HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 253, April 2, 1917t No..2 Commissioner's Proceedings, Ci of. Paducah, March 26th9. continued. pa� On motion of Mayor Burns, that the communication from the Ministerial Aeon ..regarding the Neat U. Industrial College. be received and filed. carried upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. Oa motion of Uember Groves, that the Con'r of public Works, L. A. Washington be Instructed to prepare plans and spoolfidaitions for a storm water sower from 6th and is Adams streets down or East on Adams streat.to the Teaneasee river or to Second and Washington street and oonnoot with the Washington street saver, an he doeme most advivablem.oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of.Mayor Burns. that $W.Wbo.allored J P Stewart for boarding. Mrs. 14aper and daughter while quarantined under order of Health Dept., aame to be charged to the peat house fand, carried upon call of the roll by 6 yens. On motion of Member Graves, that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare and bring In on ordinance requiring the construction of concrete sidewalks and granite, i! curbing on both sides of Thirteenth street between Jefferson street and Monroe 'street and providing that said work be done on the tet year payment plan. carried upon.oall of, the roll by the followirig.' vote. Yess, Burns. Oravea. Marton and Washington- 4 A NaV. Gardner, 1. On motion of Member.Marton. that the communication of Mrs. Pagan regarding the 14 purchase of certain property owned by the city of Paducah, be ref1irred to the 0om'r of Public Property- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas,' On motion of Mayor Burns, that the communication from the Paducah Band 0onoart relative to an appropriation from the city, be received and filed, to be further oon. aidered in the apportionment ordinance carried upon call of the roil by 6 yeas. On motion of Member. Marton, that the communication from the Baptist State Board of Illesione of Louisville, Ky.. in regard to the exemption of city taxes, be referred to.the.City Solicitor- carried upon call of the roll by -6 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the flolloxIn 'g vote: Yeas. Burns, Gardner, Graves. Marton and Wasibington- 6. Ade ed 0 V n "Wft W ? cb" ipr1l 2. 1917. At a regular meeting of the :Board of Commissioners hold In the Gounoll 1; Chamber of the City Hall. ruduotilh, Ky. on April 2, 1917, upon dell of the roll the following answered their name: Burns. Gardner, Groves. Marton and Washington. 5. On motion of Member Graves, the minutes of a regular meeting held on March.: a Lei 26. 1917 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. P On motion of. Member Marton, that the petttion of property owners on North 13th street between Jefibreon and Monroe streets protesting the reconstruction of that block. be received and filed- carried upon call of the Toll tw 6 yeas. L orm- On motion of Member Gardnei. that a dead be executed and delivered to Walter Newburn for Lot 147 Block Too on Miller street. oak Grove Oematery, treasurer's receipt LV for $40.00 being hereto attached- carried upon call of the. roll tW 5 ya &a. On motion of the above. that MMRFAS, the amerloan Oigar Co. has established 4 manufacturing plant In this city, and under the ordinance of the city of Paducah exempt. Inf menufaotarere approved Juno 23. 1906, thle ioompany is entitled to exemption from. taxation for a period of five years. I move that Bald American Cigar Co. be ordered • placed upon the list of manufsotorles exempted from taxation for a period of five years from this Apr. 2 1917- carried upon oal I of the roll by 6 yeas. v+,a...t 4:, a:.n*::�.. .L1.::...r ..�.vw.,.vrr..1. - Yl r' �_ • r- is N•c _ r.. C .� .. 1 .... r - -'7TSi rS 7 - .-. ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah April E !91_7.00ntinued .'.' On motion of Member Barton, that the amount of $16E07.81 be allowed and checks issued on the city treasury for same, being the mon6bly allowance for March 1917- carried.. : upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. I ;, On. motion of the above, that the request of Frank L. Delvin regarding the transfer I- of the South half of Lot 38 Block +7. in Oak Grove Cemetery, to George Grosebart, be granted, and that the CityClerk be authorized to execute :' deed for the. south half of :s.., this lot -,said motion was tabled, having received no second. On motion of Member Graves, that Frank Delvin be requeeted to make his individual ..