HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 75, October 8, 1963No. 71, Proceedings of. Board or Commissioners Gty of Paducah October 8, 1963 Don Hartline reappointed 3arks,ila•-- y Around & Recreation Bd Appoint Henry J. Batts Urbar Renewal Board Approve v Appoir:tr^ent ues.r., J `'alts, Urton Rer.saal. Foard water ocr.r.ec .i A.Y r^ +0co yrurer ::tt At a P.erular i"eetinr of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission of the Citv Hall, Paducah, Kentuckv, at 7:30 P.M. on October 6, 1963, 1•°ayor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissionern Fendley, Cholson, Hornsbv, Karnes and Favor Cherry (5). 7:avor Cherry offered motion that the reading of the P`.unites for September 10 and 21, 1963 be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson. Hornshv, Karnes and Mayor Cherry (5). Navor Cherry made the following appointment: I hereby reappoint Don Hartline as a member of the Parks, PlavFround and Recreation Board of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for a term of four (4) years expiring October 1, 1967, so that said Board as now con- stituted shall he composed of the following members: Melvin 1. Taylor whose term expires October 1, 1964 Ed Cain whose term expires October 1, 1965 John Schneidman whose term expires October 1, 1966 Joe Mitchell whose term expires October 1, 1966 Don Hartline whose term expires October 1, 1967. N.avor Cherry made the followinr appointment: WHEREAS on July 23, 1963, William H. Gill was appointed as a member of the Urban Renewal and Community Development Areency of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to fill the unexpired term of Nat Dortch ending February 23, 1965, and member. WHEREAS on July 29, 1963, the said William H. Gill declined to serve as such NOW THEREFORE, subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners, I hereby appoint Henry J. Batts as a member of the Urban Renewal and Community Development Agency of the City for a term expiring February 23, 1965, so that said Board as now constituted shall be composed of the following members: C. Anthor.-:- Johnston whose term expires February 23, 1961,. :7illiam :i, Foster whose term expires February 23, 1964 henry J. Batts w'..ose term expires February 23, 19E5 Moble Clark whose term expires February 23, 196(. Howard ;loo%all w"rose term expires February 23, 1967 Co-missicrer Farr.es offered motion that the Foard of Commissioners oF•prevo the actior. of L0'ert, G. Cheer;, Ca•or, appointing Henry J. Batts as a nerirer of the Urban enewal ar.d Corr,-;r.lt: :;e clop-ent Arencv of the City of Paduca}:, Kentucky. Adopted on call c" ^_:•:e ^011, 'teas, "rendley, Gholson, Hornsb,, arnes and T:avor !:herr7 (5). o -x ssicr:er .._^..r. ^s r. o• -,)t3on that the Fetit.i:;r. of Alt ort V. ';nderwovd an.i tm wif:, ar �e a. !•:rcasnlor. *..o make one 3/4 ir.rh conroctiun to the ex4n'Anr 1� ir:,.^. .l:a•el; -..+:•erg �„ .. Fipq lire aloe.," Rutter ,'street., and to extend a qr. •ra"@.7 Sw-:e•t ;;:. ... .. ser.+ir,, ', :. Se, -rt alone truger !'troat, for ?.i:,, puri::ase or _yfa- ,^r .; ,.o S".C4 wa-,.r To ore raaI i?: :e c. !- 1,r,SF.orev they owr', oir.