HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 369, March 8, 1966Proceedingsof - Poard of Con-;issioners___- _ City ofPaducaR MarcF F, 196x: At a Rerular T.•:eetinr of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on March 8, 1966, Mayor Wilson presided and upon call of the Roll the followi.nr answered to their names: Commissioners I Johnston, Kressenberr, Purvear and P+Iayor Milson (4), Commissioner Paxton being absent (1) 1,avor Wilson, offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for February 22 an 2F, 1966 to waived and that the Minutes of said meetings prepared by the City Clerk he I) approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, uressenFerr, Puryear and I,avor 'Wilson (4). I Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner KressenberF, th tYe report submitted by B. Cowles Mallorv, City Manager, relative to Police Department Reortranization, dated March 8, 1966, be received, approved and filed. Adopted,on call of the Roll „Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberv, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (4)• Terminals Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg as Aubrey Parks follows: On the reoommendation of the City Manarer, I move that the following personnel ^.ry Clay chances be made: ices La: oris .r.rks 1. Aubrey Thompson, park patrolman, be terminated, effective July 21, 1965. - 2. Henry Clay Hodres, temporary laborer in the Parks and Recreation Depart- ment be emploved as a permanent laborer in said Parks and Recreation Department; -at a salary of $1.55 per hour, effective March 15,•1966. 3• Mrs. Patty Jean Russell be emploved as metermaid, assigned to the Police Fcrd Department, effective April 1, 1966. =" 4. Mrs. Frances Bramley Williams he emploved as metermaid, assigned to the Police Department, effective April 1, 1966. 5. Mrs. Shirlev Mavo Ford be employed as stenographer, assigned to the Police Department, effective April 1, 1966. ;.-.1c•pted or. call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, KressenberF, Puryear and Mayon Wilson (4). 1 - Com_^:issiorer Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner KressenberF that claim of Jessie J. Enrlish, 905 Old Mayfield Road, arainst the City, in the sum of " .GO, for danares to hi; motor vehicle, on or about January 7, 1966, as a result of an i i .d street defect, at 21st and Ohio Streets be allowed, and that the Treasurer pay said :iter securinr, a full and complete release. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, ^.issioners Jr,'r.nstor.•, Krasseni;err, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (4). ; rommissioner JoPrnstcn offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenrer,, •adule ;' ,ha*. the Setter of ?. Cowles Mallory, City Manarer, dated March 7, 1966, relative to i sa:ar7 and 'ware si}:edule �e received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Y@83,^.n.:i*issi,ners .ioirr.stcn, 'rressen?:er•, Pur -ear and Mayor Wilson (4). .:Ice ! .rJr Corri :si<:ner Yres3er. 3r:' cffered :nor.lon, seconded by Commissioner Johnston that FG. '(I li repart of -ae PoliceDepartment fnr ;.e rar.tt. of Fe'r.ruory 196.6, be received and filed. j:t@d Gn 8iI of Ch@i:all, Teas, Can.'.1.391Unere 6hnnton, Yressenberr•, Purvear and Mayor ' Nilson (t;), Cov=!szIrr.r.':.: esserFerr offered motion, seccnled 2.y Comminlionar .iGhn3tn r: i]'i-at the r: -. .,']4:r., in t^e anount r.f dated Fel,ruary 2P•, 196x, 'te re:.. i ?r:..;. of the Poll, Yeas, ':orni3sloner. Johnston, Kres:,.. •,r,, ;gar a: _ ;or ri:.-..... (;.,. No. 370 Proceedings of. @oard ofComlpi ossinQrs— _ City of Paducah March 82-196-6 i/ Liability Ins I Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that th Harold L. Jones, Nest Y,y Paving Co Certificate of Insurance issued by Maryland Casualty Company to Harold L. Jones and ' others, d/b/a West Kentucky Paving Company, for a period of one year from March 16, 19U, iI 'i he received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Purvear and Mayor Wilson (4). Letter BurnsF. Commissioner Kressenberg offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, that the McDonnell Sub- a� surface Invest•. letter of Burns and McDonnell Engineering Company, dated March 7, 1966 to B. Cowles work - Mitchell Testirr Laboratory Mallory, City Manager, recommending that Mitchell Testing Laboratory be permitted to do the subsurface investieation work in connection with the current relief sewer program be received, and that such recommendation be approved and said letter and accompanying documents be filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Puryear and Mayor Milson (4). Settle claim /' Commissioner Purvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that th Woodrow Hook / claim of Woodrow Hook, 3511 Forest Circle, in the sum of $56.83 for damaee caused him b an alleged defective city sewer condition be allowed, and that the Treasurer be directed to pay said claim after securing a full and complete release. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (4). / File & reject ✓ Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that th bids on Walkie- Talkie Transceivers bid submitted by Motorola on two Walkie-Talkie Type Transceivers, together with the letter from Radio Corporation of America submitting a "No Bid", be received and filed. I further move that the bid submitted by Motorola be, and the same is hereby, rejected.) Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (4). Audit for 1965 Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberi*, that Receive N. file Fu'list. the Audit Reports of the City of Paducah and the Improvement Accounts of said City, for the year ended December 31, 19Es, which were prepared by Williams, Williams and Lents, f t.e received and filed, and that the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized and i directed to pu}:lish in the Sun -Democrat the condensed form of said Audit Report of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressen-' I ;. i.err,'Purvear and Mayor 'rlilson (4). keli crave in Cormi.ssioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Counissioner Kressenberg, that the N,.tsi lnv hd-iitior. ffie "datkinI hoard of Commissioners approve the sale by.the City of Paducah to Effie Watkins of tha nort:east corner of Lot No. 3PO in Plock No. 6 of the Rushing Addition to Oak Gruver Cerreter•r, and that, t}:e City Clerk bo authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said reme`.ery ^rate. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressinherir, F.:r ;ear and 1ayor Wiincn Letter'=it• Kar. "n :•ar 'Wi?n.r. ocr'-rc:•d ra'.ior., seconded Fv Commissioner %ressenterr, that tho letter', �'c.r.per.sation .4. 11-1 C.`.e ilita Ins. frog r,xiti^ :'allnr ^.itv Kana,-er, non"rnit:r^ :`uquests for quotations for Workman's 9 Zt^e r r r: i, l71ty Insurance, Fu roceircd, approved and filed. I i vd _. ... ,^ :,re.., alssionNrs Jot:nst n, Erassc•:;t r:•, Furveilr Witt File t ids c,,:'t 7+cr. F... . _ - . ... -.. ra r: r P:rvs..-.... .. •, that, the followi.rig 3- -eel Police ceFicl®a (2J o::l .filed: Proceedings of-_=oard of Commissioners city oFPaducah March 8, 1966 Request bids 3 Compact Mo veh+i6les Request bids Tractor for F Recuest bids on sidearms for Police y Dept. rezone port Little^ills Accept bid Kentucky Machin - cry , Inc, on ' Tractor -Shovel( Rpfnrtionret:r r;l5rarce fcr� r r Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Puryear and Payor Wilson (4). Commissioner Johnston offered motion seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, tha a Resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ZND REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, OF THREE (3) NEW CC MOTOR VEHICLES, AND PRESCRIBING THE CONDITIONS UPON WHICH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Furyear and Mayor Wilson (4). Commissioner Kressenbere offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, a Resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO AD- VEF.TISE FOR BIDS FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, OF ONE (1) NEW TRACTOR FOR USE BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, AND PRESCRIBING THE CONDITIONS UPON WHICH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberp, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (4). Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, tha a Resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY OF FIFTY-FIVE SIDEAP14S (PISTOLS) FOR USE BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF SAID CITY, AND PRESCRIBING THE CONDITIONS UPON WHICH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenbere, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (4). Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FINAL REPORT OF THE PADUCAH- McCRACKE: COUNTY PLANNING CO?•MISSION RESPECTING THE REZONING OF PROPERTY IN THE LITTLEVILLE AREA, AND AMENDING THE PADUCAH ZONING ORDINANCE -1961 SO AS TO EFFECT SUCH REZOEING", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Yressenterr, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (4). Ccraaissioner Kressenherr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, I that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF KENTUCKY MACHINERY, INC+ FOR THE THE CITY CF ONE NEW ALLIS-CHAUIERS MODEL HD7G TRACTOR -SHOVEL FOR USE ..Y.S DEPART _'NT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PRESCRIBING THE TER::.`, ';..... .:i;:';ri SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call. of the Lri'_1, Yeas, Commisoicrern Johnston, Kressen?'err, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (4). . nissiorer rar;ear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, that ar. vrdi::ar.,-: e:ai'.icd: "AN; ORLINANCE FIXING THE APPORTIONMENT OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS OF Y.ENi3UCYY, FOR TPZ YZAR 19<( AND APPROPRIATING THE PUBLIC REVENUE r' ed ...'Y CF 1ADUCAH Fr . CUCi 1URIOSE;", ho adopted, Adopted on call %r.e ..r.11, Zeas, Cc.^r..issirrars Johnston_ fro ....,err, furyear and Mayor Wilson (4). � Accept - ,f VAvor W1.1sor. offered nation, _cDf'i :gid' -!!;,Honer Jnhnston, that an Milam Y cycle - `. T car:cs cr.tiLled: "AIa :ut' :'1!!,.M MOTORCYCLE 011101 -Cii 3-whasl Eo'icl t.ehitle9 4 `.hL:ti '.. HE CITY OF aC (2, .i ::_._: .. t. ( j PRAC'i i i i J R 72 Proceedings of "card ofCommissioners__ Geyof Pad.0 h h'arch $, 1966 I be introduced and remain on file for at least- one (1) week for public inspection ' in the completed form in which it shall he put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of theRoll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberr, Puryear and Yzyor :dilson (4)• On notion the meetin>r adjourned. ADOPTED « „G 7_ 7= 1966 i City Clerk APPROVED • .avor