HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 164, May 22, 1916j i�" 7 �; *27, �,'"i..�,+ rr. cvY ""r,L'� (.."1�.:y.,"r"�fs'>''SC1'e'� T•a*`S^ 5 ,;�,,, wr<r• a ' � i e 4� : , h .�'. N L �4.., -i n. c. +;. y ar' (i . I�.; `I''� t") y` C`>N37r>'+K.- ,:`�".'•.. "°.. ' f t t. f hi � ": Y: I;. ..: - t 1' fiY i. Ikj.:=.'��•:. . IN NO. +.a.u.�r�.�.r.Y �.1w @• ._I:— c. No Commissioner's Proceedings, City -of Paducahgy 22nd 191_x. ' I IT a regular meeting of the Board of Cotamissioners of the City of Paducah,,' ;•; ,' j held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky. on May 2E, 1916, upon call f the 'roll the following answered; their namea: Hazelip, Van Meter, Wallace and, 1 Washington -4. •"I ti On motion by Member Wallace, the minutes of. the reguleb meeting hold May ±° s ^Ib, 1916 and of the, special meeting held tray 16, 1916 were adopted ae.read upon call of k:., '1 Fthe roll by the following vote: Yeas, Hazelip; Van Meter, Wallace and -Washington -4: j On motion by Member Van Motor, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF'. A" SIDEWALKS, OURBS, CUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND SEWERS; Po fd^ ON THE NORTH SIVE OF CLAY STREET FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF FOUNTAIN AVE'i(UE, OR SEVENTEENTH STREET,, TO THE EAST, CURB LIME OF.IIINE^►EEIiTH STREET, IN THE CITY AF PADUCAH,.j KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDI110 FURTHER THAT THE. COST THEREOF MAY BE 'PAID UPON aiiE TEN YEAR a i. PAYMENT PLAN, was given its passage upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae,^, ;Hazelip, Van Iloter. Wallace and Washington. -4. r On motion by the above, that the traffic ordinance be amended so, that any oast " (violating this ordinance may be.fined from one to,fifty.days'in the city jail- same" carried upon call of the roll by the. following vote: Yeas, Hazelip; Van lister, Wallace '1 drw^ and Washington -4.. j c 1. On motion by the above, that' an ordinance be brought .in requiring all automobiles in uee•in the city of Paducah to uoe"dimmers" aide 1lghte, or paint the �. ,upper portion of their searchlights, when operating at night- amr,e carried upon call ; .of 'the. roll b the following vote: Yeas Hoaeli + L y'. 8 ,. p,"Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -'4i ,•. On motion by Member Washingtga, "AN.ORDINANCE PROVIDIi:G FOR THE ILTROVE.iEN^a } ;OF AN ALLEY EXTENDING FROM MONROE STREET To rals011 STREET; BEiti•EE11 SIXTH AND SEVELTLi i STREETS, IN THE CITY. OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, BY.GRADING.i,iID GRAVELLING SALE", was given �•,. Ito passage upon cull of the ro1T by. the following vote: Yoas, Hazelip, Van Meter, " t ,. Wallace and Wushington -4. !{ . On'motion by,the above,, that the Oontraot betwoon J. M. Englert and the City leof Paduoah be signed and authorized, a soon as.oxooutod by said J...M., Englert and the f. mayor of.Lhe.City of Paducah,=.came curried upon oall of the roll by .the.' following ff t ,vote: Ysao; Hazolip, Von Motor, Wallace and Washington -4. (. On motion by the abode, that the pay roll for the,94roet Department. the {" " >� r wook endin "Lla 21st, 1916, not covered by ordinanoe,'amounting to ,"^129,06", be allowed,, i-. B, Y .. , I. eoma o orrind upon call of the roll by the Yellowing tote&."Yeae, Hazelip, Van. rioter, Wall000 and.Wnohinpton -4. i I f!n.motion by liombor Wallace, All ORDINAii9E.PAOVIDINC FOR TILE C0113T%UCTION CF. �•- {,. SIDEWALKS, CURDS: GUTTFaZS; ,AND ALL 11ECESSi0Y LIAIIIIOLES;:"IIITAXES, C.1tCH BIS IN3 AND SEWERS,(' ON DOTH 8I1)83 OF 1�OUiiT1! JT1Ir;PT. 1'RM•1 TI 1rORTli1'ROYEIti'Y"LIIr.L QF 1x0111201 S^a1:1T$T i0 Til" SOUTH" CUiID 'LIIIE" OF CLAY9Tn ;E^a, Ill THE. CITY OF P.iDUCAIi, . KEt1TUCk AILD PROVIDING FURTiiER" ihAi THE COST THEREOF LAY'BE PAID UPON TIM TEN YEAR'P::=iT PLAN, was given its poosage.upon ..ball of the roll by the following -vote: Yeaa, Hazollp. Non .Later; Walluoe and Waahingtou- 4:gr y On motion by Member.ilazeliy; that the Superintendent of the .Light Plant to instructed to place 'a light at the:oorner of Fourteenth and 'Aline Avenue, Baso oairied r.->,. r upon'on11, of the roll by the following vote:.