HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 234, January 15, 1917No. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Janua= 11 • 191-1 At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Connell (chamber I of the City Hall. Paducah, Ky., on January 11, 1917, upon oall of the roll the follol!- ing answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Graves and Washington- 4. Mr. Sidney J. Roy. traveling secretary of the Rivers & Harbors Congress, + addressed the Board regarding the appropriation of the City of Paducah towards the r work of said congress. On motion of Member Washington, that the City of Paducah take under considers- """ tion, at the time of making up our 1917 budget, the question of a donation to the National Rivers & Harbors Congress- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Burne, Gardner, Graves and Washington- 4. 2 TAY0n u,y c:.A JANUARY 16th, 1917. At a rogular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. Paducah, Xentuoky, on Jan. 16, 1917, upon oall of the roll the following answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington -.6. On motion of Member Barton. the minutes of a regular meeting held on Jan. 9th. and a special meeting held on January 11th, 1917, were adopted as read upon call of the.roll by 6 yeas. y� On motion of Bomber Graves, that the coffee house license granted to Hays & y ^ Matthews be traneferrod to William Petty & Company, at 026 Washington street, in JIru6 accordance with the assignment and transfer hereto filed- curried upon oall.of the Ws roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, that the coffee. house license issued to Oscar Coleman at 922 Findley St. be transferred to H. C. rveritt, in accordance with the assignment and transfer of sine attuohed hereto carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns. Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- b. An motion of the above, that the communication of Oscar Coleman relative to the 0 .1 UjA,,✓� transferring of his license for coffee house to G. H. Winter be received and filed - carried upon call of the roll by b yeas. On motion of the above, AN ORDINANCE AMEIIDIUG BUB -SECTION THREE OF SECTION THREE lYv'cj,,^,a u u- OF ORDINANCE 49 OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE (inr�yna.� APPOIN^TI-MIT OR RETF.UTION. BY THE BOARD OF COLU.II3310UERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. OF ""T�� a CERTAIN CITY OFFIC#118, 4ENTS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ]ONTUCKY, AND FIXING THEIR SALARIES, P01:'ER3 AND DUTIES", PA33LD BY THE BOARD OF OUIZ.II3SIOlORS JANUARY 3, 1916. 1 AND RECORDED BY H. K. HA::ELIP, CLERK, JnUUARY 3, 1916, was given its passage upon call of the roll by 6 yens. (Z►�►v On motion of Member Gardner, that the Repoa•t of Harry Gish, Benton of Oak Grove Cemetery, for the year 1916, be received and filed- carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: 6 yeas. ate,. On motion of the above, that the communication of Chao. C. Rieke with reference to the option on certain land owned by him, and in favor of the city od' Paducah, be received and filed, and referred to the Board of Commissioners as a whole. to be con- oa 4. sidered by them in making up their annual budget- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, that the petition of property owners in the neighborhood of Sixth and Harrison street requesting'& light'to be placed at that corner, be received .. Na y3s Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah_ asnaary 16th jyj v oontinned and filed. and the oom'r of Public Property and the Supt. of the Light Plant be 6 + instructed to investigate, and if a light is found to be necessary, to order same placed- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, that petitions of 482 oitiedne of the city of Paducah P requesting the enlargement of the City Light Plant be received and filed- carried upon Gull of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Member Liarton, that the amount of $107,932.76 be allowed and checks issued, as per the report of the Com'r of Finanoe end Auditor for the eemlr monthly allowance- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. • On motion of the above, that the amount of 41.769.76 be allowed and check PIssued to Prosser & Halliday as per contract for work done on North Fourth street, suld amount to be paid from the special street fund, as per report of the Oom'r of Finance hereto attached- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, that the oommunioation from H. 0. averitt regarding C' the transfer of his saloon license from 922 Findley to 1100 N. Tenth. be received and filed, and that the transfer take its usual oourAlL curried upon call of the roll by 6 yens. on motion of the above, that the communication of firs. J. D. Eubanks, reFurdin6 the transfer of Lot 61 Block 4, Oak Grove Cemetery, be referred to the Oom'r of Public, +rt.� Property for investigation- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. (� On motion of Bamber Washington, that the pay roll of the Street Dept. for the Veal ending Jan. 12th. 1917, amounting to $167.85, not covered by ordinance, be , allowed as per statement hereto attaohed- carried upon call of the roll by b yeas. JP�iFM4r�!