HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 165, May 29, 1916on motion by Member Hazelip, that the request of the property owners r relative to lire. Welch's chicken slaughter house be referred to the Mayor. and Board, of Health- some carried upon call of the roll by the following ..vote; Yeas, F Hazelip, Van Meter, Wallace ond.Gashington -4, on motion by the above, that the, petition'rem6n6trating against granting f. j .. .. of saloon license at 13th and Clay Streets be received and filled- same carried upon ! i o� call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Hazelip, Van Motor, Wallace and .Gnehington,._4.. On motion the Board adjourned,,upoa'oull of the.roll by the following ; i' n vote;Yeas, Hazellp,'Van Meter, Gallaoe nnQ Washington -4., } I;• L; a y 29th, 1916 �i Ata r..egular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council y ? Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on Uuy 29th, 1916, upon call of the I I{ : roll the following enawerod the names; Lackey, Hazelip. Van Motor, .Wallace and .'Washington r -5. I �t On motion by Member Wallace. the minutes of the regular mooting held May, '. P- t i E2d, 1916 were adopted as read upon oall of the roll by the, following vote:...Yous. Lackey, Hazelip, Van Motor, Wallace and Washington -b.... On motion by Member Haz5lip, that the petition of property owners for 1*ghtl J at.Fifth and Adams street be rooeived end filed, same carried upon call of the roll' �+ fi��• by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey. Hazelip, Van Motor, G'ullaoe and Washington =6.r v On motion by Member Washington, that the pay roll'_nr the street dopartmentl c ' fnr'the weekending L:ay 28th, 1916, not covered by ordinunoo, amounting to One Hundred' and Thirty-eight 0138.) dollars, be allowed, same carried Upon pall of the roll by G the following vote:.- Yeas', Lackey, Hazelip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. i. - I - On motion by Member Wallace, All ORDIJ„NCE GRANTING TO THE PADUCAH AND. V ILLINOIS RAIL410AD COIZANY, ITS SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS OR LosSEES, THE RIGHT TO CON STRUCTt "INT -1 IN hUD OPERATE i, RAIL 0" OVER CkaTs:Iii,.STREraS,iAIT EYS, ETC. '• IIf'TiIl: CITY OF h. ZiLDUCAH, KEL'TUQ:Y, was given its passage, upon call of. the roll by the follor,'ing ' } vote: Yens, Lackey, Hazelip, Van Mater, Gallaoe and. Washington. -5. (.._•`••' Onmotion by Mayor Lackey, AN eRDIUANCE PROYIDING.FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF f 1 POWELL STRUT (SHOWN 01( SUB -DIVISION RECORDED I11 1IoCFii.Ci:13! COUI(TY COUitT CIrF{1C'S i Jnr►•+'"" i OFFICE AS "GGIE STiiEE'i), Fuels THE TIPPLE TRACK OF la ILLINOIS Cr.UicZoL UILRO" TO �\ !!ILL STtvSET, -IN CITY OF P..DUCzH. KENTUCKY, BY GR..DII:G .11D GRAYcLLI1:G S.:IIE, was 1Jl` the followsvote: Laa18y, introduced and laid .over eeveri daye,'upon call of the roll'by/ Yoae; Hazelip, Van Later, Wallow and Washington i On motion by the above, dN 0, IU:,NCE PROVIDIIIG FOR THE.ILfPROYESEIIT OF POC�LL o STREET, FROLi CLEIM T ST3EET 0 THE TI2rLE TRICK, :IN THE 'CITY OF PdDUCoii, KEiJTUCKY, BY GRADING AND GRAVELLING 5.1.x, was introdaoed;and laid over ,seven days, upon gall i. of the roll bythe following vote:. Yeas, Lackey., Haeellp, Yen Later, Wa11 a oe and i Washington -5. _I . .r �.T7t.bt!h,'T•'�!'!'.•jis.'��•v"..'�;E, ... ., , M:r.�:aiS•'9�'.�A:btSts'R�'7��9t:;S'.��YIT.-•"--vc. ni'.�.:�.�z^.,S^'wwPi?.^, S'i ..ri?Ct*.:s7GS7 �:T•`�L XF']'.''. �L'O' `�^r4r�'.f?,."'.•.a, „7`? '. �„�•' : Y. . s r +'^C' F....,.