HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 210, November 20, 1916f...........'•'t -.rR'f - L. •2F• •I� -;3. _ -iw'':, .,�t- -.y^?} .'Y iL"• ...,h..• q." No.1tL� Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah November 17 1916 . At a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Council I �I I' Chamber of -the City Hall, Paducah, Ky.,on Nov. 17. 1916, upon call of the roll the . following answered their names:' Burns, Gardner. Marton. and Washington -d. i Whit On motion by.Member Gardner, that the report of .L. A. Washington, Com'r of Public Works, regarding the construction work on Broadway from' First to Fourth V street, be received and filed, and the work be accepted- . same carried upon onll.of • the roll by the following vote: Yeas,. Burne., Gardner, Marton and Washington -4. On.motion by Member Washington, AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY' ON BOTH SIDES, OF BROADWAY FROM FIRST TO FOURTH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PAAICAH, KY., THE w 8UM 0F.P.6440E8 PER FRONT FOOT FOR THE RSCONSTRUOTION OF SAID STREET BY PAVING WITHI 'CREOSOTE WOOD BLOCKS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSESSMENTS MAY BE PAID IN TEN EQUAL i IHSTALLI!ENTS, BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS- was given its passage y upon oall of the roll by,the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Gardner. Marton and Washington -4. J Z, � On motion b the above that the Commissioner.of Finance be authorised .to Y pay to G. W..Katterjohn the amount of. the city estimate. for the reconstruction of : W' Broadway from First to Fourth street- the same to be oharged to the contingent find- -some carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.. Burns, Gardner; i Marton end.Washington -4: • on motion by the above..that any Commissioner late fbr any called or regular d� % meeting unless he can give a.satisfaotory excuse to the Board of. Commiseionere be fined one dollar for each offenee-.same amount to be paid to the Com'r of Finance and that he be authorized to pay eowe to .the 0. O. S. organization- some lost upon call of the roll ,by the following votes Yeas, Bums and Washington- 8. Noy: Marton b Gardner. E.. `' }i:.• r ' . On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes t Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Marton and Washington •4. �. A 1 iii 9AF 'd cu, cwt 11IAYUEi I - HOVEMBER EO, 1916. ! At a regular meeting of the Boardof Commieeloners held in the Council Chamber .I • j, of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on NovemberBO, 1916, upon cell .of the .roll the ' following answered the Ir. names: Burne. Gardner, Graves. Marton and Washington ` On motion of Member Marton, the minutes of a regular meeting held on Nov. 13, 1916 ' were adopted as read.upon call of the roll by.the following votes Yeas. Barne, Gardner* Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. On motion by. the above, the minutes of a special meeting held on November 16. • ' I 1916 were adopted as read, upon call of the. roll'by.the.following vote:: Yese, Burne... Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington -5. j. ' on motion by the above, the minutes of a opboial'mebting held on..Uov."17. 1916. : J =., ;.: were. adopted as road, upon call of the roll by the following vote:.' -Yeas. Burne.. i j •'' " .Gardner, Groves; Marton..and Washington -6. w"I On. motion by Mr' ember Gardner, that the report of the Com'of Public Works, L. A. -- �a �+�",,"11^. ,• Washington. and the estimatee for.the improvement of 84th street between Broadwnp and;. Jefferson, and the reconstruction of an alley lying between Monroe and Madison attests ` and Sixth and Seventh'etreete, be received and filed and the work accepted- same { carried' upon call of the.roll by the following vote:* Ysae. Burns, Gardner. Graves. l' V 4 Marton '®d ,Washington -b. ; ` 4w ` i • ..,_�::•t�.c .�e�za�.s^'-:,�;t-� saan^3x2"• :aishsare,-H..rnz'•T'�, ,;:'an�-,t* -�r.,v �"' �,. , . a� r f.�: y^-�'�, re. i t ... � ,h1a^rt--•x -{sem•+,, f"'� � � � y`� a�,p '�'... y1'y"' ' .x: -.- � ,:t {.-( :. � Y_. .3 ., . .. .. ''.��Kf�,, ,R. i ra.Y+�';.:..y.�i„d',,o'=!t"�/"-6.;�,'-Ury?•:p.,Y.v,r t '. f a No..Z E , Commissioner's Proceedings, City. of Paducah November PO 191-i-oontinued On motion by Member Washington, AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY I ON BOTH SIDES 08 TWE TY-POURTH STREET BETGEEN BROADWAY AND JEFFERSON STREET, . IN THE i a § C CITY OP PA.DUCAH. UMUCKY, THE SUIT 08 SI�`iY-SEVEN (67¢) CENTS PER FRONT FOOT, wag �I .0 4X given its passage upon call of -the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves,Marton and Washington -6. I' On motion by the above. AN ORDINANOE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH, SIDES OF THE ALLEY BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH STREETS AND MONROE AND MADISON STREETS. (poi i IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, THE SUM OF TP.$11TY-FIVE (EB CENTS PER N _ ¢) FRO T FOOT, . '� 9na•'^'tf�"��� was given its passage upon call of the roll by the following votes Use, Burns, i '. Gardner. Graves..Marton and Washington -6. .� On motion by the above,.that the pay roll for the street department for the ! q week ending November 19, 1916, amounting to ;122.66, not covered by ordinance, be r allowed- some carried upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns.: M^�r (Gardner, Graves, Marton end Washington -6. On motion by Member Gardner, that the petition of property owners to have a s' t street light installed at Fifth and Elisabeth streets be received and illed. and that the iuperintendent of the Light Plant be instructed to have awe installed some +' carried upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Graves, . Marton and Washington -6. on motion by Member Graves, that the fine of two dollars assessed againbt. Ca�waecsGj C. E. Ellenwood in the Police Court for violation of trafio ordinance be refunded ' r to him, as requested by the Police Judge- same carried upon call of the roll by the folldwing vote: Yeae; Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington, 6. On motion of Member Washington, that the Com'r of Finance be authorized to i _/ pay to Harry Rose X60.26 the amount ohargoable to the City for grads ' .Niitn�_�is.✓ �, ng and graveling C 3c.s. 241sh. street from Broadway to Jefferson street, as per statement on estimate- same to . be charged to the contingent fund- "carried upon call of the roll b the following p Y ng votes Yoga, nurns. Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington, 6. �i On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following votes.. ti + " Yeas. burns. Oardner.,Gravea. Marton and Washington. 6. Adispled NOVEMBER. 21. 1916. y ( AL a special meeting of the Board of Commleeioners, held in. the Council Chamber of the City.Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on November 21st, 1916, at nine-thirty i o'clock o. It., upon call of, the roll the following answered their namess' Burns, Gardner, Graves. Marton and Washington- 6. "r On suotion.by Member Graves, that the rules be suspended as to sending out copies of a Resolution appointing p , { y 1 ./rw4�r p pp ng certain members of the ,81re Do artment and also.. �- Of a Resolution appointing certain members of the Police Department, same carried 1' upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yeae, Hume,. Gardner, Graves, Marton 8 Washington- 6. .` . i a[. On motion by.the above, a Resolution appointing certain persons as members o! ;± Y;4AA, the 81re Deportment, at the several stetsons; indicating their positions therein,.' f.. i was given its passage upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, burns, Gardner. Oravee.' Mastoq and Washington. 6. , r p on motion by the above, a Resolution appointing certain members of the Polios 194. Department was given its passage -upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, i: , ,i;,:.:•.. Burns, Graves, Marton- 3. nay,.Gardner and Washington, . 4 4 i