� On motion of Mayor Burns, that the improvement work on Sixth street from Washington to Tennessee street, just finished by Prosser & Halliday, be received and approved, carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.' On motion of L:ember Washington, Z ORDI1611GE i.SSE3300 THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF SIXTH STREET FROM ALE SUUTH PROPERTY LINE OF WiSHINGTUN STREET TO MT NO^TH CL'ZB LIHE OF TEUHESSEE STREET, EXCEPT ON THE WEST SIDE OF SIXTH STREET BET11E11 G..StIIHGTON .AHD QaRK SMEET IH F2OI:T OF THE IloOR-01MU COUNTY COURT HOUSE PROPERTY, was given its passage upon Gall of the roll by b yeas. 4 -t�w On motion of Member Graves, that the appointment by the Mayor of Hr. Edwin J. Paxton as a member of the Library Board to fill the vaoenoy caused by the expiration • the term Hummel, be is hereby 0 of of Mr. Wm. and awns approved and ratified- oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, that the appointments of the Mayor of Messrs. Ed AY E Thurman, Louis List, Dr. Pulliam, Harry Hank, Mohr Lia heel, L. W. HenneberRer, And R. B. Phillips lie members of the Morals Commission, to fill the seven vaoanoios now existing in said Commission, be and the sans are hereby approved and ratified- carried' upon call of the roll by 6 yens. On motion of Layor Burns, that the usual amount of -A.000.00 be appropriated to Charity and the acme to be paid to the Charity Urgnnisation Soodety , as per the monthly apportiom*nts as requested by said Ureaniaation, which in hereto attached - carried upon Gall of the roll by b yens. On motion of the above, a Resolution appropriating the sum of 4100.00 to the Kentucky Industrial College, said amount to be charged to the fund to be provided i►vdWest I4�+' in the apportionment ordinance under that head- was given its passage. upon Gall of %`y�rN'pry the roll by b ye�.e. �Y Y No.1 % Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Jnnuazz lath 191�oontinued On motion of Member Barton, A RESOLUTION DIRECTING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THS CITY OF YADUGAH TO EXECUTE NOTES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH FOR TER SUM OF ONE HUNDRED THOUSAUD DOLLARS, AND PLEDGING ANTICIPATED REVBNUR OF TNS CITY OF PADUCAH FOR THE FIRST HADT OF 1917 TO PAY BALM, was given its passage upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns. Gardner. Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. Ade lei ed CM& MATOiT_ JANUARY 22d, 1967. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky. on January 22, 1917 upon call of the roll the following answered their names:. Burne, Gardner, Graves. L•arton and Washington. On motion of Lember Ugrton, the minutes of a regular meeting held on January 16, 1917 were adopted as road upon oull of the roll by the following votes 6 yeas. on motion of Member Graves. A RESOLUTION :,E3UE3TING THE SUPPORT OF HONORABLE OLLIE B. JAMBS AND 11011ORABLE ALBEN W. BARIG,& To EAiwESTLY USE THEIR BE3T ENLEAYORS IN SECURING THE LOCATION OF TIM GOYEIU&Mi^a ARMOR PLATE PLANT AT PADUCAH was given Its passage upon cell of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, .that the request of N. 0. Avert tt for a transfer of his saloon or coffee house license from 922 Findley St. to 1100 N. Tenth St. be granted, pursuant to the notice hereto attached- carried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Lember Marton, that the communication from J. 0. Utterbaok regard- �• f ing the sale of 4100,000. of revenue notes of the City of Paducah to the Federal Y Reserve Bunk of St. Louie, Mo. be received and filed- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, that, WHEIiEAs, the City of Paducah has an excellent ne chance to land the Armor Plate Plant of the Government, and WHEREAS, there will be I Mme, considerable expense incurred by the Board of Trade, that the amount of. 4600.00 be .appropriated to said Board of Trude for any legitirste expense that may be incurred towards bringing the above plant to the city, and that this Board go on record favoring any move made by the Board of Trade or any Committee that is now at work endeavoring to bring this plant to Paducah- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Member Quehington, thut the pay roll for the Street Dept. for the week ending Jars. 19, 1917, amounting to 4133.00. not covered by ordinance, be 'allowed - carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, that. WHEREAS, the Oom'r of Public Works advertised L for the scoeptanoe of the grading and graveling of Monroe at. for the 221 of January 1917, and WHEREAS, there were two protests filed against the acceptance of this work. and WHEREAS, there are some points in oonneation with the conditions of the contract, I hereby move that the Layer call a meeting of the Board of Gommissioners, together. with the City Solicitor, for the discussion and a decision of this matter- carried upon 0611 of the roll.by 6 yese. On motion of the Mayor, that rules be suspended as to sending out copies in "�� regard to a Resolution relieving Albert Arts of his services as Sewer Inspector and 6.4 p.+uGwr 1 appointing A. A. Oourieux in his stead- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.