HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 286, July 13, 1965No.--'--2� — . Proceedfngsof_ Pcard of Commissioners Folice re for June lgfr Su}•mit Repo to Ky Water Follutioil Control Com Sewer prorr progress Report of Human Riri. Commission bony Lea^u Ierfornarce Fond-'entuc ;,5p! alt Sa141: Co �i i 2•3tt.le Claim Industrial bA Y:araremer;t 1 Leasing COrt>j City of Paducah_.___ July 13, 1965 At a Regular r•:eetin,- of the Hoard of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamher of the City Hall, Faducah, Kentuckv, at 7:30F.M. on July 13, 1965, Mayor Milson presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioner Davis, Hornsty, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). T"ayor Wilson offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for June 7.2 and 30t and Julv fth and 9th, 1961 he waived and that the Minutes of said meetinirs prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commission ers Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the report of the Police Department for the month of June, 1965, he received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenbere, Parrott and Mayor Wilson M. Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the City Y.anarer he, and he is hereby, requested, authorized and directed to submit a repor as to the progress of the current sewer program to Kentucky Water Pollution Control Commission at or before its meetinv to he held on July 20, 1965. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson mm(5)� Coissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the letter of June 29, 10 -"and enclosures from Robert P, Fetter, Chairman, Mayor's Committee on Human Rirhts, to the City Commissioners, concerning investigation of reports as to discrimination in the Ponv Learue, he received and filed. Adopted on call of the Rol , Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsbv, Kressenber,^, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the lerforrance Fond of Kentucky Asphalt Sales Compan^ in the smount of $.2,500.00, he received, appro and filed. Adopted on call of theRoll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Krenr,c n. ^"", Farrott and I'a--or ?Wilson (�). ._--'ssiorer Hornsb•t offered motion, seconded 1- Commissioner Davis, that the J C3ai -,i,;,trial '"anafenent Leasing Corporation (Fittshllr•, Pennsylvania) ar-ainst the ..'? of 9^.9r ror damages sustained by one of its motor •rehicles at, Faducah,! Per..urk .n ,r a'cut Kai, 2p, lcr.r }.. a parer mower of the Cit,,, :e allowed, and that -e re6er:rer pa': sairi claim after securir.- a full and complote rolease. Adopted on hall cf -}e `roll, Yeas, Corrmi:ssicners -avis, Horns}'v, Kressenberr, Farrott and r'avor r:ilsc ). ke`ert ids V o: -insurer ! erns: offer,: -1 ;^rrded 1*! Commissioner Davis, t}'at. all Crawler 6.rd 3.06der ir••; ^r? on inn T�. : Of l aducab of a Crawler Front Lnd J..OB•i i:. C.'' L? - qr .'�. .. ]. ^. rj C'n Call Of rl",e Roll, 10as, J CO":. � , _ -.. , ....'1 ,,. ;r' 'Wilson (5). ile centra: / :.: .', i ....... i.• rj+on@r lia:,in, t.}:ac L}:@ tat ter 7n,ae V :.. _ .... r.rcurid F=T Ox*t-2red o.F• ,f .,e Coor.rac. le'.weer. t}8 :1" a:.'i :n Snpply Compan'T, foI' Station ere (1) Av'cra-zc-.1.1er-roerd ii:np Sta:ior., `e rar:ai-ad &r.1 "..Fad. Adopted or call or tre $oil.. Yeae, ::cas318sicner9 i"a' 3, :'.Cr'T:8' :', }'rBySen>'a rt', ia7•rott and Mayor Xi13G.R (F). File . a• f COM13e10ror freesen^ ar.,- c.ff@red ^odor., se^.or ied Cc,:mi.selcrer Farrott, t: ,I Sunra .. C" tte G"cuted cop,, Cr t.:e Cor.trat'_ `4L.Weer the Citr of P6ducat and 5,.jnra'f : dated July 2, 1* , `e received ara f:'n^. Adopted or. gall r,' a, Roll, 563, ^. 19SSG ert rav1a, HOrnStIr. Kreeaerler-, Fa: f'',• ;r Proceedings of Foard of Commissioners City of Paducah July 13 ,_1965 Resirnation V Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion that the resir✓nation of Ora i✓.ae Block, ar Ora Mae clock that an _, •rirar^e en* itled "AN (,: , !.,.,:;'.. emplovee in the Finance Department of the Citv of Paducah, he received, accepted and i. �� �:�Ir:., ": filed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Farrott and adopted on call of the Roll TP, SAM, :G r; Cliy CF C'= Li:d Yeas, Commissioners Davis. Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Settle Claim I Commissioner Kressenberr• offered motion that the claim of Ruby hell Morris Eul•y hell 1-1':I::IOtd O) TVE (11TY U. ,., i:orris (Eldorado, Illinois) ar-ainst the City in the amount of $299.^5 for inluries sustained arF?ICF ?