HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 497, February 15, 1958Proceedings of—ft!", r n: City of PaducaR obt ar, -� at Refuse So Jan, 1952 Letter ::issour: State righ:•ray i Bad efuce .,an 1J5 Exhhance ,ertificatee :_equest bid: -voter Grader a a .L alar Leetin3 of the 3oard of 'Jonnissionerr hold in the Com;aission Chambc o' City Ball, Paducah, Kentucl: 0 on February 15, 195:1, I:nyor Jacobs prozided and upon call of the :loll the fol.lo`.Iin_r answered to their na*:cr: :om:Iissionors .'airhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Iayor Jacobs (5). ..ayor Jacobs o_fored motion that the reading of the b:inutes for February G, 1952 be waived and that the :'-inuter of said meeting as prepared by the City C1er% be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Cholron, flock and i:ayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Hook offered motion that the petition si3ncd by 3. :1, Tilford and others, requesting the installation of a street light at the intersection of 36th and .-nes Road, together writh a recommendation from the Police Department, be received "ilcd, he further moved that the City Eanager be authorized to request installation -o be made by the Kentucky Utilities Company. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'car,, Conriissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Payor Jacobs (5). it Corcrissioner Fairhurst offered the following motion: I move that the SETTLE;_...: CITY MEFUSE ACCOUNTS - January 31, 1952, prepared and submitted by the Paducah '•later Works, be received and filed. I further move that the check in the amount of 8,955.65 be turned over to the City Treasurer to be deposited in the General Fund. Adopted on call of the .oil, Yea; Cortraissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hoo':: and tayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Fendley offered motion that a letter front i'r. :1u -h 11. ;lad ol:or, Superintendent of the :•iicsouri State Highway Patrol, dated February 10, 1958, c::rrersinz appreciation for the fine cooperation their officers received from our police department in pursuit of Harold 'Jayne Davis and Carl Edward Burton, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, 'Tool: and ::ayor Jacobs (5). Comi.lissionor Gholson offered notion that the check from Paduca'i .later Jor;:c in the a:ount of X12.00 for bad refuse accounts collected durins: January, 19:, ba turned over to the City Treasurer to be deposited in the t.oneral i•ilnd. Adoptee] on call of the Moll, Year, .'omriscioncro Fairhurst, Fendloy, Cholson, :Iool:: and ::ayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Cholson offered motion that th•,� ;Ity Treasurer iia, and he is hereby, a•arhorized to e-:chanue ,;17,000.00 in United Sta,c-L.±ficatcr o^ Tudebtocinons in thv Sanitary 4 rra-c c t action Account maturing oI rot a li'-:c amount Of similar cr to mature on February 11., .; a1 call of the ;as, Comrtisior. rs .,. raa..., cndley, Gholro :, .n -::yor • ,_o:,:, { ). i Co.�iszioner ?air: .. 1 ..:o ;,r. .'.t. °o.. No Proceedings of City of Paducah TO AD'•IERTIK; FOR BIDS FOR TILE PURCHASE OP c i'.. GEt AUMITO31LM FOR US'I Ii: THE PGT: SAID PU:LCIIASE S.;L1LL D .::iD3", b:. cion;. e11, , o-t:iissiorers Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Boole and 1 e.yor !Valth bar :o.:.nissioner :-'endlcy offered notion that the copy of the proceedings of a special Neetin,� si:ilk Crdinanc neetin of the Paducah :cCracken County health Soard,held on February 7, 1955, relative to the proposed amendment of Section 1 of the present milk ordinance, be received and file Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hoole and hh� i; ::ayor Jacobs (5). H 3aploy 7cc_1 F., Commissioner Gholson offered motion that Cecil L. Buckingham be employed as a poli( c- �uckingl::.-! Police,= man in the Police Department of the City of Paducah at a starting salary of ,;260.00 per month, effective February 15, 1958, provided that by such time he furnishes the City i ::anaGer, at his orm e::pense, a satisfactory medical report as to his physical condition includinE an electrocardi;;ram. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners :airhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and 14.ayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Hoo'.: offered motion that Verlon L. Cumbee be employes as a policeman the police department of the City of Paducah at a starting salary of }260.00 per r.onth, effective February 19, 1955, provided that by such time he furnishes the City `,Tager, at his oim expense, a satisfactory medical report as to his physical condition ..Iuding an electrocardigram. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners st, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and iiayor Jacobs (5). :or_:_szioner :airhurst offered motion that an ordinance entitled: ".1. O3ll1.. I' :i" iC 1 C_' A:: ORDIIIA::CE MNTITLED: 'A:7 ORDI: n. 7, I:I::i ?::ILA' OSHTAI.: ':--.. - .`1.:ri :: ;', ':71M. PRODUCER', 'PAS EURIZATIO?', STC,; IRC1110ITI7IG THE SALE 0; _ "i.',' .-. AJOTS; REQUIRIX, P ITS FOR THE SALE OF OF DAIRY ." - + .. :?i is PL:S :`L'S, A;ID DISTI BTY—G , A-:,-) ,.,4.:. G, '.TLI, :D OF : jLi:.,":� : _ i ;i . ,ITPPS. , zOAPD OF it . 22, 1954", be .cioners dairhurst, I:._ ,