HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 211, November 21, 1916`..^'.X:SN. �".;._ ixA'+':E�H�+'7'4�1-;.•Y-'.r,',� `itr - .s'g'..:��Gt *- 5�,yi ;.ir .. l � �1a'c ts<t3`-$�"'' t;y+..x- (•x•�' 't � wq y«•,:.� .r-�i1`�" w- f'•,. ,. r - . a ..�, , .. •.. ... .._��.��yc+rc5�,^•'•...,..�.:qyy�.,.;a?:q.+;.a•.:.`{'7,••�..,.v-JT.:4.,.r�.; t I. No.2/I Commissioner's Proceedings, City -of Paducah HnyAmber EO 191-Loontinued On motion by Member Washington. AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF TV=Y-FOURTH STREET BETUEEN BROADWAY AND JEFFERSON STREET,. IN THE 1 CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY. THE SUM OF SIVY-SEVEN (6Tg) CENTS PER FRONT FOOT, wase x ,given its passage upon call oi.the roll by the following voLet Yens, Burne, Gardner, Graves. Marton and Washington -6. On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH. SIDES OF THE ALLEY BETWEEU SIXTH AND SEVENTH STREETS AND MOUROE AND MADISON STREETS, I Q,LPsy (paL IN THE CITY OF PADUOAH, KENTUCKY, THE SUM OF TV-711TY-FIVE (EBV) CENTS PER FRONT'FOOT, i jM!t`•''E' was given its passage upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves.. Marton and Washington -6. On motion by the above,that the pay roll for the street department for the week ending November 19, 1916, amounting to $122.66, not covered by ordinance, be 1 allowed- same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Burma,: Gardner. Graves, Marton and Washington .6. On motion by Member Gardner, that the petition of property owners to have a i f �� h street light installed at Fifth and Elizabeth streets be received and filed, and that '} the Superintendent of the Light Plant be instructed to have Owns installed some carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington -6. On motion by Member Graves, that the fine of two dollars assessed againbt. C E &&. ~cddi 0. E. Ellenwood in the Polios Court for violation of traflo . ordinance be refunded rto him, no requested by the Pollee Judge- same carried upon call of the roll by the folldwing vote: Yeas; Burns, Gardner, Gragea, Marton and Washington, 6. y � . 0 On motion of Member Plaahington, that the Com'r of Finance be authorized to pay to Harry Rose �60.E6, the amount chargeable to the City for grading and graveling 24th street from Broadway to Jefferson street, as per statement on estimate- some to . be charged to the contingent fund- carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, aurae. Gardner, Craves, Marton and Washington. 6. On motion the Board adjourned, upon cell of the roll by the following vote:. p Yeas, Burns. Gardaer,.Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. NOVEMBER El. 1916L. At a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held In.the Council Chamber of the Oity.Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on November Blot, 1916, at nine -thirty . o'clock O. It upon call of, the roll the following answered their namset Burns, Gardner, Graves. Marton and Washington- 6. � � " p On motion, by Member Graves. that the rules be suspended as to sending out • N copies of a Resolution appointing 4 /wstr , P certain members of the ,Fire Department, and also.. of a Resolution appointing certain members of the Police Department, same oarried �•' • , upon call of the roll by the following votet Yeas, Burns,. Gardner, Craves, Marton 61.' '''• !.:Washington. 6. i on motion by -the above a Resolution appointing certain persons as members of the Fire Department, at the several stations Indicating their positions therein,. p r nB P" was given its passage upon call of the roll by the following votet Yeas, Burns, :I. Gardner, Graves,- Marton and Washington. 6. y i on motion by the above, a Resolution appointing certain members of the Polios CUn� Department was given Ito passage -upon call of the roll by the following votet Yeaa, . �t �''•' Burns, Graves, Marton- 3. nay,:oardner and Washington, 2,f```' - au�p� j .. .: .., ,mac tz.