HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 299, August 10, 1965Na 299 Proceedings of Ina. -A of rri eai oners City of Paducah Avrust 10,, 7965 ..cor:onir. Oppor- tunit Council Appoint i'enbers At a P,e,ular Neetin, of the Poard of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the Cit- Hall, Padurah, Kentuck,•, at ^:30 P.M. on Aurust 10, 1965, Mayor Nils presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Davis, Horns'. -v, Kressenber,, Parrott and Maror S'Jilson (5). h'avor Nilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis that the readine of the Aiintrtes for duly 2' and Aurust 3, 10i1 le waived and that the Minutes of said meati prepared Yv the Citv Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Horns"v, Kressenl-er�, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Payor `Jilson made the following appointment: WHEREAS, on June 22, 1965 the Board of Commissioners adopted a motion that the 'Favor, Citv Manarer and Corporation Counsel form a non -stock, non-profit corporation iointly with the Fiscal Court of T,cCracl Countv to de••elop a community action prorram to take advantage of various Federal Assistance Acts, and; WHEREAS, it is planned that upon the completion of the Corporation., eirht (6) of the Poard members therein shall he appointed I— the Mayor, subiect to the approval of the Poard of Commissioners; and '1HEREAS, such Corporation has not vet been formed, but it is the feeling. of the Foard of Commissioners that the identity of such members should now be established in order that, the'- can take all necessar,• steps to establish the Economic Opportunity Counci and -ive advice and assistance to the staff of the Faducah4'cCracken Count- Development Council, Inc. concerning the Economic Opportunitv prorram until such time as the Corporation is completely formed. VU4 THEREFORE, su'"'ect to the approval of the Poard of Commissioners, i hareb'y name therollowin, persons as hoard rremlers of the Economic Cpportunity Council: Cl -de Barnett for a term of one near Birdius W. Frown for a term of one year H. Joseph Franklin for a term of one -,,ear Richard Harti,- for a term of one -ear I'ac La --ton for a term of two veers Howitr C. Mattis for a term of two .,ears Coles Ravmord for a term of two nears Harold Sulli••ar, for a term of two -ears Co:rmissiona> Yornsl­ offered motion, seconded j- Ccmmissionor Davis that the ar.;ion o.f tlfe Favor appoictir.- Clude Harnett, Birdius W. irowna, H. Joseph. Franklin, iclard ![arr.i .'ac Layton, f'owitt C. I•'athis, Coles Raymond and Harold Sullivan, an Tnemlerr of tre s^,cnFmic CpFertunity Council, be appro•,erl. Adc;.•.•3 on call of the hall, i'e6 "nrr.:i ssicn ccs a:^ s, Hc: ns' .., Y.resserberg, l arrott an,.! '::lson 1 seconded by Co:^mi Pornsl:v {:e . i_ sir,rer Ta -In offered motion./that a copy of a ion adopted Auruat aster C kt ^r Iqr` "�: .,c ^as9'.o..e. ar,`:r :iorla or the Citv or iaducah portainin;• to the propvae re 'er;o 'Cra Isw:e ^sr eY}a. it C:': ,' tie water aurks 9"ntam !re r'ereivod and fiaor3. 0613 cr "8 .;1, "ess, rr'rn'.q.nlrr.,lr's Pav'n, H,,rn.,.0v, Kressanl@:"r, larrCitt, and f;a.'!e a°faro,! tv ('(,nmissioner Forn.siv, 09 f"ilt ,BQ: cc>l.leeFer Cn tYe reromenhation of the fib- Mara^er, wove char. the follow': lCrsa:,^: :i chan•-an ldix Al` rittor. sane: i. "gra. !"Ary ._'ones, ' coYkeepin- -.ar-Y ine akerat.or in tb.: irer.c r l aper . er.t turtle -_ -11 aa: {,e 'e l.•^;F,., e•? c c%r i:reiti :r: a^ ",okkeeper in said ?e}art.nenr., ii a' a a-, n5iar '. �- i�: .. , ..Q,••4..,g •e Aurl:st 1, l9f r., such Proceedings of. Foard of l7cmmissierer4 city of Paducah_._ Aurust in _ igFS 2. Aii-r. All1,ritten Fe employed as temporary assistant to the Buildi.nrr, and Electrical Insrector, for the period of time from September ?, 1965 through Septem`•er 17, 19(l, at a salarv.of x'.'1,00 per week, such position being onl temporar+; and to acquire no ri,r•h.ts or Fenefits under anv law or ordinances. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenherr, Parrott and aa7or 1�:ilsor. ({), Deed from V Commissioner Horns!-- offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the Housin.r Com. 'a^or, Thomas '.'i. '.•lilson, le, and he is herehv, authorized to accept on behalf of the Cit a Deed of Dedication, dated Jul,- 1', 19(°, w„ and 1-etween the City of Paducah r{unicipal ..o„:sirs Cornissior and the City of I'aducab, dediratinr for public use certain interior Streets and other pullic ways in connection with Housing Protects Ky. (-3, Ky. 6-5A, and i all pursuant to cooperation agreement heretofore executed by the City. Adopter on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornshy, Kressenberp, Parrott and i'ayor '..ilson (g). =ile :elite Commissioner Kressenherr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott, that Cr the report.. of the Police Department for the month of July, 1965, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott an9d '"a -•or Wilson (5) . ilit-Commissioner Y.ressen)-err- offered motion, seconded h -v Commissioner Parrott, that -.re Certificate of Insurance issued by United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company to r,Ie Cit! of Paducah, covering work done 1v Seth E. Giem &. Associates, for a period of 'i ! cre .ear from Aurust p19(,r , a received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of y e .oll, Yeas, Commissioners Daris, Hornsl--v, Yressenberr, Farrott and payor `filson (5), itt.l•= ;:, :.:VG, Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenher�, that lord ; ,e ?oral of Littleton, Inc. in the amount of n°,000,00, dated Aurust 5, 1965, be received, appro ed and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis,! S'7, Yresser..