HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 181, August 7, 1916, ?ay l^ ,� ty. •�'Yy.'�f,'iL �JY jI'Y.tM1+'{t4#•S�A`�1 '�'.Y �Tr, ,r`µly'i$�rfi x,•F?,:r %F { •1'4 Jd �'.,3rT♦ J [i+ � t I - 1 A y � ♦ t, r _ .._,t -.� ' ,.�.i...3- .Y;,, . • Kiwis" X r' - ' '1._ _._.`...,,�3. ... ' Commissioners .Proceedings, City of Paducah- a»�t sed 191_' S At a called meeting of the Board of Oommieatonere held in the council i { Chamber of the City hall, Paduaah. Rentuoky, on August End, 1916, the following •. i answers d their names; . May, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington .60 On motion by Umber Wallace, that the Report of the Auditor and Treasurer f. !. and Comer of Pinnace for Disbursements for the lest half of July"1916 be received r ry I. and filed, and warrant9 drawn on treasury for Dome; carried upon call of the roll " by the following votes Yeae, Clay, Corbett, Laoksy, Wallace and Washington -6, On motion by the abova,.that the Report of the Auditor k Treasurer and 'Y "i Comer of Finance for Oolleotione and Disbursements for the month of July 1910 be received, filed and published; sums 'carried upon call of the roll by the following "v vote; Yeea, Olay, Corbett, Luckey, Wallaoo and Washington -Be On motion by Uayor Luokey, that the colored people be given the right. to operate lunch and soft drink stands. on the 9th day•o.f August, 1910 free of •, license; same carried upon the b the following ar• .� ,,c';C oull of roll /1,�If. . P Y ng vote; Yana, Olspr, .. I i Corbett, Luokey, Vallaoo and Washington -6. ,. ;: `•`, On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following. . i. votesYam. Olay, CorbotL Luckey,Wallace and Washington -6. Uil August 7th, 1916.. ?; ;. .,, r At a regular meati of the Bourd of Oommieaionere held n the •. I ng i Council Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on August 7th., 1916, upon call of the :} roll the following answered their names: Clay, Lackey, Wallace and Washington;.4. . „A. On motion by Umber Olay. the minutes of a regular meeting held July 31, ».: 1916 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeua,'..Olay,. ?' Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington .6. On motion by the above, the minutes of a called meeting held August 2,. 1916 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following votes Yene,,Clay,, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington - 6. �- F. On motion by L'ember Wallace, CHEnE.13, L. B..Rouse has paid oity tali on `1` $96.00 of for 1916, and Whereas, that personal property attached affidavit shows said L. Be Rouse Is a non-resident, that he be refunded the sum of 01.76 paid by him in II error- carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoaa; Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Waehington -6. Ij On motion by Clamber Washington, that the pay roll for the Street Doportmsnt for the week ending August Gth., 1916, not covered by ordinance, mounting to 01230.60,. r, be allowed- same 'carried upon oull of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Oleg; Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington .6. 2.- �-.}—• s, 7 - ., i . • ,_ sem,.,. . J wYi^`M Z'1 �i:�. .. "' �„'-;nr•,r�•.rr Y4 "-". -moi � � . � t; :` � YT<> , r: � M "a ��.j� . r. -�+. Y� r: . i - -�••5 .7t"JrrY'`�' ' I Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Auguilt 7th 191A-�eontinuea F= S n On motion by,Member Washington, that E. K. Wolfe be permitted to oonneot �,/ •. to private sewer on Jefferson street between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets after =� he hoe signed the necessary contract to pay and connect to sewer District #a ehenevel acme is built- carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Clay, a ; Corbett, Lackey, Walluoe and Washington -6. on motion by Mayor Lackey, that the Report of Dr: H. P. Linn relative to i Hill &'Karnes brink yard, .be received and filed- same carried upon call of the roll by the follows vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett Lackey. �t following Y. Y. ,Vall000 and i7aehington .-6. ¢- ,�/ . On motion by the above, that the Illinois Surety Company be relieved of ,�.. the bond of W. G. Skipworth- eone carried upon call of the roll by the following f' qd,',`.,�;•,r ' vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -6. On .motion by the above, that ,the Dew England & Equitable Ineuranoe Co. be n�p0 1""'�� 'relieved on the bonde of the following: Ed Sanders, Will Dunn, Andy Alma, Thad Terrell, 3, P. G. Kirk, Goo.. T. Gish, R. O..Jonea, D. J. Levy, end James.Campbell, Jr.- some (�r carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, OlaCorbett, Lackey.. y; .� v• Wallace and Washington -6. .. � On motion.by Member Clay, that the petition of oertain oltizens,requestingi.. ?T: that the Board of Oommieeionere oall.on.election. be referred to the City Solicitor with instructions to prepare the proper call for such. an election and report to the f kt, next, regular meeting of this Board if legal opinion ae.to whether or not this Board k is required, ander the law, to callsuchan election- same carried upon call of ( the roll by the following veto: Yoae,. C1ay..Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington- 60. on motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by. the following �' 4 Yoto: Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Leakey,'Wellace.and Washington -6. Afl►YO {{ UA t q r4' c d J