HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 216, December 4, 1916No. .. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Denember let 191 6 oontinued Lioenee and'Weighte & Measures Inepeotor,,and appointing Tom Onto the position of Inspeotor of Weights, Measures and Balanoes, and Dog Catoher, inthe oity of Baduoah- was given its passage upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burne. Gardner, Graves, Y Marton and Washington= "6. On motion.by Member Graves, a'Resolution relieving E. Richard Miller of his 1 y o94A_AAurJ1u duties as Clerk of the City of "Paduoah, and appointing Harry Hendrloks to the.position of Olerk of the Oity of Paduoah and Lioenee. Inapeotor. was given : its passage upon aelll �� of the roll by the .following vote= Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 60 on motion by Member Marton; a Resolution relieving Samuel Simon his duties i u� of ae� ..City Jailer, and appointing, Fred Sweater to fill the vaoanoy oaueed thereby, was given= �(� y its paseage upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne', Gardner, Gravesj• Marton and Washington- B. CN " On motion by Member Gardner.a Resolution. re-appointing Prank Dunn as City Weigher of the City of Poduosh was given ite.pasesge upon oall of. the roll by the . =.following vote: Yeae. Burns, Gardner, Graves. Marton and Washington- 6. ' on motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the -following vote: Yeas.. '+ Burns.. Gardner'. Graves, Marton and Washington- 6.. VIE ' a: i DECEMBER 4th, 1916. A a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Counoil Chemberi ' of the City Hall, Paduosh, Ky., on Deoember,4, 1916, upon oall of the roll t#e following answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Graves; Barton and Washington'-6. On motion of Member Graves, the minutes of a regular meeting held on NOT. J were adopted as , read upon oall of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Burne; . Gardner, r Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. 2; On motion of Member Marton, .the minutes of a speoiel meeting'held.on Nov. 28. +. were.adopted as read upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne." Gardner, Groves, Marton and Washington- 6. On motion of Member Gra vas",'.the minutes of a speoial meeting held on Deo. .lot were adopted no .read upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burne. 6 Gardner, Graves, Marton end Washington 6. ;...: On motion of Member Marton, that the.Report.of the Com'r of Finance of the �a �s Gollsationa DIeburaementa during the month of 'November 1916 be reoeived, filed. A "& published, and aooepted- some oarrfed upon pall of:the ro11 by the following vote:. ,Yene, Burne,' Gardner, Graves, .kurton and Washington- .6.' On motion.of the above, .that the Report of the Com'r of Finanoe of.eoaounte due Deoember- let; 1916, .be reoeived, Sled and publisbed. and.warrents drown on 0.1io�ro -sew• Treasury for dame-..oarried upon oalI of the roll. by the following vote: Yeee, Buena, J ur 14a Gardner, Graves, Marton and .Washing. ton- 6. On motion of..the above. that the amount of 02474.22 be paid to_oontraotor 0. W. r. d Katterjohn for work done on Broadway from first. to. Fourth street, the remainder to bei is ALU.".4-p 7.� held up until.the required bond is made; no per oontraot- same ourried.upon oall of. f n'. .the roll by the following'votd: Yene, Burns,.oaidner, Graves, Merton and Washington-.5., On motion b the above that the National Sure Oo.. " Y. , Surety be released from the bonds of E:.Riahard Miller ad City Clerk;: Sam Abell; ns Lidense Ins eotoi and. from the bond .' i -I • 'lk-A1"'TL'�Onn?Y 4V1 t" rt Nt •Y""'r ti•1•t.'f1*MYAR."tiC'�%`'ilP:�!,±(,`•i'+'i' li: dti Tf'hyx+.�rtr�_-h'- .ht`. t./.,?5•r l�ifr'.'i r't.' .,''w�:.i'�. ' 1 _..._, Sy.«-t..�..� {. y_ "S'vt r' � � , R < t ,d,c� Yx•v Y. - : �, �. ... }t�� - � -•i« -^r � >'t.'� :-J°'w.'„�,. . 777 24, `)„r!'."t"t;.'�+'`•,.f ,�-ai, .}^,•v: :.sa..:q jana; �pf:e: J{r �.ryr.+.1.. No. 1.42 Commissioner's Proceedings, City.ofPaducafi Deeemiier atb /9)6_ continued RAAy('�oealI, 'etucQl of Som Simon as City Jailer- some, carried upon call of the roll by the following,vote:l' �► M1.�'a �” 4"� Yeae, Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Waahington- 6. On motion of Member Marton that the communication of Mr. R urge is rd to '. re � ,C...,,N✓ i regard the double assesement on mortgage and pmperty be referred to the Com'.r of Finance,, { Y1M .rJO��city Solicitor and Board of Supervisors- carried upon call of the roll by the follooilwing . � f vote: Yeue, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Llarton and Washington -.6. ' On motion of Member Gnrdnar, that the aommunloation of the Oom'r of Public ;, �. f•1' Property re®urding the light rates in the City of Paducah ae compared with those of i i✓, 0, other other cities be received and filed- anus ourried upon call of the roll by the ibllowing tvote: Yens. Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton end Washington- 6. j L On motion of Member Graves, that the motion of Liember Washington be amended by, adding thereto the following: That acid Motion be referred to the Board of Commis- i sioners as a Committee of the whole, with Instructions that the Mayor immediately 1 correspond with competent persona and experts on electricity and investigate the salary required and the necessary time that will probably be consumed in determining the �• cost and other expenses of same- enure carried upon call of the roll by the =` following vote: Yeas. Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. i On motion of Member Washington, that the Board of Commissioners immediately employ a competent electrical engineer to look over the situation In Paducah and, give { � . •� Ius figures and facts upon which we can cot intelligently towards getting reduced at Ad ., y '{ e]eotrloul rates for the City of Pnduaoh= same curried upon null of the roll by the '}.�, I Sl following Burns, Y vote: Yens ; Bordner, Graves, Mart&n and Washington- 6, �-� On motion of the that the Com'r Finance be instructed to Ieaue above, of ' improvement warrant to Prosser & HallidLW for 53477.07 on contract to oonstruot jJ► JWsidewalks &G Sixth Wushington to Tennessee ; on street- street- us per attached •, f'' statement; same carried upon oull of the roll by'the following vote: Yeae, Burns, { . '•„ 111 Gardner, Graves, Horton and Washington- 6. On. motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finance be instructed to issue Improve-� ,C 1i Jio-Ft went Warrant to Proseer & Halliday for #040.N, amount of work done during the month of 11ovember 1916 on contract to construct siddwalks &o on Fourth street from Monroe eels ,k "tr to Clay street, as per attached statement- some carried upon Gull of the roll by, the `;t F following vote: Yeas; Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finance be instruo,ted to Issue to ,i• "Y Prosser & Halliday Improvement Warrant for work done on oontruot - Second to 1;1nth. Washington to. Monroe street- for the month of Ilovember 1918 for y^6601.94, ae.per VAX Ii attached statement- same carried upon Gull of the roll by the ibllowing,vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finance be instructed to issue to Prosser &HullidEW Improvement wurrmt 1br 4277.47 on contract to oonetruot sidewalks .FnewlaP �!x th. &o on Clay street- 17th to 19th street- us per attached statement, some oarrled upon call ofthe roll by the following vote: Yeua, Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. h on motion of the above, that the pay roll for the street department for the week i 1'a P ending Dec. 3, 1916, not covered by ordinance, amounting to $181.66, be allowed, as=. carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Burne, Gardner, Graves, ,`i 1! Marton and Washington- 6. No.i�L Dooember 4th 6 oontinued. ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ �= On motion of Mayor Burne, that the commun%oation of D. E. Wilson relative " to the removal of telephone poles from Broadway be reoeived and filed and referred to? 6•-u�'��Qi�' the Board of. Commissioners as a whole- same carried upon pall of the roll by the j. poi) J1 following vote:. .Yeae, Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Waehinjrton. 6. + . On motion of Member Gardner, that the oommunication of the Charity organization' i Sooioty be r000ived and filed and oonourred in, 'and their oontraot with Capt. Fisher I C. 0 i` as to lodging and meals of indigent persons be ratified and meals and lodging be ` ! i } Co. furnished on orders of the Magor and Polios Department- same carried upon oall.of N the roll by-the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Groves, Marton & Washington- 6. ° q On motion of Member Gravee,, that Capt. Fisher of the.Salvation Relief ;. l Mission, be allowed 10.00 for fees for lodging and n000mmodations to $ e ng poor persons' for the months of Ootober and November, 1916- same oatried upon oall of the roll by �. *+v0•4r �`'"` the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton.& Y;uehington-'6. I { On. motion the Board adjourned,upon oall of the roll by the following voter _,`•,;'• Yeae. Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton & Washington- S. DECEIMER 4th. '1916. Ade` At a epeoial meeting held on' Doo. 4th. 1916. at four-thirty F. U., in the t Oounoil.0hamber of the City Hall, Poduonh, upon oall of the roll the following l answered their name: Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. ! On motion by Member Graves, that,the rules be.sueponded as to sending out .. 4 t copies of a Reeolution terminating the servioee of 'hes .Flowers as Street Inspeotor. and ,appointing Fred Mooney in his stead, and in regard to a Resolution terminating the 0.F r servioes of Dr. Ed Farley as Meat & Milk Inepeotor and appointing Dr. Warner in hie stead. same oarried upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Burno,.Gardae:r. •droves,. Marton mid Washington, 6. n ` On motion of the above,.A RESOLUTION TERMINATING THE SERVICES OF. WES I.. rafl�pu- FLOWERS AS STREET 0SPEOTOR OF THE CITY OF.PADUOAH, AND APPOINTING FRED MOONEY TO u •�,(�,�;,�xu. FILL THE vsaeNOY CAUSED THEREBY- wee given ite.paseage upon oall of the roll by the , '. F•.;•following vote: Yeea, Burne, Gardner, Graves and Marton- 4. Nay, Washington- 1._, I On, motion of Mayor Burne'.. A RESOLUTIOtI TERMINATING. THE SERVICES OF DR. ; EDWIN P. FARLEY 69 MEAT AND MILK INSPECTOR OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND APPOINTING DR.-' t, .•0.,G. WARMER m HIS STEAD- was passage aper call of the roll by the. following . j d given rte ase ts' vote: . Yoga, Burne. Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. i l 'p7 On motion of Member Marton, that the matter of the duties to be performed'' by .the .City-Soavenger be referredto. the Mayor; same oarried upon pall of the roll by; 1 '6. the following vote:' Yeas. Burne, .Gardner. Graves, ,uarton and Washington- 6. On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the following vots:II ,i lYv0.o�-�•'�'. .K' Yoga, Burne, Gardner. Graves, Morton. and Washington 6. sivpled �,� > •� - • • aha ew.� • ' r I .W' (fiiFLF�,'nt:34 wY:i+':!•:i7•la.c,USr�cSii�:'aAtd=% rM.+. ♦ rw..-.rw ...., w .Na.F/.uru :,aJw-.'s. .