•„ . ; '.' y ~, ;, ' dead to the south half of Lot 38 Block � in Oak Grove Cemetery to George Grosshart; ill • ' and present some to the Board of Commissioners for ratification and record- carried.- arried'upon uponcall of the roll by 6 years. On motion of Member Marton, that the Com'r of Public, Works be instructed to have. fal improved and paved streets flushed every day. or night, at his discretion-. this wart . to start this month and continue until Fall- carried upon call of the roll by the 4 , following vote: Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Graves and Barton, 4: Bay: Washington, 1. ; �L..;..•- d -on motion of the above, that the time of holding regular meeting be changed from R`m 1130 Pe M. to BOO P. M.; oarried.upon call of the roll by, 6 yens. On motion of Member Vashington, that the pay roll for the Stroet Dept.. for the ' week ending Mor oh 30, 1917, amounting to $171.36, not oovorad by ordinance, be•allowed q as per attached statement - carried upon doll of the roll by 6 yeas. . .•ir"1jf.������ Ppaaul On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finanoe be instructed to feaue Improve- 1 ment warrant to Prosser k Halliday for 31864.66, this being approximately 66% of work, AA r '; done on blanket ordinance contract during the month of March 1917, carried upon call ' f7j boa+ ,; • of the roll by 6 .yeae. On motion of the ebove,'A. resolution authorising the Com'r of Pub110 Worke, to �V,1�Qrr� construct storm water sewere.snd intakes on Waehiigton street from the S. aide of 3d' ��+� to the W. side .of 6th street; extend the present storm sewer of Harrison street, theme '• S. on. 3d to Monroe;. thence. E. on` Monroe to Ed street and W. on Monroe to, 70; on 9th St. from Jefferson to Monroe; on 8th street from Jeff. to Monroe street- end that the cost thereof be paid for from the special sewer fund- carried upon call of the ro11 by the following motet Yeas, Burns, Graves. Marton and Washington, 4. Hey, Gardner, 1. On motion of Mayor Burne, that the receipt for donation of $60. to the. Now Albany .,-. relief fund,be received. and filed- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. . On motion of the above, that the Commissioners ratify the action of theAdvisorq Rq Committee of the 0.0.9. 3n instruoting Mr. Marton to employ someone at a salary of 460.00. Lp O S. per month to look after the charity work of the .C.0.9:. and Toy all. debts,, owed by them, U, 'i'. taking effect after the 14th of April 1917, when the contract of Mse. Ford and Mise .. .. .:Strasburg expires-. carried upon oe11 of the roll by 6 yeas. I 1 ' p On motion of the above,. that the petition, and communication from the Committee . ' regarding -the Cold Home of the Friendless be received and filed- carried upon call" : of the roll by 6 yeas.. .. ;7 Mayor Burne read end introduced AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ME RECONSTRUCTION OF , .BROADWAY FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF SEVE4TEEITH STREET,. OR FOUNTAIN AVINUE... TO THS EAST CURB LINE OF TWENTY-FIFTH STREET, IN THE' CITY OF YAUJOAH,�XENTUCKY,. AND PiDVIDIHG THAT SAID IMPROVEMENT MAY BE MADE UPON, THE TEN-YEAR PI.YMT PLAN- this ordinance to �.. I . be brought in. at the next, regular meeting as provided by law. Mayor Burne read and introduced AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING. FOR THE REC611-82TRUOTION OF ' JEFPERSON,STREET FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 9EVSNTERITH STREET, OR FOUNTAIN .AVO US, r To ME EAST CURB LINE OF TWWTY-FIFTH STREET ;. IN ME CITY OF"PADUOAH, EENTUOBY, 40. j J§0jPH8ujAtTiRA� &1PRRex1t iegMAarmeet E UPONpx210 T 1 y9 PAYM>EHT PLAN . .this ordinsroe . ' ,JU:�Luaaf:i;.; ..�Y.sF:;.' :J':'i�id. :'moi � i �:•_ :..,1.,.1w..' a � 4. T br.14 oti,•+� \_.tM1��Jw.[ - ,W4. ,JiA.4+.• 1� �iSrl2i�•. ;1•, • . - - - _ f[F!f-AfY2�'JI�lF4•SrL!TF�:il+wf'.M.'.lr.\�1 f.��•.:.�wr:• ��I..r •' ,�i! Ir. •,' ,� .. ,R a7r•,y. � SS'.h .yw `��`�'S ��'•'<i wi *t r.:. h '��-J '.•ay.•i•s''�.dld •nom nT'�"•�i-'t.{4"• 1 nW'11� •t-yJ OM1'{s;+-,� t. r. ��h, .. r 1 1 No. 2 Commissioner's Proceiddingd ,CJty'of'Paducah'_ . ;.,.