HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 133, January 31, 1916"�-• 7 "L.. ,t� mit �+inti+Yt"-A:h^^+(�S1"�.xl�Y; mr i'V1!!E 'aC 4k c t �. � i ,{'.. ;.yrY� � * C -.. , ..l yY � J:"w. ..� .::mow.. ' ' ''•�+Stir^.^^11 ,-�+'•.'� r.':Yf�iiiniyyfi'�"Yr.L�'ZH:�' :^C e 7 f•. , l�L, i �/ rr f �j !+1 • }' *, i" T •M1ar]_} A w 4 f'iK 3 yC �. .I k ('fir ... .. Y71 No %3 3 Colnll71l3Slollet'8 Proceedings, (illy of Paducah January slst19J 6 .:t a regular meeting of the Board o -f Commissioners, hold Yn: the.Gour,01,0homber j 5 j of the City.)iall, Paducah. Pentuaky,,on January 3lut, 1916, upon call of the roll': t I the following anewerod their numes: Lookeyi Yuri Motor,' Wallace and lushington -4. On motion by Member Van Noter, the -minutes of the prepioue meeting were adopted !' us, read, upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yeus.; Laokoy. Van Meter. . i wallaoe and Vushiripton -4. j c.. J -• OH motion by the above, that the commissioners uaoept the resignation of Will ''I Thomus, as fireman, and that Ti L. Roedor, first extra, be enrolled.uo a regular the 'Yous. areman, same carried upon call of the roll, by following vote: Luol:ey,' 1 Van Voter, Vullaoe and Washington -6. I i i i; On motion by the above, that the oommissionors endorse.the appointment of Norm9 ;y � YoKlnnoy as a firoman, and that his name be enrolled as u.retulur fireman, earne ` oarrie'd upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laoloy, Vun 18ator, r h- l'lalluco and Washington -4. R -s 1 On motion by Member Washington, that the puyroll for.the street department, r` n amounting to 75.20, not covered by ordinance., for the wool: ending, January 30, 1�1G, - - l; 4! be allowed, sumo carried upon oull of, the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey. N.•.Van Meter. Wallace and Washington -4. On motion .by lember Wallace, that Miss Laude :,ndereoh be, retained in the. offi'aa of 'the Commissioner of Finance until further notice,'eume carried upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yens, Lackey, Van Metoi;'Wullnoe'and Washington -4. _ On motion by Mayor Lackey, that Dr. Frank. Boyd and Mr. E. W. Bulcer be re- , 'f ,,..elected members of .the Board of lieulth, came carried upon cull of the roll by U following vote: Yous, Lu6hoy, Veer Lletor, Wallace and ifashirrgton;-4. 3.z aimee F. be :z ; s f •• On motion by.the above, that Miss Lowo.,truunt offioer,' granted p w' r, _'pollee powers upon execution o.f the proper bond, sumo: curried upon call'of.the roll'I � 1i by the following vote: Yous, Luckey, Van Motor, Wallace rind Wuahington -4., e �.., On motion by the above,. that Mrs.. Margaret Ford be grunted police powore upon execution of,tbe proper bond, aaiae carried upon call, of the roll' by the following. i ... • .vote:. Yohe, Lackey, Van Lister, Wallace and Washington -4. 1 0n motion by the above, that aaoowrt o.oarrying tor.oity prisoners Bent, to � a • oounty.juil, amounting, to 42239.90„ be allowed', and, warrant drawn in fuvor of a `, IioCrnoken county for this amount,' and sham a to .contingent fund, same ourried upon '. call ,of the roll by the followiry3 vote: Yous, Lao):ey,Vun Ltetor, Wallace and Washington -4'. On motion by Member Van -Motor, that Lot 42. in Block 42, Oak Grove Cemetery, be transferred from Lire. Sl12abeth,Base to Mrs. liuth iYilliam.s. same ourried upon.... •' eall'of the roll by the following, veto: Yeas, Luckey, Van -Meter. Wuiluoo and , L". Washington -4• � F. &jj'. On motion by the above, that doed be granted John It. Mi.x to lot 20 in Block 47. Oak Crave Uomatery, Trotiourer's r000ipt for one lit drod 'dollare' uttaohed, ` carne curried upon call of the roll by the following .veto.:. Yoas Laoke Van Later r P J Y. . + .Wallace and Washington -4. On motion, by the above, thut dood be grunted to W; If. Wilson to lot 10 in p new addition . -fW �' 1 (one)/in Oak Grove Cemetery, Trousuror'3 receipt for Thirty '(430.00) dollarsi .Block F �°' J L' I z✓ " �� attached, same oerried upon call of the roll by'the following "vote: Yous, Luchoy., 'Van lister. Wallace and Washington -4. .. • _. iSi •rr,«�"i'�'�fAi • n +.u-.. ,. � . r ,...5;;7�Si4RrT!'FE"•3.Y'Ca::?",•.'h!'tip°:'.4S.f*X'r+�.