HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 176, July 17, 1916i 1 ,,yM '_ .nr Y�„1 s ,,.,6 �' ♦ r'r•M � c•�yxnrq +y .�-i^�r ways i r�.. �`F7 �w ,,tnax•�H�„1, yam, a sme, r�.��,r� � T,A.,�,e.f,. �, . '„. .';1 .1... ti+,4�; tRY1F,. <>t. A MS'C`-F'••7{'.A',3+. ^� e+,�.e lf.r�...... - h � .a«...�.r ax .amu.... v..L..•... ... rJ�-ua..eJ.� ««..«. «..:.�..h, .�_. ......... ... ..:..��-�4.,• a.� ��.I: .... "WR J' .Nom_ Commissioner's Proceedings, Cityof Paducah July 17 1916— t At At a regular meeting of the Board of Oommiesioners, held in the Commoll Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ey.. July 17, 1916, upon call of the.roll the following answered their names: Olay;Corbett. Lackey and Wallace -4. - On motion by Member Corbett, the minutes of a belled -meeting held July 14 1916 were. adopted as read non call of the roll-by.the following' (. Yeas,.Olay, Corbett, Lackey and Wallace -4. j ?•' On'motion by Member Wallace, that WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Finance 4 produced the four cancelled notes of $28.000.00 each, dnted.Jannary 11. 1916 .payable six months after date- that a note be made on the minutes that said oanoelled and paid notes were produced at this meeting, same carried upon call of! `t the roll by the following vole: Teas, Clay, Corta4tL, Lackey, and Wallace -4:. -,r.- On motion by the above, that the report of the Auditor and Treasurer and. 1 k Commissioner of Finanoe showing amount of Fund end i `�so1s1 Sewer Fund � l be received and filed- and that claims of. the Commissioner of Public Worl®. No. vr 2646/8666; inclusive, amounting to $1190.88. be allowed and obarged to the I f. w, 8peoial Bawer Fund- .same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote.: ��/`��" f„•r r` Yeas, Clay, Oorbett..Laokey and Wallaoe; 4. I A On motion by the eDove. that the Report of the Auditor b Treasurer and Com'r of Finance for Dlebureemente,for the first half of July.bs received, filed 11' amd warrants drawn for:same- carried upon call of the roll by the fbllowing votes! .' r Yeas,Olay, Corbett. Lackey and Wallace -4. !. `.5 9 On motion by .the above;A RESOLUTION DIRECTING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOH ` OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH TO EXECUTE MOTES OF THE CITY.OF PADUCAH FOR.THE SUM OF ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND.($100;000.00) DOLLARS. A11D PLEDGING ANTICIPATED REVEM OF j THE CITY OF PADUCAH FOR THE SECOND RAI? OP.1916 TO PAY.SAifE, wad given its ; l passage.upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Clay. Corbett, Lackey ,. 3! n and Wallsoe -4. t : On motion by the above, that the' report of the Auditor &.Treasures .,, showing comparative. report of Receipts and .Expenditures for the first six months : -' of 1916 and 1916 be received .anal filed, same carried upon *all of the roll by the f'•0. following vote.: Yeas, Clay. Corbett. Lao key and Wallace -4. 1 On motion. by Member Corbett, that deeds be executed and delivered to i. . B. Hurt for Lot Six Block One, Lot No. Eleven Block One. In Oak Grove Cemetery; Treasurer's receipts for Thirty and Forty Dollars. reepeotively. together with 1 + `o(F �• order from Har Gish Sexton, oak Grove Cemetery, i Harry . ry. ase presented herewith- same � i carried upon call of.the roll by the following votes 'Yeas, Clay, Corbett. i i Lackey and.Wallsoe -4.. On motion by Member Olay, that the coffee house license of R. Called . at 633 Caldwell 8t. be transferred to E. Mason at same place- oarried upon call' of the roll by the following vote: .Yeas, Olay, Oorbstt. Lackey and Wallace; 4.. i motion r On by the above, that -tho coffee hoose license of St. Elmo Smith.{ . at 117 N. Fourth Street be -transferred. to. Steinhauer 6 White, at the some place- �a I' oarried upon call of the roll by the followingevy, Corbett. Lackey vcte.s .Yeas,. Cl �r)�and Wallace.