HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 5, January 12, 1954Proceedings No.—. 5 - r: r City of Paducah Ja:'tt,.> 12,_L 5). ,,, a :,ular I:catinS of thu Board o_ Commissioners held in the Comaiscion Chavbar a:' ;:': Cit; :fall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.- on January 12, 19510 ;wyor CL:r"cy v:•asidad and upon call of the Roll the folloriin;; answered to their names: Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and i:ayor Cherry (5). _a}•or Cherry offered motion that the reading of the Ii:inutes for January 5 and anuary 7, 1954 be waived and that the b_i.nutes of said meetin;;s as prepared try the City be approved as smitten. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners annir., Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). c:hoo= Commissioner Hughes offered the followin„ motion: I move thqt the motion adopted i:esolution o rescinded on January 5, 1954, introducing a Resolution entitled: "A :,ESOLUTIO!i OF THE L-'OAiiD Or 1'C:11ISSIOI:isR3 OF T113 CITY OF PADUCAH, 1';= `,'UClii, ACCZPTIi:G THE SUCCESSFUL 3ID FOR TIL: CO:'S 2,UCTIO1; OF A 71MS! IiICK :,CHOOL BUILDII'.G Ii: PADUCAH, TO BE FI12AI10ED BY T12 ISSUAi:C ; 07 CITY OF PADUCAH SCHOOL DUILDIIiG REVSiIUI: BOIIDS, APD APPROVI'M TIis 3XECUTIoll OF A CO11THACT :LITH SAID SUCCESSFUL BIDDER FOR. SUCH CONS .'UCTI01!«, BE, A1:D the same is r hereby rescinded. Adopted on call of the =011, 1'oas, Cor:aissioners Hamlin, hu,�:_:-, Jacobs and Riggs and i,ayor Cherry (5). Accept bid ::et:: Corsaissioner Hu; hes offered motion that an ordinance _:_I-itled: 11A1: High School j !� ACCc,PTI::G TH:� BID OF ALG1y3l0ll BLAIR FOR T12- CO:;STRUCTIO:: C.' :_ ,sTi 11IGi: SCIlCCL .-.__ ._... PADUCAH, TO B "IliAilC9 BY ^lIlE ISSUANCE OF CITY Or PADUC::: ;CCOI. 'JUILDIicG i BWDS; AUTHO.IZI G THE ZMCUTIOi: OF A COiiT ACT AIM PROWDII.G T:i:] ��._.� Ae:D CO::DITIC::J OF 1MIE11; be introduced and remain Br. file for public inspection for at least one (1) week- in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its '2inal passa,;e. Adopted on call of the :toll, Ycas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, and :..ayor Cherry Liability policy Cor,_missioner Hannin offered motion hhat the Doard of Cc 'iissionars : ecciv e, :ila :.idwest 'airy 4: Platforn: b and approve certi'f'icate of insurance issued by the Bituminous Casualty Corporation to i:idwest Dairy Products Corporation and the City of Paducah coverin;; maintonance or use of sign at 921 :3onroe Street and the loaciir.;; docl: nlatfox7: at 935 _iotuoe St.cet. Adopted on call of the ;Zoll, Ycas, Coi. iissioners Hannin, llu;;hes, Jacobs, :[i_,C;s and r, -K^yor Cherry (5). ditien Cc.c issioner riannin offered motion that the Board of Ooxraissioncrs approve the sal;' Grravevr, to :.att•_a Jo:n•Yoa by the Cit:- of Paducah to battie Johnson of Grave _:o. 3o in ?loci: ::o. U o.: the ::ushin Addition ';o On': %c: -e Cer:atery, and that the City Clow}: be iutILoria-,d to c:-ocutc a decd of ccnvuya3:c: o ....id ce:'aetery C;rave. Adopted on call of ,.._ l:oll, "ems, Cor.: issiortc. aarnin, :iu ac.-, Jaeobc, ;:i^gs and ::aye Cherry (5). Gravet ACarricn Grave to Carrie e ... c ._ 7c offered motion That the Board o:. Co::_ :. �tr.h_ ove th,) salol Shaw by .,h. Cit, c_ ca.. .,o Carrio ',has: of Grave ::o. 32 in B1ool: Addition, to Cal: Grove Cr,:: -)tory, alta that the City Clad; he aui;1:6 ..,.., i:o ..,,;c .n of convcyanc.. ;:e ....id r_c ,•.,t::r ;;rave. Adopted on call C' Iiv,,:hes, Jacobs, ::1 a and Layor Cherry (i). • Cor-missionar huF,hes offered zotionthat the Be, o: %(a:..i at: ; 1 ;=rove the i:amoramd= of insurance issued by the i i os, G. Carlton Vatkina and Helen Gram::;, :.... _ c . ;tiora within h:. C. .. ._ ., _. -:, 1oi;Cli3e ip�:�r3 TIaT.T.;. , .. :;CO:. .. �;•) 5). No. Proceedings of-- 0- e,� -c _:?.:::.'l.c::City of Paducah Januar`? 12, 1954 ;c:_:iasioncr Jacobs o 'c_ c: motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, file app oti ollowin liability insurance policies: ✓ S,? ui _ca c of Insurance issued by the Ilartford Accident and Indermit-y Corspany _ Dorris Valeria Larkins dba Larkins Plwabin;; Company for a period of one year 1 on: ' c.:.uary 1, 1954 7. h :-emorandu:a of Insva ante issued by the Fidelity <; Casualty Company to Brady -1 °f c; art Thomasson, dba Brady thwasson a Son for a period of one year from Dec. 29, 1953• Insurance policy issued :;y the Fidelity F: Casualty Company protectinS the City wit;: respect to work done by 11. II. Yancy for a period of one year from Dec. 25, 1953• Insurance policy issued by the Fidelity Casualty Co. protectin_• the city -.lith respect to work done by Littleton Plumbing . Heatin Company for a period of one year from Ja::uary 5, 1954. ._c-morandtui of Insurance issued by the Fidelity Z: Casualty Co. to Rational Gas r- Supply Inc. an,-' :rational Gas L; Supply Company for a period of one year from Jan. 13, 1954. Insurance policy issued by the iiaryland Casualty Company protecting the City wi':,, - to work done by Zoe I•lilkins for a period of one year from September 6, 1953. op r.. c cnll of the .all, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Iiu;;hes, Jacobs, Ziz;;s and c__;zsionor Jacobs offered motion that the statement from Thomas J. i?olan C. .__.s in the amount o_ V15,549.90 for services rendered by Seth Giera w Associates, also the latter frora'the Paducah ::unicipal Hospital Commission by its Chairman, approvinS the pa)n.ient of said account, be received and filed, and that payment thereof be approved and the City Treasurer be directed to pay same from funds in the i:iverside Hospital 7uildin;; ;.ccoant. Adopted on call of the Noll, Yeas, Cor=issioners Iiannin, Iiu;;hen, ti jaccb:, : _v�� and :-ayor Cherry (5). Cc.rc:isuiornr :tiy�s offered motion that the liability policy of the Paduca:: _':3 Cc::__ ny coverim; a period o_ one year from Dacembe: 31, 1953, be received and filed. c:: call of thn -toll, Yeas, Comr.dosioners Iiannin, I:u•.;hes, Jacobs, 'UZr an:: _ c"_ ::.otion that the bond in the anoint o_' :1,000 i rincipal and the Ohio Casualty Co::pany as :urate --fated ara approved. Adopted on call of t:e loll, ^.eel,s, ::ii: and+:.lyor Cherry (5). 'Cliowin:; motion: I move taa*. ;his :,oard raceiv: d� � - � .. - • . . _ . anucaa Planning and Zoning Commission costainin tills: :ane Company ...'ion _ _.- : .'; .. .. 7..L..; UQ. . "j Proceedings ------ N.. - City of Paducah 10, j,-Ir'I ------ 3;11 0' gnl,) * =.ayor C oxwy offered motion that the ;gill of Sale from Duncan Meter Corporation City :,:_aploy request for raise City's first fire truck consider be disposition i City of Paducah coverinC 200 Automaton Parkin-- i.cccrs sold to said ,i;y undor Cc::..,acts dated I:arch 31, 1952 and epteisber 19, 1952, be received and filed. Adoy'� on call of tha _loll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, HuChes, Jacobs, Pugs and :-a-or Cherry (5). / CcKnissioner Jacobs offered motion that the petition siCned by City a.iployees requestin;; a salary increase be received and filed for consideration. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, =:iCCs and :_ayor Cherry (5). Coumissioner Hannin offered the followinZ motion: Since it appears that the first fire truck purchased by the City of Paducah in 1913 is no lon;;cr in rworkable condition, - I move that the Board of Commissioners take under consideration the question as to iihether said truck should be sold or ens.rined. Adopted on call of the doll, Yeas, Cos_.issioners Hannin, Hu,,hes, Jacobs, Riggs and Kayor Cherry (5). 1 On notion the meetinC adjourned. 1954I city Cler1:1�-C4r�/_ I