HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 481, December 20, 1966ti Proceedings of Board of Commissioners r I x Flace under Civil Service Join 'i7. Floodwall Robert Faurh Refuse Opera Ruth Dodre Finance Dept Cfty of Paducah__- December 20, 1966 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission f Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 F.M. on December 20, 1966, Mayor II Wilson presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: I Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg., Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Mayor Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, that the readi of the Minutes for December 13, 1966 be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting prepared i?v the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Johnston offered the following motion' On the recommendation of the City Manaper, I move that the following personnel changes be made: 1. John W. Layne, floodwall maintenance operator, be placed under civil service for such position, effective January 1, 1967, providing he furnishes, by such time / at his expense, a satisfactory medical report as to his physical condition, 2. Robert Faughn, equipment operator in the Refuse Division of the Public Works ✓ Department, be placed under civil service for such position, effective January 1, 1967, provided he furnishes, at his expense, a satisfactory medical report as to his physical condition, jl 3. Ruth Dodge, clerk -typist in the Finance Office, be placed under civil service for I) such position, effective January 1, 1967, providing by such time, she furnishes, at her expense, a staisfactory medical report as to her physical condition. Dorothy Fainter Enpineerinr- 4. Dorothy Painter, Clerk-tvpist in the Engineering Department, be placed under civil service for such position, effective January 1, 1967, provided by such time she furnishes, at her expense, a satisfactory medical report as to her physical Shirlev Ford �11 condition. Police Dept 5, Shirley Ford, Clerk -stenographer in the Police department, be placed under civil service for such position, effective January 1, 1967, provided by such time she I Henry Hodges / furnishes, at her expense, a satisfactory medical report as to her physical Parks A- Rec T i condition. Refuse Div. '' 6. Mary Ann Thomas, Clerk-tvpist in the Inspection Department be transferred to the Truck Drivers,! position of clerk -typist in the Finance Office, retroactive to December 16, 1966, i+oi•.by J Hicksj;, at a salary of x'260.00 per month. Joseph Smith Preston TiraroTs -,�'7 Henry Hodges, laborer in the Parks & Recreation Department, be placed under civil J D Ro:hertson: ✓ service for such position, effective January 1, 196.7, provided by such time he James A Shaw furnishes, at his expense, a satisfactory medical report as to his physical belkie Jones 1 condition, L.C.Chism s " James riiles •' F. The following truck drivers in the Refuse Division of the Public Works Department '-a placed under civil service for such positions, effective January 1, 1967, at Refuse Div, t2e following times, pro•!ided thev furnish by such time, at their expense, a LaLorers satisfactory medical report as to their physical condition: Frank Cole Fred I) Maxie Bocbv J. Hicks at 7:00 a.m. Luster Jordan ` Joseph Smith at 7:05 A.M. •Jas, k Helton, ' Preston Tirmons at ^:10 A.M. James A. Shaw at 7:15 A.M. ,� Bary Ann 'f'romjs ✓ John B. Robertson, at 7:20 A.M. transferred tp 1•'.elki.e Jcnes at ?:21 A."