-4. b the On motion above that the street i p1Fy Y . inspector De instructed to em � s sufficient number of men to Olean the gutters and out'the. woods from the property a in the city and the.expenees for same be charged to the Department of Public Works. I�f �1-p .}. it appearing to the Board of Vommisalonera from the. statement of the City Health ;. Officer.that.such action is necessary on account of the exceedingly bad oonditic ���tf'1 -f..� .M. .A-. , "i u..1�' � _ .`,�• moi` ! j'h -jSi '.: 'f a... r. .l S; v`� .. ' I . ` -. � 1 _ u y,nr ` � Syyr ?� •Nil T` 'l 1(i ti ' to �+i o� atl :I.c �• w , , •.,, i.. n .Y Kti x � r 4r + .. �;; � .. ' 1 /Va. 7 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah July 14th j9j�eontinned of the gutters and weeds° and it further appearing to the Board that the chain gang j le not suffiolent to aosompliath above mentioned worn. sear carried upon sell of the roll IV the �ilowing votss Yeas, Olay, Oorbett, Lackey and We gas -4° {) On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following e votes Yeas ° Olay, Oorbstt.'Laokey and Wallace .4. .F, ." + moo. - •fib. �... .. JULY 24th, 1916. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners bald in the Council �p. Obamber "of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuo17, July 24th, 1916, upon cell of the roll the following'amawared their uameel Clay. Corbett. Lackey. and Washing. j ton; 6: On motion by Member Corbett, the minutes of the meeting held July 17th° 1916 were adopted as read upon call of the roll the follow �.• ...K` p p b9 Sag votes Yoae, - i Olay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -6. t i : I� ; •' ti On motion by Member Wallace; the bill of Coo. W. Kattorjohn for motor'. +" A, equipment. equipment, amounting,to 04660.00.waa allowed, and ordered paid upon call of the ^' !/ roll by the following vote: Yeas, Clay., Corbett, Lackey. Wallace and Washington- P4. w A. On motion by Umber Clay, a RESOLUTION DESIGNATING, HAL 8. CORBETT AS MAYOR ;r. TT yw •. . rr.,1 :I PRO TEM OB'THE CITY OF PADUCAH, MITUOKY was given its passage upon call of the I •, t- b roll by the following vote. Yeae, Olay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington, .A �. On motion by the above; that Henley Franklin be relieved of hie duties so ,t 7,A oh+r ; Chief of Police of the City of Paducah, and that James W. Eaker be appointed to .fill .the vacancy caused thereby- same carried upon call of the roll by the following' G� n votes Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -6.. On motion by the above, that P. 0. Kirk be relieved of "hie duties ea �1"i patrolman of the City of Paduoab, and that Henley Franklin be appointed to .fill ��`� the vaoanoy caused thereby- same carried upon call of the.toll by the following 1� k' votes Yeas. Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -6. 011.motion by the above, that.Thad Terrell be relieved of hie duties as Day Captain of Police, and that Henry Bailey be appointed to 11 11'said vacancy- ate, same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -6. ( ^` a On•motion.by the above, that R.-0. Jones be relieved of hie duties -as V patrolman of the City of Paducah, and that Oharlee Clark be appointed to "fill the ���,;,�7�vacancy caused thereby, some carried upon pall of the toll by the following' vste�.'.' ••• - �.� Yeae, Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -6, e On motion by the above, that D. J. Levy be relieved of his duties as City 7.;{ �(,.�✓ �`"'" Jailer, and that Sam Simon be appointed to fill the vacancy caused thereby same ` rf, carried upon cull of the toll by the following votes Yens, Olay, Corbett, '• ,E. Lackey, Wallace .A: mays.gashington- 1. ; ;•'' 1. j i j !