HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 57, June 8, 1954Proceedings of Board of Corunissioners City of Paducah Mine t', 19 Si. Uilliam Reeves appointed Housing Bd At a Re ular ;Zoctinl; of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Ball, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on June 8, 1951+, Kayor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioner Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and 1�iyor Cherry (5). gg� :•ayor Cherry offered motion that the reading of the ;-::inutes for 14ay 7.5, 1954 I! be iraived and that the ;dinutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, / Rig_s and Dayor Cherry (5). ✓ Mayor Cherry made the following appointment: on A. A. Gorin, having tendered his resignation as a member of the Paducah NuniciFal pHousing Commission, I hereby appoint dilliam Reeves as a member of said board to fill th i unexpired term of the said A. A. Gorin, which term expires on July 22, 1955; said board .as now constituted shall be ecmposed of the following members: Joe IIabacker whose term expires July 22, 1954 i William Reeves, whose term expires July 22, 1955 Harold Wagner, whose term expires July 22, 1956 ' J. L. 14unal, Jr., whose term expires July 22, 1957 Robert C. Cherry, Mayor and ex -officio member Jj Approve Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the appointment of Uilliam Reeves as a I apppointment eeves member of the Paducah Municipal Housing Commission for the term expiring July 22, 1955 1 Reeves Housing Bd. Y be approved. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and 1•;ayor Cherry (5) . i' Street liZhtCommissioner P,ughes offered motion that a patition, signed by Rev. G. V. Greer 1900 blk i-..adison and others, requesting the installation of a street li ht across the street from t;ie Smyrna Baptist Church in the 1900 bloc:: on Madison Street, be received and filed and thatI the City ,Tanager be directed to have an investigation lade to determine the, need for a street- light at -this location and if upon i.nvnstisation it is round that said street li',ht i•c ne?.?• <., that he instruct the l:nntucky Utilities Company to melte such installation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cormnissioners Hannin, Hushes, Jacobs, "ieus and mayor Cherry (5). - Street 1iv'gt Co; rissierer Jacobs offered motion that a rte. • , l 7th %: V i' ion, To;,' -i I nurnett, :;ts. Stckes and others, roquesti;l; the installation o 3t,r ,?„ 1 i;vrth 7th :r . uzrett at*,'3r,tr, be received and ilei, arra , _, : ba uirceten ;o ,av an invest;. .;;ion made to deter:.ino the n ed for a rtrvot light it tih:is location, ar.-i if upon invo.-,-ion it is found that caul str„ct a i�.'rt is noodo<l, t1-,ar, he inst, ae : the Itont+re y u zi ,.t i.ras CO apany to r alae c' i:,:,t:cllat_on. Aclopto:l on enJ-1 of the Roll, 'Leas, COTzni3siorers ilannir:, Water line Commissioner hix a offered motion that tl,, cition n' Cook Street `' p`' Caldwell, .for permission to mako ons 3/4 Incl, connection to .. Water pipe line owned by Thomas A. Harry .4nd wife, setl,ar .. and wife, Foggy Lea Douglas, so as to fu.rniah wator to oAk n, 90 flxas.lot faeizie Cook Street in llcc; .•.. on Co+,r:t Kentucl:,, ani y, !.9 u rr,::' ' r„ co i c�'•-`''= i fiat tbs Citic ai P"Veais, be r q anst t ynes p, ri;iou roe � f , E Na - t.i a= i.o. Cit of Paducah Pnxredings oF__e Y o 'iannin, [iu-Jhos, Jacobs, r gs and ;.aye_• tihevvy notion that the si•, ed by 1mogone iu�o and atitior 1 P' otaor; r_, :.fir_ ona-..ay traffic on 3roaduay and Jefferson Streets be received and filed. cat:c_d on call of the Holl, leas, Commissioners Hannin, hur-has, Jacobs, Cherry {). :o .fission r ''annin offered motion that the 117:otiee to Contractors, In- -.a _licders, Proposal Form, 3ond Form, Contract Agreement Form, General �;c­, il.ior,, Special Conditions and Specifications" and also the plans for 'Alterations ;.c . _ :unp Station. ;io. 1, Project KY. 15-Cts-8, be received and filed. Adopted on C-:._1 e.