HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 477, December 13, 1966No. 4^ Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City ofPaducah____ December 13,_1966 Agreement ICRR sewer line i File applica tion want (;per-pr land 1urctaze Ian? ,utt:rie Mays 1•a rY. s Amend G4,i" Ser.fce :-r Salary increases Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr, that i a resolution entitled"A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY OLERK TO EXECUTE, 01ii BEHALF OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, Aiu AGREEMENT WITH ILLINOIS CEaTRAL RAILROAD COMPAI,Y GRAi.TI1,r PERMISSIOi. TO SAID CITY TO COavSTRUCT AavD MAIivTAIi� CERTAIi. COaCRETE STORM SEWER PIPE LIi.ES ALD COi�CRETE BOX CULVERT STORM SEWERS Ui+DER TRACKS Ai.D PROPERTY OF SAID RAILROAD COMPAi.Y", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll „ Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberr, Paxton, Furvear and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Faxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Purvear, that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIrG FILIivG OF APPLICATIN TO HOUSIi.G A1gD HOb7E Fl,,Ai.CE AGEi.CY FOR GRAi.T TO ACQUIRE OPEi.-SPACE LA,iD'', be adopted. Adopted or, call of ti:e Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberr, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Ccr,missioner lurvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that a I Resolution entitled "A RESOLUTIC:; AUTHORIZI1ar, THE CITY MAi.AGER TO Ei+TER Ii.TO A PURCHASE CG.TF.ACT 'd 171! "UTHRIE PLAY FOP. 911E PURCHASE OF CERTAIir PROPERTY ADJOIi�I,,G BROOKS STADIUM PARK, i Ai.P. PPOVIDL, G FOR THE TERMS AI -D CCi.DITICivS OF SUCH PURCHASE", be adopted. Adopted or. call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, K.ressent-err, Paxton, l'urvuar and Mavor Wilson (5). rc._^:issiorer Johnston Offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Krossenharr, that an cr^irance entitled: "AN CRDIi.A:.CE AYII%NDL.r. SECTIO',.S 7, 7-A, 8-A, P -ti, P, -C, 8-D, 91 11 OF THE 'Ari"GI:.`;L';• ....:CYESS' CIVIL SERVICE ORDIi.A..CE', rWHICli WAS ADI_OTED BY'. :::. %: '•7dISS1C..EF' _.+ ..... "PtR 2, 191.7, AI.D A..k•*xi.DED Oa JA1al1ARY 22, 19 1,3, 1-3. ?, :�: 1, _ %4, APRIL. 27, 19:5, MAY 11, 19(,5, i.OVEMDER 9. ;, >'i•.::i'. ... , _ ' ', "e adol.ted, A,)Cl:TED Gra call of the F.el_, Yeas, :.=si Hers -., lur•,ear and Mayor Wilscn (4), Connissioner iaxtc.. :c:ed . At a Rer_ular Meetinr- of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission I I� Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on December 13, 1966, Mayor I Filson presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: :I Commissioners Johnston, KressenberF, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). i� Navor Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg,, that the redding of the Minutes for December 6, 1966 be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Purvear and Mayor Wilson (5). Employ Commissioner Purvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton as follow Herdis Rav,�Jr Temp. Laborer / On the recommendation of the City Manager, I move that the following personnel change Refuse Div. he made: 1. Herdis Ray, Jr. be employed as temporary laborer in the Refuse Department, effective December 16, 1966, at a salary of $1.63 per hour. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Purvear and Mayor Filson (5),I Filebids Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that the Petroleum Products followine bids on petroleum products be received and filed. i Sunray DX Oil Company Gulf Oil Corporation Sinclair Refininr Companv Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenbera, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Filson (5). Agreement ICRR sewer line i File applica tion want (;per-pr land 1urctaze Ian? ,utt:rie Mays 1•a rY. s Amend G4,i" Ser.fce :-r Salary increases Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr, that i a resolution entitled"A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY OLERK TO EXECUTE, 01ii BEHALF OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, Aiu AGREEMENT WITH ILLINOIS CEaTRAL RAILROAD COMPAI,Y GRAi.TI1,r PERMISSIOi. TO SAID CITY TO COavSTRUCT AavD MAIivTAIi� CERTAIi. COaCRETE STORM SEWER PIPE LIi.ES ALD COi�CRETE BOX CULVERT STORM SEWERS Ui+DER TRACKS Ai.D PROPERTY OF SAID RAILROAD COMPAi.Y", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll „ Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberr, Paxton, Furvear and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Faxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Purvear, that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIrG FILIivG OF APPLICATIN TO HOUSIi.G A1gD HOb7E Fl,,Ai.CE AGEi.CY FOR GRAi.T TO ACQUIRE OPEi.