=:�'�t:s�r:x�r.,rs�c• +s�K•a�_��+r��% ;.' No. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah November 21 191-Loontinued. E On motion by Member GARDNER, that the communication from Merbbere Gardner b' I °1 F Washington, which Is as follower " In explanation of the vote of Members Gardner and Washington regarding the appointment of L. A. Graham �• as Chief of the, Polios Department, Henry Hailey as ' .. Day Captain and Will H. Poore ae,Night OapLain, said members wish to state that they have no objeotlone � ,Q,�:.; 1 a��/;; 1" I.• - to the appointment of Mr. Hailey and Mr. Poore, as reoommended by Oom'r Graves ". . �� •-' ;.be reoeived, filed and entered into the minutes- same carried upon call of the roll by, i;, 1.... , •' VJ j the. following vote: Yeas. Barns; Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington, 6. Y• ' . r On motion the Board adjourned. upon call of the roll by the following vote: I .' Yeas, Hurn, Gardner, Graves, Marten. and Washington- 6. 4 t` ;,.�'`; .•' �`` ,� Aieplai � y-,!i�'?' �-,';---.:, I' " .. .—__� Cly.C>•Y ei November 21. 1916. i b At a epeoial meeting.of the Board of Commissioners, he1Q in the Gounoil >_ r 4` Chamber of the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, on November 21. 1916. at four -thirty o'clock P. M., 'upon call of roll the following 'answered their names: Burne. .the :•-:s?:-, Gardner. Groves, Marton and Washington,.. 6. On motion by Member Graves, that rules be suspended as to sending out j copies of a certain Resolution relieving the present. City Scavenger, Place Wylie, of. '"---- 00 fo-ear further duties, and appointing Lee Bell .in his atsad. as City Soavenger � Oolleotor ,4 of Dead Animals, same parried upon cell of the. roll by the following vote: Yeas; Burne, Gardner, Graves, Barton end. Washington -6.IaLx 5 o. y On motion by Magor Barns. a,RESOLUTION.relie.ving the present. City. . 3' '. u nn Soovenger. and Collector of Dead Animale;.Pleae Wylie, from further duties. and appointing : S.Lee Bell to fill the vaonnoy caused thereby, was given its passage upon call of the t. k 1 r roll bq the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Graves. Marton and Washington- 6. On motion the Board.adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following 'i voter Yeas, Burne, Gardner. Graves, Marton & Washington- 6. Aieplai ( ]i.'-,�'..._._`,, TI 191 qq 444V November 22: 1916. awk " At 'a called meeting of the Board of Hommissioners, held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, November 22. 1916,.upon call of the roll the'following answered . i their names: Burne. Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington -6. On motion by Member Gravee,.that the rules be euspended ae to sending out 0 ooples.of a Resolution relieving Dr. Van. J. Davie of his dutiee.ea Assistant City' i f Physician, and appointing Dr. W. H. Nelson in hie stead -.same carried upon cell' of . " ;• the roll by the., following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner., Graves, Marton and Washington-' 6. ` # On motion by Mayor Burns, a.Besolution relieving Dr. Van J. Davie of hie duties. J 2u► ;�; se Assistant City-Physioian, and appointing Dr: W. H. Deleon to fill the position of {. . Q, W, A._KdA---'AQoIetant City Php'sioian made vacant by the removal of Dr. Davis-' some was, given ate paeeege upon Dell of .the roll by the following votes Yeas,'eurns. Gardner.Graves. tU°'"•q., �° �: A.?. . . Marton & Washington- 6 nB . 1' - On motion the Board adjourned,'npoa call of the roll by the followSng foto: _ 1 Yeas. B ro, Gardner, Graves. Marton & Washington -gam Adeplei Al2191 `P.,O c..P�eici ,raw - d ly C. •...+le: • ;5.7,k i,1:•a.:.'��:k+}.4:.::�s�tru'G�ci:4 y i a:.Nai-:..wri... :.t. r, e.:..... ,.I.L.•.w':a.;+. :r.-ra•..,: ::-:rr'.:r=. i _ +-, .. �' r Y r.I