HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 313, September 14, 1965No. 313 ProceedingsCity oFPaducaF__Len ..mh -r..L,._19('5 itAt a Regular Meeting or the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber li ofthe City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on September 14, 1965, Mayor Wilson presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioner Davis, Hornsby, Kressenherr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). I Mayor Milson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis that the reading, of the Minutes for August 2G, 31 and September 7, 1965 be waived and that the Minutes of lig said meeting prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr,, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Chas. E. RiemannMavor Wilson made the following appointment: Louis Kolb having resigned as a appointed Board 's"I of Adiustment member of the Paducah -McCracken County Board of Adjustment, pursuant to the provisions of KRS 100.00 I herebv appoint Charles E. Riemann as a city manaer of said Board for a /term expirinr August 16, 1968. File specimen v Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that specimer copy Sewer Bond ' copies of the $600,000 Revenue Sewer Bond issue of 1965, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor !/•lilson (5). Water Main Ext. Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby as follows: Bland-ille Road James D. Hart It appears that James D. Hart, owner, and James Coleman, developer of property fronting 1.00 feet on the north side of Blandville Road, from Audubon Drive easterly, desire the extension of a water main from the existing main at the northeast corner of Blandville I Road and Audubon Drive, to supplv domestic water and fire protection to their property. I, therefore, move that the petition of the afore mentioned property owners, as recommended by the Commissioners of Water Works, be received and filed, and that the Paducah Water Works, through its Board of Water Commissioners, be authorized to extend the water main as requested, and to install one fire hydrant thereon. I further move that the adoption of this motion be considered an agreement on the part of the Citv or Paducah to pav the fire hydrant and main rental, as provided in the franchise, on the .rater main and hydrant referred to above, said rentals to begin when the water main and hvdrants have been installed and placed in service. Adopted on call! of the (toll, Teas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (i5). Terminate seasonal Commissioner Hornsi,7 offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis that the er.';plc" es Parks i x• :ecreat:or. .emporary seasonal summer employment of the following persons in the Parks and Recroa- tion Deiar}menr; ie terminated as of September 15, 1965: Ronald Riccardnor. Lawrence Millican Bobby Sexton Fo�ort Lou:g. Carole Whedon Delmas Curnutac David Anderson Ierry Alton June Burks Ronnie Catlin doe Lynn Torian Carolyn Nunn Do,aglan Foster Charles Whitaker Glenn Dexter Fo H.v Lvnr, .John McVey Earl Wring J. T. Tilford Richard Grainger Melinda Shields iamela ^ray Julio Anderson Don English William ram?le ;'allia Criffin Eddie Smith 1.911 Tucker Y.aran Canev Marion Colightly JL Mocre Jimmy lueLar• }at garrison Larry maker YO.h 1Suncan John Armstrong Yerne*.r Crawford Michael Jonas Crarory Nailing Malcom Crawford Cvaille Ward Daisy MDO Biles !'�rtba i:inton Linda Coy Shields Sam Billington i %e .gar �aklav ?av !,urnett David Ktnr• ^red :cssier Y.av •rradford r,aylon Fike �' 1! Ad., ..ted Gr: call_ sf tre Foll , Yea9, l:::'.mi ssioner's !;avis, ::or nsi 7 'F Yressj.^.F.arg, Carrott and Mayo Wilson I1Y. r I i No___ ---.3l --- _.---- Proceedngs of ___Eoard._o_f_ Commissioners___ _ City of Paducah____Sap�@mkL@T vire H_:drants' nklerille ' Commissioner Hornsby offered the fo.11owin, motion, seconded by Commissioner Davil: 4• Allen Ln° By an ordinance passed on h".ay 11, 1961, an area bounded by the North line of Hinkleville� Road, the west line of Allen Lane, and the Paducah and Illinois Railroad was annexed to I the City of Faducah. The Faducah Water Works owns a 6 inch water main along the Hinkle - inkle-villa '7 iliaRoad, from the old City Limits to the West line of Allen Lane, a distance of 3,36$ feet, and an S inch main on Allen Lane, from the Hinkleville Road to the P & I Railroad, i; a distance of 670 feet. To provide fire protection to this newly annexed area the �i jl Paducah Water Works recommends one hydrant on Allen Lane and six hydrants on Hinkleville Road. jI therefore, move that the Paducah Water Works, through its Board of Commission- ers, be authorized to install the fire hydrants set forth above, on existing mains located in the newly annexed area. i II I further move that the adoption of this resolution approving the above recommen dation.be considered as agreement on the part of the City of Paducah to pay fire hydrant and water main rentals as provided in the franchise, said rental to begin when the hydrants are installed and placed in service. