HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 83, August 20, 1954Proceedings of iaoard of Co!missioners ',Dater connect Schneidman Rd ':later con Oaks Road 'dater Rd Water conned.: -elson Stye,`. N.— _ City of Paducah Au-°ust 20 1954 At a Called lieeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 10:00 A.M. on August 20, 1954, Mayor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioner Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5)• Commissioner Hamlin offered motion that the petition of Cecil Dowdy, for per- mission to make one 3/4 inch connection to the 4 inch privately owned water pipe line located on Schneidman Road and owned by the Schneidman Road :'later Lino Lumber 2, for the purpose of furnishing water to one residence only upon lot 5 in Thompson's Sub - Division and fronting 50 feet on the, west sife of Schneidman (toad in-CC:,.acken County, Kentucky, and outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be receive and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be ;ranted subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cor.:nwissioncrs Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). i Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the petition of Thongs E. 1•,c;.amws ant wife, Lelia 1d6 -:anus, for permission to make one 3/411 co!Lnection to the l 'l privately owned water pipe line owned by Clayton Barker and wife, Dorothy Barker, Harry W. Anderson and wife, Goldic :ae Anderson, i1icholas C. Harrison and wife, Hughaliue Harrison, Robert Allen Gallagher and wife, Dorothy Dean Gallaoier, Pete Reed and wife, L'innie T. Reed, L. D. Sullivan and wife, Lary Louise Sullivan, Jack Harmon and wife, Itene Harmon, B. L. Gallagher and wife, Hallie Jane Gallagher, and William 11. Uaber, Jr., and wrife, Ruth Weber, so. as to furnish wrater to one residence constructed upon a 70 foot lot facing the Oaks Road, In McCracken rcounty, Kentucky, and outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be receivodand filed and Minot the -rs.quest petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. :*.Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5)• Commissioner Hughes offered motion that the petition of Robert C. Dunn and mother, Audie L. Pickens, for permission to !rake one 3/4 inch connection to the 211 privately owned wrater line alonZ and under the Husbands Road For the purpose of furnishing water to one residence only upon lot owned by petitioners Fronting 130 feet on the east side of Husbands Road in McCracken County, Kentucky, be received and Filed and that the request petitioned for therein be Crantod subject to the tcrmo and con- ditions in said totition. Adopted on call of th,• i?oli, Yeas, Cora:aisoior:crs 1!a!:nir:, :, •.ucc,s, :ii:rs and Layer Cherry (5). sio> Jacobs offered motion that tine poli .Ion of Gl ernio i . Goodloi.:, .:oc• iorra sc'.c:: -,o ::1 on-: 3/4 inch cowmection to tint on: _..ch privavely owT_ui waatar line lots':.. e!:..cioor.:,'-.rcct and owned by tine Schneidman Road Plater Mov, :Ii,! b.:+: 2, :o the p •;,;; r,:._ ..g .: wt.ar• to one rosideuce only nl.o:. pwrto c: 'C .. , in coc•po�,ase Proc.&9, o/ O-' moo. !i ,BlOr: CiEy of Paducah--- ;`0 1J--------- gat r baL.�� t,o.--_..yonaT• aI ,s offexad motion that the petition o£ ::artin I_idd for per- i c-arai d a_ - Tp oai _Tien to 0 one 3/4 incl: connection to the V privately ownod :dater pipe lino locate,. c.: C. _... - a. ..czJ. and owned by the Schneidnan Road vdater line ,;'2 for purpose of furr-ic irk ter to one residence only upon Lot ri16 in Dtterback-Bell Second Sub - _sic 52 Peet on Sast side of Schneidinan Road in i.icC-racken Cowitya Corporato limits or the City of Paducah, Kentuc,:y, be recolve voquast petitioned for therein: L_' -ranted subject to t -he. terns co z__. -. pe-tition. Adopted on call of the _toll, :_Ms, CO:T_l.oioners ,r - , �, • acs •s, - _ and , yor Chor:' (51• :.eport v( Commissioner Hanninofferedmotion that a letter dated July 30, 1954 from Mr. .+ater mart Ralph C. Pickard, Director of the Division of Public Health Engineering, and a report o interstate vrater supply for Paducah Municipal Water Plant be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Return Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: I move that the Board of Lational C� policy to CommissioHers receive and file the letter from Bradshaw & Weil requesting return of Bradshaw, cc"r. :eii Liability Policy No. 5-40723 issued to the National Gas & Supply, Inc. Since it appears that said company does not do any work that necessitates the opening of streets, I further move that same be cancelled as of July 14, 1954, and that tge City Clerk be directed to return said policy to "radshavd u; Wail.. Adopted on call /of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Riggs, Jacobs and Mayor Cherry (5). Resurface,, Commissioner Hughes offered motion that a letter from the Edgar Stephens 4th Street letter Construction Company dated August 12, 1954 together with a copy of a letter to the R.B.TylerI j Edgar Stephens Construction Company from R. D. Tyler Company, dated August 11, 1954, regardinS the resurfacing of 4th Street from Broadway to Kentucky Avenue, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and 3'ayor Cherry (5). Refund Blgf, Commissioner Hughes offered motion that the letter from Oscar Talmage, City ppermit � Kool Venty Treasurer, regarding refund on building permit ;2739 be received and filed. 'etal Awning Cop He further moved that the amount of x„',4.00 be refunded to Keel Vent Metal AwninZ Company since the above numbered permit was not used. Adopted on call of the i itoll, Yeas, Cormiosioncro Hannin,Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and I yor Cherry (5). Pay Seth Commissioner Hughes offered motion that the statement from Thomas J. Nolan G e irI ix ilacpital Sons in the amount of ;29,000.00 for services rendered by Seth E. Gain a Associates, also the letter fron the Paducah idunicipal Hospital Commission by its Chairman, approvin„ the payr:ent of said account, he received and filed, and that payment thereof be approved and the City Treasurer b: directed to pay same from funds in the Riverside Hospital Builain., account. Adopted on call of the 411, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, I:u i:as, JacobS, Hi7;�s and "layor Cherry (5). Lettcr ? Ccc,iaoioner Jaco?:s offered motion that a letter dated August 12, 1954 from Curiae I L°rown the Pa -ducat . snot::,. A. A. C. p. si,med by its president, Curluc i:rown, requesting Paris, eti t the 7sari c: O:c xi ssio::ars to take whatever steps wc:::..hry to ,anti Other rs _.-+./ auprrwr. ! ado..Ll.ar:,1 , i!.... ., c - -_,: on ,c. ..harry (' ) No.,-- — 85--- - ---- Proceedings o/ Eoard of Cgn.mis ioners City o/ Paducah Al'. -tu;t 20 1954 Refund Bu Permit to T.J.Bush Letter Boyd Forest Bills Notice of I•ie eting Letter Joe C.I Marshall re Subdivision ordinance Rushing Add. Oak Grove ✓ " Amendnyent Convict to C}:icf police rJ Cormiissioner Jacobs offered motion that the letter from Oscar Talmage, City Treasurer, regarding refund on building permit Ito. 4258 be received and filed. He further moved that the amount of *1.50 be refunded to T. J. Hush since above numbered permit was not used. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and b`ayor Cherry (5). Cormlissioner Jacobs offered :notion that a letter from Boyd, Boyd u. Lo -vary, signed by A. E. Boyd, Jr., dated July 26, 1954, regarding the plat of Forest Hills subdivision, ce received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commivsioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Iayor Cherry offered motion that a copy of the notice sent out to all Ccrunisoion- ers notifying them of the Commission i•,eeting to be held on August 20, 1954, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Mayor Cherry offered motion that a letter dated August 10, 1954 from the Paducah Board of Realtors, signed by Joe C. I•arshall, vice president, regarding the proposed Subdivision Ordinance for the City of Paducah, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5!). Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "At! ORDINANCE AMMIDIDIG SECTION 4 OF AN ORDINP&ICE ENTITLED: tAN ORDIIIANCE APPROlrl,IG TIL PLAT OF THE RUSHIIIG ADDITIM, TO OAK GROVE M-1- TERY Iii THE CITY OF P.ADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND THE LAYOUT PLAT! FOR GRAVES, MONURENTS AND MARKERS THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISIZIEN^1 OF A CEI•IETERY TO BE KNOWN AS THE +RUSHING ADDITION TO OAK GROVE CE:•ETERYt; PROVIDING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE SALE OF LOTS, THE ISSUANCE OF BURIAL PEiCdTS, THE INTERIZIIT OF BODIES AND THE ERECTION OF I•ANMIENTS AND MARKERS THEREIN AND IN THE ADDITIOI:S THERETO; FIRING THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION TIEREOF; PROVIDING A SEVER- ABILITY CLAUSE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDIIIAHCES IN CONFLICT THERE17ITIIt, I'711ICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COI-2-USSIONERS ON JIME 12, 1951", be adopted. Adopted or. call of the _oll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Iayor Cherry (5). Co:mz!issionar lUgga offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ai: ORDIiSANCE C.G P::5:;0::5 CONVICTED OF CERTAIN CRIIIES TO R:;PO;W TO ` H13' ChIEF, OF POLICE Or,, THE GL- :._ 'cCA::, :, ..i.'UCi Y; PRESCRIBIIIG THE MATURE OF SUCH REPORTS; APD P13Ii:G Tile iC: S' RsOi11', be adopted. Adopted on call o£ the Roll, leas, :'Lz-,hes, Jacobs, hi ss and,..ayor Cherry (5). i c_;.: -ed motion that an ordinance entitleu: a i'ily 1 LARD OV CliAtd,Bj ... i•:cCUMIT::. i 0ti PUSLIC ....... i£6. O: .;UCII PURCIIASu", be adopted. Adopted on caia, o ' tine _..;,ioaers Harnin liu••iies Jacobs iti sand ' ) , E> :ayor Ci:crry ( f adjourned. ) I AirGPTED City clork