HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 274, June 22, 1965Proeeediegsol. Foss of �onmissioners ._,_ _ -- cif of Paducah �j At a Rerular Meetinr of the Poard of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Fall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on June 22, 1Q65, Mayor Wilson presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Mayor Wilson offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for June 8 and 15, 19:5 he waived and that the Minutes of said meetings prepared by the City Clerk he approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor :Nilson (5). Citizens for Mayor :Wilson offered the following motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby: 5ewe;•s iI move that the followint- named persons he named as a Committee to conduct a campaign to advocate the passare of a reneral obligation bond issue by the voters of the City on November 2, 1966, adequate for the immediate needs of combined sewers, said Committee to be known as "Citizens for Sewers": R. E. Fairhurst .John Oehlschlaerer ij James C. Rieke Gene Fisher �j Eugene K,atteriohn, Jr. Alonzo ;Williams i George Wiley j Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott I' i and Mayor Wilson (5), "ere Filter II appointed +.o rfayor Wilson made the followinr appointment: There beinP a vacancy on the Board Fark Foard .!! of Fark Commissioners, caused by the recent appointment of Miss Joaquin Seltzer as a memier of the Urban Renewal and Community Development Agency of the City, I hereby, sub;ect to the approval of the Board of Commissioners, appoint Gene Fisher as a member of the Board of Park Commissioners for the unexpired term of the said Miss Seltzer. Appro-.e Gene ! Comnissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the j Fisher - Park• Board i action of Mayor 'Wilson in appointing Gene Fisher as a member of the Board of F'ark f I Ccmmissioners of the Citv he approved and ratified so that said members and their terms of cffl— will he as follows: j i' "rs. Hcuston M( -Nutt for a term endinr March 16, 1966 :a r_er C. Preidert for a term ending March 16, 1Q(7 ^.ere Fisher for a term ending March V, 1967 C. Ferman for a term endinr March 1.6, 1968 j :ariaei Folanccek for a term endin- March 1E., 1968 i:r. Anrew W. Morton for a term ending. March 16, 1969 r,c Jar..ea 1A.-Cf, MecFenic F`e1 Fefuae 1117 8obt. Paikev/ John McYoy Jimmie Moore (arks k Rec. o.. u. 1..,11.6n, h..D. for a term ending March 16, 1Q69 Adopr.ed on ^all of "!':e Roll, Year, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenherr, Parrott I and N!avor ',Nilson (" Cr �_..' ;�i/J'r.• 'r'I ': 1.^. r'ff,)r,:d ^.oticn, 9ero.;'1^.d i;. Commissioner Hornshv as follows: r „ "a -,se, I mo -3 t>;a". Jame9 Ligon, trunk driver in the Refuse F.'. r: ., -arks C•rspsrtme.n.t, ,..e advanr,td to i.he position of mechanic helper n tie F:e�,;s{, ±;isi C::, ?•".' _ •!n:l'/ 1, 19 r. Adoptelr on call of theFloll, Yea., j rcwAi99ir!ers tt. ", • J • r .999^. F'e rrG t.: %� A'I �t �.Ni130❑ o«Mias.c.., seror.dad +.sir i:crr,s,.. �, as follows: srpon racocaeraa. :: 'or or iar': ica, 1 mova tiat the following persc!.8 to -. 8L"p1.C'eeR ci'a: P.e:i4, 89 provided for order Section lA 1ecrestior.- adoed tterar.c on !'+a! 11, ltt No. 275 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah June 22, 1965 Robert Balkey as laborer, at a salary of $1.00 per hour under Class A, effective June 23, 196. John McVov as plav,round supervisor, at a salary of $1.25 per hour under Class C, effective June 28, 196F, Jimmie Moore as liferuard, at a salary of $10.00 per month under Class L, effecti i + June 23, 1Q('. i Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenherr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). File letterMPr! Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that a copy o: trainee firemen, 1//the letter of B. Cowles Mallory to the Mayor and Commissioners, dated June 15, 1965, i relative to the appointment of applicant trainee firemen be received and filed. Adopte( i on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenherr, Parrott and t Mayor Wilson (5). Economic Oppor- ommissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, as follows: tunity Council etc. Pursuant to a recommendation made on May 20, 1965 by Paducah -McCracken Development Council, and subject to the approval of the Fiscal Court of McCracken County, I move that the Mavor, City Manager and Corporation Counsel form a nonstock, nonprofit corpora under the provisions of Chapter 273 of Kentucky