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). File contract, Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that an 'West Ky. Favin,. Co, and executed ropy of the contract between the City and West Kentucky Paving Company for Ferform:ance Gond the paving of various streets, together with the Performance Bond executed by said Company, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Employ Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Jill MCIntosh! Commissioner Hornsby offered the following motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis: Floodwall Wesley Ford Cr. recomrendation of the City Manarer, I move that the following personnel changes be parks ?c Rec Danny Lee Taylor made: Fire Dept Jackie L Harrisr/ Fire Dept Terry Joe ,f Bauermeister Chainman Enr Resirnations �. Chas A vii 1 ; i6as Fare Lept O'^cnner l arks R Ear. d 1 1. Jill McIntosh he employed as a part time temporary clerk-tvpist in the Floodwall Department, at a salary of $25.00 per month, retroactive to September 1, 1965. 2. Wesley Ford, temporary laborer in the Parks & Recreation Department, 'e employed as laborer in said department., effective September 15, 195 at a salary of ?1.55 per hour. 3. Danny Lee Taylor beemployed as Applicant -Candidate in the Fire Department, at a salary of $270.00 per month, effective September 16, 29.5, provided by such time he furnishes, at his expense, a satisfactory medical report as to bis physical condition, including i an electrocardiogram. This employment is made under the provisions of an ordinance providing for surh employment adopted April 27, 1962 by tha F•oard of Commissionars, and is subject: to all terms, conditions and provisions contained thorein. I.. .Jackie Il. Harris, an Applicant -Candidate in the Fire Department., las satisSartorily romplet.ed the (0 day trai.ning period as such Applicant -Candidate as pro^ii.dad by ordinance, he is hereby appointed a firer.ar: in the Fire departnent, at a nalary of $32x,00 per month, re•.roar.live to Beptoml,,er 1., 1(Wl. i Tr.e racidna^.1cn of C? arias A. Williams as a memhar of the Paducah Fire Lepartrert, affective Cepten",er P. 19i', hu received, filed and 8rrnpted. i �. "ie ren!,-rat.ion of CrConner Stevens, Jr. an a mamlor of the I•arks j and Fecreaclon Department, effective Aur^!.int 2P, ]Qi 1, to received, filed ano a':cep`:ed. Terri'+:9 ''a •.erce:Sr_er :e eLZpIG'/ed 89 !::`8ihm8ll In 'Ke 'r,'nginearing :fie 14 P.e :.'., erre^ ''e •^.epterrber V., !lits', at. a sal.ar'r of %t201l.00 j r l:r, g•, rt e pic.-mnr, rot, rein„ under Civ'] 7erv,ice, Advp'.ea tr. all of tte I.11, Xeas, "tr-issir,r.ers ,Da ii n, 1!orns.v, Krennentdr', I•arrot,t j N.._3 15 Proceedings of _—Board_of—C-ommisaioners_ City oiPaducah September ij Letter Carden C1Iuh Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott, that Compost Heap tl the letter of Paducah Carden Club, dated September 2, 1965, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberp, Parrott I, i and Mayor Wilson (5), File letter Mr. 'I Commissioner Kressenberr- offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott that th 1•7allory, City Mrr. Financial letter dated September 13, 1965 from B. Cowles Mallory, City Manager, showing the Report Financial Report for the eight month period ending August 31, 1965, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5), I' Settle Claim Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott, that Bob} -v Wood t the claim of Bobby Wood, 1206 Salem Avenue,against the City for damages to his motor !i vehicle by an alleged defective street condition, on or about August 19, 1965, near 22nd Street and C Street, be compromised in the amount of $13.00, and that the City Treasurer pay said amount after securing a full and complete release. Adopted on j call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr-, Parrott and Mayor I, Wilson (5). File motions Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott that the Market house cases Corporation Counsel and Assistant Corporation Counsel be, and they are hereby directed to file motions in the First Magisterial District Court of McCracken County requesting A. J. Finch, the presiding Justice thereof, to set for trial at his earliest convenient �i the six forcible entry and detainer actions (numbers 11971, 11972, 11973, 11974, 11975 and 11976) filed by the City in said Court in connection with certain Market House tenancies, against defendants Thompson, Nicholson, Moody, McNeill, Graves and Schmidt. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5) . Various employ- Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr--, as men.t in Parks P, Recreation. follows: I mo•:•e that the following appointments be made in the Parks and Recreation Department: Ronnie Carlin, Baton instructor, effective September 16, 1965, at a salary of X5.00 per session under Class I. Julia Harper, ladies' exercise instructor, effective September 16, 1965 at a salary of °°.00 per session under Class I, MildredAllen, `ridre instructor, effective September 16, 1965, at a salary of ".r.CO per session under Class I. ;erre Haines, "rap ?, Pallet instructor, effective September lir, 1965 at a salary of 1140 per session under Class I. i `'trances Sanderson, tap 7,•. Ballet instructor, effective September 16, 1965, at a nalary o.f'.1 ,00 per nession under Class I, Aon Duraar, Lap ., tall.ct, Snsr.ructor, affective Selaemter l(, 1965, at � a solar. of ^3.00 ter session under Class V. I doges, recreation instructor, effective tioptumwer If,, 1965, at a salar-• ,f "1.3` per tour under Class 1). I Yennerb rawfcrd, recreation instructor, effective September le, 19";', at a solar: ^f '1..31, per :our Clogs D. I [arae'. s wear'., 2aske:-`all s,iper:'isor, effective November 1, 1961,, at a eaia"' of ['J, J per ha'• ilnder glans i I �5-^...e:., :'azee"all nuper:Isor, effective Novemlrer 1, lqi°:, at a i solar: of X2::.-:0 per day under :lass 1. i ri^i'e^Y, :8$gP_:•(jll slits n"j.nb^, effeCCat._ve rvemter ]., 1��', aa ' salar :f 2 . J;J te:da? ender Class 1, f No. -- 11,. P.oceedingsoF Eo_a;•d 0, i:Qmmi.ssioners96 -____-- C,ty of Paducah__----g_a_ptcmt..er._11.-,- 1----5-•-- Ozzie Tapscott, basketball supervisor, effective November 1, 1965, at a salary of 11.50 per hour under Class E. Lawrence Millican, basketball supervisor, effective November 1, 1965, at a salary of $20.00 per day under Class J. Sonny Paws, basketball supervisor, effective October 1,-1965, at a salary of $10.00 per night under Class J. All of such appointments being for temporary seasonal employment and under no circumstances shall any such employment extend past May 31, 1966. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberp, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Tax Exonerations Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr, that 1188 thru 231 of (i exonerations prepared and delivered by the City Treasurer beinf numbered 1188 thru 2312 inclusive he received and filed, and the amounts of same totalinF $23,278.32 be_exonerat Fills shown and designated by said exonerations. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). i File bids on Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that Sewerage Extensions 411 the following bids for the construction of Sewerage Extensions Contract A 1965, be recei Contract 1 A 1.9'5 it and filed: G Littleton, Inc. i; E. A. SULLIVAN, Inc. Preston Carroll Construction Company Presley Plumbing & HeatinF Company, Inc. Coppare, Inc. Wilkins Construction Companv Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Farrott and Mavor Wilson (5]. Alternate place Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that a pa7renI of Sewer tIonds P-esolution entitled "A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING AN ALTERNATE PLACE OF PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON 5EOO,OOO 'CITY OF PADUCAH SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS OF i 1965' AS AUTHORIZED BY AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED ON JULY 20, 1965, AND PUBLICLY SOLD ON i AUGUST 21:, 19f^•", 'r.a adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenterr, Parrott and Mavor Wilson (5), Endorse $1.7f ✓ Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr, that! Million Bond Issue - State:,, a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE PROPOSED X176 MILLION BOND ISSUE OF THE CCKMCNWEALTH OF r.ENTUCFY", to adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Com.^,issicrers Davis, Hornst;v, Fressenterr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). -,;apt i,id of;;. % Commissioner I-arrot,t, offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenbers, than d an uniforms an ordirarce entitled, "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF CHAS. TODD UNIFORM RENTAL -":-Ei7ICB ..._.' G'r EENTUCFY, FOR FURNISHING THE CITY OF PADUCAH WITH UNIFORMS FOR THE it I-EFVSii LEf:d":".:.5' I'E'i.;GNNEL, AND AUTAORIZIN4 THF. CITY MANAfER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT", rera':r. on file for at least one (1) week for public inspection in i' -. 't r❑ in w:ich it small to pit. upon its final fassar•e. Adopted on call I c^ •.'e r.11, Yeas, rcri-issior.ers For s,�, Fressenier,•, F'arrt,tt, and Mayor Wilson (t.), Ccl=-iss'cner :'avis - =c :'ssicrer Ferns -v cf^ered mo*.ion., sec.cntled tv rcmmiss:onar Davis, that the -les . f •+s :"crv!sszr_e a sysFen.9ed acd t.: at. .:.e follcwinF Rcnolution he adopted: i 0 on the tax No. 317 Proceedings of__�'9.ard—Q.L-COmmi.s-siO4ers___CityoiPaducah Se "A RESOLUTION LISTING THE PURCHASE BIDS RECEIVED FOR $2,810,000 'CITY OF PADUCAH WATER WORKS IMPROVEMENT AND REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1965"; ACCEPTING THE BEST BID; ESTABLISHING THE INTEREST COUPON RATES WHICH SHALL BE APPLICABLE THERETO; AND DESIGNATING AN ALTERNATE PLACE OF PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST". Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberp, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). On motion the meeting ad+ourned. ADOPTED LG .V S 1965 APPROVED Qi 4/1410 —'Mayor —amity Clerk