-'"':`.F'17a� �, ,.•1:,5^T.ir:'�i `•;T.m , y . s_�: {y t, ; w pS+>r.,Fw.• �' ;±s r,.,fi.re y,y it""y':_ 'a^' € ,!�"" *�� !t�r„,)< t-�`".h.��t 1 < c °i4 ICY t,+�- '•"Ptt""` ^'7yt!" , J��....� . i }i - t . . .. • - } . !i .. iy v i I, n t ti, 1 i 3 S Y 1 r �. , .� '- - -----'-'_._.._....1__. -- '-_. -, -:., .� _ _�>.. . .... i� 4 4', -icef--: �. , . ,I. 1.�11 11 I. . 1._ ' .r r,. )1-1 Commissioner"s Proceedings, City of Paducah January 31at 19111 continued �. On motion by Mayor Leokeq..that the account of Frank suguetus, amounting ,4` y • uP t 'to,.466.00 (ffft five.) be allowed same carried on call of the roll by the-• } K �� 5S'1. , :following vote:;:.Yeae..Laokey. Wallace and "Washington -3.. Ilgy: Yan,bieter0 l•`' ! { ,,.11` + " on motio1.n the.Board adjourned until ten o'clock A. 1t.,. February let. +- t 1916. upon ''all of the roll :by the..following vote: Yeas, Laolmy. Van lister. '' ; i Wallace'and Washington'' 4. •' Ix� ;fir } r4 ' 0V-�1D r f c /L... L._. _ t r r C tr v r t 1.1 3 1 a i c e t } �. 1, p](t ` J C ,+ � It .. February let. 1916. L ,k °r1. } i . . . t t I 1, � 4 .'"At an.adjourned meeting of the Board of Commiooionere,.held in the +.4 g i t 5 Council dhamDor of the Oity Hall. Paducah, at ten o'clock 6..11.. February lat; ;` , . .. y q �1916,•the following answered their names: Loo key, Van leter. Tlalluoe and "- �,, ',. } i Washirton -4. On motion by Member Wallace. the report of the tluditor-ireneurer, �F % /� together with the.pay roll for January, 1916, amounting to "8,359.72, was .. , � t "._4:1 .), t �y , . . /- � `� ' received and ordered filed. and wurrants ordered drovn,on treasury for pa.rnment 4 r . t r ,;same. carried upon call of the roll by the following vote:' Yeas.,lackey,Van,I. ,' r .. ,. r1. _. s ' Neter. Wallace and Washington -4. , . . ,' 5t t1. On motion by the above, that the allowance of ;65.00 to Frank buguetus tf, �,.J� 1 . t 'i�N ; made on January 31st, 1916, be reconsidered; same carried upon call of the roll :{ x Q. �' •. by the following vote: Yoac. Lackey, Van Meter; Wallace and Was_hinrton -4.1. "' � I On motion by the above. that the bill of Frank ewguatus. omounting to 1 t t � � $56.00, be disallowed, name carried upon call -of the roll by the following voto L.r� pppl °Yeas, lackey, Later, Wallace and Washington -4: fi`pI K,I. ei On motion by the -above,. that the Commissionor of Finance be lnotnioted i �T p,' t iw 0�6 to issue check on •ireasu " 1 { ,/. - µ ry for y125.00, pagaDle to aavne 9enton. for account i `, J{ Y} 7��./ /9j1 "� 'of i[aurioe 1daIntyre for IIovombo.r, 1915, salary. ander order of court, same carriedl1 r Y4 ' ! .''._. I r' E ti ,` ,, .upon .all of the•roll by the following vote Yeas, Lackey. van 1[eter, Wallace and dj e ' f` } Wgshington -4. 3 •, I t1. "- F, �`m t 'T ,� t On motion the Board adjournod: 11.•upon pallI. of 'the roll by the following . t * , ,IY r, vote Youo, Laokey..Van ltoter, Wall"e and Wuahington -4. i -,, , r � r t . � 4 '� ' Y '; . r t. + t F. -J r _, _ t, e F il// '. r,� m• a/nl� i �; �Y v r � i f� Qity .0lei�C.1I. t i{ /S{ t 4 S t, t' f t q j ,r '4v1 M i t %., .3: t. s, } , j. fl . 11 Ii t , �� r.. ,, 4 7 11 e ; ' ' -t ! ` ,i1. n r o t h' i 9 i t 1'-' [ t i _.' r, y P 4_y. 1 4 ., 14 ei Cx<* 4, tw;if,t,t- .1 ;�4 �t-I. ,r r...7. r .e� ,r, r t ter. .tN,, t t 4 i.�.SS_:::.1 1., et - .d:. ..,r 'wr: ��„'�a _ -..e .- , • s.r,: . ....m e. .. , ..V !. , t , - c t x.'d1 1. >;•. `�, . - .. - . . .. .. • .: , ,. . . • - - . - . , . .. .. • .. . - - i; , .. i . a&W..1,. .:7,, . r ,'p,, .,.4 1 .k' .�;.;..., .....:.5 .-.v�.ti.b. Nd - ! �'3{-"'� . .