HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 353, January 11, 1966Proceedings of Poard of Commissioners Certification of :assessed ­aluati0 to cd of Educatio Emplov Samuel S. :.Oaz Asst Corp. y Counsel : r.s. Pc Pond ci:an r -a .Tr.dustrial to Clr. 111:mtirrr Cc . ...• it n :n. One No. 353 City of Paducah January 11_, 1966 At a Regular Meeting of the Poard of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamb­ of the City Hall, Paducah, Fentuckv, at 7:30 -P.M. on January 11, 1966, Mayor Wilson presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioner: Johnston, F.ressenherq, Paxton, Purvear and Mayor Wilson (5). A±avor Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that the reading; of the Minutes for December It, 20, 23 and 29, 196, and January 3, 19h6 be waived and that the Minutes of said meetin s prepared by the City Clerk he approved as written Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Rressenber,, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5), Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rressenberg, that the letter of the City Clerk addressed to the Board of Commissioners dated January 6, 19(F., together with the copy of the letter written by her on the same date to Dr. Newman Talker, Superintendent of the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, and a cops of her certification as to the total value of all property in the City of Paducah sutiect to taxation in the year 1966, he received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Rressenberr, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hressenbera, that Samuel S. Boaz be, and he is hereby, appointed Assistant, Corporation Counsel (FOlicQ Court Prosecutor), effective February 16, 1966, at the salary Of �315.00 per month. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Rressenberw, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (S). Commissioner Fressenherrr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston that the endorsement and rider to the liability insurance and gond of Industrial Pii:ing Company, Inc., rhan,inrr, the name of said Company to "Olney Judd P.lumhinF Ccmpany, Incorporated", 1�e received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Ccr.m!ssicrers Johnston, Fressanlerr•, iaxron, f-uryear'and Kayor Wilson M. Commissioner Fresser*erm offered motion, secunded by Cormnissioner Johnston that he ^er%ificate of Insurar:ce issued by The I•'idel.ity and Casualty Company of New York to Lorin ac, •_Ye City of Paducah, Yentuckv, for a period o!' one vaar from January 1, r:ecsi •e nFcro•-•>d and filed. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yea., Commis3ione s Puryear and Mayor :7ilsar, (51. offered motion, seconded by Ccr.missioner Johnston that ci e e j.< , , "c= ', :F -.:;rte -::ant for the month of December, 19C:`, ha recoived ar:d filed, t're Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Fr•essenhe rg, Pur•; ear and -?sAr. lac! t•v C;ommivsioner Puryear that. the ^.ompanv of Nei York, to i :vi.od of tare vtrar• front :: fall ,hu troll, Yeas, i Procatcongsof-Fcard of Commisgioners City oFPaducah—...._ rams_ T•v . , Mn - J 39!oner Furvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that the ^ to of Insurance issued by National Surety Corporation to the City of Paducah ,cork do. --e :.r -3slie A. Feast, et al, for a period of one year from January 1, a race! -red, a1.Iro-ad and riled. l,dopted on call of Che Roll, Yeas, Commissic rr.= taxt.on, Fur,,aar and Mayor Milson (5). "erc9 rction, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that the ,,. _ -•. - 'e i;;'t 7a2—. ,,. City of Paducah to Ola T f.sworth of tte a -.-.,i '.i.e sou' -beast corner of Lot No. 380 in i lock 1.0, :e r••, and that the City Cleric be autborizad t -ra%:es. Adopted on call or .ria Foil, i ,r., Iur•raar• and Mayor E STATEr.2NT OF REAL AED PERSONAL I ROFERTY ASSESSr ENT FOR 19(6 City Taxes for the City of Faducah, Kentucky heal Estate & Improvements: (Full Rate) ss-�ssmenthy'Board — 38,lo`,SgO 26(f, Cmitted Bills L,120 1-c'(" Total Real Estate 3F,499,710 1gcF, Cross Increase ?-v Assessor F. Board 3,370,080 106f Gross Decrease 1•y Assessor P. Board 2,289,050 19ii ';et Increase 1,081,030 loch Total Real Estate and Impro,-ements 39,580,740 Fersonal. FroQerty: (Full Rate sPa 10,960,3509 10f;, Omitted Pills 28,930 19(° Total Personal Property 10,989,280 1966 Gross Increase by Assessor & Board 2,6:72,965 1961. Cross Decrease by Assessor & Board 2,18. 1,1_8) 1966. Net Increase 488,130 196 Total Personal Property 11,477,410 Grand Totals: ld=' Re—al —Estate, Improvements & Personal Property (Full Rate 51,058,150 1c%c Dank Shares (Estimate) 3,350,000 ic( Arriculture Products 208,690 1966 Special Tax Rate - City Only (Real Estate & Personal) 296,250 226,110 70,11,0 19(6 Special Tar. Rate - School Only (Real Estate & Personal 17,820 19(6 Special Tax Rate (Pio City Ceneral Fund) 25,260 19(( Polls (School Onlv) Estimated 6300 @ $2.00 12,600 Board of Equalization Nix Allbritton, Chairman John :1, Pays, Sheriff M. L. Dezern, Clerk - J 39!oner Furvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that the ^ to of Insurance issued by National Surety Corporation to the City of Paducah ,cork do. --e :.r -3slie A. Feast, et al, for a period of one year from January 1, a race! -red, a1.Iro-ad and riled. l,dopted on call of Che Roll, Yeas, Commissic rr.= taxt.on, Fur,,aar and Mayor Milson (5). "erc9 rction, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that the ,,. _ -•. - 'e i;;'t 7a2—. ,,. City of Paducah to Ola T f.sworth of tte a -.-.,i '.i.e sou' -beast corner of Lot No. 380 in i lock 1.0, :e r••, and that the City Cleric be autborizad t -ra%:es. Adopted on call or .ria Foil, i ,r., Iur•raar• and Mayor E Na 354 Proceedings of Foard of Commissioners City of Paducah January 17.j 1966 Accept bid I -et SupplyCompany on fire hose Lr,end Rules and erulations for Board of Com- :-.issioners Commissioner Paxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that an ordinance entitled: "At! ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE DID OF HENRY A. FETTER SUPPLY COMPANY rADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF 1000 FEET OF 2J -INCH FIRE HOSE, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF SAT%:, Ab:D PRESCRIBING THE TERL:S AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL DE hIADE", 're introduced and remain on file for at least one (1) week for public inspection in th•. completed form in which it shall ire put upon its final passa7*e. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberp, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Plilson (5). Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that all ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ANDNDING SECTION 12 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED 'AH ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING RULES FOR THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FIXING THE TIDE FOR HOLDING REGULAR MEETINGS OF SAID BOARD, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND RULES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH', WHICH '.:SAS ADOPTED ON DECEMBER 4, 1951, AT:D ALL?:DED ON JUNE 14, 1958", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenber�, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor dilson (5). On motion the meeting adiourned. ADOPTED 5-- _1966 APPROVED /% Q✓ �/f_r_gCu7_1 _—_ tlayor ' City Clerk