-erg, larrott ani ra+ror 1'iilson (�), i ;:erit :cr^:i:,�e Y% is3iorer Parrott offered bhe followin- motion, secondod 1v Commissioner r 0 _g '99; is necessary for the safety and welfare of our nitizen3 that j II ain tYe 'est possille police and fire departments; and i Of' Fersons staffinr these departments has a primary in- e cperation3 of hese departments; and ! in tte desire or tiiC ... ':omission to establish a method of erplo••ees i rl Y. c, } , ,•o and fire departments so ti at ha City i W, ' In ^:ar. roc , rr, 9r,that employment and ricrxicr.3 w 1 re and j':. �r.r.ra �r.in:.da::gp or political influance, and o"fi,e: ,Ml ' a ea' r) ''airly ar:d cquall•;; dr.as tern:, arrvint a committee, , to 'e krcwr, -” ;a, •o srud�, •Fe tirfnr and promotion policiesin the I police and fire delr,..". .- ;', rercrmserdat-ior.a to t: :e f;ity :ommisaicn ccncarnin,+ the a->ataMatie prcced•:rilt 'Fa- ?e evalliahed so that the birinr and promotion will to `axed cr. r±eri•.. als -4m+Oys � - .+ ae will e as follows and spalt thev to asked to $&-=It a ra j . fid Cain �>earae .Gro•= ='- :;: ,. i 2 to No. 301 Proceedings of :_ommissioners City of Paducah Aurustl0,.-1965 j Adopted on callof the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsbv, Kressenberc-, I-arrott and favor 'dilson Reanest 'ids Cor4ni.ssioner Dai'is offered motion, seconded'ly Commissioner Hornsby, that. a Resurface Sts. Resolution entitled: ."A,RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY IINAGER TO.ADVERTISE FOR FIDS FOR RESURFACING VARIOUS STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, INCLUDING,THE RAISIi;G AND 1 RESETTING OF MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS AND MONUMENTS", -be adopted. Adopted on call of thi Roll, Yeas; Commissioners Davis, F.ornsb-, Kressenberr, Parrott and M,avor :Milson (5). Request bids Commissioner Kressenl-erm offered motion that `a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTI( ur.iforns for Refuse Dept. REQUESTIM,, THE CITY I.1ANA-QER ,TO ,ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR FURNISHING THE CITY OF PADUCAH 14ITI UNIFORMS FOR THE RSrTJSE DEPART1,hNT PERSONNEL", he adopted.' Adopted,on.call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Pavig, Hornsby, K.ressenherr, Parrott and.Dayor.Wilson (5). Request lids Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr,, that House Service Lines a Resolution entitled: "A F..ESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY h;A.AGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSE SERVICE LINES", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5)• ','ater ;forks % Commissioner Hornsly offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that an ?oral Issue V ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AUTHORIZING THE T_SSUANCE OF SAID CITY'S 171ATER lJORFS r7r-ROVEME.NT AND REFUiIDING REVENUE BONDS, SERIES lc<c' I:: ORDER (A) TO DEFRAY THE COSTS (NOT OTHERS'IISE FRCVIDED) OF COiiSTRUCTIIm CERTAIN EXTEI:SIONS, IY.PRCVE!73173, ADDITIONS AND ENLARGEMENTS TO THE MUNICIPALLY OtMED 17ATER I WORKS OF SAID CITY, l.1ITH ALL EXPENSES IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, AND (B) TO REFUND AT A L011PR T.:ET IIiTEREST COST CERTAIN PREVIOUSLY ISSUED AND OUTSTANDING BONDS 1.1HICH ARE PAYABL' I I F5 YHE R_73t'UES OF SAID MUNICIPAL WATER 1•IOF.KS; FROVIDING FOR SEGREGATING, INVESTING .'iF! SECURI— Al. „i'OUNT SUFFICIEPIT TO FROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT (WHETHER AT TURITY OR BY REDEt9F:'IC::) OF SUCH PREVIOUSLY ISSUED BONDS;'PR.OVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION, SEGREGA IC:1 DISTR.IF'UTIC7: OF THE RZVNE LUES OF SAID WATER WORKS; FRESCRIBING AND SETTIIiG FORTE ':DiT.ICt:S AND RESTRICTIONS PURSUANT TO :!RICH SAID CITY 1-1AY ISSUE IN THE FUTURE ADDITION, PAYABLE FROM THE REVENUES OF SAID 'MATER WORKS, AND RANKING OI! A BASIS OF : l Ti':: •^':^ ," 'TIlORIZED BY THIS ORDIliAt10E; AND PIt07TD.Tt:^. FOR All ADVERTISED, ,._C ::Ii? ':':.': "i OF THE POl:DS HEREBY AUTHORIZED", be introduced and remain on fil ;i "or a`, lea^.^ on,� (1) week for pu'..lic inspection in the completed form. in which it shall i L; ,.r.al aasra•-e. Adopted on call of the Roll, •leas, Commissioners Lavis r.d 'r, •_ r ar, 37iarrcL. a.^.d .:a•!or :Iilson (5). 1,,:: .. . - r. ,io, ser_onded ' : CommissiorerDavis that. this I:orular t� 1) :'en,•1r• .f mrd ei.cners 'e ad<our ned un..i1 :30 O'r_lock, 1.I'. Central Dayl.i :'i.^e (. ._•.^.•. _", 1'% ^. ^+p'.e•1 on ^.all of the Roll, aas, t'•C•m-nisnioners bav s, ,: C.9 ', ti, roAPS-s :. , t F.•" "' '•y --or Wilson