HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 240, April 20, 1965No. Proceed'ngs of_. Cyoauca2C, 19*" I; At an Ad`ourned Rei•ular Yeetinr of the Board of Commissioners held in the !+I a-^iss,cr: C amter of the City Fall, Paducah, Kentuckv, at %:30 P.M. on April 20, 191", �y" T^� �Davis presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their N ^,- s: Comm-issioners Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and flavor Fro Tem Davis (L), tiayor lson Ieir.r ahsert (1). traria icff."al: Commissioner Hornsby offered :notion, seconded !-v Commissioner Kressehberr, as Ter±p "achine� operator in +i follcws: 1 move that Marie Hoffman he temporarily employed as machine operator in the Financa epr. = mance Department of the City, at a salary of $'1.10 per hour, retroactive to April 10, !� lc'i. Such emFlovment is temporary and no civil service riehts or other rights under i any law or ordinance shall to covered by this emplovmeht. Adopted on call of the Roll I Yeas, Commissioners Hornsi-v, Kressen!••err, Parrott and Mayor Fro Tem Davis (L). C.S Ctanlev� Commissioner Horns'. -v offered motion, seconded by Commissioner'Kressenberrr, that :plica i`ept) the resignation of C. R. Stanley as a member of the Police Department , dated April 153 to t,e recei•red, filed and accepted as of said date. Adopted on call of the Roll, .,Yeas, Commisioners Hornsby, Kressenberrr, Parrott and Mayor Pro Tem Davis (L). V `_ettlement i Commissioner Hornsi:v offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberp., that he `_'use Sewer ! the reports of the Paducah Fater Works be received and filed, and that the following !,.errh 19(: '� checks le turned over to the City Treasurer to be deposited in the proper accounts: Refuse collections for March, 19(1 $11,1,87.15 Ij Sewer Ser --,ice Ch.arr•es for N.arch 196.` 10,801.00 +I Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott and �1.favor Pro Tem Davis (1;). iii ii'.e "meat Commissioner Kresserberm offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott, that o"�l:or:aessid. J -le executed aopr of the 'rant of Concession to L. Choate for the premises known as �rc�ks Wtadi'.. Prook,; Stadium, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commission -j : ers 1-:ornsi •fresserterr-, Parrott and favor Pro Tem Davis (1:). IJ Pankin 0. Ccrmissiorer Fressenterr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott as :a•:•nclds V Zer...p La=orer `o'.lt':rs: rc^c t. at itarkin C. Fe -Molds !'e temporarily emplo•:ed as a laborer in the : o,..• cf the City, at a salary of ?1.1,F per hour, offect:i�•e t:av 1, 1966. ':empor-ar, and no civil service rirhts or other riehts under I ar'• la>r c. ;_; ;o cr,rered i•• this emplovment. Adopted on call of the Roll Yeas, Kr:ss-rter Parrott and ta:•er Pro Tem Davis 0.). r le rr,ra�{ eefnotion, seconded by Commissioner larrott, that „IFP3!e5 r}r heccrd e.N e tile Sits of Paducah and Business dquiFrant �ccR � • _.. a of F=lir:r Z•quipment and Furniture - 'e used i i.e rece'•red and riled. Adopted on call of -Ye i Horn:.!, rrefS9en`9r ",srr4L'. Fitd Va•r01' trOTem Pa -is 'la rortra %3er"er.^ offered n motioL'tlat r,re 4x'r4ul,ud cop;' of 11,e contract,. A; 1l n C'ec faddy iispar. e! We .._-. .. .._.......-.csi;la^, and t}e CiW of taducat., for sale to the Cit,! u' ':xt 1*3rx Cre r_lmt. Fa �-, `.r rsa in the Police DeFartmenr, be received and filed. A9crtn%; -a' :', '.+earn, Crnmisrsiorers forni!v, ireasen!:arr, Farrott si«,A r':. .. . . No. 21.1 Proceedings of_ Foard or Commissioners City of Paducah April 20, 19(,5 it----- -- - -- ---- - - _—� _ - --- :1e contract Kira-'docdall car for IM,7r. . Citv Mana,er's Pudret 19(5 1 Emplovee V lai-orers in larks Fc Recre. Commissioner Farrott offered notion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberp, that the executed copy of the Contract l-:etween the Citv of Paducah and King—Woodall 1Sotors, for sale to the City of four (L) 1905 Custom Four -door Sedans for use in the Police Department, le received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hornsby, Kressenherr, Parrott and ?•avor Pro Tem Davis (Ij. 1-1 Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenbera, that the Foard of Commissioners receive and file a copy of the Budret prepared by B. Cowles Aallor City Kanarer, for the period from January 1, 1905 through December 31, 1965, and further move that copies of the hud,et, which have been printed, be made available for distribution, and that a piblic hearing on said hudret he held at the regular meetin- of the Board of Commissioners to he held at 7:30 o'clock I.M. on the 27t.h day of April, 19F5. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hornsby, Kressenber. Parrott and tiayor Pro Tem Davis (L). Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr, that the following named persons he, and they are hereby, employed in the Parks & Recreation. Department of the Citv of F'aduc..ah, for the following positions, effective date of emplo•ment and rate of pay: Rocert A. Ruoff, laborer, effective June 1, 1965, $1.50 per hour Gaylon Fike, laborer, effective Mav 1, 1965, $1.50 per hour Ronald E. Richardson, laborer, effective PRav 1, 19(5, $1.50 per hour eleslev W. Ford, laborer, effective Yay 1, 1965, $1.50 per hour Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hornsby, Kressenber , Parrott and Mayor Fro Tem Davis (L). Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenborr-, ac follows: I move that, Hazel Slaughter •re temporarilv employed as Piano Accompanist. in the Farks and Recreation Department of the Cite, at a salary of $1.5o per hour, retroacti••e to April 1(., 19(`, Such employment is temporary and no civil service ri *; cr rtber rirhIs under arr., law or ordinance stall be co•,cred Iv this employment.. Af1op*.1=11 cd: call of tie Foll, Yeas, Commissioners Hornshv, Kressenber-, larrott and offered motion seconde%t ' "c^mfssic.e n , Kressanl,e,r, as .. "l cld Hawkins 1.e temporariI a?plc^ed as a lalorer ir. the -1 r, n•, a salary of ?1.11 Pei- hour, effective r'ay. 1, c civil service .. 1,rs e:• other- ri hts under ary .ia;r r,r o dinars+ - ri, emplovment. -ion call of the Roll, Yea;:, 1 :.r .r9iG!•.e!'s :'%rt,ct.t. and Ma,. .. .. ., T., V 1 i ' No. _ 2! 2 Proceedings of - __r.ard o__ `-Cpr• ni s-ipners Cify of Paducah 1 I2:1L 2��1 "( Ccmmissioner Hornsl^ offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott, that aO c,re: a.-'tled: "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR i'R:i OSZS, OVER CERTAIN LAPID O'dNED BY J. H. O'BRIEh AND WIFE, ALINE. O'DRIEN", be P,depted on call of tLe Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hornshy, Kressenberf, Parrot ro Tem Davis (1:) . Cor=issioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott, that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF KENTUCKY ASPHALT SALES COIAPANY FOE: TF.E SALE TO THE CITY OF RC -0 TO r. AND I4C-0 TO 5 LIQUID ASPHALT REQUIRED BY THE CITY DUF.IF:? HE YEAR 19F,5; AUTHORIZING THE CITY TIANArm TO ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOP. THE PURCHASE OF SAID MATERIAL; AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON JHICH SAID PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,' Commissioners Hornsby, KressenFerr, Parrott and Vavor Pro Tem Davis 0J. / Commissioner Kressenberc offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott, that a: ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF KING-WOODALL MOTORS, INC. !� FOR IEZ SALE TO THE CITY OF 029E (1) NEW 19(5 FOUR -DOOR AUTOMIGILE, AND PRESCRIBING THE TEal,S AND CONDITICI:S UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on I r_al'_ of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hornshv, Kressenberc, Parrott and Mayor Pro Tem Davis 0.) . w f ;ormissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded !-v Commissioner Kressenberc, tba2 an crair.ance entitled: "Ah ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF EMULSITIED ASPHALT COMPANY GALE T_ ;HE CITY OF TYPE RS, MS, SS AND AE -200 EMULSIFIED ASPHALT REQUIRED BY OF !':, '.,';.: r. .r_;:. "HE YEAR 19(F, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAnER TO ENTER INTO �.: ?HE PURCHASE OF SAID MATERIALS, AND PRESCRIBING THZ TERMS AN !: C;:_D PURCHASE SHALL BE TIADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the C -;--i ssiorers }iornsi •i, F:ressenherr, Parrott and Mayor Pro Tem Davis aior:er Parrott offered motion, seconded b%: Commissioner Kressenber-, tha: ar. cr.^;ir.vn:e en'itlel: ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE DID OF REED CRUSHED STONE COMPAj;Y, :: CITY CF NO. 7, NO. u, NO. 9 AND NO. 11 LIYESTCNc, KENTUCKY STATE ' 'Y THE CITY DURING, 10Fc, AND AUTHORIZINr, THE CITY ;d11. -'i : ; RCHASE OF SAME; AND PRESCRIBING TEL to adopted. Adopted on call arrott and i'avor Pro Tem Davis ij . savor IL r � rA