council . )� Chumber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky. oa May 21, 1917, upon cull of the, roll the Y following answered their names; Burns, Gurdner, Graves, Uurton and Washington- 6.' EEOn motion of,Lember Murton, the minutes of a regular meeting held on May N 14th and of u special mooting hold on May 16, 1917 were adopted as rood upon sell of the roll by 6' yoas. On motion of Member Gardner, that the proposition of F. BI. Ballard b Co. of ` Uuy 11th, 1917, to go over the report of Ur. Proutt and recommendations of W. A. Gardner, Com'r of Pub. Property, and render advice in regard to the enlargement of i. •) our light plant,th4ir foe for suid services to be OLOO.00, carried upon pall of the �. roll by the following vote: Yens Gardner Graves Lurton & Guahi ion. 4 .N Burne I ' 3 L t On motion of the above,.that the City Clark execute dead.to Mrs. Ophelia Pryor •, !o y for Lot 72 in Dlook 1 on Buker Street, Oak Grove Cemetery, treaeuror'o reoeipt for X40.00 !. F being hereto uttuohed- carried upon cull of the roll by 6 yeas. ' /D Q on motion of the above, that tho City Clerk execute deed to E. C. Griffinfor :S. lot 36 in Block 1, Stewart & Buker streets, Oak Grove Cemetery, treaeurer'e rooeipt for '. . V y40.00 being hereto attached- ourried anon oall of the roll by 6 yens. I! Un motion of the above, that the transfer of Lot 7 in Block 47, and transfer of',, '3 ft. off Vorth side of Lot 16 in Block 47, Uuk Grove Cemetery, from Lire. J1 11..3kinnor. ... to llurvin Langston and J. R. Richardson be concurred in as per the request of Mrs. Skinner hereto attached- carried upon cull of the roll by 6 yeus.. �. !' On motion of L'ember k'arton, that the report of Gom'r of Finunoe of collections for improvements on Clay street from 17th to 19th street be r000lved and filed. and that "• the amount of 3403.63collected be allowed and paid•to the oogtraotor, rroseer & llullidsy;.� and that the City .luditor.be instraotod-to have bonds printed for the balance, *727.28, 'deliver same to said contractor- carried upon cull of the roll by,6 yeas. aA �- �a,��r� - '� y�,t!Y•n"!7^ .inn .,,�.. .1-'jM-e. rpY :meV+fkY.-aw .+= r�,rP•.�'n..c •jsje•' .y�;,.,, ',fit .. . L''T.. ), ,..:�. hk -S. 1, ^••at, �'.1� `��i.Y •>: � ' 4_,. : t. .�C`:9"^ ^•T�^��. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Llug Elst 191Zoontinued . i On motion of Member Washington, that the 'pay roll for the Street Dept. for the .' woek ending May 19,'1917; not ooverod by ordinance, amounting to .$177.60. be allowed :. as per sttaohod statement of Com'r of Public Worka- carried upon call of the roll by th` following veto: Yeas,'Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton & Washington- S. On motion of the above., A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE 'y SIDEWALKS, TOGETHER WITH GRANITE CURBS iW D'GUTTERS AND ALL NECESSARY DRAINPIPES, MAH-! HOLES AND. INTAIM , ON BOTH SIDES OF FOURTH STREET FROM THE SOUTH CURB LIMB OF ELIZABETH STREET TO THE, NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF BROAD STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUC:11,'KEUTUCKY; AND FROVIDING THAT SALE "Y'BE'PdID FUR UPUn THE TEN YEAR PAYL"EN^a PLuN; was given itsl passage upon 'cull of the roll by b gene. 1. On motion of the above, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE; SIDEWALKS TOGETHER WITH GRANITE CUTB8 i.ND CUTTERS U D ALL NECESSARY DRAIN-PIPES, MANHOLES AND INTAKES, ON BOTH SIDES OF III11TH•872REET FnOM 'AME NORTH CURB LINE OF'MON ROE , STREET TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF'TRIABLE STIUMT,. In THE CITY OF PADUOAH', iffi11TUCKY, AND ; c %PROVIDING THAT Si.= LIAY BE PAID FOR UPON "us TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN, was giien ite paesege' upon call of the roll by 6 yeue. On motion Yayor'Burns. that police powers be granted. Thoe..Stephene, night watchman for the Pad. Traction Co., upon esceoution of propor.bond, he to reoeive.no salary from'. t ; tho':olty,_ as per hie request hereto attaahed- curried upon call of the roll by'b,yqus. „ ,,gyp• On motion of Member Graves, a oommunloutlon from A. R. L'eyers, Prost. of the Pad. �•�•Y/yI 'Anti=Tuberculosis Aeon, uaking that the City contribute "60.00 monthly towards maintain Ing a public health nurse in Paducah, was rooeived and filed upon oull of the roll by! . ' 6 youe. On motion of Mombor•1:4rton, that the. request of morohunts and oitisene for lights (/• .in Maiden alloy between Washington & Clark etreeL be reforred to the Com'r'of Public � �Y'•l Property for his .attention, .carried upon"oull of, the roll by the following vote: Yeas; v Burns, Gardner,'Llurton and Washington- 4.. ,Nay', Graves, 1. On motion the Board udjourned.upon. call of the roll by the following votes , . :YOQO, Burda, Gardner, Groves, Murton and Washington- 6. /I . I r . 1 Aiooted 1912. lazy ckwb YOS . .. LIa,Y E8. 191.7: � .. • . I At a'regular meeting of the Board of Commieeloners held in the Gounail Chamber of! , the Oitq Hall, Paducah, Ky.'on May 98,,1917, upon ball of.the roll the following ' answered their names: Burne. Gardner;. Graves, Liarton and Washington- 6. f On motion of Member Graves, the minutes of.a regular moeting.held on May 21. 1917!. were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. 7 on motion of the above, that the coffee house license of H. C..Avriett at 1100 N. 10th ; street be transferred to R. Calipei; at the same looetionin accordance with the.. . attached request and .power of Attorney accompanying same- carried upon coil of the roll by 6 yeas. On motlon.of Member Washington, the pay roll for the Street Dept. for the week - i Qy ; ending May 96th, amounting to X174.10, not covered by ordinance. as per attached state benti, was allowed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas:, On motion of the.abo.ve, that Sam Laster be .allowed to take the -tree'a out of uaggte St., from Bridge to Palmer.etreete, provided he removes sll etumpe and rubbish and leaves �..' the Otroet in good condition -his compensation for came being the wood from the treee; In accordance wlth.hie proposition hereto,attsohed- carried upon call of the roll by.5 yeas.' .ti ...3K..:v+..:.; _, ... . � h' i