•`. Finanra ',fficwE L. C. Chism at 7:30 A.M. Ja::.us Biles at 'r:Y A.M. Applic:.t •-.. 'dicta e, 9. The followinr la'orers in the Refuse Division of the Public ?forks Department be ..: i,ept planed under civil service for such positions, effective January 1, 1967 at the times, pro-;ided tre:• furnish y such time, at their expense, a satisfac- y torr Tical report as to their phvsieal condition: .ir.'r r, ole at 7:(," ...''. 11 rlaxie at A. in tt.0 Fire Department, has satisfactoril icd assuch aFpl.irar.t-car.didatr, as provided by a fireman in t} -.r, Fire Dolart.r..ant, at a salary c.r.err.` er 1, , 19(F,, at f,:40 A..:. Fira Lai.artment, '.as 5atinfact.orily _. arplicant-eandtdate as rr,,vided by ... ve Fire Departr-.crt, at a sslary 1F, 19�h sp,:,syl Lepartner.-, Fe designated as _-._.;.. .__ _.. .. _° - ':. �y',pa:':• S. 10-l'", at asa:ary of x.190 L7 a" !4%-j. service ri,n%s and Pnxeedings of._ Roard of Commtissioners _ City of Paducah_ December 2f�..1,966 Settlement Refuse Yr. Sewers Novembe' 1966 .J i i I City pav 50 Blue Cross -Blue Shield 482 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Mavor Wilson (5). Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, that the reports of the Paducah :•tater :'forks he received and filed, and that the following checks be turned over to the Citv Treasurer to he deposited in the proper accounts: Refuse collections for November, 1966 4:12,571.61,. Sewer Service Charpes for ivovember,'1966 12,457.35 Bad Refuse accounts collected during November 29.00 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, K.ressenberp, Paxton, Puryear and Mavor :9ilson (5). Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Iaxton as follows: I more that beginninF January 1, 1967, the City pay an amount equal to 5M of the cost of emplovees' Blue Cross and Blue Shield premiums, subject to a maximum payment by the Citv of ?11.68 per month per emplovee, and authorizing the City Manager to take all steps necessary to effect such payments. I further move that the Citv Manager be authorized to add a "Coordination of Benefits" clause to the Blue Cross and Blue Shield contract, and that all new or revise individual contracts he written for one of two standardized plans, one for single emplovees and one for employees desiring family coverage. Adopted on call of the Roll Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Mavor Tdilson (5). Sell grave in V Commissioner Purvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that the Rushing Addition:; Tom Boyd I Board of Commissioners approve the sale by the City of Paducah to Tom Boyd of the sou west corner of Lot No. 375 in Block No. 6 of the Rushinp Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery and that the City Clerk he authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton; Purvear and Mavor Wilson (5). :ell crave in j Commissioner Purvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that the Rushing Addition' Willie Mae Freeman P.oard of Commissioners approve the sale by the Citv of Paducah to Mrs. Willie Mae Freeman of the southwest corner of Lot No. 269, Grave A, Block Lie. 6 of the Rushing Addition to Oak drove Cemeterv, and that the Citv Clerk he authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said remetery crave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, rressent.err, Paxton, Purvear