• the Roll, leas, Commissioners iannin, Hu.hes, Jacobs, Rugs and i-ayor Cherry (5 a Commissioner ;tannin offered motion that a letter from C. C. Crain,.Chairraar. of. t:e Soard oP Trustees of the Baptist Tabernacle Church, requesting the installation o. a traffic li;;ht at 12th and Jefferson Streets, be received and filed. Adopted on call o_' the Roll, leas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Rugs and i4ayor Cherry (5 Cor:,imissioner Hannin offered motion that the Board of Conlnissioners approve th o.° sale by the City of Paducah to Louis Coleman of Grave No. 49 in Block Ho, o of the Hushing Addition to Oah Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execut a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, leas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs. and i4ayor Cherry (5). Cor-,fissioner Hannin offered motion that the resignation of A. A. Gorin as a mecber of the Paducah Kunicipal Housing Commission be received, filed and accepted. i Adopted on call of the Ro11, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Ergs and .:ayor Cherry (5) . _- -'n. Commissioner Hughes offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve 'he sale by the City of Paducah to Isaac S;oodard of Grave filo. 44 in Block No. o of the 6 ituchiye, Additior to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to erscute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, -G:'.aL^,ioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and i<hyor Cherry (5). .. issioner Ku;,::es offered motion that the contract entered into betwaon tho City :.otos Sales for Two (2) 1954 Plymouth autonobiles io.• n.:c --... _ "•, :eceivo:i c.vi filed. Adopted on call of thj doll, Jaccl;' _'Ss and iayor Chorry (5). onion. that the followin3 bid for 1a .o .rived and filed.. '-> _„ ;iannin, Hu;:hes, Jacobs, iii a an•.. I .. •i.laJ: � 17-7 .J Proceedings of 1i -Ir I Of Cor i ssiora s City of letter i = I Slur'. Clearance Letter Daltonu . !:oodall one- y way Streets Bids on Asphalt o- r ra rrsur _-7a No.-._.__—_..1__—.—� ._..— Lobte: from ^ore-nan Lac3cy laud ?)ay 25, 1954 rwardinn endorsement to liac,ility policy of Anderson :iri,ht d/b/a :'iri;;ht Plunbin; Co-apany, to covex'• ^i*._ o'' Fa,!ucah for excavations in streets, etc. Bond of Andercon '.lri�:ht d/b/a vhri^ht Plicnbinn; Company, in the amo.u)t o1' 1,000 dated —ay 25, 1954• Bond of Lucian Hillard Howle in the amount o' }1,000 dated I:ay 3rd, 1951;. Adopted on call of the doll, Yeas, Commissioners r'annin, Vufhos, Jacobs, and. yor Cherry (5)• Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the letter of Tiny 26, l; '-,on and Hone Finance .-_-ency of :iashi ,ton, D.C. to ':r. _rred H. L-or,ran, Ci;,- .....