HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 213, November 27, 19161 ".M-: �:2,y171'RMCl,IMIwr1..r 4f � t -4t n•Yn�,.r)•, t'1i .'V1 ,✓.r: t•"`�. �n y � e+ �s �`.9f +4 �I JNL"1 ,•crsizaasx�^mrvc--nrr�•.-���aowd`r'�fi'^�T 3 SRti4l. ia• 4Y ,+ �A'.r 5. ?`t i 9 `�r � �'S� i ��' t' r +•. �t'� Yy ?'�I f"r?J:•w'�•'w4 nA )pkv. •?�`WY VyyJa.'+!v4 �. !R _� f7 ^j -T a+{% r• -•e pfKi•., rl r'•M1. Commissioner's.Proceddings, Oily ofPadrncahNovember E7t>; ` 19.E t, At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oou nail ! Chamber of the City. Hall, Paducah,'. Kentucky, on Uov.. E7. 1916, upon Bull of the I' roll the following answered their no e: Burne, Gardner,. Graves, Marton and I Geahington .8. { i V On motion by L'ember Graves, the minutee of a regular meeting held on Uov. 20th 1916 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by the ibllowing votes Yoga, Hums', , I, { Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. i4 On motion by the above, the minutes of a special meeting held on Nov. Elet, r.. 1916, at nine -thirty A. M., were adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following 't vote: Yeae, Burne, Gardner. Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. On motion by the above, the.minutae of a speofal meeting held on Uov. gist. 1916, at four -thirty P. M., ware adopted as read upon call of the roll by the follow. Ing voter Yoae,.Burns, Gardner. Craves, ilurton and Washington- 6. t . On motion by the above, the minutes of a i' _ special meeting held on NovlhnDes EEA. .. 1916 were adopted Be read upon null of the roll by the following votes. Yeoa, Burris,' Gardner,' Oravee, Marton and Washington. 6. On motion by Member Gardner, that deed be, granted to Mrs. -I. K. MBOuire (nee �- +j Garr) to Lot 28 in Block one, Oak Grove Cemetery, trounurer's reoelpt for 930.00 being ey hereto attaohed. .same oarried upon call of the roll by the fbllowing vote: Yeas, • ' Burns, Gardner, Craves, Marton and Washington. 8. On motion by Mayor Burne, that the Uationnl Surety Go. be re le need as surety from the Donde of J. W. Eaker; e:-ohief of Police, and pleas Blylle,.e:-City 8oavenges, `� £ox"'� �• name oarried upon call of the. roll b Y the follows {ong . vote c Yeae, Burne, Onrdner, (Ij Oravee, Marton.and Washington. B.. j'•. !: On motion by Membor. Ourdner, the report of the Oommiaeloner of public Property �M 'tregarding the installation of machinery in the City Light Plant, was resolved end ! filed upon call of the roll by the following votes Yens, Burne, Oardner, Craves, a h Marton and Washington- 6. il On motion by Member Marton. that the Com'r of Finance be instructed to make an Jvwo.-offer of 961V.for the $600. Market House bond due 'Aug.ug, let, 1934;, held by the U. a. ' Trust Co. of. Louisville, KY- Bane carried upon call of the roll by the following voter. S, h Yana, Burns, Gardner. Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. On motion by the above. that E. 0. Long be refunded 92.40, erroneous naaosam at on hoses and wagon for 1916- same oarried upon call of the roll by the .following vote u ;i Yeas. Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. ' On motion•.by Lember Wuahington, that the pay roll of the Street Department for Il the week ending Nov. E6, 1916, amounting to $136.66, not covered by ordinance -as per ' t attached statement- be allowed, same carried upon cell of the roll by the following ;,';` •;' Q..vote. Yeae,. Burne, Gardner, Graves, L'erton and Wushington- 6.. , ?t • law.(.a� a'Iv �i . . ' On motion by the above. that the Culvert constructed by Geo. E. n T. 0. Allen,. near 18th street, between broodway and Jefferson streete, be resolved Be per reoommen- F' 0 v U '`dations of the Com!r. of Public Works hereto attached, and that the Com'r of Finance be jinetruoted to pay to said Contraotore the same as Stipulated in oontraot between them hand the City of Paducah, dated April 10, 1916, in the mannas therein provided, and - ":, e charge same: to the Contingent fund- eam carried upon call of the roll by the following: ''t+?` !@@ vote: Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Graves,' Marton and Washington- 6. 999 (9rd;.,av�av q 444 On motion by yhe above, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDIUANCE NUMBER FIPTY-ONE (61)•{; �OF THE CITY GF P6DUC:.H, KEJiUCKY, MITI' "AII ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT THE SEVER 1 t. : Bi,.