- Yeae,,Hazelip, Yen Meter, Wallace and ' Washington -4;. On.motion by.the above, that J..'G. Whitie-be granted Police power, Aen he r: �j exooutos,bond. ae.required by law, ass regular policemen, same 'carried upon cell of ,:.1 •,y the roll by the following voter yeas, Hoao1ip, Von Meter; Wallace and Washington -4. r • rt; t u�... "Y a ^rc" r. xa,'...�,""�. 7n•S'�r wrar ' ,� t "� 1 . £•:.. -f •r. i:,n..r. L. `-.s- -t: t '-:�� _ .]. - ,r.0 L Si;r t•a'Y'7f.�_„y+"`Jh i ".a'n'�+,�-r'y.YCE+rx� rrr'.np}. : t - N:$ k �iVr. .. ,,a i r tx ! ! .Yi a ,t' ` r, l^'; ' i.a , ,i•• v ., � i „•. .� r ,•.,,.. � r 5. .. . . Commissioner's. Proceedings, City of Paducah ugy 221A 1g1 continued ' On atotion by Member Hazelip, that.the request of the property, owners relative to lire. Welch's chicken slaughter hones be referred to the Mayor. and'Board 1 1'",• of Health same parried upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, ±' "p Hazelip, Van Meter, Wallace and.Washington -4. ,._ On motion by the above, that the petition rem6netrating dgainst"granting of saloon license at 13th and Clay Streets be received and filed- same! oarried upon null of the roll by the following vote;' Yeas, Hazel 1p, Van Netor, Wallace and Washington -.r4•" 13 �` On motion the Board adjourned,.upon'oall of the. roll by the following '- '" 111 `(.• vote;' Yeas, Hazelip., Van Neter, Wallace and Washington -4.. i r 'VIM r A2t. jtj..: I r:. it ... - r U a' y 29th. 1916 tlt".a r..egular meeting of the Board of. Commissioners held in the Cour�eil a. Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May. 29th, 1916, .upon call of the } Croll the following" answered their names Laokey,.Razelip, Van Meter, Wallace and f u 'Washington -5. M. { On motion by Member Wallace, the minutes of the regular meeting held flay'. ! '" 22d, 1916 were adopted as read upon oall'.of the roll by the, -following vote;. Yese. { p' Lackey. Hazelip, Van Meter, Wallace cad Washington -6....' i 1 On motion by Member Hazglip, that the petition of property owners for ldght{ i S� at.Fifth and Adame street be received and filed, eame carried upon call of the,roll r by the following vote Yeaa, Lackey, Hazellp, Van Neter, Gallaoe" and Washington N On motion by Member Washington, that the pay roll for the street departmentl, for'the week ending Lay'28th, 1916, not covered by ordinance, amounting to One HundroQ and Thirty-eight ( 138.) dollars, be allowed, same carried upon poll of the roll by } 'the following vote:. Yeas', Luckey, Raz,elip, Van Neter, Wallace and Washington -6: 6 On motion by Llember Wallace, AN ORDIIIALICE GRANTING TO THE PADUCAH ALID i AL11 { ILLINOIS RAILROAD COLLPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS, ASSIGLIS 04 LeoSEES, THE RIGHT TO COUSTROCT +' I.:AINTalU ADD.OPERATE n RItILRO" OVER Cl•RTiali, S^liiE.uiS, iiLLBY3, ETC.'• III T& CITY OF 1 i, - � PADUCAH, KEL'TUCi;Y, ana given its passage, upon call of. the roll "by the inlloeing vote. Yens, Lackey, Hazolip, Van Neter, Wallace and, Washington l P" On motion by Nayor Lackey., Z ORDINANCE PROVIDING .FOR THE'ILIPROVENENT OF I POWELL STi� E^a (SHOWN OUSUB-DIVISION RECORDED IN LIoCRACi llI COUIITY COUi?^a CL:RK''S F (� v►�"" OFFICE AS "GGIE STREE^a), FROLL THE TIPPLE.TR.iCK OF T1iE ILLILIOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD TO � LLILL S-=,, .lu"THE CITY OF PoLiUCdit, KEIITUCKY, BY "GR..DIiG .1LD GRAVrLLING S.:ItE, was ; r the followl. vote:` I" introduced and laid .over seven daye",'upon call of the. roll yf Ices; Lackey, !} Hazolip, Van Motor, Wallace and Washingtnn -5. 1 On motion by the above, a 03DILIZGE PROVIDI'aG FOR THE ILQ'ROVE: MT OF POWBLL ' STREET, 'FROM CLEMENT ST. ET :A THE TI2PLE TRACK, 1I{ THE 'CITY dF PADUC�i, KENTUCKY," P r •: , �1 BY GRADIIIG .;IJD GRaVELLIUG SiA was Sntroduoed. and laid over .seven daye, upon call I t�5 f 4 of the roll by the following vnte; . Yeas, Laokey,, Haselip, Van. L:eter, Wallace and ; e !. Waahingtnn -5. l 'A - - 5'.. 7 i'^f{7�.Fn' +�• -1`t r�.'R�'�"R�^L!° ......+. ,r •-," ....:Y7!'C?i•;;�;i2�.aiiT:�sSQ'sit'�:CSWt�:+..��,Z^(T.G:0.c�;u•.•,S.: i'+''n,°."u 'i..r-3rw';•;r.'L7Lf�S;•Jx=�i. Y,4"Y1 7L•L:-.. RvL71'f %;«A