HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 191, September 7, 1916�. '7`^'}�P'►e!! `n�!'t, �.'w �iy, � t ��"9 : M � ��+- r`'�{ � Y � .nM.Y I �' A� r � -y;,, • Commissioner's Proceedings, Of Paducah 8eetember stn continued r On motion by Member Olay, that the Re ri of Jno. 8 po lwahter. Chief of the . . Fire Department and Building %napeator. for the month of A 1916, ba reoelved ' t i, and filed same. carried upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeee, Olay, Corbett. hsokny, tallaoe and Washington -8. '.s On motion by Member Corbett, that these be appropriated to the Paducah pair L Ase'n the sum of Two Hundred end Pi Dollars to b Fifty . given ee premium at the Fair. •' ; :�. ' to be held in McCracken County, Xy. beginning Oct. Sd, 1916- said amount to be . 7 �.. paid out of the contingent end, -sane carried upon oall of the roll by the -folio" votes Yeae, Olay, Corbett, , Lackey, Wallace and Washington -6. On motion by Member Olay, AN ORDINANOE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ; USE OF PUBLIO WAY IN THE CITY Of PADUOAH, EENTUCKY, APPROVED DEOEMBER 14,'1906; was given its passage upon sell of the roll ` p 18' the following vote, Yeas, .011y, ; j Corbett, Lookay. Wallace and Washington -B. On motion by Member Wallace, that the Bill of Geo. W. Katterjohn, amounting to $1868.17, balance due him on motor egmlpment fbr Bire Department, be allowed �.: K, same carried n on'oall of the roll b the �llowi p y ng vote: Yeas. Olay, Corbett, ;( r Lackey,. Wallace and Washington -6. M� On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll bV the toll owing vote, Ye58..0lay. Corbett; Lackey, Wallace and Washington -6. vri r `. SEPTEMBER 7th. 1916. VAt a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in.the Oounall Chamber of the Olty'Hall, PpAuoah. Kentucky, on September 7th, 1916, upon pall of ! the roll tpe following answered their names, 'Olay; Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington. ;a. :4 t On motion by Member Wallace, that the rules be suspended on sending out copies of ReeolutiOn for estentiou of time on sidewalk constructions- Game carried 'o- .upon call of the roll by the fallowing votes Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Lackey. Wallace' 'r and Washington -6. I r. On motion by Member Washington. A RESOLUTION FOR THE EZTENSION OF TIME :j FOR THE QOMPLETION OF THE POLLOWINo ODNTRAOTS: eidewalke, eta. on Sixth Street from i. x4o.LL Kentuo..r Ave. to Tennessee Street; Fourth Street'from Monroe St. to Clay St.; North side of Clay St. from Fountain Ave. to 19th St.; and from East property. linin: of Second Street to West property line of Ninth St.. South property line of, Wash- :i ington Street to north property line of Monroe St.- was given its passage upon 0111 '. I' Q of 'the roll by the following,vota: Yeae. Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and. a Washington -6. f~`� i. on motion hg Member Lackey; that the oontraote submitted by the Oumberland Telephone. Company for the approval of the Board, heretofore referred to the` former r, City Solioitor and not reported on before his resignation; be now referred to the !� ;'i f Q / �, �/ n• present City 8oliaitor- Game carried upon call of the roll by, the, following votes 6tI Yeas, Olay. Corbett. Lackey. Wallace and Washington -6. i I ,o 'Y'�•r�tt- , v- •7t h � "?X!`c �=2T'N •^:. ; A^ o-. �z.,`•^y'.Ye7t . ,'�. R"'; "t'S'{f"F $ ;i 1. �. E "• h7 yS1IP}tM� r., .. , 3.;pn-x.,.,..-:.. ,. y,1.,� - j,�.. '�V'!9'SS7'y� � i t ..r: .'j'.2� - r�i".Y i t y \. r .+. i C,i7i' '1`cr"^r.•'Q �"�'1ir .. No.�� is{ Commissioner's Proceedings, .City of Paducah" September 7th 191_1 continued 'IAF • On sirotioa by Member Corbett,' that the City Jailer deliver tothe market. p' Master such prisoners as the Market Baster may from time to time -request. to be axed. do cleaning the market house and the premises atteahed thereto, and -the Jailer le" directed to let the said Market Baster have man who are docile prisoners and, as nearly as may be, prisoners serving short sentences- eats carried upon call of the • ° roll by the lblloaing vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Lackey, ..Wallace and Wash irgtou -6. +i f' on motion by Member Wallace, the Report of the. Mgor that contract had been signed and, proper bond executed by E. R. Bradabiv for the construction of an alley between Sixth and Seventh streets, Monroe' and Madison Streets. in the City of ' y "Paduooh, By., was received - upon oell'of the roll by the Abllowing .vote.: Yeas. '01sy, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace aad'Washington -S.' -� • ' On motion the Boardg •" '' adjonrned; upon cell of the roll by the followin i M votes Yeae, Olay, Corbett,'Lookey, Wallace and Washington -b. d' " SEPTEMBER 11th. 1916. At a regular meetingof the Board of Commissioners. held in the Council Chamber) /I. 1" of the Oity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on September 11LD, 1916, upon call of the roll" 1� ; the following answered their names: Olay. Lackey end Washington -3. On motion by Mayor Lackey, the minutes of a"regular meeting hold on September' ? ji 6, 1918 were adopted as read upon .call of the roll by the following vote I Yeae, S� li Olay, Lackey and Washington -3. .Y . On motion by the above, the minutes of a special meeting held.on September 7th... :. '�.1916 were adopted as read upon call of'the roll.by the following votes" Yeas. Olay, Lackey and Washington -3. ;` .. On motion by Member Washington, AN ORDIIIANCE PROVIDIVG FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF 'i + TWEIITY-FOURTH STREET FROM THE NORTH SIDE OF BROADWAY TO THE SOUTH SIDE OF JEFFERSON ! ti 7* STREET, III THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY GRADING AILD GRAVELING SALE, was Riven yw�.ife"� its passage,upon call of the roll by'"the following vote:. Yeas, Clay..Laokey and Washington -3. i On motion by the above, that the pay roll for the street department for.tbe i .week ending September 10th, 1916. not covered by' ordinance, amounting to J134.90, be allowed, same. .carried upon oall.of the roll by the lbllowing vote_: Yeas, Olay. Lackey 3 t hin d W anasgon -. " On motion by Mayor Lackey, that the name of Mrs. Margaret Ford be added to the, .+ „ •'• `^'`�'�`� 'fa'� Morale Commission- same carried upon call of the roll by the following 'voter Ysaa,. lM�+f+ .+1.•w� 91 Looke and. Washington -3. {' e t aY. Y ng on motion by Member Olay, that the action of the Oom'r of Safety in relieving P,�,du`'• "� Pete Anderson as patrolman be satiiied; and ,the Equitable Surety Company be tleoharged ae.his bondsman same carried upon oall:of the roll by the following vdte: Tom. .014y. v Lackey and Washington, B. ! { 1