-SPACE LA,iD'', be adopted. Adopted or, call of ti:e Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberr, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Ccr,missioner lurvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that a I Resolution entitled "A RESOLUTIC:; AUTHORIZI1ar, THE CITY MAi.AGER TO Ei+TER Ii.TO A PURCHASE CG.TF.ACT 'd 171! "UTHRIE PLAY FOP. 911E PURCHASE OF CERTAIir PROPERTY ADJOIi�I,,G BROOKS STADIUM PARK, i Ai.P. PPOVIDL, G FOR THE TERMS AI -D CCi.DITICivS OF SUCH PURCHASE", be adopted. Adopted or. call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, K.ressent-err, Paxton, l'urvuar and Mavor Wilson (5). rc._^:issiorer Johnston Offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Krossenharr, that an cr^irance entitled: "AN CRDIi.A:.CE AYII%NDL.r. SECTIO',.S 7, 7-A, 8-A, P -ti, P, -C, 8-D, 91 11 OF THE 'Ari"GI:.`;L';• ....:CYESS' CIVIL SERVICE ORDIi.A..CE', rWHICli WAS ADI_OTED BY'. :::. %: '•7dISS1C..EF' _.+ ..... "PtR 2, 191.7, AI.D A..k•*xi.DED Oa JA1al1ARY 22, 19 1,3, 1-3. ?, :�: 1, _ %4, APRIL. 27, 19:5, MAY 11, 19(,5, i.OVEMDER 9. ;, >'i•.::i'. ... , _ ' ', "e adol.ted, A,)Cl:TED Gra call of the F.el_, Yeas, :.=si Hers -., lur•,ear and Mayor Wilscn (4), Connissioner iaxtc.. :c:ed . 478 ProceediegsoF. _Board of Commissioners_ eityoFPaducah December 13, 1966 _ Non -Civil / Commissioner Johnston offered motion seconded by Commissioner Kressenberp, that Service Ord. Salary increase an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF At, ORDINANCE ENTITLED; 'AN ORDIirANCE FIXING AND ADJUSTING THE RATES OF PAY FOR CERTAIN 1,ON-CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH', WHICH WAS ADOPTED ON MARCH 16, 1957, Ai+D AMENDED O,r OCTOBER 18, 1966", he adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, 'i Kressenberr, Purvear and Mavor Wilson (4), Commissioner Paxton voted "No". Fire Dept Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that Applicant - Candidate I an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDIIiG SECTION 5 OF AN ORDINANCE EirTITLED: "Ai, salary increase ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE EMPLOYMENT, TRAINING AND SCREENING OF PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS i OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; ESTABLISHING QUALIFICATIONS OF SUCH PERSONS; PROVIDING FOR THE PROMULGATION OF RULES AND REGULATIOaS WITH RESPECT THERETO; FIXING THE COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO SUCH PERSONS DURING THE PERIOD THEY ARE SUBJECT TO THE TERMS HEREOF AND REPEALIK, ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH", WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ON APRIL 27, 1962 AND AMENDED ON MARCH 22, 1966", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commis sioners Johnston, Kressenberp, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (4), Commissioner Paxton voted "No." Fire Department / Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that salary increase v an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE NUMBER, RAi+KS AnD MONTHLY SALARIES OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH', WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF N Oil COMMISSIONERS 0 DECEMBER 11, 1961, AND AMENDED ON MARCH 22, 1966 be adopted. Adapted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Puryear and Mayor Wilso (i,), Commissioner Paxton voted "No". Police Dept. Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberp, that salary increase an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF AN ORDINANCE Ei+TITLED: 'AN ORDIi+ANCE ESTABLISHING THE NUMBER, RANKS AND MONTHLY SALARIES OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT I AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH', WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COI•IKISSICNERS ON AUGUST 5, 1952, AND AMENDED ON JUNE 28, 1966", be adopted. Adopted oci' call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberp, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (4), Corriissioner Paxton voted "No". Alcoholic Bev. Corrmissiorer Kressenherp offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, that N/ Administrator salary increase an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4 OF AN ORDINA,,CE ENTITLED: 'AN (11RDI:.A.•CE. F•ROVIDL.! FOR THE APPOIrrTMENT OF A CITY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ADMINISTRATOR TO AD!.:T,.TSTEP. A..D E,.FORCE Ii. THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, PROVISIONS OF KRS 242.010 TO 243.710; PRESCRIBI.-G THE DUTIES OF 'im CITY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ADMI.+ISTRATOR; FTXI+.G '" OF HIS CO!*Ei+SATIO.