Revised Statutes to develop a community i action program to take advantage of all Federal Assistance through poverty acts, econom. development acts and related prorrams, and to administer all protects adopted. The nam+ of the corporation shall be "Economic Opportunity Council of Paducah and McCracken County Inc." Upon its incorporation by the above named p p persons, the initial membershii of the corporation shall consist of the present members of the steering committee of Paducah -McCracken Development Council and thirteen (13) board members, eight (8) to be appointed by the Mayor, sub;ect to the approval of the Board of Commissioners, four (L) to be appointed by the Judge of M;rCracken County, subject to the approval of the Fiscal Court thereof, and the City Manarer shall he an ex -officio member. The first appoint- ment of members shall be four U.) city memhers for one year, four (L) city members for two sears, two (2) county memhers for one year, two (2) county members for two years, and thereafter all memhers for terms of two :•ears. Any vacancies in the aforesaid steering- committee shall he filled by a appointment by the aforesaid '.•oard members. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressen}•err, Parrott and Va ,nor dilson (r}, Settle rlAim Crmnissioner Hornsr` offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the claim Agnes Hu0,.ee Ir f Arres HurF Madison Street, for damages received by her on or about February '. :'41' -., an aller-ed sidewalk condition, rear Lth and Broadway, he compromise( i'2.-1; and tiat the Treasurer pay said claim after securing u full I! 1.a• :. ,tdop*.ad on call. Of the Roll, Yeas, Coz:misnionors Davis, HornsJ,; or ¢+il.non (5). - c.fforud nor:ir.n, nacandad '. y CammissioneI` Palin Q!at tl,a idfllir and tlasua,ty compan'•r of Now Yorf to a .:r ,'s C°a^ n n :r, a (cri(,d ci one oar frcm Jul; 1t, 19f5, r:all "I the 1`011, YOas, COmminsioners ;a .. ..-... ', _,....'+r a: .' So.'; "a .- dilson (i). No —> Pr«eadingr o!_-,__•oarri off. Cocmi ssior..ers.____ - Gry of paducah_ i++na 22 , 1 9fis Jackie D. } Commissioner Hornsby offered motion seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Harris ' :applicanjt- Jackie D. Harris he employed as an Applicant -Candidate for emplovment as a fireman in Candidate Fire Dept. j the fire Department of the City at a salary of �4"2'70.00 per month, effective July 1, 1965 provided by such time he furnishes, at his expense, a satisfactory medical report as to 1 Pis physical condition, including an electrocardiogram. This employment is made under t'. iprovisions of an ordinance pro+:idinR for such employment adopted April 27, 1962 by the Board of Commissioners, and is subiect to all terms, conditions and provisions contained therein. Adopted on call of the Roll, veas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsbv, Kressenberr, Farrott and Mayor Wilson (5). File letter Commissioner Hornsbv offered motion, seconded by Commissioher Davis that the E.T.Hannan ?r� Associates letter of Edward T. Hannan Associated, Inc. dated June 22, 1965, to the City Manner sewer const. adv, dates ,i re,ardin-- advortisinr dates for proposed sanitary sewer construction, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Farrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Tile bids on :i Commissioner Hornsbv offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis that the ='ewer extensi.gn He Rig following bids for the construction of Sanitary Sewerage Extension on the Hinkleville Road to the Bir Burlev Mart property, be received and filed: i Tilford Plumhinr R- Heating Companv Preslev Plumbing & Heatin, Companv, Inc. E. A. Sullivan, Inc. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, KressenberP, Parrott i and Mavor Wilson (5). File 'ids or ✓ Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott, that I ump Station: tte followinr 'ids for the furnishing and delivery of one (1) Automatic Underground Puap Station, be received and filed: Henry A. Fetter Supplv Companv Zimmer & Francescon Can -Tex Industries, Inc. Chicaro Pump Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsbv, Kressenberr, Parrott an -3 '`a':',r ..-sor. .`:e•wer COr;at. (-=issiorer Y,ressenberr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott that i permission Usher b rardnqr the wri*t,-,n i.::rniEtion of Usber '- rardner, Inc. or hayfield, Kentuckv, for use by the ! City and its s•erts for certair prorert^ for workin- space in the construction of the Nlnkle:ill> Pool- rig Furley 6`art newer, �o received and filed. Adopted on call of tF:e Noll, `'ens. Cc:,ri.ssicr.ers P.ay.is, Horr.s-•• Yressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Willson File contract .omrisn!onor vresserior- cffared cation, seconded L -v Commissioner Parrott, trate ireato:, Ciamit cal r' T,pan; •.}e +iraeuted cop✓ of t.*y Contra- 'r;rw^+)n t:c '.itv of Paducah and Preston Chemical Soda AEr ,ail, o:aae.,, for !ale t,c t:e Cit -,f er ,.Aa ,. 'r n,ttes ie e�oived and filed. Adorned 1i hon -al' of ti -e .'411. 'iL , .,,1CTPr.. ?'.a7i3, Pornni v, rre39enhei—, carrott and settlement '! %c^-;sr,icrar Ira^^e,' r,f`F d c i:✓ :ei<,rt,s of the Paducah Dilater �3arer afuse May ,Yorks 4 recei ed arI ",,.. rkt :nr:*ed c,•:ar tae (:it• f7e# C Adopted or. call or tie 1; and ya�or Wilsan i".. farrcct � e No. 277 Proceedings of. Poard ofCommissioners CRY of Paducah June 22, 1965 Dr. Ro?ert Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott �'looldridge � Resirnation j that the resi.gration of Dr. Robert M. Wooldridge, as City Physician, effective July 1, I Ank 19Ec ke received, accepted and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commission- ers Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Dr. Frank Aly n Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott that Shemwell appointed Cit} Dr. Frank Allen Shemwell he appointed as City Physician of the City of Paducah, effecti Ph-asician j July 1, 1961, at a salary of e?50.00 per month as heretofore provided for by ordinance. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mavor Wilson (5). Extend Contra Commissioner Farrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenbere, that Reliable Adve�i- tisinr Co. the contract between the City and William W. Farrell & Charles F. Farrell, doing Sidewalk kencies business as Reliable Advertising Company, for the placing of advertising benches on the public thoroughfares of the City of Paducah, authorized by ordinance adopted June 2A, 19(0 by the Board of Commissioners, he extended under its present terms and conditions to and including the 31st day of December, 1965, but no further. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenbere, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). File letter Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr, that City Manarer 100m assess- the letter of B. Cowles Mallory, City Manager, to the Mayor and Commissioners, dated ment I i June 21, 19(5, reeardinr future one hundred percent assessment of property, be received and.filed, Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commission Davis, Hornshy, Kressenl-erg, Farrott and Mayor Wilson (5). i Assess property Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenbere as fair cash -'aloe follows: WHEREAS, Section 172 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky provides that all property, not exempted from taxation by said Constitution, shall he assessed for taxation at its fair cash value, estimated at the price it would bring at a fair •roluntary sale, and WHEREAS, tinder the terms and provisions ofSection 92.430 (2) of Kentucky Revised Statutes, all persons ovminr real estate or personal property in cities of the second class or. July 1 subaect to city taxation shall, l:efore September 1, appear at the Assessor's Office and furnish him a true and complete list of the property, with its t.r,.e cask value as of July 1, under oath, upon forms to be furnished by the Assessor vn application at its office, and :;11i;F'.sA.^., tie Court of Appeals of the Commonwealth of Kent.uckv has recently uphel e a'cr .said rcrsr it.utional requirement assessing property for taxation at its ra.ir ar.d tke 3'oard of :SdueatiOn Or tb.a City Or 1aiiura1 }as requested the 1uard 1 of Comm!ns.O.-ars or said Cit^ t-,, tako immediate steps to secure such, conOtitutional r r aa8saare al axa•le ,,rope . it J.6 City as of duly 1, ln:`:' for taxes due in 176+ ttat tr!9 1'r;ard •o on record as desirinr full compliance .. Co:rroraealti; r..^ Yentu+:k: and all r,t}.er ai'Flicaile law:, _ ae=-99cer:' all Yropsr' ; s•, ,9rt i:.• 'axritirn, ar.9 does i:urai.r express Its � _.. .. _: •i r, +.¢tr. L!'e -.. t.,r •: _. _,vialixat.lun Of ti.e cite tO adhrst all Txoperty in r" e95ascer.^. a .,:r cosi: :al!ia as inquired • y law as of drily 1, 19x,5 for 1, of tkaRoll, Yeas, t:o-*;issi hers I;avis, Tarnsby. No..-- 2 , _.__.'— Proceedings of_ Foard e.f—fo_nmissioners City ofPaducah__Znn 2--1265 _ Sell Lot Oak,.. Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr, that Grove to M.r. &. Mrs. ! the Board of Commissioners approve the sale by the City of Paducah to Mr. and Mrs. Walte Walter M. I Elrod M. Elrod of Lot No. 20 in Section I; of the Mausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery for the sum of t000.00. I further move that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery property. Adopted on call of the Roll; Yeas, Commissio - ers Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Milson (5). i Accept Bid, Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that an Presley Plh Hinklevilleordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF PRESLEY PLUMBING AND HEATING COMP A Y, Rd. sewer INC. FOR FURNISHING ALL MATERIAL AND WORK FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEVIER EXTENSIONS FOR !THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY (HINKLEVILLE ROAD - BIG BURLEY MART 1965) IN SAID CITY, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY FOR SAID MATERIAL AND WORK, PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SAID CONTRACT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Accept :id Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that an eater S,ipply ium:p Station ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF HENRY A. PETTER SUPPLY COMPANY FOR i FURNISHING AND DELIVERING ONE AUTOMATIC PUMP STATION, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PURCHASE CONTRACT, AND DECLARING AN E14ERGENCY TO EXIST", be introduced and remain on file for at least one (1) ;geek for public inspection in the completed form +I in which it shall he put upon its final passare. Adopted on call of theRoll, Yeas, I Corrmissioners Davis, Hornsbv; Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Milson (5). r1c9a.t 'id Corenissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that an E?u_p, Co -Tractors, ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF G & G EQUIPMENT COMPANY FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF TWO (2) NEW JOHN DEERE TRACTORS FOR USE IN THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY; FRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SH�LL BE 'BADE, AMID DECLARING AN EMERrENCY TO EXIST", he adopted. Adopted on call of the Rolll .r'-issioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, larrott and Mavor Nilson (5). -c" dw.-r^;issiorer Hornsiy offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that an Ha.^.ran a, ;,s5cc iat9s 'j ori nnC.^'a 4'!i *; 1. 1,,-1 "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYMENT OF EDWARD sewer V( i ert9rsiOns l INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, IN CONNECTION CONSTRUCTION OF VARIOUS SANITARY SEWER EXTENSIONS IN SAID CITY, ANL :':.i.' :'(_.." "''17f bAHA^ N TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT COVERING SUCH EMFLOY"B.."JT ON BEHALF li OF TH=E CI=% •e i 1. —.dured a.^,d rer.:ain or. file for at least one (1) creek for public j IEsFePtion in tie :i form in .irich. i'. sha11. !e put upon its final passa••e. ) Adopted cr. call tf tr, :11, Yeas, Cor ^issicc9:m Ea'•is, Hornshy, Kressenberr, Parrott and pa•.rcr di1son ('). Accept i id Commissicrer Yressen`er•- offered .rro,.Icr., s9r.Onded 1-1 Commissioner Iarrntt, '.ha' Sunra•r EX Gasoline et or. ordirarce erT_i.tled, "A": G°S•TMAM:rE AUTHCPIZT'i^ Tr,': '. r,; ii TO ENTER INTO A 0ONTRA T WI?H 5L`RP.AY DY OIL CGM.fA"Y FOP TP.9 F':- rt^E i i.: .. " 'rl r,1]'(?Li*:E, MOTOR CIL CHASSIS LU°FTCAN7, ^EAR LUPE CIL, HY! i - r -Y 'fH CITY CF PADUCAH, YENTU-,^FY, FCR 7FE ': t JUM..Y TER TifiM ANA; CL.AD"ICNS Uf0l WP.ICY SUrH PURCHASES DE ;tii ;r---!%RflyACY rr .. _ -" >t introduced and-emain cr. fi19 for at taes! One (.1) 1:0rF'lated form if'e M.%A 'lpOr, its final v No. 279 _ Proceedings of board of Commissioners City of Paducah June 22, _1965 Accept Fid Ohio'I Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that Vallev on Clav V pipe 8• fittings an ordinance entitled, "API ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF OHIO VALLEY SUPPLY COINPANY FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE AND FITTINGS FOR SEdER CONSTRUCTION USE; FRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY", be adopted; Adopted on call of the Ro11,Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenber7, Farrott and Mayor Nilson (5). Ad'ourn M^.eetinar/ Mlavor Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that this to Jule 1, 1961 Regular T•',eetinr- of the Board of Commissioners be ad;ourned until 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, Julv 1, 1961. ADOPTED 196c City Clerk APPROVED T:ayor