and Mayor Wilson (5). Sell r•ra•re inComr:issioner Purvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that the Rus'rinr Addition IZ Y rale Wilson Hoard of Ccmrissioners approve the sale by the City of Paducah to Myrtle 'Milson of the southeast corner of Lot ::o. 371. ir. Plock No. 6 of the Rushinr Addition to Oak Grove Cenaterv, and tiat the Citv Clerk to authorized to exacube a deed of convevance to said r:ereter, rave. Adopted on r:all of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pressen>er: Faxtrn, iurV0ar• and Xavor Wilson (5). i Request kids I/ `rr�,nissiorer Paxton offered motion, :+econded by Commissioner Purvear, that a F.oekkeepinp Machine Firar.ce Rescl;:!.icn er. itlee: "A RESOLUTION REQUEr,",.r; TPF CITY MAi�ArEfi TO ADVERTISE FOR HIDS Office FCA ACCO1h.TI..'^ OR KJOYYEEPI41 XACI!I+.E FOR USE 1.� IgE FI.,A,.CE OFFICE,"PE ADOPTED. Adopted c:. all r.f t4e Fall, Yeas Commissioners Johnston, Frassent.err, Paxton, Puryear and Mavcr Wtils-;r; (5). i No. 1,82 Proceedings of _Poard of Commissioners City of Paducah__ ____20_V_emhe.L20.,__19L6_ ,;mend Tax - Repeal License ordirar.ce (Cccupa G'_Gral) �1 i Supplement policemen's ;1 o^Iersat 2c:' Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDILAiuCE AM&I)I1'+G SECTIONS 1 AND 2 OF Ax, ORDI++Ar.CE &a TITLE 'Aa, ORDIi+A+.CE LEVYIa.G Aa.D IMIPOSI,%G LICEavSE FEES FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF EauGAGIuG Ia. OCCUPAT.IO.,,S, TRADES Aa•D PROFESSIOa+S Ia THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEmTUCKY, BY ALI, PERSO++S EMPLOYED BY OTHERS, MEASURED BY Oa.E PERCEnT (1%) OF THE GROSS RECEIPTS EARavED Ia. THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KE-TUCKY, BY SUCH EMPLOYED PERSO"S Oa. Aa,D AFTER THE 26TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1956; DEFI,,Ia,C WORDS Aa•D TERMS; PRESCRIBI,,G REGULATIO,+S Aa•D PROVIDIa,G FOR T, --.'E ADMIa,ISTRATIOa,, E-FORCEM.Ea.T Aa,D COLLECTIO- OF SUCH LICEa.SE FEES; REQUIRI,,G THE FILI•G OF RETUR,•S Aa,D THE CIVIa,C OF I,,FORMATIO•• BY EMPLOYERS Aa•D THOSE SUBJECT TO SUCH LICE,+SE TAX; imposi••r upon emplovers the duty of collecting license fees at the SOURCE; EXEMIPTIIG CERTAII, OCCUPATIONS FROM THE PROVISIONS HEREOF; PROVIDIr,C THAT THE LICEavSE FEES COLLECT D SHALL BE PAID It.TO THE GEauERAL FUAD OF THE CITY FOR PAYMEa.T OF GEAERAL GOVERmVlEauTAL EXP&SES OF THE CITY; PROVIDIa.G THE PEiALTY FOR THE VIOLATIOLy THEREOF; REPEALIa.G ALL ORDI,,Aa.CES Iu COa1FLICT THEREWITH; Aa•D PROVIDIa.G A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE', WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COM5MISSIO1,ERS Oa SEPTE14BER 25, 1956 Aa.D IS RECORDED Io ORD.L"A-CFy BOOK 13, PAGE 594", be adopted. Adopted oz, call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Purvear and Mavor Wilson (3), Nays, Commissioners Kressenberp, and Paxton (2). Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that an ordinance entitled: "AI: ORDI+Aa.CE REPEALING Aav ORDIivAarCE EauTITLED 'Aa ORDIavAUCE FIXIa.0 Aa,D RECULATIa,G THE LICE,,SE TAXES, Aa,D MAaa.ER Aa•D FORM OF GRAa,TI,.G ApD ISSUIarG SAME Ca, THE VARIOUS LIES OF BUSIa,ESS, TRADES, OCCUPATIO-S, PROFESSIO,,S, VOCATIO"S Aa•D CALLIa,GS Ia THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEa+TUCKY, Aa•D PROVIDIa G PE,,ALTIES FOR a,0a•-PAYMIEa,T THEREOF, Aa,D FOR VIOLATIO•• THEREOF, A,•D MAKI,•G IT Ua,LAI^fFUL TO E,,GAGE I,. Aa.Y SUCH LIa.ES OF BUSIa ESS, TRADES, OCCUPATIOa S, PROFESSIO,,S, VOCATIOauS Aa'aD CALLI1,GS WITHOUT FIRST PAYIa,C TPE LICE.,SE TAX Aa,D PROCURI,,G LICEa•SES AS PROVIDED HEREI,•; REPEALIa,G ALL OR- DIa,A• CES i•, CC••FLICT THERF41TH, A• D PROVIDI,,G A SEPARABILITY CLAUSE', @JHICH ORDIa,A,,CE '.';AS ADOPTSD Oa, DECEMBER 23, 194.7, A=•D IS RECORDED Ia, ORDIa.A•CE BOOK 11, PAGE 282, A+,D II ALL A'% +,D.