HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 24, Page 108, January 12, 1960108 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah January 12, 1960 Haley Hook Mayor Pro Petition ' Street ligh' Harrison bti 12th & 13th Petition all repair 27th Division St Bayfield Rd Fairmont St Liability Ir. Edward S. Downs & Son Statement Support C File cc King -Wo cab & c Thomas B. :'Mitt emore resignation Electric Plant Bd Increase Sike Tura Refuse At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.B. on January 12, 1960, Mayor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5) Mayor Cherry offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for December 22, 1959 be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting ,as prepabed by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Mayor Cherry offered motionihat Paley Hook be nominated and appointed as Mayor Pro Tem of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Hook offered motion that the petition signed by Thawson Jackson an others requesting the installation of a street light on Harrison Street between 12th Street and 13th Street be received and filed. He .further moved that the Police Depart- ment be directed to make an investigation and report as to the need of said light. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). :y Commissioner Gholson offered motion that the petition signed by Mr. & Mss. Joe ✓ `. Downs requesting that the alley between Division Street and 27th Street, Mayfield Road and Fairmont Street be repaired and graveled, together with the report from the Public Works Department regarding the work required and the cost involved, be receivedi and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Davis offered motion that the Certificate of Insurance issued by r/ The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York to Edward S. Dooms & Joe E. Downs d/b/a Edward S. Downs & Son and the City of Paducah, Kentucky for a period of one year from January 1, 1960, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, / Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). ✓ Commissioner Davis offered motion that the Statement of Support signed by representatives of various civic clubs and organizations, and which was presented to the Mayor and Commissioners, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, /Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). / Commissioner Davis offered motion that the executed copy of the contract ((f between the City of Paducah and King -Woodall :rotors, Inc. for the sale to the City of One (1) new 1960 Ford cab and chassis, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, C6mmissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Davis offered motion that the resignation of Thomas B. 'Uhittemore as a member of the Electric Plant Board dated January 12, 1960, be received, filed and accepted as of said date. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). ss/ Commissioner Fendley offered the following motion: Upon recommendation of Ray Imo// Kayse, Director of Public Jorks, I move that the compensation of Sike Timmons, an empl im the Refuse Division of said department, be increased from ,',1.23 per hour to •j1.35+ per hour, effective January 16, 1960. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioner Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). No 109 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah January 12, 1960 Liability Ins Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the Certificate of Insurance issued by Miller & Johnson The Fidelity and Casualty Company of Idew York to C. C. 16iller & Clifton Johnson d/b/a Diller & Johnson and the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for a period of one year from January 1, 1960, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Johnny Herber Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the resignation of Johnny Herbert as a resignation police dept patrolman in the Police Department of the City of Paducah, effective January 12, 1960, be received, accepted and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). Liability Inrbe Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the Certificate of Insurance issued by Ne'.-4 Leslie Feast msterdam Casualty Company to Leslie Feast for a period of one year from January 1, 1960 received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners avis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Police report l Commissioner Gholson offered motion that the report of the police department for th Dec. 1959 Vo month of December, 1959, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). Liability Ini Commissioner Gholson offered motion that the Certificate of Insurance issued by Morrow & Cc The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York to Morrow & Company and the City of Paduca Kentucky for a period of one yeah from January 1, 1960, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Sell'.grave in✓ Commissioner Gholson offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the sal Rushing Add Booker T. He by the City of Paducah to Booker T. Head of the south crest corner of.Lot No. 11 in B1ocA No. 8 of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authori2 to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Richard Lee Commissioner Gholson offered motion as follows: Upon recommendation of Ray Kayse, Johnson tram to laborer ir Director of Public 'Yorks, I move that Richard Lee Johnson, a temporary laborer in the Refuse Street Division of the Department of Public hlorks, be transferred as such to the position of laborer in the Refuse Division, effective as of .January 16, 1960 at the hourly wage of )1.35'i. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Cholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Nick Holt / Commissioner Hook offered the folloirrnng motion: Upon the recommendation of Ray Refuse terminatedKayse, Director of Public Works, I move that the services of Nick Holt, a laborer in thi Refuse Division of the Department of Public Works, be terminated as of noon, november 18, 1959. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry ( 5) . File letter Commissioner Hook offered motion that the letter from Harry Mason regarding the Harry I-.ason sewer charge, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the i oll, Yeas, Commission ers Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and i•'ayor Cherry (5). Exonerate t, -t:. / ✓ Commissioner Hook offered motion that the Chief Assessor be, and he is hereby, bills Immanu- Baptist Chauthorized to exonerate tax bills Nos. 2109 & 21,10 for 1959 taxes in the name of Immanu Baptist Church upon property at 3459 i~ 34.71 Buckner Lane, such property being used for church purposes. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dgvis, Fendley, Cholson, Hook and i-ayor Cherry (5). Me 110 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah January 12, 1960 File bids on Commissioner Book offered motion that the Board receive and file the Truck for maintenance V following bids submitted for the sale to the City of one 1960 3/4 ton truck for use dept. ti in the Maintenance Department: ?lest Kentucky Motor Company Hing 'rloodall Motors, Inc. Taylor -Wilson Chevrolet -Cadillac, Inc. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). file letter Mayor Cherry offered motion that the letter signed by Mr. X relative to the relative to problems of 1 problems of teenagers, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, teenagers Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hoo) and Mayor Cherry (5). Deposit sewer Mayor Cherry offered motion that the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby, funds in the Paducah Bank authorized and directed to deposit in the Paducah Bank in a separate account all monies received by him for sewer connection charges and sewer use charges, such funds to be used primarily for the maintenance of sewers, the sewage disposal plant and constructioi I and maintenance of additional sewers, but subject to further orders of this Board. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). File letter/ Mayor Cherry offered the following motion: I move that the letter dated J.Foster Jone, KU regarding January 6, 1960 addressed to Mayor Robert C. Cherry from J. Foster Jones, I -Tanager, increase taxes paid by KU Kentucky Utilities Company be received and filed. I further move that a copy of said letter, together with the news release attached thereto, be forwarded to the Electric Plant Board, Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Invest funds Mayor Cherry offered motion that the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby, US Treasury Bills authorized and directed to invest the sum of ;,299,912.36 received from the sale of B.E.Fairhurst Electric Plan Board (could not b seconded not legal) Riverside Hospital in United States Treasury Bills maturing October 17, 1960. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). j Mayor Cherry made the following appointment: It appearing that Thomas B. Whittemore has resigned as a member of the Electric Plant Board of the City of Paducah, Kentucky for a term expiring on February 6, 1961, I now therefore, subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners, appoint Richard E. Fairhurst as a member of said Board for such unexpired term, so that said Board as now constituted shall be as follows: Robert L. Nolan for a term expiring February 6, 1960 F/ichard E. Fairhurst for a term expiring February 6, 1961 Ernest Mitchell for a term expiring February 6, 1962 Leon T. Searles for a term expiring February 6, 1963 (This motion was not seconded because it was announced by Commissioner Fendley that the Kentucky Statutes prohibited ;Ir. Fairhurst from qualifying because he had 'held public office within the past two (2) years.) No 111 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah January 12, 1960 Roy Hughes Earl Smith appointed on Planning & Zoning Comm. Approve apps ment of Earl Smith & Roy Hughes, Sr, Planning & Zoning Comm. Accept bid 'west Ky Motor police car y Accept bid of D -X Sunray Oil Co. Gasoline etc. Mayor Cherry made the following appointments: MSREAS, the term of office of Charles '.1. Burnley as a member of the Paducah Planning and Zoning Commission having expired on !-larch 19, 1958 and the said Charles W. Burnley having since resigned as a member of said Commission, I hereby appoint Roy Hughes, Sr. as a member of said Commission for a term of four (4) years from March 19, 1958, AND IJHEREAS, Jack Kerr having resigned as a member of said Commission, I hereby appoint Earl Smith to fill the unexpired term of the said Jack Kerr, so that said Commission as now constituted shall be composed of the following members: CITY MEIdBERS , City Manager, ex officio member T. A. Bradley, City Engineer, ex officio member Emmett L. Beyer whose term expires March 19, 1960 Earl Smith whose term expires march 19, 1960 Roy Hughes, Sr, whose term expires Murch 19, 1962 COUNTY MIEi-'IBERS Fred Austin, County Commissioner, ex officio member J. T, Sabel; County Engineer, ex officio member Forest Bugher, whose term expires September 15, 1961 J. Lee Anderson, whose term 'expires August 1, 1960 VIrs, Lanelle Boyles, whose term expires August 1, 1962 Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the action of Robert C. Cherry, Mayor, appointing Roy Hughes, Sr, and Earl Smith to serve as members of the Paducah Planning and Zoning Commission to fill the vacancies created by the resignations of Charles 1.1. Burnley and Jack Kerr, Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Gholson offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AH ORDIiIANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF I'IEST KEMJTUCKY MOTOR CONPAHY, INC. FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF ONE (1) NEW 1960 AUTOMOBILE FOR USE IN THE POLICE DEPARTi•ENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND PRESCRIBING THE CONDITIONS UPON IMCH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and I•iayor Cherry 5). Commissioner Hook offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ali ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT :'JITH D -X SUNRAY OIL C014PANY FOR THE PURCHASE OF ALL REGULAR AND ETHYL GASOLINE, MOTOR OIL, DIESEL FUEL, CHASSIS LUBRICA3 , GEAR LUBE OIL, HYDRAULIC OIL, KEROSENE AND AUTI-FREEZE FOR USE BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR THE PERIOD OF TIJ•us FROM JANUARY 1, 1960 TO JUNE 30, 1960, AMD PRESCRIBING THE TEIMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SAID PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and i,iayor Cherry (5). On motion the meeting adjourned, ADOPTED . " 1960 APPROVED /'d Cl -'a/yor