HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 24, Page 257, March 14, 1961No 257 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners Cidy of Peduceh .•:arch 11:, 1961 At a Regular Keeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, 'at 7:30 P.E. on ?•larch 14, 1961, Nayor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Com.issioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and ??ayor Cherry (5). i Mayor Cherry offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for February 2$, 1961 be waived and that the i-?inutes of said meeting prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Petition cut F?ayor Cherry offered motion that the petition signed by residents in the vicinity alley 14th to Mildred - of Bloomfield and Langstaff Avenue requesting that an alley be cut between Bloomfield Langstaff to Bloomfield and Langstaff from 14th Street to I'Lildred Street, be received and filed. Adopted on cal of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Petition playgro nd Mayor Cherry offered motion that the petition signed by idrs. I•;arie Simmons and vicinity of Atkins -Langstaff' others, in the vicinity of Atkins, Langstaff and Bloomfield Avenue asking for a playeroun for the children in that neighborhood, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, hook and -?-layer Cherry (5). Employ 'Um Brandol Commissioner Davis offered motion that '.lilliam Brandon be employed temporarily Temp=Floodwall ✓ as a laborer in the Floodwiall Department of the City, at a salary of ,1.39-, per hour, retroactive to March 2, 1961. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hoo'.: and Flayor Cherry (5). Employ Paul Iver et Commissioner Davis offered motion that Paul Iverlet be temporarily employed as a Temp-Flooduall .11 laborer in the Floodwrall Department of the City, at a salary of ,.,A1 39�_ per hour, retroact ve to February 24, 1961. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Sell cemetery to ✓ Commissioner Davis offered the following motion: I move that the Board of Mrs. Daisy Phill ps Commissioners approve the sale by the City of Paducah to Firs. Daisy Phillips of the north west one-half of Lot Ho. 8 in Block No. 1 in the Mausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, being on holt Avenue between Yopp Avenue and Stewart Avenue, for the sum of 120.00. I further move that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery lot. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Settle claim Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the claim of R. J. Bianca (2024 Jackson R.J. Bianca Street) against the city, in the sum of „.52.59, for damages to his automobile on December 9, 1960, at or near 3rd and Kentucky Avenue, caused by fire truck, be allowed; and the Ci y Treasurer be, and he is hereby, directed to nay said claim after securin'r a full and complete release. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). File Electric Commissioner Fendley offered motion that a certified copy of a Resolution adopted Plant Board Rose gond issue r., by the Electric Plant Board of the City of Paducah, Kentucky on ::arch &, 1961, authorizing and providin.; for the acquisition of a municipal electric plant and for the issuance of Electric Plant Doard Revenue Bonds to the amount of ,;7,050,000 to pay the cos thereof, be received, considered and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and ;:ayor Cherry (5). Proceedings of Board of Comm? ssi on rs City of Paducah IL1reh Employ J.T. Commissioner Fendley offered motion that 1'J. T. Lewis be employed temporarily as Leici.s Temp Floodwall a laborer in the Floodwall Department- of the City, at a salary of •j1.39` per hour, retroactive to i -larch 11, 1961. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and ;•layor Cherry (5). Employ Leon Commissioner Fendley offered motion that Leon Crafton be employed temporarily Crafton Temp Floodwall i as a laborer in the Floodwall Department of the City, at a salary of .,j1.391 per hour, retroactive to March 2, 1961. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners avis, Fendley, Gholson, 'look and Mayor Cherry (5). Police report Commissioner Gholson offered motion that the report of the police department Feb. 1961' for the month of February, 1961, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, ]rook and Nayor Cherry (5). Employ Verno ?Commissioner Gholson offered motion that Vernon Vaughn be temporarily employed t Vaughn Temp Floodwall a laborer in the Floodwall Department of the City, at a salary o£ }1.39;, per hour, retroactive to February 24, 1961. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Employ Burnetb Commissioner Gholson offered motion that Burnest Lee be employed temporarily as LeeTemp V 11 Floodwall a laborer in the Floodwall Department of the City, at a salary of ,;1.39 per hour, retroactive to Parch 2, 1961. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Employ 'MiltoIJ Commissioner Hook offered motion that I•lilton J. Dezern be employed temporarily a: Dezern Temp Floodwall a laborer in the Floodwall Department of the City, at a salary of 1_i1.39A per hour, retroactive to Larch 6, 1961. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Employ Charl / Commissioner Hook offered motion that Charles Johnston be employed temporarily a: Johnston Tem Floodwall a laborer in the Floodwall Department of the City, at a salary of •j1.39'` per hour, retroactive to I•larch 2, 1961. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and ?.layer Cherry (5). Clarence Col ✓ Commissioner Hook offered motion that the letter dated March 6, 1961 from resignation Board of Clarence Cole in which he tenders his resignation as a member of the Board of Appeals, Appeals be received, accepted and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hoole and Mayor Cherry (5). Liab Ins. Commissioner Hook offered motion that the Certificate of Insurance issued by Harold L Jones the Maryland Casualty Company to City of Paducah, Rentucky covering work done by Harold L. Jones d/b/a ;gest Kentucky Asphalt Paving Company for a period of one year from ::arch 16, 1961, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Terminate ia}•or Cherry offered motion that the services of 1 -ss. Ceola Danner as a temporarl Ceola Danner clerk -typist in the Department of Public :•forks of the City of Paducah, be terminated effective at the close of business on I•larch 22, 1961. Adopted on .call of the :loll, Yeas, Com:iissionere Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Employ ClydeI:ayor Cherry offered motion that Clyde E. ;:ayes be employes temporarily as a :'ayes - '_'emp ✓/ Flood,. -;all laborer in the Floodwall Department of the City, at a salary of •:',1.39? per hour, retroactive to Y,arch 6, 1961. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and _ayor Cherry (5). I No 259 Proceedings of 3oard of Commissioners City of Paducah 1961 Employ Emma L icayor Cherry offered motion that Emma L. l9hiteside be temporarily employed as Whiteside Clerk -typist clerk -typist in the Department of Public I9orks of the City of Paducah at a salary of Pub. YJks. .200.00 per month, effective Larch 22, 1961; such appointment not being under civil service. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hool: and I?ayor Cherry ( 5) . Workable Program Mayor execute City Traffic Control v Agreement Approve Reso- lution of Ele Plant Board Issue bonds k Holidays Mayor Cherry offered motion that the Recertification of Paducah under the ..orkable Program for Cummunity Improvement, for the period ending 1 -.arch 1, 1962, be received and filed. adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Nayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Gholson offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE i•fAYOR OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, IwHTUCKY, TO EXECUTE A CITY TRAFFIC COiaitoi AGREM-01 . T WITH THE KEIITUCKY DEPART•.MINT OF HIGH1•JAYS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Iayor Cherry (5)/ Commissioner Davis offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A: ORDIIIANCE is APPROVIIIG, RETIFYING AILD CO_.i•IR -,T-IdG A RESOLUTIOII OF THE ELECTRIC PLAi'I^1 BOARD OF TIE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEIITUCI:Y, PJITH RESPECT TO THE ACQUISITIO: OF A MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PJ,A:::'i AIdD ISSUAHCE OF ELECTRIC PLAINT BOARD REVENUE 30 -IDS IId CONT UECTION THEFbJITW', be introduc( and remain on file for at least one (1) week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passaZe. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley,•Gholson, Hook and I•ayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Hoo'.: offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN OR DIHAITICE A7C::DI1!G All ORDI-?ALICE ENTITLED: TAI ORDINAIICE FIXING HOLIDAYS ITT THE, CITY OF PADUCAST, '.JHICH :JAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF CO._SSSIO IERS OH SEPTVIBER 23, 1952, AND X. -MENDED C:: AUGUST 21, 195311, be adopted. adopted on call of the 'loll, Yeas, Cormissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Idayor Cherry (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED i;arch 2$ 1961 APPROVED `- City e_;: