HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 514, April 12, 1958Proceedings of Board of Commissioners `. City of Paducah April 12 1958 At a Regular P•Ieeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 8:30 A.M. on April .12, 1958, Mayor Jacobs presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). f Mayor Jacobs offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for March 29, 1958 be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approve as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). R.E.Fairhurst 7•Iayor Jacobs offered the following motion: I move that Richard E. Fairhurst, a appointed to i Water 3oard J member of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be appointed as (City i`.ember) the member of the Board known as "Commissioners of Water Works" under the terms and provisions of Section 1 of an ordinance creating such Board, adopted by the Board of Commissioners on January 4, 1958, such term to expire at the expiration of his term as City Commissioner. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Fairhurst "Passed". Water connection Commissioner Fairhurst offered motion that the petition of Roy Collier and his dm Schneian Rd Roy 1 Collier wife, Susie Collier, for permission to make one 3/4 -inch connection to the 4 -inch privately owned water pipe line located on Schneidman Road and owned by the Schneidman Road Water Line Plumber 2, for the purpose of furnishing water to one residence only located upon a lot fronting 50 feet on the west side of Schneidman Road in McCracken County, Kentucky, and outside the Corporate Limits of the City of Paducah, be received and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5)• ?later Yain Commissioner Fairhurst offered the following motion: Morris McBride is the owner Harrison Street/ 30th to 31st / of property located on Harrison Street between 31st Street and 30th Street, all of whic}� b"orris IcBr ide -s presently vacant, and said owner desires that an extension of the existing water maim be made so as torovide water service to the p- property above referred to. it appears from the endorsement by the Board of Commissioners of nater Works that the applicant has complied with all rules and regulations of said Paducah Water Works as approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, I therefore move that the application of Morris McBride be accepted and approved and that the Board of i Commissioners of the Paducah Water 'Works be authorized to execute the agreement for the laying of said extension and that the Board of Commissioners of Paducah Water ;forks be i authorized to lay a six inch main along Harrison Street, beginning at existing main on 313t Street and extend in an easterly direction to the West side of 30th Street, a dis- tan•:e of approx:=ateiy 420 feet. further rove that the adoption of this resolution and the gran in, of the re quesj contained in said application be considered as in ay.reement on the pact of the City cf Paducah to p.y the fire: hydrant and water main rental, as provided in the franchise, / on t..e Pipe line referred to in petition and in Chia motion. Said rental to Ue.rin when P _;jid water mair, han beer laid and water provided for on thestreet above referred to. Ad crated on cal'_ of the itoll, Yeas, Cam.izsionurs Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholnon, Hook 1 and iayer Jacobs (;,, j 9 515 Proceedings of_ Hoard of Comm sinners —City of PaducahApri1 —12, 1958_ — I Alley -Palmer, Commissioner Fairhurst offered the following motion: I move that a petition Bridge, Locustp" Drive & Aiaggied signed by Calvin Coley and others, requesting the opening of an alley running north Work Program and south between Palmer, Bridge, Locust Drive and Maggie Streets, together with a report from the Director of Public Plorks concerning the amount of work involved and the cost of i same, be received and filed; I further move that the above improvement be placed on the work program of the public works department. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, i Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). File documents Commissioner Fairhurst offered motion that the following documents received from ;Vater Works itPaducah Water Works be received and filed. 1. Letter of W. J. Docker, Jr. Manager, dated I -larch 26, 1958. 2. Copy of letter of Alvord, Burdick & Howson dated July 17, 1957, addressed to 1.1. J. Decker, Jr., Manager, Paducah I'later dorks regarding revenue and operational cost trends. 3. Resolution adopted by the Commissioners of Water Ilorks on March 26, 1958 relative to schedule of charges to customers of Paducah Water 'forks. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and F7ayor Jacobs (5). File Contract Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the contract executed on March 31, 1958. Hal Perry Southside Sch., between Hal Perry and the City of Paducah, Kentucky for the construction of the Southsid: Elementary School, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). Certification to Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the copy of the letter of the City C1erl Bd of 3ducation addressed to the Board of Commissioners dated March 31, 1958, together with the copy of the letter written by her on the same date of Dr. Ralph Osborne, Superintendent of the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, and a copy of her certification as to the total value of all property in the City of Paducah subject to taxation in the year 1958, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and flayor Jacobs (5). Report of Board.,: Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the report of the Board of Equalization of ^qualizatiop 1958 tl for the year 1958 be received, filed and spread upon the Minutes. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). ) y STATEMENT OF REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS FOR 1958 City Taxes for the City of Paducah, Kentucky r ) Real sstate 2: improvements: (Full Rate) 9 1957 Final Assessment by Board ,,26,40.830. 1957 Omitted Bil_., 7.950. 1957 Tota'. ,26, 448.780. 1958 Gross 'Increase, by board « State 9,637,525 1.958 Gross Decreane by Board & State 4.483 ,045 1958 Total. Net increase _5,154,lL80; 1958 Total Real Estate & Improvements 13l,6uj 260. Personal Property (Full Rate_ 1957 Assi z=ent by board 9,551.660. 1-957 C-mitted B'..11s i997 Tota'. Persona" Property 9,606,735. 19:8 Gross Increase 6y Board : SLato 2,476,500. '--958 Gross Decrease by Board & State 2,501.785. 1958 lot al :;e: :,e -reale -- 8 26.z 5. 1t;8 :stat Personal Property 9,580,450. Pmceedings of noard_of_QQ¢m7is_sjon-Qrs City of Paducah _Aprji 1 , 1959 GRAND TOTALS 1958 Real Estate, Improvements & Personal Property (Full Rate) ;141,183,710. 1958 Bank Shares 2,009,770. 1958 Agricultural Products 599,650. 1958 Special Tax Rate(American Legion) Personal 500. '! 1958 Special Tax Rate (American Legion) Real Estate 10,790. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION E. L. Hayden, Chairman B. M. Sproul, Sheriff Cecil W. Hughes, Clerk John Cromwell Commissioner Fendley offered motion that John Cromwell be appointed as Director appointed Dir. Parks and f of Parks and Recreation on a temporary basis, effective June 1, 1958, at a salary of Recreation $400.00 per month. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). Report Police Commissioner Gholson offered motion that the report of the police department Dept, March / of arrests, fines and accidents for the month of March, 1958, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and i Mayor Jacobs (5). $334.00 to Ii Commissioner Gholson offered the following motion: I move that the letter from Emergency f Relief Comm P Bill Powell, dated March 20, 1958, requesting 0334.00 to be used by the Citizens tl Emergency Relief Committee, be received and filed; I further move that the City Treas- urer be directed and he is hereby authorized to draw a check against the Contingent i Fund in the amount of $334.00 for this purpose. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). Transfer fund Commissioner Gholson offered motion that the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby) to Police & Firemen's authorized and directed to transfer from the General Fund of the City to the Police and Pension Fund Firemen's Pension Fund, Account #1995, the sum of $14,385.71. Adopted on call of th Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). Contract -Bond' Commissioner Gholson offered motion that the executed copy of the contract be - Emulsified Asphalt Co tween the City of Paducah and Emulsified Asphalt Company for the sale to the City of emulsified asphalt, together with the Performance Bond in the sum of $2,500.00, be i received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, i Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). Refund Bldr. Commissioner Hook offered motion that the memorandum from Fred Wilkens, City Permit J.H.Adams Treasurer, regarding refund on building permit to Mr. J. R. Adams, be received and filed. He further roved that the sum of $4.00 be refunded to Mr. Adams. Adopted on i call of the Roll, Teas, Commissionern Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). i Seat c%la:m i Com:.iss:onar Hook offered motion that the claim of Mrs. Pfahaska Dedrick against Mrs I.—Del ricIt the City in the sum of •"902.26 for injuries and damages suffered by her because of an I alleged defective manhole cover at 2rd & Jefferson Streets on the llth day of April, 19 "/, .a allcded, and that the City Treasurer be and he in hereby directed to .i.ssuo a chock for said amount to her and +)heeler &- Marshall, Attorneys, after securing a full and complete release frem them. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners � Fairh}irs%, Fe^dley, Gnaiscn, Kos? qnd Mayor Jacobs (5). I 517 Proceedings of 3oard of Conmissioners_ _ City of Paducah__Apli3_12_,_195.5__ --- - File instrument Commissioner Hook offered motion as follows: In connection with the Board of Bd of Education Education tax rate for 1955, I move the following be received and filed: f 1. Copy of the Minutes of the Board of Education of April 3, 1958 relative to I' the special school tax rate of 46¢. 2. Copy of a Resolution of the Board of Education of April 3, 1955 relative to I the regular school tax rate and poll tax. 3. Copy of the general budget for 1955 of the Paducah Independent School District. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook anis i Mayor Jacobs (5). Repeal Day -Light. Commissioner Gholson offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION Saving Time REPEALING A RESOLUTION ENTITLED: +A RESOLUTION RELATING TO A PROPOSED ADJUSTMENT IN THE HOURS OF BUSINESS AND E%PLOYMENT OF VARIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS, FIRMS, PERSONS AND CORPORA- TIONSI, WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMhIISSIONERS ON MARCH 27, 195611, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and l Mayor Jacobs (5). 'Accept bid Commissioner Fairhurst offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDIIIAIICE Taylor -Wilson Police cars I ACCEPTING THE BID OF TAYLOR -WILSON CHEVROLET-CADILLAC, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF SEVEN NErf 1955 FIVE -PASSENGER AUTOMOBILES FOR USE IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO CONTRACT TO PURCHASE SAI -01, be adopted. Adopted on Icall of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). Increase water rates Commissioner Fairhurst offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE °� i APPROVING AN INCREASE IN THE WATER RATES AND MINIMUM CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE TO ALL CUSTOMERS OF THE PADUCAH WATER WORKS BOTH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND FIXING THE WATER RATES AND MINIIMUM CHARGES I FOR SUCH SERVICES AND PROVIDING THAT NOTHING IN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CONSTRUED TO AFFECT THE EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND THE LONE OAK WATER DISTRICT EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SAID CONTRACT, OR TO AFFECT THE PRICE FOR FURNISHING WATER TO THE CITY FOR FIRE PROTECTION OR FOR FIRE HYDRANT RENTALS CHARGED TO THE CITY; ryj AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES III 4 CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). ) Tax Levy 1955 Commissioner Fendley offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINAIICE FIXING THE LEVIED AND RATES OF TAXATION ON ALL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, SUBJECT TO TAXATION FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES AND FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES FOR TILE !EAR 1955, WITH THE PURPOSES OF SAID TAXES TIIEREUNDF DEFINED", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yean, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor J Jacobs (5). i Reduce fee to 1`2") issioner Fendloy Offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Collect School taxes 9 ?G:I l U? A:: 0a1)1%t:CF. EI;PITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE CITY THEASURER� OF 28 FOR THE COLLECTION OF SCHOOL, TAXES LEVIED FOR THE BENEFIT OF i T:? Li •1, 3`f OF PADUCAH, AND PROVIDlr:G FOR THE DISPOSITION OF THE ' FEe SU COL:.w::.: ..:.; :i......:[;iiu�, :WHICii fA5 ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COi$diSSTONiS$S UF' THE i CI -f CF PALJ: .:, r. ,;:JOKY ON DE:;c:MER 17.1 19;6", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,;='Miusioners Wairhurzt, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Idayor Jacobs (5). I 518 Proceedi,gs of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah April 12 1958 Sower Charger Commissioner Fendley offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE i' " ESTABLIS}D:NG A SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES FOR THE USE OF AND SERVICES RENDERED BY THE MUNICIPAL SEWERAGE SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT OF SUCH RATES AND CHARGES", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). Reports fro' Commissioner Gholson offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Boards, V Agencies, etc AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO SECURE PERIODIC FINANCIAL REPORTS FROM ALL BOARDS, AGENCIES AND ORGANIZATIONS TO WHICH IS APPROPRIATED FUNDS BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). Amend Water Commissioner Hook offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Works Ord. .� " AI•IENDIidG SECTION 2 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE CREATING A BOARD TO BE KNOWN AS THE +CO101ISSIONERS OF WATER WORKS', TO BE COMPOSED OF THREE I•IEI.IBERS WHO SHALL SERVE WITHOUT COMPENSATION TO SUCCEED THE MEMBERS NOW SERVING AS SUCH COMMISSIONERS AND PRESCRIBING THEIR QUALIFICATIONS, TER1•1S OF OFFICE, POWER AND DUTIES+, WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMI.IISSIONERS ON AUGUST 6, 1946, AND AMENDED ON JANUARY 25, 1949, ON FEBRUARY 8, 1949 AND ON JANUARY 4, 195811, be adopted. Adopted on call of Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). Increase Commissioner Hook offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE refuse fees AMENDING SECTIONS 1 AND 2 OF ARTICLE V OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: TAN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH; PRESCRIBING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING SANITATION AND THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE; PRESCRIBING CHARGES FOR SAID REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE AND THE METHOD OF FINANCING SAID SERVICE; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE+, WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ON DECEMBER 16, 195211, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED Aoril 26 1958 ty stork APPROVE