HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 485, January 4, 1958Na. 485 Proceedings oF_4�trd o£ e:o^ ' ^^!open s City of Paducah January 4, 195 s. .i•Iorroo; resignation` Planning L Zoning Comm. Charles W. Burnley on Planning Q Zo irs Comm. approve apps! t- me..t ;7, ?urnley Plan i r: Zon trent lir$t 22CO ": 2300 ':cploy Her .._r Dept. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission, ::hamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 8:30 A.II. on January 1„ 1953, ::ayor Pro Tem Trevathan presided at the beginning of the meeting in the absence of !'ayor Jacobs, and upon call of the Roll the follorri-ng answered to their names: Commissioners Clark, Lally, :<cAride and IZayor Pro Tem Trovathan (1,) !'.ayor Jacobs being absent when the meeting was called to order but arrived later. Player Pro Tem Trevathan offered motion that the reading of the Iiinutcs for December 23, 1957 be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commisoionor Clark, Lally, McBride and Nayor Pro Tem Trevathan, (1). Commissioner L:CBride offered motion that a letter dated December 12, 1957, from R. C. Fiorro-a, offering his resignation from the Paducah Planning and 'Zoning Commission be received, filed and accepted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, !-IcBride and :layer Pro Tem Trevathan (1}). The Board then recessed, after which !'ayor Jacobs was present and presiding. ldayor Jacobs made the following appointment: It appearing that Robert C. ILorror, a member of the Paducah Planning and Zoning Commission, whose term would have e:cpired on !."arch 19, 1953, has resigned as a menber of said Commission, I now appoint Charles :7, Burnley to serve as a member of said Comriission beginnins immediately, so that said Commission shall be composed of the folloering ncrabcrs: Lloyd C. Emery, City I!anager, E; Officio !:ember T, A. Bradley, City Engineer, Mx Officio !:ember J. T. Sabel, County Engineer, Ea Officio.::cmber Forest Bugher, County Iiember (appointed by Fiscal Court) Term expires September 15, 1961 Charles .1. Burnleywhose term expires Iiarch 19, 1958 Emmett L. Beyer, zrfiose term e:;pires Ilarch 19, 1960 Jack Kerr, :r_zose term expires Lurch 19, 1960 Com^iissionor Clark offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the action of George G. Jacobs, I"ayor, appointing Charles Burnley to serve as a !'ember of the Paducah Planning and Zonin7 Co-Mitsion to fill the u:tc,,Direct term, of 'lobert :'orro;�. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'lees, Conmistionert Clark, Lally, "c:,rlde, Trcvathan and Layor Jacobs (5). Cornis,ioner Lally offered the follo:•rinr :motion: I move that the petition slLned by 1'rs. A. J. I!o„an and others requcstinr the installation of a -treet t rht botween the 2200 and 2300 block on Kentucky Avenue toLether ;rlth a recommendation from the Police Department be received and filed; I .further ,move Chit the :Jity -cr eci to request the Kentucky Utilities Company to install said lii;hl. in ._ ac'ry .?venue. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commisttone rt La11^, .. ..,..... _ ...: yar Jacobs (4), Commissioner Clark vobcc: n' , i of£c,rcd motion that ;:crlan W. ,... of- t;!;; ty of Paduca:;, at thr , .. ral:rn; 7-;151, provided that , Factory medical report n:: I. .:.a'..i in electrocardirram. Adopted on call of the i 1 Proceedings oF____.___ — ----. --- ---- - — City of Paducah January I; 1958 an ordinance entitled: "AII ORDINANCE A 2 0? EIITITLED: ?AN ORDINANCE CRUATING A BOARD TO rr i SI .7 . RS OF - ';, ::::.',? TO BE C014POSED OF THREE I�I!BsiZS WHO .... .. vC... S�....... 'Z ;IOUT Ca-YEPISATIO:'I TO SUCCEED T1 -M I^ -HERS 11011 SERVIIIG AS SUCH COI��dISSIOiI- _ ` PZESCRIBI::G THEIR QUALIFICATIONS,TERI-IS OF Ol'FICE, POFLRS AnD DUTIES?, ';JHICH 'JAS BY BOARD OF COI-"u•:ISSIOHERS OII AUGUST 6, 1946 AND AIIEiIDED ON JAIIUARY 25, 1949 8, 1949", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commission c:•s J_.... --aly, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). .:--or Jacobs made the following appointment: WHEREAS, an ordinance adopted this day by the Board of Commissioners provides for the appointment of three members for _iced terms upon the commission known as the "Commissioners of Water :forks", I noir therefore appoint David E. Locke as a member of such Commission for a term of one year from January 6, 1958; Ernest W. Rivers for a term of two years from such date, and Patrick T. Lally for a term of three years from such date, so that said Commission as established as of January 6, 1958 shall be composed of the follovring members: Edriin J. Paxton for an indefinite term Lee Livingston for an indefinite term David E. Locke for a term of one year from January 6, 1958 Ernest ;J. Rivers for a term of two years from January 6, 1958 Patrick T. Lally for a term of three years from January 6, 1958 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, McBride, Trevathan and Jayor Jacobs (4), Commissioner Lally "Passed". Commissioner Lally offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "'A RESOLUTION 1:C31ZT_' G TI; ItIMVEHTION OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH III THE ACTIOII OF C. A. LEUTEM:AYFR, HARRY MATHIS, ET AL., CIVIL ACTION HIO. 2782, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASSERTING :.LIDITY OF TIC ORDI17AIICE UNDER WHICH TIE USE CLASSIFICATIO'I O:r CERTAIN PROPERTY --C'Ais,D AT TA -.:D ITI T113 VICIi ITY OF THE INTERSECTION OF THE BLAHDVILLE AILD LOITL OAK :TOADS :,::D R-2 OI;i-FX.IILY ZONES TO A D-1 I EIGHBORIIOOD BUSH' ISS ZONE", adopted. .'.donted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, 1.1cBride, and i:ayor Jacobs (5). notion the meeting adjourned. 1956 APPROVED ., ' -