HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 221, December 11, 1916"t 16 . . . . . . . . . . . -2i V, - No. L. A Commissioner's Proceedings, CLQ of Paducah December lith At a regular meeting of the Bourd of Gommleeioners of the City of Paduoah.. hold In the Counoll Chamber of the City Hall. on Deo. 11, 1916i'upon oall:of the: roll the following answered their names: Burne. Gardner, Graves.' 11a'rton* and Washington- 5. On motion of Uember Larton, the minutes of a regular meeting 'held on Deo.- ..V 4th, 1916 at 1:30 P. 11. viere adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Youe, Burns, Gardner, Graves. Marton and Washington- B. ,I On motion of 11,ember Gardner. the minutes of a opeoial meeting held on Deo.:., 4th. at 4:30 P. L., were adopted as road upon oull of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Burns, Gardner. Graves. Uarton and Washington- 6. On motion of the above, the minutes of u speoial meeting hold on Deo. 5 .4_ wereadoptedas read upon oall of the roll •by the following vote: Yeas, Burns. Gardner, Graves, 11arton and Washington- 5. On motion of the above, the minutes of a opeoial meeting hold on Deo. 60 at 12:00 0alook M.,'werb.adopted as read upon oull of the roll by the following ... . . . . . . . . . . . vote: Yeue. Burns.. Gardner.. Graves, Lurton and Washington- 5. On,motion of Uayor turns, the minutes of a appoial meeting held on ])so@ .60 at four o'clock P.. At. ,Here adopted as read upon oall of the. roll by the f* a ollowing vote: Yeae..Burne Gardner, Graves, Marton and Vushirc.ton- 5. On motion of Lember Washington, that the Commiaoioner of Public Safety be Inetruated to immediately onforoo the lar; as7 .ainat all bawdy. houses in the 01 ty'o f .Paducah- some oariied upon oall of the roll by the following vote:. Yeas. Burns., Gardner., Graves. Lorton and Washington- 6. On motion of Llembor Gardner, that dead be exebuted and dolivored.to A. B. rj Hoy to Lot 22 in Blook 1. Oak Grove Cemetery. Treasurer' a reaelpt for .00 bei ng hereto attaohed- same ourried upon oull of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Burns, Gardner, Graves. Lorton and Washington- 6.. on motion of the above, that W. o. Berry. ex-Oity Solioltor- be and he is hereby releused from his band us auoh City Solioitor as of date Dao. 8.-1916. and �4 ... ....i. hie surety 'on ould bond be also hereby released from further liability thereon-* sums the by carried upon oull of roll the following vote:. Yeae. Burns, Gardner,' Graves. '1!arton and Washington- 3. On motion of the above, that the oommunioution from Mr. Joe Gardner,. regarding -the nuiounce.on his property at 0th and Adams street, be reoeived and ir filed, and that the mutter be referred to the ComIr of Publio Works for hie attention and remedy- same ourried upon oull of the roll by. the following vote: Yeas, Burns Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. On motion of Mayor Burns, that all punoh boards and alot muohines.be su�praeb�d* 4-1- after Jan. 1, 1917 and that the. Chief of, Polloe be Inatruated- to Five Immediate notios k. to all punch board und.elot machine operators of this nation -w 'Lember Gardner, by way of amendment to the above motion of Mayor Burns. m.w. _ that all Illegal slot muohinee and punch boards be removed Immediately- Said. motion 4 A'A as amended ourried, upon oull.of the. roll.by.the following vote; Youa, Burns, Gurdne Graves, Uurton and Vuahbigton- 5. A On motion of Lember. Washington. that the oommunioutio.n from'' the Chief of IV Polloe relative to young boys of juvenile age selling bruse, &a to junk dealers, be received and filed, and that the City Solicitor be instructed to bring.in oxi ordinanoei In uoIordanoe with the euggestions of the Chief of Polios if sums is found to be 1 some ourried upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Llirton and Washington- - •tv:,c�:t�..,. _ i �zwti, i._a:.e--.. i.,..