HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 128, January 17, 1916t rtl..,[ _. ___ __ 2 �_ . 1 •' •ff: h T.MV.. "1sl 'f No �1•Si �'. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah F January 10191_L. aontinued Yeas. Laokey, Haaelip, Van.Meter, Wallace and Washington -6.BATON " .. � •w..��w 1�l � G :� r a.cl I , Ask - I4 d ( iiq Ulgr1�) ' J A N U A R Y 17" 1916. At a regular. meeting of.the Board of gommisaionera, held in the Council " Chamber, of the City Hall,.gity of Faduoah; Ky:. on January 17th, 1916, upon call of the roll the following answered their names: Lackey, Haselip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. On motion by Uomber,Huzolip, the minutes of the meeting.held Jan. 10th, 1916 'were adopted as road upon call of'the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Laokey, p op p t y•Haselip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. On motion by Mayor Luckey, that Capt. Fisher be allowed Ten (010.00) - Dollars � u'�" er•month on houoo rant for three consecutive months, came to be charged to Charity 6sg oLoaount. some carried upon call of the roll by.the'following vote: Yens, Luckey, Haselip, Van Lletor, Wallaoo and Wachington -6. O On motion by Mombor' Van.Meter, that an ordinance by brought in.prohibiting !r e.Wf!]� U""n ¢ the parking of automobilos on the East aide of Third and Fourth Stroete between .p Kentucky Avenue and. Jofforeon streets, same curried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Youa, Laskey, 11unelip, Van Motor. Wallace and Cuohington'-6. On motion by Uembor l7ushim ton, the pay roll of the Stroet Department for., tbo peak ending Jun. 1G, 1916, not oovorod by ordinance, umonnting to 477,06, wue ullowod upon cull of tho roll by .the following votot Youa, Lackey, Huzalip, Van Ue.tor, Wallace and.Washington -6. r On motion. by the above; that the City doliaitor's report of opinion 'on vehicles being left standing on.the street in the way of the City gleaning Department,, be received and filed, same ourrfed upoh call of.the roll by.tho following vote: v- 'Yeaa, Luckey, Hazolip, Van Motor, Wallace and Wushington -6. /nJ On motion by Uombor Wallaoa,thut the Report of the Auditor, showing claim .. for allowance, amounting to$12,3G4:H3, be received and ,filed, and checks drawn' /1 a,Treasury to pay sums; also that chocks be drawn on Troueury,for.y610.G4 to oovor ^? oach.ordere made by the Coimmissioners on.the Commissioner of Finance under the old syst am, sumo oarried upon ,oall.of tho roll; by. the following.vote: Yana, Lackey,., Haaolip, Van Mater, Wullnoo and t1ashington -6. On motion. by Member'.Hazolip, that tranefor of lot ton (10), block "E",'euot half, Oak.Grovo.Cometory, be .grunted from.Anna Karnee and Urs. Cummins to Urs. Amelia Nestor, same carried upon gall -of the roll_ by the following, vote: Yeas, Lackey, r' ' � f y. Hazelip, Van Mator,'Wullaco and Wachington -6- On motion by the above, that the Board of Supervisors be, and they are. 1r r hereby'inatruoted.to romove all pencil. corrections from the real catate.book'-further,; 4 .. U. that -they are hereby instruotod not to mala any changes in roal o;etote acooesmente except as to new iinprovemonte, as provided by law;.'s6no.oarrfed upon call of the roll'I by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Harelip, YunMeter, Wallace. &Washington4.,,:.' .A. 1.' .r .r', y,•Z . t +.. .. .u:rA1u> A .:.:.. --.v .. ' t ._._,r'!�tr':nw.i.:R..:'.4«•...... .,..Lr- •�X+;;w..: . c,:. -. ... t...+rw..:..,.. ,,...ccs-.sc:,.:c<�c; _ \ h � � � �.'r+f�t (�'�nt+,�.' Mri' t s} h-'{5 nwJ" r _+r!;s-.ss 9•e? ' r".K'� K e s•F t•- n• �- - . s`-.+q.��"r�,Pi�-r,.'Gr^+. � r•eyw,x..;�.,.-.�a,nTh!ys:Md+z7+ t Commissioner's. Proceedings, City of. Paducah.Tern ,nry , 7tb o ontinuod K ' On motion by Liuyor Lookey, that W. J. Forrest, watohmun for the Palmer Hotel Company, be granted polios powers, without salary, upon exeoution of ® proper bon&, as required by law, same ourried upon oall of the roll by the . c''...following vote: Y.eae,,'Luu]tey, Hazolip. Van Motor, Tiullaoo and Washington .6. /. On motion by Member Ilaehington, that. the Fidelity & Doiaoei•t Company . r' .• ^r' I Uri W '"""' of Maryland be released from the bond of V. F. Vheoler - same ourried upon oall ' ( f of the roll by the following vote: Yeus, Lnokey, Hnzolip, Van i.:oter, Wallaos do t Washington -6. . On motion by-Momber Walluoe, that the potition presented by Mr. -B. 4 , .G. Craig, for a change of Bootion Thirtoon (13) of the L:urhot House Ordinunoe, be referred to the Corcmiesionor of Publio Property for r000iviendation, sumo oarried ;;.';�;. •, II upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Luokey, Luzelip, Van Motor, v Wulluoe & Wuehington -6. On motion the Board adjourned. upon oall of the roll by the following ' voter Yeau, Luokoy, Huselip. Van l.fotor, Tlulluoo and Wunhington -6. ,. A. ' • r i. (,.' �t r •r z lig r r f ' � •`...+:•:.o.,.,. -.s.'.....,. .. ...a.. •.:... ..,,..,,..�w;.1✓�:a•?m:ne.;.».a.a.�..:...s...;us.sn2�........-+i..... r.: - _..._. �... -- .._.- .. .