•-!E•TS THERETO", be adopted. Adopted o• call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners 4 Johnston, 'iresser.}-er,^, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (4), Commissioner Paxton voted ""o". Coss is,:ioner ?reser.?'err offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, that J� ar ordinance er•;iticd: "API GRDL,+Aa,CF AJTPORIZT,,r', THE CITY MAa.AGER TO E, -TER !,-TO A I CO.,TRACT .;IT!' CT,' -,RAY D7. OIL CCNI•Aa,'� FOR THE FURC1+ASE OF ALL REGULAR Aa,D ETHYL GASOLL,E, I iz C'•'I ._..: L FU:L, CPASCIS LUF.P.TCA„T, GEAR LUBE OIL, HYDRAULIC OIL-, KEROSEa,E Aa•D � ;•.:,:.'.; USE BY TPE CI T7 CF f ADUCAH, KS• TtICFY, FOR THE PERIOD OF TIME FROM ;.;•: go, n( „..D iPESCRIBI,,” THE TEW';> A+,D CO••DITIO.,S UFO., WHICI? adopted. Adopted c+, r,,ll of the Roll, Yeas, 55.. +.:.::'^; •',�.`. ',fin, _ .: , Iaxtor, Iurvear anr: Wilnon (5). Commi• Yr, :re,' 7ot,'.?or, seconded ;:mmni9sioner Johnston, that, 71'E Pisr OF POLICE J 1 i'O=' ERCP DAY TREY ALE EEQ.U'IRED TO ATTE+•D A+ Y :-ae L of •_:.. _ ,.: _. � -: .. : ?' , :... , :. ..ar ,.,, e. call tte Foil, leas, Commissioners ers No. 483 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City ofPeduceh December 20, 1966 Establish: Work Commissioner Paxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that an 'week Cemetery enrlovees ordinance entitled "AN ORDII,ANCE AD"ENDIi,G SECTION 2 OF A,� ORDINANCE ENTITLED 'A1• i ORDI,-ANCE ESTABLISHI,,G THE WORK :'LEEK A11D RATES OF PAY OF EMPLOYEES OF THE STREET DEPART M ---,,T A1,D CEMETERY DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, A,�D REPEALI,.G ALL ORDI•-A+.CES I1, CONFLICT THEREWITH' WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMA'IIS=,O ERS ON +,OVEMBER 27, 191•711, he adopted. Adopted oA, call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenbere, Paxton, Purvear and Mayor Wilson (5). Occupational Mavor Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenbere, that an License Ord- inance ordinance entitled: "AN ORDIi,AwCE FIXING AivD REGULATI140 THE LICEI,SE TAXES, A1,D h.,ANNER 'I AND FORD". OF r,RA1,TIN7, AND ISSUING SAME 01. THE VARIOUS LINES OF BUSINESS, TRADE, OCCUPATI PROFESSIO,,S, VOCATIONS A+�D CALLINGS I4, THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR 1,0N-PAYME,,T THEREOF, A1,D FOR VIOLATION THEREOF, A1•D MAKI,,G IT U1�LAWFUL i TO E1,rAGE IN A• -Y SUCH LINES OF BUSINESS, TRADES, OCCUPATIONS, PROFESSIO•�S, VOCATIONS i AND CALLINGS WITHOUT FIRST PAYING THE LICEI,SE TAX AND PROCURING LICE,,SES AS PROVIDED HEREIN; REPEALING ALL ORDI,-A+ACES I1, CO,-FLICT THEREWITH; PROVIDING THAT SAID ORDI,,ANCE SHALL BE REFERRED TO UNDER A SHORT TITLE AS 'OCCUPATIO,-AL LICEI.SE ORDINANCE -19671, A,.D PROVIDING A SEPARABILITY CLAUSE". be adopted. Adopted oN call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Johnston, Kressenbere, Purvear and Mavor Wilson (4), Commissioner Paxton voted "No". On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED iif%_. y 7 1966 APPROVED c ✓�{%/ avor City Clerk I