`•...�,"^- 7- s"n” i. +rf,. ,.a;t .1'' : a .y. 7 MP- f• - s�•+lr�j�irt.'J �"` 4.cI JR `.yi"i'f �'y,�.j+n ^''•uiy,S >}§'NP'• r. �.t '. , Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah May 29th 191_L oontinued t On motion by Mayor Laokey, 3N ORDINANCE' PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF S WOODWARD AVENUE, FROM YEISER AVENUE. TO MEYERS STREET, IN THE CITY,OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY Q: Y f j BY GRADING A1ID GRAYELLIIIG SGLIE, was laid over indefinitely upon soil nt the roll by z 11�IN• ahs following vr`te.:,. Yeas, Laokey,. Hazelip, . Van Meter, Wallaae and Washington -b.. On motion by Member Hazelip, that the oommunioation from the Sherrill -Bing I - 'r' Lbr. On. be reoeived and filed, and that .the City Snllaitor notify Sherrill-King.Cn.,;. 4 that we stand upon nur rights, carried upon oall of the roll by the following vote: �4 Yeas, Laokey,.Hazelip,.Van Meter, Wallaoe and Washington.. -6. On motion by the above,, that the deed granted to G. Z. Umbaugh to, lot in ,'O k Grove. Cemetery be.00rreoted so. as to read, 0. Z. Umbaugh and wife. oarried upon t + u oall of -.the roll by the ,follow ing.vote: Yeae, Laokey. Hazelip, Van Meter, Wallaoe and `r 4{'y r G.h•, a I' Washington -6: ` ti, fOn mntion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll.by the following Voter F{M Yz ,r .� Yeas, Look y, Haielip, Van Meter, Wallaoe'and Washington -6.,• I y 3 r ; - ` � t J U N E 6th, 1916. At a regular meeting nf.the Board of Commissioners held in the Counoil s i Chamber June 6th, 1916, City Hall, Paduoah, Kontuaky, upon oall of the roll the ,.3> 666 I ..., J�zr• following answered their names: Laokey, Hazelip, Van Meter, Wallaoe and Washington Upon motion by Member Hazelip, the minutes of n regular meeting held May '29th. 1916 wore adopted no read upon soil of the tall by the following unto: Yoas, YLaokey, Hazelip, Van Meter, Wallaoe and Washingtnn 3k On motion by.i?ember Vinshingtnn,'the pay roll .for the Street Department not onvered by ordinance, for the week ending June Gth, 1916,, amounting to'$lP6.30, has yr I i allowed, upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Hazolip, Von i, •; " } yy h ; Motor, Walluoo and V'iuohingtnn -6. + J r ft.motion by the above; that the petition from property owners reyueeting that .the Water Company be instruotod to lay water main on South Ninth from Adama to :. }•'.Jaokenn streets be roferred to the Paduoah Water Co., with inegruotinne to lay said ! % 'main.if there are suffiaient signers,.and.the neoeseary hydrants be installed and (' plaoed on the rontal list, oarried upon oall of the roll by the following votoi Yeas,.. Xr ' Laokey, Hazelip, Van Motor, Wallaoe and Washington -6. p r" :'-ft motion: by Member Wallaae, that the Report of. the Commissioner of Finanae showing adverti6ement and bale of delinquent tax bills for 1916, be received, filed and oonourred in.. same ourried upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.'Laakey�: �: Hazelip,'Van 1?stet, M llaco end Washington -6.' The following is•a:oepg..bSt:said"Report:L_r i:t-. !Padua she; i. Kentuaky;:• t t' • 7 .2f . i June 6th 1916. • >• a To the Mayor and. Board of Commissioners.Ire t Gentleman: i }V. 1 ' - ' Z k4T f j' I beg to report, that a000rding to law L advertised the i r ( ;� June and Deaember.oity tax bills -for 1916; for two'weeks, beginning , May 17th, 1916' and'thet I offered far Bele veld tax bill at public! , ata: at �i,:�y } 1 +i•`J .:r�N tit t *j._.F ar S l=`t ' d'. r t S t u .. .. 4 t