HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 198, October 9, 1916' Y , ; .. , .,orf-\�J�.�...—•_- • �n .. ' ' T .. .. - . - '� - . :,-'i',�?ar ;. Ft ,.[,-_y "�,- `;S ..,"T7{`.'�: �i."I�iiL:a ;.. •h s� tt" �, :,�'`q:; }+i�1iiX w; a•i'y�j�aNe•.njv4»'t`t1,Ny.�..xt •c',yli,'�as�i1"�'i "moi }tR7^e�Y� r ,a .<;. S - �.__�..: �� _ :.`_._ __ . "_ • ..:. _._:..._,�.,. ... �...:__.�...�.._�._.: ; , _qtr _l.� 0. s}' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah October 9th 191sa_ ; 2 At a regular meeting of the Board of.Commissionere held in the Council •� Chamber of the City Hall,:Paduoah, Ky.,.on Monday, October. 9th, 1916, upon call 'of the.roll the following answered their names: Lackey; Clay, Wallace and Washington a " On"motion by Member Clay, that the minutes of the regular meeting held on Ootobor 2d be adopted ae.read, sone oarried upon call of. the roll by the following ;vote: Yeas, Lackey, Clay, Wallace and Washington -4. On motion by the above. 'that the oommnnioation of Hummel Bros., regarding �. the license of. certain surety oompnnlee not having been paid, be turned over to the � f, License Inopeotor for. investigation- came carried upon call of"the roll by the. following vote: Yeas Lacks Clay. -; 1 n?6 Y. y. WallaceWalleoe end Washington -4. l . On motion by the above, that the action of the`Com'r of Safety in replacingi John Wilkerson at no. Four fire station with A: N. "1toKlnnay, be ratified- "same lup'F"" 1 t carried upon" call of the roll. by the following vote":" Yeae, Lackey. Clay, Wallace �' "F y.and Washington- 4: x On motion by Member Washington, that the. ay roll for the street . department P for the week ending,0otober 0th, amounting to $133.36, not covered by ordinance, be e. allowed- same carried upon.call of the toll by the follow I" Ing voter Yeae, Lackey, j. ;i. Clay, Wallace and Washington -4. . On motion by the above, that the Com'r of Mama be instruoted"to ideas •_.. Av&,w*_r4 ' Improvement warrant in favor of G.. W. Kotterjohn for $5,464.83, for work done on zs' " Broadway from First to Fourth Street, for approzinrete work done during the month of 7 Y' it W,J�.Q.,•.:. ., " . V V 9ept"ember 1916, in accordance with -the attaohed.etatement of the Com'r.of Public ! �•; Works- same carried upon call of the. roll by the following vote: Yeae, Lackey.. Clay ..' Wallace and Washington -4. On motion by -the .above, that the the Com'r of 'Finanoe be instructed to issue' Improvement 'Warrant in favor of Prosser & llalliday for :work done during the month of September 1916 on sidewalk construction on contract oovering territory bounded by ir Second. to Ninth street, Washington 'and Monroe street, in accordance with attached statement of Com'! of Public Works same carried upon call of the roll t.•. P by the follow- ' Ing vote:" Yana, Lnokey; "Clay, Wallaae'end Washington, 4. ' 15�.^ ., On motion by ltember Wallaos, that the.sum of'$214.00 be drawn fvom the oon= if 01� tingont fund to pay expenses incurred Ootober'lOth• 1916 for: Primary registrations- . � C . eons carried upon call of the roll by the following. vote: Yeae, Lackey, Clay, Wallace' }; and Woehington"-4. ' On motion by Mayor Lackey, that thea Amy Lone be appointed Sanitary Offioer„ . to be effective when bond is made.,. Game aurried upon call of the roll by the following, <`.. vote: Yeae, Lackey, Clay, Wallace and Washington -4. On motion by the above, that deed be executed and delivered to Aaron Peoples.. �. ' .for Lot 66 in Block three. Ouk Grove cemetery, treasurer's receipt for' forty dollars P..e. j being hereto attached- same carried"upon call of the "roll by the