►vu w 54Il SPEOTOR AND STREET INSPECTOR OF ME CITY OF PADU:AH "Y EUPLOY SUCH HELP AS. MAY B8 !7 Mir 77 No. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah NOT. 29th 1916 continued: 'r REASONABLY NEOESSARY TO CARRY ON THEIR WORK, IN THEIR RESPECTIVE DEPARTUENTS, NOT.OTIIEB- ' l WISE PROVIDED FOR AND NAMED .BY ORDINANCE. OR RE90LUTIO14.6F THE CITY OF PADUCAH'.PASSEDI t BY THE BOARD OF 001MISSIONERS JANUARY 24,.1916, AND RECORDED JANUARY 24, 1916,wae given t' its paceage upon call of the roll by the: following vote: Yeas,' Burne, Gardner, Graves. t Marton and Wanhington- 6. 7... Onmotion, by Member Graves, AN ORDINn110E REPEALING CRDINANCE NULBER .THIRTY- l!1"Oww0.�+-tit/ TWO (32) OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, ENTITLED "Ax ORDIN.00Z PROVIDING FOR THE #� APPOINTMENT OF AN INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS, MEASURES AND BALANOES IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND DEFINING HIS DUTIES AND SALARY", PASSED BY ME, BOARD, OF COINISSIONERS. JUNE 21, 1916, AND :RECORDED JU11E 22.. 1916, was given its _paeeage uppn oal1 of the roll � t by the following votes. Yeas, Burne; Gardner, Graves, Marton : and Washington- 6. On motion by the above, AN ORDI14ABOE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF AN OFFICER TO BE KNOXi AS INSPECTOR OF GEIGHTS, MEASURES AND BALANCES, AND DOG CATCHER. � C W t IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, AND. DEFINING HIS DUTIES AND SALARY, was given its t Cj paeenge upon call 'of the roll by the fo 1lowing vote: Yeas. ane Gardner, Graves, j i C dJA-*J. Morton and Woehington- 6. On motion by the above, AN. ORDINANCE REPEALING SUB -SECTION. TWO (2) OF SECTION cl a f TWO (2) OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTlmtT OR i 7. RETENTION. BY 171E BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY. OF PAIUCAH, OF CERTAIN CITY 4x. Y C OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH,'FEISUCKY, AND FIXING. THEM f L ' SALARIES,. POWERS A14D: DUTIES," PASSED. BY THE BOARD OF. COLIIISSIOIIERS JANUARY 3. 1916. AND RECORDED JANUARY 3, 1916, was given its passage upon call of the roll by the 1bIlowing vote: Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Groves, Marton. and Washington- 6. On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE REPEALIIIG SUB -SECTION V OF SECTION TWO r 0 T a .,,.' (2) OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OR RETENTION.' l!a n BY.THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY. OF PADUCAH, OF CERTAI11 CITY OFFICERS, AGENTS ' AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PAD•JCAH, KENTUCKY, AND FIXING THEIR. SALARIES. P(AER9 AND DUTIES", PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COL:LISSIO:JERS JANUARY 3.' 1916, AND RECORDED JANUARY 3. I i 1916, AND CREATING THE OFFICE OF CLERK OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND LICENSE INSPECTOR. k AND FIXING HIS SALARY AND DUTIES. was given its passage upon call of the roll by the following vote-. Yens, Burne, Gardner. Graves, llarton and Washington- 6. 1 . On motion' by Member Marton, that the bill of the County of McCracken, L; tt` amounting to �600:98, for taking care. of the Juvenile department, be allowed and Lhe �• ,. . r. Com'r of Finance be direbted to pay same- and that come be charged to the fond got (( 1 t apart for that purpose, derived from the } of one per cent levy, as far as it will pay ' ='? same= and the balance to be charged to the. Contingent fund- same carried upon call Vii'•+ . �- "+.- of the roll by the 'following vote: ..Yeas, Burne. Gardner, Graves, Marton and Ob motion of Member Washington. .that the .New.England Equitable ,Ins. Co. be , released as Surety on the bonds of J. W: Fowler, ei-patrolman, and Dr. Von J. Davie.• r former Aeet. City'Phyeioinn, from and after the date of their dismissal from services ���j. �\e.vQ+N ' some oarried upon'call of the roll by the lbllovdng vote: Yeas; Burne, Gardner. Gravee,;.:. " Marton. and .Washington -.6. On motion the Board adjourned,. upon call of the roll by the ibllowing vctet r d Ysee, Burne; Gardner,. Graves,' Marton and Washington- 6. r Adopted. 19ALi ATA A, ,�..t. - .. f + ,.-.. ,;wr3.dcc:• �E: tie:,w a;�. .i,isu:r,Lv, C:- �:..�w'L n i - Jti1. :<• :u - sa.+ .. cw:..- s -•