-�..o ..%. :�- ..i,y...�, x +'. 1' '<^'... . rr- r•. d1 C:"� `� � ))T�.:�.._ �...... yL' _—. ..i., .....a.. 1.:.uta..;L«w'+...�s.e..,i:...'i.c...�� .. .. ...._._. ..._.. '_�.: .:..i.�ai.T NO. r Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah December 11th /9]A-oontinued. .r. On motion of Llember Lorton, that,.whereae, the amount of X625.66 has been paid �1NJ`iL into.,the City Treasury for.the reoonstruotion,of Broadway from let tov4th dtreet, that! 8� said.wount be turned over to. G. W. Katterjohn as per contract- and charged to the l.rYk o-M sa Special. Street Fund- same carried upon,oall,of the roll ,by.the following vote: Yeas, { Burne, Gardner, Graves, Llarton and Washington, 6. 1 t 0n motion of EembThoe.'T, {Lmeoleq and Geo. W. Katterjohn; of the Board of Supervieore; relative to .the ovor-assesement of Lryll i t 7r Mortgage and Property of Mr. Runge be received and filed: and concurred in, same carried .upon call of'the roll by the. following. vote:.. Ye.pe, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Liarton and! t Washington- 6. On motion of the above,,that Iii. J. B. Mille be refunded the amount-ot, U•_p erroneous assessment of 'poll. tax for the year of 1914,..1916 and 1916, to-wit: X4.60, fe I same carried upon call .of the roll by the following vote:'Yeae, Burne. Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. On motion of the above, that Mr. D. J..Armstrong. be refunded the amount of'i 0' 9Ed, which amount.was.erroneously assessed against a musical instrmment and paid by �-V l him- im some carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burne, Gardner, i Graves, Marton and Washington, 6. On 'motion of the above, that the License Ordinance be referred to the Mayo r.�_ City. Solicitor and the Commissioners as a whole, and that some be revised and placed on passage as soon as possible, to, take effect Jan. let, 1917- some serried upon call of 4 the roll by the. following vote: Yeae, Burne, Gardner, Graves, L•arton and Washington- 6•'' . On motion of the above, that all insurance policies and other policies of `,• the. City of. Paducah. be turned over to the 06m1r of Finance- Same to be placed in the vault of said.Com'r of Finance for sufo keeping, same carried upon oall of the roll byf r y the following vote:. Yeae, Burns, Gardner; Gravoo, Earton and Washington- 6. j On motion of Liembor Washington, that the pay roll for the Street Department t for.the viosk ending Dec. 10, 1916, not oovered,by ordinance, amounting to VA30 .96., a' be allowed as per attached statement= same carried upon coal of the roll by the following.' I ;vote:*.Youe, Burne,. Gardner, Graves, Llarton and Washington- 6. j (On motion of Mayor Burns, A. RESOLUTION EXUNDL•IG 10 11SSRS...BELiilliEIjl BROS.. .. f, OF LOUISVILLE THE 11E,uITAL^a THADNS OF ZiE. CIT.ILEVS OF Pi'm0im FUR' THE SPLENDID:IUNATION OF 1200. BUSHELS OF OOAL TO THE POOR OF THE CITY OF PADUOnH, was given its passage nponl call of the roll by the following.vote:_ Yoas, Burne, Gardner, Graves, Barton arid... i Washington- 6.. �a. On motion of the above, that the peddler's license and ordinance be referred! P a ' to the City Solicitor to define.the rights of /.. g peddlers around the market house end �.'. contiguous territory- same carried upon *call of.the roll by the following vote: Yeaee`.' r In d Burne. Gardner, Groves, Ilartori and Washington- 6. j `G On ,motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the.ro.11 by the following voter, Yeae, Burne, Gardner, Groves, Marton., and Washington- 6. Adepie K 5:;s;7.'r.,.�_::,.,y,( �,..'„"K..wCi�..:, ya+:w :4:.�.:tw•�r s •„a <,. ...�w, .w,..,It a.._ ,-.c._.<rasw•,a�y of 5...�S+iC - ..