- r o_ , City of Paducah, Penttic'_.y, be received and filed. adopted on call of thr` -;oll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Payor Cherry (5)• Commissioner Jacobs offered notion that a fitter siCned by Dalton Ce-::mittee Chairman of a croup o2 Business and Pro;'essional pecplc, rnquestii);: a vote o'_i the question of chan:;in_- Broadv:ay and Jefferson Streets _rcr one-way to two-way traffic, be received and filed. Adopted or_ call of the !oil, ',oas, CoLraiscionorc :tannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Ricgs and ;:ayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the follorn_n_g bids for the sale to the Cit:' of Paducah of an asphalt plant and asphalt p&vin mchine, be received and filca: ra -'^ s -aehincry & Supply Company C :inane Supply Compary n. I;sJier te. §on Company achlnery Supply Conpany _dcp':-ecl on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comassioners Hannin, HuZhes, J •co>>s, .ii ;a aur .:a:•or Cherry V Ce::mussioner ?iiu s offered motion that the follawin .)S.d ?or tiic r.,sl;c : :,, o•' z�q blocks, or less, o" streets in the City of Paducah, be roceived a±i:i E6. B. Tyler Cor _)any Adortod on call of ti.o :.oll, Yeas, Comiissioners Harnin, Hughes, Jacobs, .i1" ane offered :.otion ti at a ;Zesolntion entitled: 11a At '-OLUTIO;! ._ ._. _ �.._ • . .i 0 ...a: „!IJE !�0;? �:rD; ?GZ i';;i; PUZC ..,,_, 0.' Q: � (1) :C., :c a C:' Cal'_ o -P. ,'.Oil, Ye.. ;G. a ! 'O`Z SALE TO T;iO C:i.Ty Of' PADU'C;;Ii j1. P, DUCA;i i:. ! :;hall Le j)••it upon, ,.... uta.. Proceedings of. CAA of Paducah.- 01 .... . 0.. _ O .,_ l:otio:l 1. .� r o ..11c- ., ...,. ... 20- a a. i r:. o: ., : c. CLObIEG Cie ,i... .,. .._i COW. -SM, TO CL.CUIT C0U1; :.1:1' :. C .;.::': SUIT rOtt TH:; !'U::POSE OF HAYisG SAID ST,, ,. -._, TALLY CLOS&j:' bo adopted.-Woptad on call of the .:oil, Yeas, Cormiissioners Ilannin, Hughos, Jacob ' a s anz. I -_ay or Cherry (5) . Accept- bid V Co missioner 3i^gs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: °Ani CAD I Ai;C j�ru� Thorns Pick-up Sr. dCC P2Ii:G 'ill:; aID Ci' ERUG-THGi:A3 TIIUCi: AND TRACTOR COMPAi'!Y FOR THE SALE TO THE 0112Y OF Oi-E (1) PICT: -UP SSUCK; AND AUTHORIZL:G THE CITY I-XIAGER TO CGI :ACT TO PURCHASE SALT;Tl, be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for at least one nteelc in the: completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passal;e. Adopted on call o..' the Roll, Yeas, Gor issioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Ri,•;Us and Layor Cherry (5). i:ayor Cherry offered motion that an ordinance entitled: T'All ORDI-:?::: ;S _ler _ of A: . LIG SECTIO': 2 07 ._:: 0:_*D7:.,_'0.� __..=.'T,:;D: TALI ORDI1IA110E TO REGULATE 0_ 7.U'.0' '1' LUCKS, S*Z.11--1r -, iii TIL CITY 0. PADUCAH, KZI;TUCI:Y; P3.-1- ST3D U::J_;-. 33c,21C.i 189.2£G 0_ _._ .. ,_._ ,;;,.; -M&M JIATUT;3?, l,MCH 'JAS ADOPTLD BY THE Or Ti" Gi'.::_ 02 PADUCaH, .. ''TUCI.Y 0:: JA1XL1Y 20, 1953i1, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Rigr,-s and i-:ayor Cherry (5) . iayor Cherry offered motion that an ordinance entitled: 11:::: 0:.r..",.".3 _ C' JO:.: -.. :ULT.... 0 !::; PU:,G.:.;: s -:G'.: . , CI^1'_ O G_ - _ __; _ __,.• L03,'-c:,D Oil _.. _..... ... ".D GO:iD2.1'IO::3 0 i +, L w;;o.> :.1. :.uopted cn cal o--: Cc:...._ Toners ::znnin, Ilughes, Jacobs, .,i can_; _­.ayw Cherry (5). i �; r oi'fereci notion that the xolloenin_ rids for limestone -rock or ties G Lt'y' of Paducah for tine year 1951, be received and filed. ;Cas, Coaasissioners Ilannin, Hu;-;hcs, Jacobs; ..._ ,,; and :.cr..L hat an ordinance ,. .. i hL; '�0 CITY OF P 1 r• "' ,,.. .:. jin on file for public in whicl: it aL+,ll]. 'n its GV 11 No. -- Proceedings oL.L_L_- --'0 01 r'! _�­: --City of Paducah _ 'MiiS A;41) L.0 C0!.7!'_,'lOI:j (.D CO:.T:_lUe", be introducad anu oil ZiIj <'or public inspection for at lease one (1) wee.l. in the coinulated for:.: in w'ich it shall be put upon its final passaCo. Aoptod on call of thv�,. Goll, Couilissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, and :.Xyor Cherry (5). On notion the mecting, adjourned. i,jOP'-13D 1954 APPROVED :2 i.iayor City Cleric