+, A,4) RF.PF.ALING ALI,, ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH', WHIr; 1AS ADOFTED P.Y THE BOARD OF COB'!Ii5I0i.ERS 0+. JANUARY 16, 1951, AND AME,,DED 0.. "AicCF 22, 19'`%.", se alopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, F-ressen:err, Furvear and Mavor Wilson (4), Commissioner Paxton votud "No". ,l Parks A Rec- „% rcn-ission r F"ressenrern offered motion, seconded by Corrmi.ssioner Johnston, that reatior. Dept salary increase an ordiran,:e er ._ `.led "AIN GrD!:.A:'.^^ oECTIC.+ 2 OF A-- ORDIi. ..CE E;,TITLED 'A N CF;^T:+.:."c Ck�,:'::.." ..D E;,TAFLISu:.+r A FAR'r:S AND RECREATIG;, DEPART?'&..T FOR THE CITY OF FAT,"CAF, w +?.:C??, CREATE., PCCITTC..S THEREI:. nuD FIXING ."SALARIES THEREOF', WHICH WAS ADCI :... PT :rE FOARD CF COKMISSIO. ERS C.. DECEMPEP. ?, 1964, -1) AMSE:.DED CN MARCH 22, 1966", t•e a?c,.ed. Adcpted c:: ^all of the Roll, yeas, C=issioners Johnston, Eressenberg, No. !i„c Proceedings of _,Board of Commissioners _ _ City of Paducah___--__DeCemhar_13r-1965.-____ 'i1 �urvear and Mayor Wilson (1,), Commissioner Paxton voted "No". City Manoffered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, Salary arer Commissioner Kressenberr increase Accept bid Sunray DX Petroleum products that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'An ORDINANCE FIXING THE AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION WHICH THE CITY MANAGER SHALL RECEIVE AND TRANSFERRING. SUFFICIENT FUNDS FROM THE CONTINGENT FUND TO THE APPROPRIATIO14 FOR CITY MANAGER'S SALARY TO PAY THE SALARY SO PROVIDED', WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ON JULY 22, 1952 AND AMENDED ON MARCH 22, 1966", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (t,), Commissioner Paxton voted "No". Commissioner Paxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MAhACER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH SUNRAY DX OIL COMPANY FOR THE PURCHASE OF ALL REGULAR AND ETHYL GASOLINE, MOTOR OIL, DIESEL FUEL, CHASSIS LUBRICANT, GEAR LUBE OIL, HYDRAULIC OIL, KEROSENE AND ANTI- FREEZE FOR USE BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR THE PERIOD OF TIME FROM JANUARY i 1, 1967 TO JUNE 30, 1967, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIOivS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be introduced and remain on file for at least one week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passagel. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Puryear, Paxton and Mayor Wilson (5). Reapportionment l Commissioner Paxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that an ordinance 1966 .✓ ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE STATEMENT OF ANTICIPATED REVENUE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR THE YEAR 1966; REVISING AND AMENDING THE APPROPRIATION. OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS, REVENUE AND INCOME ON HAND, AND COLLECTED AND TO BE COLLECTED IN SAID YEAR; AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF UNUSED APPROPRIATIONS FOR ONE PURPOSE TO ANOTHER PURPOSE;MAKING SUCH TRANSFERS; APPROPRIATING AVAILABLE REVENUES NOT INCLUDED I:. THE BUDGET FOR SAID YEAR: FIXING THE APPORTIONMENT OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSES SPECIFIED THEREIN; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH", be is,troduced and remain on file for public inspection until the notice of the transfer of fundsas provided herein shall have been published as required by law, and shall be i put upon its final passare after such publication. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Y.ressenherc, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Horrow I Cocmissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that an 1'85,000.00 Sewers ordinance entitled "AN OP.DILA..CE AUTHORIZI1+r, AI -D DIRECTINC THE MAYOR Ai.D CITY TREASURERI TO BORROW 4-85,000.00 FOR THE USE A.+D BENEFIT OF 771E CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FOR THE COnCTP.t1CT1C.. OF SAi.ITARY SEWERS Ai+D SEWERS FORTHE RELIEF OF EXISTING SANITARY SEWERS FO� THE CITY CF PADUCAH, KENTUCYY; TO EXECYTE A :.OTE OR NOTES FOR SAID SUM FOR AND ON BEHALF OFI THE CITY, ,,.D TO FLEDGE AS SECURITY THEREFOR THE SUM OF 3;89,000.00 PROM THE PROCEEDS j OF THE SALE CF "CITY OF PADUCAH 'DOTED SEWER BQ:.DS", WHICH BOs.D ISSUE WAS APPROVED BY THE 70TERS CF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KE,,T?;CFY AT A REGULAR EI.ECTIOr. 0.. NOVEMBER 2, 1 1Q0 I, n+•D AU?i±OATlr BY TNF: BGARD OF CO'•V+!ISS?Q.+ERS OF SAID G?T'i 0, APRIL 26, 1966 BY CF:DI••A:•CE RECCRD£D I:. CRDT.:.A:.R£ R.:CF 15, PAGE 91"", be adopted. Adopted on call of t9 e Roll, Yeas, CG=issioners .!.hr.s c;n, Presser.%.err, Payton, Purvear and Mayor !o Nilsen (5). 480 Proceedings ofCt*fYoF On motion the meetinp ad,journed. ~'|^~-~ ------' �----'--'-----' ------- -~--~~- | ADOPTED xPpD0Voo City Clerk