HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 181, November 17, 1964Na 181 Proceedingsol 'toard of Corrmi.ssioners CityoFPaducah__ November -17, 1964 Reconsider motion ✓ appointinr Dr. Norman A. Parrott Commissioner Accor� Bid 1, Con l&SClura Cateacry III City Hall At an Adiourned Rerular fleeting of the Board of Commissioners held -in the Commissic Chamber of the Cit, Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 5:00 P.M. on November 17, 196h, Mayor '-lilson presided and upon call of the Roll the followinr answered to their names: Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenbery and Mayor Idilson (4). Commissioner Hornsbv offered the followinr, motion: "I move that, the action of this Poard at its meeting on November 10, lQ61,, relative to the appointment of Dr. Norman A. Farrott as a Commissioner of the City to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of A. P. Fendle^ as such Commissioner he now reconsidered", which motion was seconded by Commissioner <ressenberp. Mayor Wilson declared the motion to be out of order and refused to ha,e the Cleric call the roll for vote thereon. Commissioner Davis (who is Mayor Pro Tem) announced he would cause the roll to be called. At this time Corporation Counsel Middleton advised Mayor Pro'Tem Davis that there were Rules of the Commission adopted by ordinance controllin, such procedure and read alond Section 2 of the ordinance prescribing rules for the Board of Commissioners. Thereupon Commissioner Kressenherr filed with the Clerk of the Board the following appeal in writing: "I hereto appeal from the derision of Mayor Wilson that the motion to reconsider the actio of this Board in appointinr Dr. Norman A. Parrott on November 10, 1964, as a Commission- er, is out of order". Whereupon ?,*ever Wilson vacated the Chair and Mayor Pro Tem Davis assumed the Chair to preside durinr the consideration of the appeal, and upon call of the roll Commissioners Hornsby, Kressenberp and Mavor Pro Tem Davis voted to sustain such appeal. Mayor Wilson was not called upon to vote and did not offer or attempt to vote. Thereupon, I•:ayor Pro Tem Davis declared Commissioner's motion to he in order. Tcereupon Favor Wilson resumed the Chair but upon refusing to call the roll upon Commissioner Hornsby's motion again vacated the Chair which was assumed and occupied "! Mayor Pro Tem Davis, who caused the Clerk to call the roll upon said motion, and upon call of the roll Commissioners Hornsby, Kressenharr and Mayor Pro Tem Davis voted Msyor Wilson was not called upon to vote and did not offer or attemFf'to vote. Thereuper., Vavor Plilson returned to the Chair.. C^rmissioner Horns- offered motion that the Certificate of _insurance issued by gr.'s Fnrd Insurance Company to N. C. Slay DBA Slav Plumbinr and Heatinr• Company, i:•e No•oml er 12, 19�L, 1e received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the as, ^.crrissicrers ravis, Hornsby, Kressenherr and lt'a•:or Uilson (i.). .^.sicrer !rense:rer-• cf^ered motion, seconded by Coemissioner Hornsby, that: rhe of InRUrar.r:e isnued ' . TYe Aetna Casualty and Surety Companv to the City of r.rk done ' , la+rl Guncan, effective November 12, 19,.b, be recaived, .5rI filed. Adopted or, call rf ?.he Roll, Yeas, Car:^isslaners Cavil, iicnnwtr✓, r:Sfered motion, saeondod 1.:• Commissioner Hornsby that an ordinance :iC ASCEP^INC iii r+IU ti. DON M,01,URE, DOI!.11 BUSINESS I'AuUCAii IN THE OVliT 0r' i1.,4" .'+ FOR THE F@lf:ISHI1. ,..:T_; I:....':;; L;ti'IG`: OF 1N FUFNITUR3 FGs TY? NEW C111f HALL BUIll.;i P7, ill PADUCAH, F.&N?P' , ltd AS 'CAr. I11' AIL OTHER FUR�7:ir;::.i°; DECLARING SAID BID TO Sar"31 "IO AEC617ZL, AND DL'CLARINC SAID BIDDER TO BE THE LOWEST is AUW0111Z1:,7a CITY XANAr,ER TO EXECUTE, C!; -=!!ALF OF SAID Cl--,, Procee&ngso!_ o _d c",Comm_ssioners City of Paducah November 17, 19Ed:, e adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, j Kressenber:- and Mayor Wilson (4). AcceFt fid Commissioner Davis offered motion seconded by Commissioner Hornsby that an tL.on T.CClure Cate -or-.- II itiood Office Furniture City Hall 1.ccept Lid Don icClure ,heatin- Seatin- new City ::all Ceuncil C) ar:.!-e , ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF DON McCLURE, DOING BUSINESS AS PADUCAH TYPEWRITER AND SUPPLY IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,359,23 FOR THE FURNISHING AND INSTAL LATION OF CERTAIN FURNITURE FOR THE NE:! CITY HALL BUILDING IN PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, SAID FURNITURE BEING KNOWN AS 'CATEGORY II 'WOOD OFFICE FURNITURE'; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY k!ANAGER TO EXECUTE, ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY, A CONTRACT FOR SUCH FURNISHING AND INSTALL - ;TION, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SAID CONTRACT", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, KressenberF &. Mayor lilson (4) / Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF DON McCLURE, DOING BUSINESS AS FADUCAIT TYPEWRITER & SUPPLY, IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,449.75 FOR THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLA r TIC:': OF THSATER SEATING FOR THE COUNCIL CHAMBER IN THE NEW CITY HALL BUILDING IN PADUCA , KENTUCKY: AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE, ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY, A CONTRACT FOR SUCH FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERNS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH CCNTRACT", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Eornsb.y, Y.ressenber!- and Mayor Wilson (l) . Accept , id II Holsc:.er- l �+ , err.i: J Cate,vor-- I•�etal Office 1 Furniture Hall l �I a Commissioner Kressenbere offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that t ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF HOLSCHER-WERNIG, INC. IN THE A;SOU::T OF ;:18,223.73 FOR THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF CERTAIN FURNITURE FOR THE 1 CITY HALL BUILDING IN PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, SAID FURNITURE BEING KNOWN AS 'CATEGORY I Y3TAL OFFICE FURNITURE', AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY I.IANAGER TO EXECUTE, ONEEHALF OF SAID CITY, A CONTRACT FOR SUCH FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND ,0NDITIOiS OF SUCH CONTRACT", "e adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, ., .._..sicr.ers Horns7--, ;'re. oa:.' er and Mayor Wilson (3) , Commissioner Davis voted "No". o"i'ered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that ACCEPTING THE BID OF BURROUGHS CORPORATION FOR THE ?, TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, OF THREE VALIDATING FOR USE If THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT, AND AU'PtlORIZIIIC THE CITY ::;'TRACT FOR '�(E PURCHASE THEREOF', be adopted. Adopted on cal •-'ssioners Davis, Hornst•v, Kressenber,, and 1,7avor :Gilson (4). a-Vourned. F.aeor