HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 219, December 5, 1916„,_t_:.. �.�.u_,c _.. •sa:xiwa-tract+a,mw�s,.its-sencmf•,n'.arbcn.-•�v"'•r... _-.-.,r"....�.._..,, .r.. r...•..r. _.„..-. [rr•,,: ,r l'.r ..' i.,-,�i;r. ,d. .l ,i-• •�6f •+. . { Y,w /nr,• i'J"i t fie' wvufp�xr•r i n''(�� - ry `Yr•t+.atk yYh A'hjhiPN"lKr*5 r1Y'41r - d-' j..raj+t r. rt. .7,5•h. r w � ,yv a•,.,,, . . • �Y r1*F”. .'Y'' '',til: /-r.'w..�.r v�X!:rH.r:rt. .h(".Y.1,•.1, t I NL2 I Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah December 15th 11)1-1 At a celled meeting of the Board of OommiBeloaess held'in the Counoll Chamber of the Cit Hall Poduoah on Dec. 9 6 'n Y , , $9 , o. , 1 1 , pan call of the roll the 't II following answered their aemest Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Raebington- 0. !• d� On motion of Member Graves, that the rules be suspended as to sending out �ooplee of a Resolution terminating tho-eervioea of We A. Berry as City Solioitor.and ! appointing Jno. K. Handrioks in his stead and also of a Resolution terminating ' , t hs services of J. P. 8ltter as Market Muster and appointing Roy Hurt In hie stead, and �.a Resolution terminating the servioes of J. 0. Keebler as Supt. of the 'Light Plant and appointing Y!. H. Faroe in hie stead- same carried upon call of the roll by the •u "following vote:' Yeae, Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Vlashington- 6. uj On motion of *the above, A RE30LUTIOU TERUIUeTIAG THE SFRVICES OF W. A. BERRY ,- "•` As CITY SOLICITOR ZD ,PPOnITVO JOHD'K. HENDRICKS IH HIS STEaD, was given its ,�• 1 �! passage upon 0611 of the roll by the m llowing vote:. Yeae, Burne, Gardner, Graves, '! r" ,. r !Barton and Washington- Be In voting on the above motion Mayor Burne and rember Gardner stated that thw +' both gave Mr. Browni ng a" oomplimentury vote for City 9olioitor in the oauous, 'but would vote for the Resolution as presented. Mwmber Graves stated that he woe not. J hostile to Mr. Browning but voted for Mr. Hendrioks as a matter of preferenoe.. ” On motion of the above, A RESOLUTIOn TERMIRATIIIG THE SERVICES OF POLK RITTER AS M.t: MT MASTER OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND. APPOIIITIIIO ROY L. HURT TO FILL THE VACANCY OAUSED THEREBY, was given its passage upon oalI of the roll the following" vote: Yens, Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- Be Member Gardner '. stating that he favored the appointment of Mr. Ritter, the present Varket Master. On. motion of I:ambe,r Marton, A RESOLUTION RELIEVING J. 0. n1EBLER OF HIS s61. DU: IES AS 3UPE11IIITE11DEUT OF TIZ CITY LIGHT r1aJIT OF TIE CITY OF PuDUO;Ji, ARD APPOINT- r ING p. H. FORCE TO FILL THY V,XaICY OuUUED THEREBY, was given, Its passage upon "oaTl Y 1 II' © of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Burns, Graves, Marton d Washington- 4. Lay, Gurdner- 1. On motion of Mayor Burns, Mies Boike wua appointed temporary Clerk to take" ' • . •� "", - .. " �(y..-{t""''"� � the miautoa of thio roosting,. upon 0011 of the roll by the "following .vote: Yeue, . Burne, Gardner, Graves, Barton and Washington- Be " On motion of the above, a Resolution olothing the Assistant Ohain-gang Foremen the Market Master and Street Inspeotor with polios powers, requiring the usual bond p �f to be exeouted therefor. und. providing that the premium on the bond of.the Aseietent " .P't. e+ 'i ,• ". Chaingang Boas be paid by the Cityand oharged to the Street Department, was given dart' .t•^�+are.+��x^' 'I+Ito passage upon null of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Burns, Gardner, G,ruvos. Marton and 17ashington- 6. On motion. the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the following votet ' Yeas. Burne, Gardner., Graves, Morton and Washington- Be Adopted MAVOR: .. �_„� •< of ; L . y, .'r ' �. +��. '.�.:� ';� ;