HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 225, December 18, 1916. .I , ,r..t�.a �Ahf �M$`yi- „lrXY a•.l. r�S-$� iF `lTi-�"fK t +r: a -de htF :r .+e J-..+. -n - l �,'isE'1 t� I • r,�a L" i .. No. if Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Deo. 16 ....191 8 continued on motion of tiember Uarton, that the semi-monthly pa,y Toll, amounting top. ;. .I. 06021.24, be allowed, ne per report of Oom'r of Finance and Auditor hereto'ettsohed-. P✓.N came carried upon call of the roll by the following votes All yeas. ` •j 11 On motion of Uayor Burne, AN ORDIIA10E TO PREYEIIT JUIIK D&ILERS, SECUIDHAND' I 1. �y I DEZZRB, OR OTHER BUYERS OR DE,:LF.RS III THE CITY OF rADUO,,.H. 1011^a,UOIY, FROM BUYI110, 6.10 TRoDIIIO FUR, OR RECEIvn1G FROM i,NY MINOR; ZY StOWID-11411) FURNITURE,' COPPER, BRASS, .' i i IROU OR OTHER L=,iLLIO FISTURES OR SUBSTANOES. OR PARTS THEREOF; OR TO BUY, RECEIVE !i OR ACCEPT FROM.IUY UIIIOR, AUY 1RA33, COPPER, MOII'OR OTHER =4LLLIO SUBSTAUOES :UiAT-. ,. f SOEVER, was given its passage upon oall of the roll by the 'following votes 611 yeae. On motion of Member Washington, that the appliostion of.ulvia Caldwell . for refund of poll tai for this your be referred to Oom'r of Finanoe I City Solioitor ;t 11� .,and that the Com'r of Finnnoe be authorized to refund the 01.60 poll tax if some is found to be erroneously eoeaeeed against her- onrried upon pall of the roll by the i�.. 1 following votes All yeae. On motion of Uayor Burne, that the Com'r of Publio Works be'authorized to �� (u' (� - build a shed to s000mmodate the maohinery'and equipment of hie deportment, -the post { •- W �! thereof to be ohargod to his department- sumo onrried upon oull of the roll by the following vote; Yoas- 6. On motion the Board adjourned upon null of the roll by tho following votes .. All yeas. L4J j? Adealoi 8,191__ cg' ar.b 11E09MBER 18, 1916. , At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Chamber t' of the City Hall. Paducah, 1Zy. on Dec. 18, 1918, upon call of the roll the following v� 'R• answered their names Burns, Gardner, Craves, Marton and Washington- 6. on motion of Member Gardner, that.the minutest of the regular meeting of Dec. . a, j.,': il, 1916. the special massing of Doo -14, at twelve o'clock noon, the special meeting �lof Deo. 14, at 6;00 P. M..apd of a special meeting of Dec.16. at 11x00 A. M., be adopted as read- same carried upon call of the -roll by the following votes Yeae, Burne: Gardner. Graves. Marton and Washington- 6. On motion of the above,. -that the communication of the Com'r of Public Property ' `". •(;,,;w e'- regarding "The' water Works Ordinance" be received and filed, and that the City 8o11oitos'. y. p, eq, PP I be instructed to investigate and report on the legality of the amendment of Oat. 6,.: 3, , ` M1 �2►. d1J�al . I; e'•' mentioned in said oommuniostion- came carried upon call of the roll by the . following votes ' "6 yeas. t W G { On motion of .Member Marton. that the amount of $9.848.80 be allowed and oheoks 4 (1O issued to 0. W. Hatteriohn for. work done on Bway from.lst to 4th St., as per contract,; k. A13'1•eeme to be charged to the 8peoial Street Fund- in accordance with report of Oom'r.of ?inaaoe hereto attached.' name carried upon callof the roll by 6 yeae.. On motion of'the.above, that Mr. W. E.-Cilkerson is non-resident- be refunded $1.60 poll tax paid.to the City Treasures on tar bill #1888, oarried upon *all of the,'# . 4 roll' by 6 yeast. on motion of Member Washington, the pay roll for the street department for. the week ending Dec.'. 19. 1918, not covered by, ordinance, amounting to $168.86, was ',, C'allowed upon call of the roll by.6 ysdw.' .01 r I M =�- ; w ... . � • . c No.yti b Nl :�:J � • ' 1 . . 5 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Dec.. 18 i916� oontinusd_ on motion of Member Washington. A RESOLUTION TERMINATING THE SERVICES OF WYNN TULLY A9 TREASURER AND AUDITOR OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND APPOINTING T. T. NEELSY AS AUDITOR OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH was given its passage upon cell of.the roll by 6 yeas.' on motion by Member Gardner, that the.petition of restaurant keepers regarding the sale of or giving away of lunches in saloons be received and filed. and the matter' be.'referred to the City bolioitor for, report and recommendation,- carried upon call of . I�- the roll by 6.yeae. i On motion of Member Marton, that Mr. S. R. Payne.be refunded the amount of $6.10, . �, a;''P•-��.. F'' for erroneous assessment on house at 18th A Hampton Ave., which was destroyed by firs ` 'on _July .27, 1916, as per recommendation of the City Assessor- same carried upon oall of the roll by the .following vote: 6 yeas. r' on motion of the above, A RESOLUTION NAMING THE BOND TO BE EXECUTED BY THB j AUDITOR OF THE CITY OF PADUOAH FOR THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF HIS DUTIES was given its patoage upon Doll of the roll by the. following Yo tot 6 yeao. ; on motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ti b_191AI Pmc) 1 r ' DECEUBER 19, 1916. At a,speoial meeting'of the Board of Commissionere'held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah. $V.. on Deo. 19, 1916, upon Dell of the roll the following answered their names-. Burns. Marton and Washington- 8. On.motion of Mayor Burns, thaf the rules be suspended as to sending out -copies of a Resolution regarding the location of the contemplated armor plate plant: at Paduoah= same carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. + On motion of.Member Washington. A RESOLUTION INDORSING AND APPROVING the r .action of the Board of Trade in the steps -itis taking to direct attention to the advantage of constructing the proposed armor plate plant at Paducah and urging:ons ^PIL`� representatives and senators to do all in their poser to accomplish that and was, given rte passageupon cell of the roll by 8 yeas.. On motion of Member Marton, that the amount of $3,186.00 be allowed end j check issued to the Paducah Water Co. for rent of fire plugs from Sept. 30 to Dec. 1 81, 1916- carried upon call of the .roll by 3 yese. on motion the Board adjourned upon.oall of the roll by the following votes L Yeas. Burns. Marton and Washington- 8. DECEMBER 26. 1916. MAYUEL 1 .fly Cl.r► At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Chamber i of the City Hall. Paducah, Bentuoh; on Dec. 86;,1916. upon call of the roll the ibllow . f ; trig answered their names: .Burns,, Gardner. Graves and,Washington- 4. on motion by Mayor Burns, this being Chrlstmas Day, the Board adjourned'to r most again on Tuesday. Dec.*88, 1916. at ,eleven o'clock A. M.. on call of the roll ��. the following rote: 4 yeas. I r r * � s;