HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 208, February 9, 1965P—AlIngs of rnnr_AoL-Cammissiomar s .__ .. __. City of Paducah_ Fetruary Q 196 _ At a Rerular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chambe i of the Cit,: Hall, Paducah, Kentuckv, at '':30 P.M. on Fehruary 9, 1965, Mavor Wilson 1 presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Davis, Hornsbv, Kressenherr, Parrott and Mavor Wilson (F). ` 'a^or )Milson offered motion that the readinr of the Minutes for January 26, 1965 I be wai•ed and that the Minutes of said meeting prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsbv, Kressenbere, i Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). ?favor 'dilson made the following appointment: Appoint Park Suhiect to the approval of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Foard members) I hereh•r appoint the following people as members of the Board of Park Commissioners of the Citv under the terms of an ordinance adopted on October 2, 1964: r{rs. Houston McNutt for a term of one vear Elmer C. Breidert for a term of two vears j Miss Joaquin Seltzer for a term of two vears Arthur C. Herman for a term of three vears Michael Polashock for a term of three vears Dr. Andrew '.1. Morton for a term of four vears j Donal D. O'Sullivan, M.D. for a term of four vears v Approe lark Commissioner Parrott offered motion that the action of Mayor Wilson in appointin Board remcers�the LL_S1 following members for the following terms to the Board of Park Commissioners of the i City of I-aducah, be approved and ratified: Mrs. Houston McNutt for a term of one near Elmer C. P.reidert for a term of two vears -iss Joaquin Seltzer for a term of two vears Arthur C. Herman for a term of three vears Michael Polashock for a term of three vears Dr. Andrew W. ,.orton for a term of four vears Donal D. O'Sulli-tan, M.D. for a term of four vears or call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioner Farrott and Mavor Wilson, (2), Nays, __cioners Davis, Hornsey and Kressenherr, (3). I Co^rissioner Davis offered motion that a Certified Copy of a Resolution adopted � '000r. .;s:.uar:• 2", 19/ tv the Electric Flant Foard of the Citv of Paducah, Kentucku, reocr.maaaisr the appointment of Morris A. Lee, Certified Public Accountant, to make the r:�l au:ii•. :,r he records of said Electric Plant Board, he received and .filed. Adopted call of' ie ic'_1, Year., Commissioners Paris, Hornsl:.v, Kressenberr, Iarrott and 6'a ar i t� ^.o ^ic-ems is cfPFred motion 11'a` the Certificate of Insurance issued by ':c.'id%c'_S, a:.d as:a!L • 'Jr;ncary of Now York to Ed Downs R Son, Inc. and the Cit. of 1( :,:•:^a:• , ier.re:cw- For a dariod of ore Year fhom .January 1, 19(1,, be received, arpro•rod I .:ed. •I•.J .^. r'n call of the Holl, ?en. i;I;rn;issioners Davis, Hornsly, Nrassenter� a I .r Davis -'''*red ro•.ion •ta. .his Ce,mminsi.on arprova the sale `y the { - g or tt.q snu-.F. t -e-: alf of Lot. No. 22 :in :vection 2, Fr "nr me avir of 9'2COX(G, and that. thn Ctt.v jerk; •;a said cemer,er✓ !ot. Adopted •n salt r:f' i I -. .. Freasenter,-, larrotr, end MAvor 'wilaon of ;•' r.ified Copv of th-a Order of the I _ ,.. •.e Citv of Paducah accer• -.,., ':5 foiir alternates (Wos. :, f, t .2) award *diTr suk+ect to the sale O.^ i - _ _ _ .. 11, Yeta, Comaassiccei'• ;;a..a.! Na_209 Proceedings of RoArd of Commissioners City of Paducah Fehruary _4, 1965 Resolution. Ed. o Education new ✓ School Bidr Architect & Fiscal Arent Er..plov Willie N.I Fester Temp. 1, Assistant Jaritoi File bids on V School huildinr Police Report Januar-: 19C5 Commissioner Dacis offered motion that a Certified Copy of a Resolution adopted January 11, JgCr by the Paducah Independent School District, requesting the City to app its action in the selection of G. Anthony Johnston as Architect for the preparation of plans for the construction of the high school addition, the industrial arts shop and the vocational school, and also the action of said Board in selecting the firm of Stein Pros. °- Povee to act as Fiscal Arent in the sale of bonds for such construction, be received and filed, and .further move that the Board of Commissioners comply with such request and by this action does hereby approve such selection. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornshy, Kressenberr_•, Parrott and Mayor Wilson. (5). Commissioner Hornsby offered motion that Willie N. Hester be appointed temporaril as Assistant Janitor at $1.10 per hour, retroactive to February 5, 1965. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott It, Mayor Wilsc Commissioner Hornsby offered motion that the £ollowiniz bids for the construction of the Paducah Area Vocational & Technical School, 25th Fc Adams Streets in Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed: Hal Perry Construction Company, Inc. 1.1. T. Wilkinson Seth E. Giem Fc Associates Leslie A. Feast Construction Company, Inc. Crawford Construction Company J. A. Hill Construction Company, Inc. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott. and Mayor Wilsor. (5). Commissioner Hornsby offered motion that the report of the Police Department fox, the month of Januarv, 19(5, he received and filed. Adopted on call of theRoll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr., Parrott and Alavor Wilson (5). File Water Servi�,e / Commissioner Hornsby offered motion that the executed c`•pv of the 'dater Service Contract with tcdlawr., GakdalContract between the City of Paducah and the 'rloodlawn, Oakdale and Husbands Road dater c73' arils rd '.;ester District ;I District, dated January 27, 19(5, he received and filed. adopted on call of the Roll, ;i Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). rile ^crtract "riYyt Commissioner fressenberr offered motion that the executed copy of the Contract :,res ,etween t}e City of Faducai• and Sunrav DX Oil Companv, for sale to the City of its renuiremantn of motor oil, diesel fuel, chassis lubricant, rear lube oil, hydraulic oil, kerosene and anti freeze for the period of time from Januar:r 1, 1Q(�, ro June 3'.;, '0", e re^.eieed anti filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yaas, Corrnissioners Davis, !rennecierr, ;arrott and N:avor'Wilson (5). —mmi-3iono !resne er-- offered motion that the C-ar;-es F.referred h•y iaul Ho.ilar-, ire 1,-apar-r-2nt of the Cit;• of Paducah, Kentuck-;, a-ainst F rediiourhty, IIj a'.' maid :i tv, Y,a received and filed, and Y fuer r •: re :f Said ..:.a:- •e^ fc • :`i.'! ,n i`w.ruar•; .12, 19f i, at i.1 -e F-:U!]J' i. l � rp!6Ck t.lA ! :t^ Pall build in ia"Pico; w-wi and ^:aid 1 red lion ht- of eueh a: :a .e, ".es arri ::a .. said ryaris:r, iavir,i- a true capv of said :n sul jd ?Ar,.e andlace o" ie i arir-. Ars r .::i vn r.*l1 of ..rc .':11, :ems, rr:; i,. -ars ;tri s, ,:,...s r•.ssa:..ar: Iarrrtt aril tarot iilscr. +! ve No. Proceedings of Feard of_Commissioners,_.__ CityofPaducalr_ February 9, 1965 Joller i Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion that the Annual Report of the Faducah re Fort Junior Collece for the year 1961. be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornshv, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). 'w7illiam Delri st / Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion that William DePriest Watkins be ? atkir.s emplo' V, TenF, rtssista appor:ted Temporary assistant ianitor at $1.10 per hour, retroactive to February 8, 1965 ianitor � Iv Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr-, Parrott and Mayor 17ilson (5). Tor_m: Atteburf Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion as follows: Upon recommendation of Ray transferred t�a Equir'nent L`prh� Ka --se, Director of the Department of Public Works, dated January 22, 1965 and the approv 1 St. Division. of R. L. Brockman, City I'anarer as of said date, I move that Tommy Attebury, a Mechanic I Helper in the Street Division of the Public Works Department be now made an Equipment Operator in said Department, at $1.90 per hour, retroactive to February 1, 1965; said appointment and position being under Civic Service. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, i Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). I Jack Cot: v�! Commissioner Parrott offered the £ollowinP motion: Upon recommendation of Terrinated !arks 3: Rec. ,1 Arthur L. Seelye, Director of Parks and Recreation, I move that the services of Jack Got { as shop nec':anic be terminated, effective February 15, 1965. Adopted.on call of the Roll, '_yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr-, Parrott £c Mayor Wilson (5). i Littleton, Ind Commissioner Parrott offered motion that the Bond of Littleton, Inc. in the amount Pcrd i1 of ;1,000,00 dated January 1, 1965, he received, approved and filed. Adopted on call iof the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson ('). File i.id c: Commissioner Parrott offered motion that the bid of Wbayne Supply Company, Inc. rase A99emi:lVA for furnishirr the City one (1) new Case Assembly for Caterpillar 955 Traxcavator, be r I, received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, F:resseneerr, Iarrott and Mayor :'Wilson (5). kequest 'ids y Commissioner Davis offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION wet `cru?