HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 130, January 24, 1916^-..�. L1S 'a•11rY�.i'^''-•--•�..:.�.ci:'u.a�•L�`Ji:._A.i.�_9�-Si1��-1�_^.. e.-. ..4.�.•. -.0 � 1J.Z. �:.�rY_:. .�.�.^T .l _., t,, tixI 1 Y4•. q. t. .. 'sr, �5+. _ .hr�....�Y. Cvr2tA�tl _ •i „s Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Jnnuary zu+ 191St At a rogular meeting of the Board of Oommissionere hold in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, City. of Paduouh, Ky., on Junuury 24th, 1916, upon'oull 'of the roll the following answered their names: Lack.oy; Hazolip, Van Lleter, Washington -4.' On motion by llember,Hazelip, the minutes of the regular meeting held... Jan. 17th wore `adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Lackey, Hazolip, Van 1.loter.'and Washington -4.. On motion by the above, the rules were suspended ae to the sending out of copies of itopolution nnminp employees to the -appointed for the.your '1916 and declaring certain offi000 vacant under the Department of the Commioaionor of ' public Works;. upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yens, Lackey, Huzelip,; Van L;otor and Wallaoo.'and"WushSngton -6. ' llombor Wullaae being present upon the introduction of the above kR000lution. On motion by Member Hazelip, a RE3OLUiI0H uPPOINTING THS EUPLOYEE3 OF I i9tG r � . i THL''-0ITY OF PADUG,LH TO WORK UNDER AND IN CONNECTION WITH UB UFFICE OF THE . 1 .QO1.i1dISSI0IIER OF'PUBL10 WOHKS. FO, ME YIsAII 1916, UID DI90lliitGlliG CEi�TnIl{ irSPh0YEE8 OF :iiE 01TY Iii CO11:IL'CTION WITH THE DEpAIRT1 ENT Ji OOMUjSSIOIIEH OF PUBLIC"WULUS, . one given its pacsage upon cull of the roll by thefollowingvote Yens, Lackey, f ' d;. Hazolip, Van Uoter and Wcllaoo - 4: Huy: Washington, 1.. 1 " On motion by the; above, that the 'rules be suspended as to the eendi4 : F''�I��• out of copies of Resolution appointing the employees of the Uity of Paducah to: work under and In connection with the office of the Commissioner of Public PropertI y,". for the: eai 191G and discharging ,; certain employees of the City in connection with the Dopartmont of :the Commissioner of'Publio Property, same carried upon call .of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Lackey, Hczolip, Van Motor, " Wallaoo and WuohinRton -6. . n Ori motion by the above, a RESOLUTION APPOINTIIfG THE U:PLOYEES OF TILE q � CITY OF PuDUC&U'TO'WORK UNDEQ AND IN COII'EC:'IOII WITH'.: Commissioner's No. /3/ of Paducah Junuarr Both (yJ 6 oontinuod p ���� On motion by Mayor Lockey, that the valise be suspended as to sending out ooplea &71 - �YY1" of a Reeolutlon appointing the employees of the City of Paduouh to work under and in connection with the office of the Commissioner of PuD110 Effnire, for the year 1916, and discharging certain employees of the 03ty. in oonrLotl on with the YspurtmenL of the Commissioner of Public affairs, sumo curried upon cull of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Luckey, Buselip, Van L'oter, Wulluoo and Washington -69 On motion by the show, a RESOLUTION APPOIDTIUG TRE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF A- PADUCAH TO WORE UNDER AND 1N CONNECTION WITH TUN OFFICE OF TUB OOLTISSIOUBR OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS, FOR THE YEAR 1914, AND DISCHARGING CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE GITY IN ��..blw� CONI!ECTION WITH TUE DE2AiT1.=T OF TUE OOML'ISSIOIIER CP PUBLIC AFF..Sra, wan given its 0 passage upon osis of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Lnokey, hazel ip, Von Meter, Wallace and Washington -4, On motion by Vembor Wallace, that the rules be suspended on the sending out of E.tor RYA, copies of a Resolution appointing the amployeas of the City of Paduouh to work under R%.... -•-and in commotion with the office of the Ooeminsloner of Public Flnanco, for tha � year 1934, and dleohurRing certain employees of the 01ty in aonneatl on with the Department of the Ooemieeloner of Public Ylnanoe, supe ourriad upon call of the roll by the following vote: You, Luckey, Harelip, Van Motor, Wullaoe And Washington -6, On motion by the above, a RESOLUTION APPOI11"INO "HE EMPLOYEES OF. THE CITY OF 4J /f/%-� PADUCAI TO WORE UNDID[ AUD IU 0011BEOTIOL WITU THE OFFI OR OF THE 001=1S31011ER OF PUBLIC /ie / FIlIA10E, FOR TLLE YE:Oi 1916, AND DISOHAR0I110 OEHTAI;i MtVLOYEES Of TUE CITY IN CCF. p..