follmine voter t t'' Yeae; Lnokey,: Cloy, Wallace and Washington -4. /1 On motion bq'Lhe above, that deed be granted to C. F. Slinkard to Lot 42 inn" Elook 1, New addition, Oak Grove, Cemetery, Treasurer's reoeipt for Thirty dollars (J30; being hereto attached- cone outried. upon call of the roll by the "following voter ! " Yeae, Lackey, Olay, Wallace and "Washington -4. On motion by the above; AU Ol1DIIlAUOE PROVIDI'il0 FOR. THE OONSTRUOTIOL OF A j r TWENTY FOOT ALLEY LYIIiO Ill THE HB LINE OF THE UTENSION.GF 13th'STRE^s22, BET14MM .TENYESSEBti• ; { 14^AND JONES STRUTS, IN TIM CITY OF PADUCAH, jdUj TUGKY,.BY GRADING AUD ORAVELIIIG SAME, was given its final paoeaagge.upon call of the roll by the following vote:Yeae,:Laoksyi !![rrr ' Olay, Wallace and Washington -4. r ,�—•Msvo �."' t:, v s r.h } i r.,a.- r'i' : +,Y•;.tn{' P�`c. -a ^�:,�a , :.;:.,:•..� ��_ •rte^ r � " �i t � r 'fir � t ��;•�.f �, �'� t"::Y*s'i �.r ..r 1��+ f"�Rf;}..'4'.4 . .r rh....... _.J.:.l}. .. •.ri.. .V �'..-%:.'L.P�.iM�i .4�il.�W.tY.l..r'tiLu r.it. r � ._-L:,'+r.�1.. ' � .. . ' •. .. .,i�7. 1?r ``,^",£'�'iW�.�"f-,�.QTT'++nw.':x}y yr Pfc}q�.•4artt•+.i4"�, ' F No. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah October 9th /gte continued i on motion by Umber Olay, that the report of the City Solicitor concerning Lhe.I 'U'T ',"•_ I ofiloial bonds of city officers, be received and filed- and that he be directod to r file a supplemental report as soon as further information is secured by him- carried= ���p�V upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Lnokey,"Olay, Wallace and. T ' 4 pashington ..4. . On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following.votet Yeae, Lnokey, Clay, Gallaoe and Washington -4. i _ �..._ OCTOBER 12th, 1916. f At a special meeting of the Board of Oommissloners held in the Council Ohumber I' of the City Hall, Paddoah, Kentucky, on Oct. 12th, 1916, upon call of the roll the following answered their names Lackey, Cllr, Wallace and Washington -4. On motion by limber Clay, that the communication and report of the.0ommiesioner " of Pinanoe be received, filed and published- some carried upon oall of the roll 1 by the.following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Clay. Wallace and Washington -4. Y On motion by the above, that the petition of certain citizens requesting the I. .installation of a street light at 16th and Jones streets be received and filed, and the Superintendent of the Light Plant be instructed to install a street light at said point- carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Lackey, 01or, j. Wallace and Washington, 4.. On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by i;he,following votes Yeae, Lackey, Clay, Wallace and Washington -4. OCTOBER 16th, 1916. ti At a called meeting of the Board. of Oommiseionere'held in.the council chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at eleven o'clock A. 15., October 16, , 1916, upon call of the roll the following answered their names: Looks y. Clay, ' Wallace and Washington -4. On motion by Usyor Looks y, a Resolution ordering and directing the Chief ." of Police of the city of Paducah to close all saloons in the city on account of the gathering of Oen assembled at. the county Juil with the ostensible purpose of attempting I to hang one certain prisoner therein- until furtber orders of this Board, was given o1 its passage upon call of the roll by the following vote= Yeae, Lackey, glay, Wallace ,.•and Washington .4. I i. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes I i Yeae, Lackey, Clay, Wallace and Washington •4. J M4'Y�ti. h p _ I; f