-er ✓ RFQUZa71:)r, THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE (1) AUTOMATIC i i� 1vv'T AND DRY PCRUDBE1 PCR USE Ii! THE NEW CITY HALL DUILDING, AND PRESCRIBIIJG THE CONDITIONS f� UFO': WHICH SUCH FURCHASE SHALT, BE MADE", to adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeasl , 1 csio^.ens liavis, Horn NressenFer,, Parrott and Vz or Wilson (5). b:orris A Leen er ,'o ifered .o ion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION audit records rloc iPUBLIC ACCOUNTANT OF PADUCAH, ILANI BOARD OF THE CITY OF PADU^AH, adopted. Adopted on call of the 1 :'011, 'teas, "o-^iS51C;.e.^s CaYi.^,, r::r r:':c9r. =r -,Parrott and bsavor':'ilson (5). Furns a Vv^- Conrissicr.er rresscscffere,i t a Resolution ez:ti.tled: "A RESOI?JTi 1 Eonnell Su<ni. 3'a(3plemantal 1f :iUF['LEA IJ TAI. REPORTS T."� reports be adopted. , Adopted cr. C6. ?1 cf t:na ..:?l, '_ers, G 'S'.. OT, r;r.^. .'ii '._-, _ ❑: 'r®93en}'er:.•, 1.arrOtt ■! and Mayor Milson (9. &auaat >ida Commissioner Parrott rff*ere, z, a rt7ed "A PESOLUTICP: Liles s Fur:.' •re Reeerda A REQUESTING TEE s:.? :LYkK T.: !.L. + i ci FT! ;:,UIPJRENT Tdaz:rifica:i > AND FU iliIMR& POR USE 9! '*iitl R LCOniS AND IDEN—IFICATION OFFICE OF TPH I:.`:.;.9 DEPAR770613T, AND F3i:5CRIBIY: THS TF:PlMi AND _OFi 117IOI:S VFON WHICH PUCE PURCHAS."s. SHALL rib MADE", BE ad ted. Ad,rted or call of the =011, peaa, Cc miaaiOnars Eavis, Hornsiv, Yressentera, Iarrott anq x -0a: vrWilaen ( No._ 7_11 Proceedings of Foard of Commissioners City of Paducah February 9, 1965 Accept bid ldil on Commissioner Davis offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Truck iarks k '/' Rec. ACCEPTING THE BID OF :WILSON CHEVROLET-CADILLAC, INC. FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF ONE (1) AISW 19(5 CHEVROLET ONE-HALF TON PICK, -UP TRUCK FOR USE BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTIENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UP SWHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, KressenberF,Parrott and Mayor 1:'ilson (5), Accept hid :Wha* a Commissioner Davis offered motion that an ordinance entitled: :AN ORDINANCE Supply Case Assembl,, ACCEPTING THE BID OF 19HAYNE SUPPLY COMPANY, INC. FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF ONE (1) NEW CASE ASSE14BLY FOR A CATERPILLAR III THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST", he introduced and remain on file for at least one i week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passare. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, I Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Accept bid Kin l- doodall Police Commissioner Hornsby offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE cars ACCEPTING THE BID OF KING-WOODALL MOTORS, INC. FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF FIVE NEW FOUR DOOR SEDAN AUTOMOBILES FOR USE IN THE POLICE DEPART14ONT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, KressenberF Parrott and Ma -,or Wilson (5). Accept bid 'Wilson Commissioner Hornsby offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ali ORDINANCE Station 'damn Parks 7r. Rec, ACCEPTING THE BID OF WILSON CHEVROLET-CADILLAC, INC. FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF ONE (1) NEW 19(5 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE STATION WAGON FOR USE BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5), —an -e name of � Commissioner Kressenberr, offered motion that an ordinance entitled: :AN ORDINANC -c:er1' ^.Dart j CHAi;glhr, 911E NAh'h OF RILEY AVENUE TO KIMBERLY COURT", be adopted. Adopted on call of -Ke 3oll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5), Commissioner }'ressenherr offored motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANC• .vfrz !"r.;• Flac'.�':^.; "!?i?GF.iZIl:4 T'r?E PURCHASE FROM THE ESTATE OF T. J. HOFFMAI: CERTAIN LAPID IN PADUCAH 7110R us.. IMI COtu:_CTIONI 'dITH BLACKBURN PARK, AND I'@ESCRIBING THE TI:Rh15 AND UF0:1 'dHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be intdoduced and remain on file fc.r a: foes rr.a (I) .reek %r I .''.ic inspection in the completed form in which it shall be d y.I' :7F0•: 1.L3 final I:assa •=. Ariripted on call of theRoll, Yeas, Corrnissioners Davis, }•ressenler-, }'a:.`; ar; ; .,. :•Od' `Mil BOP (i), . .. •�`IT `,.� -.. _...._�'.nr Mar.-. .."�.. .".!'A, that an Ordi nanca anti L1ed: "AN _. _ .. .: :. _.' .!... . -:,. i,::: ;, . 1:..710:•.. :i:a •, 'r: introduced and remain nn file for }utlic ira}:oc•.ir< rat ieaa'. c: ` ..._, ,.. _ c;.rListed form In *-10Y it shall }e Fut. ,•7F.un :ts final. yeas, Cornisaiarers ✓a Jia, Frassent"ary iarror• a- "a Cr Wilsc-. ! ). Proceedings of ard of Commissioners City of Paducah February 9, 1965 Ad'oL•-- �,i == :a -.,or :dilson offered motion that this Rerular Nieetinr• he ad ourned until Frida-:, February 12, 196° at 1:00 o'clock P.N. Adopted on call of theRoll, Yeas, Ccrr.iasioners Davis, Hornsby, K.ressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). ACOPTFD 1965 City Clerk APPROVED /� Dom+ ✓ �/ ��pn Mayor