�? VECTION WITH TIB DEPAiT=IT OF THE COIDI1391011ER OF PUBLIC FIVZOE, wan Riven Its 7 pssouge upon null of the roll by the following vete; Yeae, Luckey, LLaeelip, Ym Meter, Wallace and Wunhington -5, C' On motion by Member Washington, that the payroll of the Street Department, 2/.ld/-�/ amounting to $93,16, for week ending January E3d, 19169 not covered by ordinanoe,be allowed, some carried upon cull of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Lockey, Bazolip, Van Astor, Wallace and Wanhington -5. Oa motion by Member Dasellp, that the rules be suspended on sending out copies i t •� f of on Ordinance rrovlding that the Sewer Inspector and Street Inspector of the City ID2"'^ • ,p.,..:+ of Paducah may employ such help an may be rounonubly neuooeury to curry on their i. work, in their recreative dopartmenta, not otherwise provided for and named by 2 } y ordinance or resolution of the City of Paducah, ems curried upon cull of the roll by the following vote: Yana, Luckey, Horelip, Von Hater and Wulluoo .4. Noy: Washington On motion by the above, an ORDIDAUCE PROVIDIIIG THAT THE SNEER I113PEOTOR AND STREET 44dy ./rT � -=IN32ECTOH OF THE CITY of PADUCAH HELP AY aluoY SUCH HAu "Y BE REnUJNAELY NECESSARY µ.y1Ay 4 " TO 04LIY ON THEIR WORE, IL' TNEIR RESPEUTIVE DFPARTL:FJ;T3, UOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR , 0 ADD IIAOID BY OHDIUANCE bH P.ESOLUTIUU OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. was given its puesape upon cull of the roll by the following votes Yeua, Luckey, Hurelip, Van Mater and Wulluoo - 4. May. Washington, 1. On motion by Member Von Meter, AD ORDINANCE PROHIBITING VSHI3LESw OF ANY CHARACTER,'. THETHER DRAWN BY HORSES, MULES, OR OTHER ANIMALS, OR PROPELLED BY MO'NR POWER, FROM le 'A't 3TOPPINC OR PAIEINO ON THE EAST SIDE OF YOURTH ST10:ET .HID OH THE FACT SIDE OF THIRD y/ STIR"E'r FROM KH11,UCSY AVENUE TO JEPFERSOU 9TiiliRT, IB THE CITY OY P:dV0:J1, EEIITUCXY, was Riven its passage upon cull cull of the roll by the following votes Yeus, Luckey, Husalip, Yon Voter, Welluoe and Washington -6. ® A Or, motion by the above, AU ORDIUAICE REPEALID0 A RESOLUTIOB ADOPTED JANUARY 19, 1914, PROVIDING -TL'AT THE SALARY 0? 591E POLim COURT STENOGRAPHER SHALL DE FORTY 10.001 DOLLARS PILI MONTH, ADD TU.:T IT SHOULD BE OPTIODARY WITH 2112 JUDGE OF THE POLIO No. 1i Commissi6ner's Proceedings,' City of Paducah januarz 24th j9J6.00ntInued COURT. TO APPOIIIT A ST11IOG11Ar11ER OR RENDER SUCH SERVICES H I'ISEL F. AND IN THE EMT TO IiEZZEDDIMS , SU GH SERVI CBS 'HIMUELF SiID FORTY (340.DOLL4R3 .00) BE P,&ID TO THE JUDGE OF. -,HE POLICE COURT ,IID I112rj!LI11G A RESOLUTION. tu70PTED FEBRU,0Y 16. 1914,, BY T11i OZIIE'I'LL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PaDMW. PROVIDING THAT THE SALaRY OF THE UTEVOGRAPHER OF, TUE PuDUOai POLICE COURT BE -"DE FORTY ($40.00.) DOL"IiS PER UORTH.. RAP Oil APPOINTLO? 1 3 - i iLlID PROVIDING Th"T THE U1 T OF TIE TEN= 9ER r D POLICE JUDGE BE LtADF BY THE JUDGE 031 THE POLICE COURT, same nus given its passage upon oull of the roll by the folloviing vote: Yeas, Lackey, Hazelip, ::Von lister. Wullaco and •.'Waahi ngt on. -6. On motion byBomberHazelip, a transfor of lot in Oak Grovo Oonetory* Uumbor'14 in Block 47. north half, from Lire. 1iozolla Lillor to Beasley liarble & Granito Co. was grantod, upon oull of the roll bq. the following vo to': Ycas*. Lao lcoy,-,Udzolip, Van Motor; Wallaco'and Washinr-ton '-5. aura Roper was g . Lot 36 In On motion by tho 6bovo, lore. L rantoddeed to Block ' 47, north half,' in Oak Grovo Oomoto ry. treasuror'3 roccipt for V"60.00 (Sinti" Dollars). boiniz attached, upon call of tho roll'by the following vote: Yoae.. Lackey. Huzolipl.van motor, WallaoA and dushlnet6n -6. III On motion by Van Motor, that the following employees L. B. Durrett, Woo Flowers 2. T. Huzolip, Harry Glob, J. T. Lvitte, William Walker, and J. P. Rittar,bo appointed putrolmen.of the City of Puduonfi, but to.draw salary only In acoo-rdanoo with the.. appointment. horetofore. mado by resolution of the above. Z-14-� 5� named omployc9a, underno toro.of the Retention- Ordfnunoof the City. of Paducah, X onti,io1q. came carried upon call of.the roll by the.folloving vote: Yoas,! Lackey. 11azolip, Van Motor, Wallace and Washington -5. 'On motion the Board adjournod,.upori call of the roll by thb'followine - vote Yo us,. Luokoy, ilazolip, Van )Aster. Wulluoo and Washington' -6. '73= �k olk