HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 231, March 30, 1965Proceedings of Hoard of Commissioners City of Paducah March 30, 1965 Enploy Te pump oper floodwall Settle claim Mrs. Bonnie I exeon File letter J.A.Connor Title Sir, C Civil Riphts Act Grover C. 0•ne Resirna--ion r Trars.rer fur:d rlannir.r and :'.cn5.eg t II I Lie?_!liL! Ins'' worse:•, inc. ,,� , I At an Adjourned Repular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissio Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on larch 30, 1965, P'.ayor Wilso presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr-, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Davis offered motion that the following named persons te, and they are hereby emploved in the Floodwall Department of the City of Paducah for the following positions, effective date of employment and rate of pay: Charles Harrinpton, pump operator, effective March 30, 1965, *1.50 per hour Marvin Armstrong, pump operator,effective March 30, 1965, $1.50 per hour Clyde E. Mayes, pump operator, effective March 30, 1965, 161.50 per hour Curtis Harrington, pump operator, effective March 30, 1965, x;1.50 per hour Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded byCommissioner Davis, that the claim of Mrs. Bonnie Laxson,1533 Park Avenue, against the city for personal damages caused by an allered sidewalk defect, on March 1, 1965 on the north side of Kentucky Avenue betwee lath and 5th Streets, be compromised in the amount of w75.00; and that the Treasurer pay said claim after securing a full and complete release. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the letter of Jerome A. Connor, Actinr Repional Director of Community Facilities, Housing and Home Finance Apency, pertaining to the Rules and Rerulations of the Housing and Home Finance Agency effectuating Title Six of the Civil Riphts Act of 19F.t,, he received and filed. _ Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr_, Parrott and Mavor Wilson (5). Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis that the resignation of rrover C. Owen, a maintenance helper in the Maintenance Department, effective April 1, 19(5 be received, accepted and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cormi.ssioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressent:err, Parrott and b:avor Wilson (5). Com; ,is-ioner -rressenl_err offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott that the Treasurer and Cir.•:•:anarer transfer the sum of x:3,091.00 from the General Fund of the Ci y to (:cr.Gunr, ;in. PCCC Fad,:cal-F:eCrar_ken County Planning. Cormission, for technical Planning Ass istar" . Ador.ted on call of t}:e Roll, Yeas, Comm!ssionersCavis, Hornsby, Kressenber•.,, 5'arro*.r. and N.avor '„11,^.on {;). Cc,r.issioner Yresser.'r:rr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner 1'arr•ott, that tlic +,rtifi^ate of ruurarsrs irnned i•i 'Pi•e Aetna Casualty and Suret;: Company r.o t.huCity of Faduea: , ^1.' work dare }7 ''. ..Y, iJp. for a period of one :oar from ,January 1, .19f.�, %e recei ,dopted on call of the hol.l, Yeas, Commissioners .'�sv>•, - ....-... nr•I 7;svor'dilson Certificate of innurar.ra issued by Nva }dried of t.imu ax1,5::nr on ,June I::, 11 i n Call or tre :ioli, f:'aT, G'UrCrztesi<.r:ejs 1 No.___---- 232 Proceedings of.----- `'„-„d .Qf_UMmissianers Comply with Title Six Ci•:il Rirhts Act of 196!, bequest lidst car for Cit•: 1�ana�er . lax Levy 19F1 vI ... , . ars ACC@Ft '.-id y di..stn cwn':. City of Paducah Ya—h 30, 10,( s Commissioner rarrott offered motion that the petition sirned by Robert B. Millet and others requestin;- construction of an allev between 25th and 27th Streets behind lots on LaClede Street, for the purpose of providing access to back yards and to facilitate drainare, be received and referred to the City Manarer for investigation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsbv, Kressenberg, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby,that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY, ASSURING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY THAT SAID BOARD WILL COMPLY WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE HOUSING- AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY EFFECTUATING TITLE SIX OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5), Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER. TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE NEd MEDIUM PRICE CLASS FOUR -DOOR SEDAN AUTOMOBILE, AND PRESCRIBI THE C014DITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5), Commissioner Davis offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE LEVIES AND RATES OF TAXATION ON ALL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKYI SUBJECT TO TAXATION FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES AND FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES FOR THE YEAR 1965, WITH THE PURPOSES OF SAID TAXES THEREUNDER DEFINED", he adopted. Adopted on call of th Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that an I ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF BUSINESS EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES TO THE CITY OF FILING EQUIPMENT AND FURNITURE FOR USE BY THE RECORDS AND Ij _';ATIO!: OFFICE OF THE PADUCAH POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND ':i CN 'WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", he adopted. Adopted on call of th� Cc.^rrissioners Davis, Hornsbv, Kressenberg, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). i ;c ^'issic:er Kressenherr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Farrott, that "AN CP.DINANCE ACCEPTIN: THE DID OF KING VOODALL MOTORS, INC, CIT': OF FOUR N%'W l9'i FOUR -DOOR SEDANS FOR USE BY THE POLICE DEPART -1 AND AUMHCRILIN rFE CITY "1!iA"E° TO Et:TER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF SAME r d+.red and remain on file for a•. ler,^+. one (I) week for public inspection in the form in w%:,"i Cal passage. Adopted on call of th eat, �•iiC4'«.3 i`. .'r _ + 4Ji ;t t, Krenr-,,n',:r", Parrott and Va-or Wilson 1 :-onion, nnr_r-ded 1-i Commissioner hrersenrer.-, that a:. cedinar.^Q er_•f ,'ed' ACCEPTINS Tli.. ..:f, OF 'rl.fLSOF CHEVROLET-CADILLAC FO `?`L _ WO NEW 19" ° i;+',. PANEL TRUCY3, AND AUTfiGRti.i1. THE errs MA":A;--. .. r,;.:,.. ,.•.., A-eNITRACT =::.. PAf;:• rAY-1 'r, in, , tr::ducud and ro-main at rile for at leset ore (1) week frr ,_ "'' f f::^ l:.•ad corm it w?`ici it asali 4e P'st .,For its final passage. Ye as, Yresser.'e! No. 233 Proceedlny:of_ Foard of Commissioners City of Paducah Kertuckv Companvil Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that a Fiscal Agents Industrial Pldr. Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION RELATING TO A FISCAL AGENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF Revenue Ponds REPRESENTING THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY IN THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL BUILDING REVENUE BONDS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor elilson (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED :�.�_C' �� _loin APPROVED u-' + (/r LCI lir A!ayor CitvClerk