^ her on or about February 5, 19(r, by reason of an alleged temporary hazard existinfr r d, in the basement of the City Hall Building*, be allowed, and that the Treasurer pay said claim after securing, a .full and complete release. The motion was seconded by CommissionerParrott and adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr*, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Liability Ins t/ Commissioner Kressenberr- offered motion, seconded by 6ommissioner Parrott that Littleton, Inc. i the liability insurance policy issued by Firemen's Fund Insurance Company to Littleton, Inc, for a period of one year from June 12, 1965, he received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott i and Mayor 7ilson (5). Temp Latorers (arks ?-. Rec. , Commissioner Parrott offered the following motion, seconded by Commissioner P..E.Diehl Pr. ,,. Kressenberg,: Upon recommendation of Art Seelve, director of Parks Fr Recreation, I move Po'7v Lvnn ✓ that the rollowinr persons be employed as seasonal emplovees of said department, as provided for under Section lA of the "Parks and Recreation" ordinance added thereto on May 11, 19(1 - Robert Earl Diehl as laborer, at a salary of .$.1,50 per hour under Class E, i retroactive to July F, 196x. Bo}'^v Lvnn as laborer, at a salary of y1.00 per hour under Class A, retroactive to Julv (, 19-11. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsbv, Kressenberr, iarrott and I{a,ror lilson (°). Letter Else. £'lard Pd. Listritution i circuits city propert•;1 I Liabilitv Ina' Salvation Arm f AcCeF', : id t`SArr •raccdali Rafue® ;res^k Com_^:issiorer Parror.t: offered motion, seconded tv Commissioner Fressenber that the letter of Leon T. Searles, Chairman of the Electric F'lant Foard, requesting, perm- ission to use rit'! property in connection wi.t.'r the construction of distribution circuit , n recei-ed and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll,, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Yressercer=•, Parrott. and Mavor Wilson (5). ! Corri.^.sior.er Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissionor Kressenberr, that. III .i •. i "%-ate of Insurance issued i -v the United Stares Fidel -,-i and Guaranty Comparrr c al^a*.i%;r Arg :rc, of reorr•in, for the period of tine ending, L'ovem?cr 19, l;rrr•� e r.gcei.:a^, `TF -r; -ed and filed. Adopted on call c= t:�e Roll, Yeas, Commissionat•,, :s, Rorrs rorsenier-, iarrott and Paver ?Vilson ( i. ,cr~*iasio:er ia-•ifl oTfnred .^..!)tion, 3OCOtlded r!r t'e--^:.:^ter.-;r iiorr.shv, that an _, •rirar^e en* itled "AN (,: , !.,.,:;'.. A^.C3i'J'it-;r! 191E PID OF . I!. _.... ..! i. �� �:�Ir:., ": Ildt!. F'ON TP, SAM, :G r; Cliy CF C'= Li:d 19✓° "',DPA, C-"rGr FOOD T111 -'F .... 'i' '' :. YA!iU CAR'doulr F'Ar:F'S: riLY, ....r US: =Y Ti:: itLi iP;r' 1-1':I::IOtd O) TVE (11TY U. ,., f'•', AGI! arF?ICF .'UCH F'UIVAI ,iG .;HAI_I. E r d, „cioptad or ell a! ,.a ieoll, °ass, Cc.-nisaiorara l.a:la, i'ornahY, ar,•. la7rc,t.?. and M'avor lilac - '. ;. No.__ Procaadingsof.�Peard of omanissionors _ _ 01yofPaducah__ hely 13,-_146.5 Rezone prop. is side Park Ave "t.w 12th & 13 t'r. Accept lid Finr-Woodall'0 Car for Fire Departcent Professicnal r'ordsmar. ., Ccmrissiorer Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AFPROVING THE FINAL REPORT OF TPF PADUCAH-McCRACKEN COUNTY PLANNING 001,11TSSION RESPECTINr THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SID OF PARK AVENUE BETWEEN 12TH STREET AND 13TH STREET, AND AMENDING THE PADUCAH ZONING CRDINANCE-1961 SO AS TO EFFECT SUCH REZONING", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Poll, Peas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenherr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Hornsbv offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF KING ;WOODALL MOTORS, INC. FOR THE SAL: TO THE CITY OF ONE (1) NEW 19c° FOUR DOOR AUTOMOBILE FOR USE BY THE FIRE DEPARTMEN' OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", he adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, ' Commissioners Davis, Hornsbv, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mavor Wilson (5). Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott, that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BUSINESS OF PROFESSIONAL BONDSMEN; AND PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING AND REGULATION THEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Da,ris, Hornshv, KressenberF, Parrott and Mayor ".'ilson (5). Commissioner Iarrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenherp, that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES ON KENTUCKY ATSr:UE P.ET:IZEN THE WEST SIDE OF E-TH STREET AND THE EAST SIDE OF 28TH STREET, AND PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the oll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mavor Wilson (5). Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that an ordirar:ce entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FADUCAH, KENTUCKY, REPEALING AND A A F`.ATTER OF RECORD A PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED ORDINANCE WHICH WAS DEFEATED AT A i3CTI0r1HELD 01. NOVEMBER 3, 1961, OTHERWISE REAFFIRMING DETERMINATIONS THAT A FUPLIC PROJECT SHOULD BE UNDERTAKEN IN THE INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC i ...,.i..=', ', AND �,E^1r.RAL WELFARE, COrISTSTTrdC OF TfIE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION, ,:-y AFIUfiTENANCES, OF E%PENSIONS, IrFROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE MUNICIPAL 'rACTLIT?Ef IN AND FOR SAID CITY AND ITS ENVIRONS; AUTHORI'LTNG (TO elL YTFrT FUNDS ARE NOT PROVIDED FROM OTHER SOUR(;E'S) TPROUGII ^TTY CF TTS ^(CO,CCO "SEVER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS OF L<<•' 1-AYA')Ly SOLELY FR(,jy THD .r . NUES OF SUCH SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR T1 -E F TFF: INCOME AND PEV3NJUES OF SAID SYSTEM, AND THE ALLOCATION .FECIAT. FUtifS PFPEII7 CREATED, IN ORDER TO PRCViDE FOR THE G;.1...... D T':719PEST, T1711, COi;TS OF OPi0ATICr•1 AND MAINTE4:AN. AND TPE ACCV7 .,..:t;, i:.... '... . ..;.',... FRCVr'.R RESE2t*7S; 11(?7;CHTPTNC CONDITION'S TIO;S nr:U RESTRICTIONS FURSUANT T_ ,,. _;P AL;:'.':=rr:,'•i.. FONDS PAYAF±LE FhOIa i,UCii RF.vSriUEH %'.AY --E TSSIrFD IN TPP FUTGI9 FOR EXTENSIONS, Ia".S. ?S AND ADDITION! TO SUCH :;YSTEP; AND FRCJIUIrlr, iCE AN AD;* F:iI Ft', [I!?! I.", CCK-ETITIVE SAIF OF TNi: PONDS P9kYIN AUTHORIZED", to intrad^iced and remain file fcr at leas- cre (1) week for PuFl.ic inspection in the ! romplet.erl Tom.ai•411 a F.c;t •;rrT. ita final peaeare. Adapted on call of Z F J rr,-... Yeea, CcMisal,- :. . _;ig, ;.`r!_'Js FrtgserJer--, 1arr0tt ar,., rA.a•:•r , AND C No. ?^`� Proceedings of Roard of Commissioners City ofPad„caR_ July 13, 2965 'rcraased Ra �. Charres Sewer Call Election Sewer Bond issue Commissioner Hornshv offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that an ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TAKING NOTICE OF CONCURRENT PROCEESINGS OF THE BOARD OF C01,3'+IISSIONERS AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF SUBSTANTIAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AND THE FINANCING THEREOF THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS; ESTABLISHING INCREASED RATES AND CHARGES FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE IN CONNECTION THEREWITH AND PROVISIONS FOR ENFORCING COLLECTION THEREOF, INCLUDING PENALTIES FOR DELINQUENCY IPI PAYMENT THEREOF; DETERMINING WHEN THE SADIE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE; AND MAKING PROVISION FOR DISPOSITION OF THE INCOME AND REVENUES RECEIVED THEREFROM", be introduced and remain on file for at least one (1) week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby_ Kressenberr, Farrott and Mayor Milson (5). Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THAT IT IS NECESSARY FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO INCUR AN;,INDEBTEDNESS THAT CANNOT BE PAID WITHOUT EXCEEDING THE INCObSE AND REVENUE PROVIDED FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR; ORDERING AN ELECTION BY THE VOTERS OF THE CITY TO DETERMINE WHETHER AN INDEBREDNESS SHALL BE INCURRED AND BONDS ISSUED THEREFOR BY THE CITY IN THE SU14 OF TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARD 02,500,000.00) FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING ALL OR A PART OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING. SANITARY SEis'ERS, AND SE:IERS FOR RELIEF OF EXISTING SANITARY SEWERS, ALL WITH 14ECESSARY APPURTENANCES; AND SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT OF DIONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED ANNUALLY BY TAXATION FOR AN INTEREST AND SINKING FUND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF", be introduced and remain on file for at least one (1) week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall 1e put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, HornsYv, Kressenhere, Farrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Cn motion the meeting adjourned. ADOFTED L!• IW, APPROVED i'avor - % � 1 erk