^ iar!.8 c'f 1e:5 _. ar^ il` ` .re .ter' ar.11 rel? Addi tior: in "c,:raekon Cr.;:.t ., 9:�r.t-.rcF r, and o,r sid Proceedings of-_----_'- '--c F c° r'_'TG City of Paducah_ Cer.o'.:r 12t`.3 '•,'ate: raiz. :-a rr in ,cn Hanks 'iaF= the corporate limits of the Cit- of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed, and that the F-err.ission petitioned for therein be Granted, subject to the terms and conditions i said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hornsby, Karnes and ?:savor Cherr^ (5). . Commissioner Hornsby offered the following motion: It appears that I. Dinald Farr in,ton and H. F. Banks, owners of property alonr Rustic Avenue and Brookfield Drive desire an extension of the existinr 8 inch water main from the intersection of N. hfoodland Drive and Rustic Avenue in a Southerly direction to the intersection of Rustic Avenue and Frookfield Drive to the south line of Lot 1, Block "C" of the Wood- land T'.anor Subdivision, a total distance of 60L feet, to provide domestic water service and fire protection to property they own. I, therefore, move that the petition of the aforementioned property owners, as recommended by the Commissioners of Water ?forks, be received and filed, and that the Paducah ;'later :forks, through its Board of Commissioners, be authorized to extend the :,'ater T`.ain as requested and install one fire hydrant. I further move that the adoption of this motion be considered as an agreement on tl,e part of the City of Paducah to pay the fire hydrant and main rental, as provided in the franchise, on the pipe lire and hydrant referred to above, said rentals to begin when the water main and 'hydrant have been installed and placed in service. Adopted on cal'_ of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendlev, Gholson. Hornsby, Karnes and Payor C:.err_. (5). Coar:issior.er Hornsby offered motion that the petition of btrs. Lura Edith Brian and her hust.ard, georre Lee Brian, for permission to make one 3/4 inch connection to th existir,r V inch pri•fatel.-- owned water pipe line located on Rutter Street., for the p,.rpose of supplyinr water to one residence onl}• on Lots 11.1 and 142 in the Utterback- Bell ...'tion. to the City of Paducah, in >'cCracken Countv, Kentucky, and outside the --:-its of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed, and that the r,•,r' ;.'.:..ioned for tYereir he warted, subject to the terms and conditions in said icr:ied on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, _ ... :err f`). iss_....__ re•i-cti... . at the report of the September, 1?63 r_.0 ,. ra- '.Pe condition of the city iail, to received � .1, Paas, Co^missioners Ferdle:•, ;co'_son, �nt, -r ':ertifica.te of Insurance issued *^.- i "•rd Ma Tilford iliLiMnr °_ I'.oatin:, ryr.etvod, approved and fil "s ceparr_, e .. r*n Fsr, a ^a1.'. of tho Ito 11, 'eat, No., 77 Proceedings of unarri of gomm9ssionerc _.__. City of Paducah—`,,l r R, 1963 r.i Water hvdrarts Commissioner Hornsbv offered the following. motion: It appears from a letter Lore Oak Rd. & vicinity dated September 23, 1963, filed by the Commissioners of Water Morks that they recommend the installation of fire hydrants on the water mains owned by the 'later Works on the Lon Cak Road and within the Sanders Addition at locations as follows: 1At Lone Oak Road and Oak Street l 2.. On Lone Oak Road at Hickory Street 3. On Lone Oak Road at Sycamore Street 4.. On Lone Oak Road at Popular Street 5. On Lone Oak Road at Birch Street �I 6. On Birch Street at Sanders Avenue I therefore move that the letter of the Commissioners of 'Fater Works be received and filed and that the Paducah 'dater Works, throug=h its Board of Commissioners, be authorized to install the fire hydrants at specified locations as requested. I further move that the adoption of this resolution be considered as an ap-reernen on the part of the City of Paducah to pay the fire hydrant rental, as provided in the franchise, on the fire hydrants referred to in the letter of the Commissioners of :dater ':llorks, said rentals to beo•in when fire hydrants have been installed and placed in service Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hornsby, Karnes and I Mayor Cherry (5). Terminate Temp- Commissioner Karnes offered motion that the employment of C. D. Rust, a tem- orary laborers Cemoe ery Dept porary laborer in the Cemetery Department be terminated as of September 20, 1963; and .Rust Lester Wilson that the employment of Lester Milson, James Walker and Louis Johnson, seasonal laborers James '.talker Johnson in the Cemetery Department be terminated as of September 28, 1963. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hornsby, Karnes and Payor Cherry (5). is 1:1G,COO .GC to L:ayor Cherry offered motion that the City Manager and City Treasurer be, and the) -ealth Sept. are hereb7, authorized and directed to pay the sum of $10,000.00 to the raducah-r'eCracker ;aunty Health Department as the City's portion of the cost of enlar7er..ent of its building and charre same to the Continrent Fund Account, Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, --issioners Fendley, Gholson, Hornsby, Karnes and Mayor Cherry (5). ?'aver Cherry offered motion that the Report of the Cit,., irimary Election held on L,rka le 1 ro7r hecertificatie to Gct. 1 1911- Anend..ower cc.section "fee I :;_:ra,•: 21, 1963, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Ccrr.issi.or.ers Fendley, Gholson, Hornsby, Karnes and Ilapor Cherry (5). . ?'avor Cherr•. offered motion that the Recertification of laducah tinder the idorkabl ir,rrar. for Cerr.r^i t" _nprovements, for, the period endinr• October 1, 196L, he received an filed. Adopted or call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, 'holsen, Hornsby, ac.•i "ayor r, - (5). _ ... o.^fered rotior. that the Corporation. Covnsel i•e and fie in horn! y "or ... ...n.oil a+, the next meeting o_" this :card or. ordinance amandin of _...src; rads?.Cell ... .. .. •.^ tri, 1'>r3 chanvinr the charm of •''?ry:.GU for cunr:oetions sag :tar se:;:: r: :•? it and near t -he torrit.ory annexed to r.he cit,,, or: ... = _ .. for ,... c, f' vr:,id Cenncoz.ions. Adopted on call of the moll, :eas, o•dz ,, "iclru,-, Hamra , Yarnes and Vayer "herry (`). ;'or n: -` nffvrod ro".1.a1t.fat a :eeel'.ltiOr entitled: ";t,,:.0L'.!TlU1; AY.; r : Y ^!i.: e ' ; OF EDDCAV ON Or' 'rHR ..: .. .. ,'.r ._ ,::r..., ., ,. ;iAr•. ii .... � n :l'.'*,1(�n•rle;::. "c N Procaadings of 7oard of Corr:issioners City of Paducah October A. 1.969 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SCHOOL BUILDI?IG AS AN ADDITION TO THE EXISTING FRANKLIN ELEl.'ENTARY SCHOOL IN SAID CITY; IN ADVERTISING IN THE NAr,,E AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY CP PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID SCHOOL BUILDING AND IN fitTAII:I.;C A FISCAL AGENT IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF SCHOOL BUILDING REVENUE BOT 6A7D CITY FOR THE FURPOSE OF FINANCING THE COST OF SAID SCHOOL BUILDING; AND APPROVING TEZ PLAIN'S AND SFECIFICATIODS FOR SAID SCHOOL BUILDING" be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hornsby, Karnes and Mayor Cherr^ (5i ieeaest "ids Commissioner Karnes offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION ?ractcr �Iocdwall R. QUESTI?:G THE CITY MAE'AGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR ONE NE:'i 1963 OR 1961 i ODEL FARM I FOR LIS! II! THE FLOODi7ALL DEPARTYM:T OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PRESCRIBING THE TER?`3 AND CONDITIONS UPON IHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hornsby, Karnes and Mayor Cherry (5)• .Recute Gran' Corrissioner Fendlev offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE arkle Fief AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO ENTER INTO A GRANT AGREEMENT FOR THE Airi^r ?