•i) 2ne 19LLoontinned. On motion of Mayor Burns,.that the petition of Property owners on poet Broadway. regarding the rsoonstruotion of said street from 17th street to 25th street, be }. Fi^re received and filed- carried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeae. >f On motion of the above, that the City Solicitor prepare an ordinanoe proteotingl' ` TA, the City Scavenger in his work and regulating the skinning of dead animals within.pen cell of the roll by 6.rose. the 3��( oity of Paducah- carried n I '? �' ' j ,•• , : , On motion of Member Washington- that the Comm is ae a —4+* f th j Qao ee o • whole. tale u the .question of constructs { p ng an incinerating plant, carried upon call if of the roll by 6 yens. i on motion the Board ad ounrod upon. of the roll 3 , P the following vote; Yeae,_.. .i H G do G { j ' ji. instructed to sell and dispose of two mules now in the streot'department.unfit for street work, and that. he purchase two other mules if he daeme it neoeaeary. ourrfed + . +� upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. A u . •l�Rl '!� 9,?'ty:'a�i?;l::w �.i,1Y##.'� Y' ./4r r, i' - M' �.f.�' ft'�}r -i 1S #, ,f '1 r "! .: -k /' _ . . � � 1.:,; ,.L,,. i F � .i r: ' r:t ,Cr�y,��.., � r ai#�t• '� l; .'� s .. (' w ."' p tii,'t'°" i r r �. tt I'f • . �••-� � !tis. � � _ .. t , ' .. #, o 7.. 1 r ?I`�{� 7;yy4' �r •^�: . _ I �": � :fir r� ?'" _ - �•`A , � r "''" �.� - _ 1`�'r,.: ,.r �r ,� i �u � ,�., - 1� �i 4.vs, urns. ar or, ruvea, Lorton mid Washington- 6. f i! Adopted 191 c_FFROVAM G4 CW6 ld AYUK' APRIL 9th, 1917. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held In the Council Chamber ith of the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky on April 9th. 1917 upon Ball of the roll the follow. N Ing answered their names; Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington. 6. On motion of Member Gardner. the minutes of a regular meeting held on April End were adopted as rend upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. G On motion of Member Graves, that consideration of the proposed ordinance reconstructing pest Jefferson street from 17th to 26th street, .and the proposed ordinance it� 0 reconstructing Deet Broadway from 17th to 26th stroet be laid over until the next � regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners- carried upon cell of the roll by 6 yeaei , On motion of Member Washington, that the city purohuee two hundred of the 1' Curry Ply 2rups at a price of 32..00 each, ourriad upon oull of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Member Ourdner, that the City oonour In the transfer of the, south nal"ljhalf of Lot 38 Block 47, Oak Grove Cemetery, ry, from Prank Dalvin to George Groeehart. � carried: upon cull of the roll by 6 •ysue. Jk— ` On motion of Member Washington. that the commissioners as a aommittee of the k whole inveotigute the request for a cinder walk on the Rieke place from 17th street • / '�-;. towards Guthrie avenue, where Kentucky Avenue would be if' extonded.,carried upon, call ;. „ of the roll by 6 yeas. R' On motion of Member Marton, that the report of the City Auditor for the monthl' of Maroh be reoolved and :riled and published in the official newspaper- carried upon" call of the roll by 6 yeas, On motion,of the above, that the oommunioution from Mr. Orpom'regsrding the ' r f. .. j t 'ywr �7+Nw. .i refund of restaurant license be referred to the City Solicitor- carried upon pall of „• the roll by _6 yeas. • On motion of Member Wushington, that the pay roll for the Street Dopt. forth• 1; weak ending April 6th, umounting to V177.60, not covered by ordinance, be allowed-. ' carried upon oall of the rollby b yens. L. On motion -of Momber.Oravee, tbut the Com'r of Public Works be authseleod ea$ W ' ji. instructed to sell and dispose of two mules now in the streot'department.unfit for street work, and that. he purchase two other mules if he daeme it neoeaeary. ourrfed + . +� upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. A u . •l�Rl '!� 9,?'ty:'a�i?;l::w �.i,1Y##.'� Y' ./4r r, i' - M' �.f.�' ft'�}r -i 1S #, ,f '1 r "! .: -k /' _ . . � � 1.:,; ,.L,,. i F � .i r: ' r:t ,Cr�y,��.., � r ai#�t• '� l; .'� s .. (' w ."' p tii,'t'°" i r r �. tt I'f • . �••-� � !tis. � � _ .. t , ' .. #, o 7.. 1 r ?I`�{� 7;yy4' �r •^�: . _ I �": � :fir r� ?'" _ - �•`A , � r "''" �.� - _ 1`�'r,.: ,.r �r ,� i �u � ,�., - 1� �i 4.vs,