•URPOSE OF OBTAINI;!G FEDERAL AID IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF BARKLEY FIELD, AND AUTHORIZING ROFERT C. CHERRY, MAYOR OF SAID CITY, TO EXECUTE SAID GRANT AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF LAID CITY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, G?olsor., Honnsby, Karnes and r!ayor Cherry (5). >' / Co=issioner Fendley offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE i :;,-7::': :... FINAL REPORT OF THE PADUCAH-McCRACKEN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION RESPECTI p iH :'. G::_: OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PINES ROAD BE7.1EEN THE ILLINOIS :..-.'__:.OAD RIGHT-OF-WAY (P £c I RAILROAD) AND CENTRAL AVENUE, AND A?'tENDING THE 3 L �rC�Id 7r.. r DINANCE-19%1 SO AS TO EFFECT SUCH REZONING", be adopted. Adopted r.. call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendlev, Gholson, Hornsby, Karnes and Mayor i. (15) Niliiars iorer Gholson offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE a' Iliacs r,. Lentz preiar C:ii6;c .:::G 'l l: :1'11e107;:2::T OF ':iILLIAI?S, IdILLIAMS A14D LENTZ, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTArT Audit OF 'IHS ACCOUNTS OF THE CITY OF FADUCAH AND ALL CITY OFFICERS FOR THE ici 3 CC':i:ID A'PIG;: CF THE YAY"'ZNT TO THE',! OF THE SUM OF :3,000.00", be intro- Or file fcr at leas, one (1) week for public inspection in the complat•. fc.n -•. x%.ic: i % •,. -'- - ?.o^. ':pon its fi al passare. Adopted on call of the Holl, -leas, .enJi£", ,rol3cn, Horn.917, Carnes and Payer Cherry (5)/ ,. v ..:otic:.,:: F:jrr.oc e;"f._ .. cidirance entitled: "AN ORDI"i ;;CE <a:aen--;e Fcr^ " ^,F PADUCAHPUBLIC I?•lPRCVE?$a?'^t !'! CITY IN CONSTRUCTIILG 1, _. AUTHOPI°ED TO PS TRANSFERRED SA' "1 ...71 :; 4r:.,.t_.. C.. .: nC,, i.!Sn`:i; AY,!! 011:10;. WITH SAID ..-.. r1:7*.., D "'t 'HALL 1+1J11,i)IUC:, A1:1) Tlli: .:I:� TFi3RL' .iG:LiU !"Ig T^AGING OF SAID FACIL1T ...._.. .,..:i..,.:,.-_..'.. : .....!! ,..-.3 _d .. FUND: TO FAY A - C: AND CQJ3TI+UCTIC,1: OF `,AID . .. .. - .. '''i i'.T 1.0 ,9 97"I •,F'-rJ r O.. ?iIri ff., 1. 9 u at OF Proceedingsof __`_o-trd o_s f Gommia�ion�rs ___�_ City of Paducah f,rt.nhor R, 1(,30.3 Rezone � si, 30th St btw Harrison &k Trimble Sunday Sales Unlawful Adiourn / 79 least one (1) week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passape. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hornsby, Karnes and Mayor Cherry (5). Mayor Cherry offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FINAL REPORT OF THE PADUCAH-McCRACKEN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION RESPECTING THE REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE EAST SIDE OF 30TH STREET BETWEEN HARRISON AND TRIMBLE STREETS AND AI'.ENDING THE PADUCAH ZONING ORDINANCE -1961 SO AS TO EFFECT SUCH REZ021ING", be adopted) Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hornsby, Karnes and Mayor Cherry (5). Player Cherry offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE SALE OR OFFER FOR SALE ON SUNDAY OF CERTAIN TYPES OF MERCHANDISE TO BE UNLAWFUL; NAR?ING SUCH PROSCRIBED TYPES OF MERCHANDISE, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF", he adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hornsby and Mavor Cherry (4), Commissioner Karnes voted "No". '•ayor Cherry offered motion that this Repular Meeting of the Board of Commissions of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be adjourned until the 18th day of October, 1963, at 5:00 o'clock P.M. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hornsby, Karnes and Payor Cherry (5). ADOPTED (S—i .2 -2-' _ _ __1963 Ciby Clerk` —' APPROVLDdo� - C�cCIQl!✓--- Iv, pAo, 71 Wi% '